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software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars)

01-24-2010 , 03:15 PM
Thanks, I'll check out using that script once I have most of my tournament summaries imported. One problem I seem to be running into though when using your program...

I have it set to send 60 requests every 60 minutes as per the default. When the script eventually runs and begins to send requests to pokerstars I'm expecting to get 60 new emails in my gmail inbox of the newly requested tournament summaries.

This isn't the case. EAch time I receive around 25-35 new emails in my inbox, with 25-35 of them having duplicate messages. In other words, I'm getting the same tournament summaries 2-3 times per new email. I've checked the tournament ID numbers entered into the program and am not seeing any duplicates. Any idea of what's going on?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-25-2010 , 06:21 AM
Hm, I will check that later today and post an update.
Thanks for the info
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-25-2010 , 01:26 PM
I fixed the problem. Sorry about that one.
Here's the new version:
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-25-2010 , 02:21 PM
thanks, ill try it out tonight
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-25-2010 , 10:41 PM
Originally Posted by radub
Pokerstars sends the xml, csv or html. You can all open them with excell, then copy the column with the tournament id's and simply paste it in a txt document.
You now have all the ids, on each line.
Then use my program to send them away
But doesnt stars only allow you to request ID's from the last yr?

How do I get my old summaries?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-26-2010 , 01:39 AM
It looks like it is working on older summaries.

Could you add something to your programming engine, like a delay, that
will let the user maximize/minimize/click stop button while the engine is cycling?
(in a timely fashion)

In visual basic, I believe you can just add doevents().

software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-27-2010 , 02:48 PM
I added a thread so now everything executes on it. You can now freely minimize or stop the sending at anytime without having to wait.
Here's the new version:
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
02-08-2010 , 04:38 PM
i am using the ahk from denglands most recent post (as quoted), and having some trouble...

i have a text file of thousands of tournament numbers that require a summary. there is one tournament number per line (8 or 9 digits) immediately followed by a carriage return.

i run the ahk, and it pops up a text box, with a 'go' button. i copy/paste my tournament numbers into the box, click 'go'.

it seems to hang, then gives the following error:
"WinWait timed out inside of waiting to set tournament ID after 3 seconds"

can anyone help me out?

edit: i have also tried to run the ahk on ~1,000 tournament numbers, ~100, and 5 numbers. i get the same error each time.

Originally Posted by dengland

Here is the code:

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

; Create the gui
Gui, Add, Edit, H200 W200
Gui, Add, Button, w56 h20 gGo, &Go
gui, show,, Tournament Summary Requester



; Get list tourn from text box
ControlGetText, Tourn_List, Edit1, Tournament Summary Requester

; Loop through tourn list
Loop, parse, Tourn_List, `n, `r

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

; Select the Tournament History Requests menu item
WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Requests, Tournament History...
if ErrorLevel
    MsgBox, WinWait timed out Trying to request the Tournament History from main request in the lobby.
   ;MsgBox, Found Tournament History.
   ; Wait for the Tournament History Requests item to popup
   WinWait, Tournament History ahk_class #32770,,3
   if ErrorLevel
    MsgBox, WinWait timed out inside of waiting to set tournament ID after 3 seconds
     ; MsgBox, In the Tournament History window, Going to set the Tournament ID to %A_LoopField%
      SetControlDelay -1
      ControlClick, Button2, Tournament History,,,,NA
      ControlSetText, Edit2, %A_LoopField%, Tournament History
      ControlClick, OK, Tournament History
      ; Wait for the email message sent box
      SetTitleMatchMode, 3
      WinWait, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,120
      if ErrorLevel
       MsgBox, WinWait timed out waiting on email message box for %A_LoopField% for 120 seconds.
       ; Click OK on message box
       ;MsgBox WinWait found email message box for %A_LoopField%
       ControlClick, OK, PokerStars

} ;end the else
} ;end the loop

MsgBox, Done!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
02-11-2010 , 03:32 AM
I have updated to automatically retrieve the list from the database. Require PostgresFunctions.ahk to be included in the folder nad configured correctly:

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

#include postgresfunctions.ahk

; Create the gui
Gui, Add, Edit, H200 W200
Gui, Add, Button, w56 h20 gGo, &Go
gui, show,, Tournament Summary Requester

sql := "SELECT tourney_holdem_summary.tourney_no FROM tourney_holdem_summary  WHERE ((SELECT sum(val_finish) FROM tourney_holdem_results thr WHERE thr.id_tourney = tourney_holdem_summary.id_tourney) = 0) AND tourney_holdem_summary.id_site in (100) ORDER BY tourney_no DESC LIMIT 60;" 
result := psql(sql)
controlsettext, Edit1, %result%, Tournament Summary Requester



; Get list tourn from text box
ControlGetText, Tourn_List, Edit1, Tournament Summary Requester

; Loop through tourn list
Loop, parse, Tourn_List, `n, `r
; Select the Tournament History Requests menu item
WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Requests, Tournament History...
; Wait for the Tournament History Requests item to popup
WinWait, Tournament History ahk_class #32770,

; Click the radio button for Tournament ID. Repeat until selected (ControlClick is unreliable, probably a better way of doing this)
Enabled = 0
ControlGet, Enabled, Enabled, , Edit2, Tournament History
IF (Enabled == 0)
	ControlClick, Button2, Tournament History
sleep, 1000

sleep, 1000
; Enter the tourn ID into the text box
ControlSetText, Edit2, %A_LoopField%, Tournament History
sleep, 1000
Click the OK button
ControlClick, Button4, Tournament History
sleep, 1000
; Wait for the message box
WinWait, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,PokerStars
sleep, 1000
; Click OK on message box
ControlClick, Button1, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,,,PokerStars Lobby
sleep, 1000
MsgBox, Done!

software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
02-12-2010 , 10:33 AM
Originally Posted by runhot
i am using the ahk from denglands most recent post (as quoted), and having some trouble...

i have a text file of thousands of tournament numbers that require a summary. there is one tournament number per line (8 or 9 digits) immediately followed by a carriage return.

i run the ahk, and it pops up a text box, with a 'go' button. i copy/paste my tournament numbers into the box, click 'go'.

it seems to hang, then gives the following error:
"WinWait timed out inside of waiting to set tournament ID after 3 seconds"

can anyone help me out?

edit: i have also tried to run the ahk on ~1,000 tournament numbers, ~100, and 5 numbers. i get the same error each time.
I cannot seem to reproduce this. I tried entering blank lines in the input box, not having pokerstars running, not being logged into pokerstars. Is it hanging right away (before getting any results)? Randomly? At the end of the list?

Grasping here, but are you running a recent version of AHK? I am running (Latest is

Does Mark1978's (either original or from post right below) version work?

Last edited by dengland; 02-12-2010 at 10:52 AM.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
02-23-2010 , 12:43 PM
I made an excel script based on the files pokerstars used to send. Basically I executed the following 2 statements (the excel formulas fill out the values in the updates):

update tourney_holdem_summary set cnt_players = '5616', tourney_no_target = '135875485' where tourney_no = '136317802';

update tourney_holdem_results set amt_won = '0.00', val_finish = '5226', amt_rebuy = '0.00', cnt_rebuy = '0' where id_tourney = (select id_tourney from tourney_holdem_summary where tourney_no = '136317802') and id_player = (select id_player from player where player_name = '<PS_user>');

Then I used Navicat to access the PT3 database and execute the updates (copy from excel and paste in Navicat). It executed thousands in just 15 seconds...

I am not pretty sure about every field in the tables, may be I missed some, but I think It worked fine.

I think Poker Tracker should implement in a next version this kind of files in the import function, because PokerStars always send these files when there are more than 200 tournaments (only!).

I love AHK, but this time I think this way is much easier... Sorry AHK guys...
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-12-2010 , 11:48 PM
Thank You for all the Information in this Thread Mark Palsh, JeckyllIsland and Dengland, it's been very useful up to a certain point, but i seem to have a problem that no one else has mentioned yet.

When I run the ''import from Email'' in PT3 and select the 60 emails and hit the Import selected button, i get the Manual Import Confirmation but then when it finishes i get this message in the Import Status Window:

Unable to download email message. Reason: Not connected to server
Import complete. 0 hands in 1 file were imported. (0 errors, 0 duplicates)

I can see the Reason is : not connected to server
but i don't understand witch server i am not connected to!?

Anyone know what I'm doing wrong here?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-13-2010 , 04:34 PM
hmmm... anyone?

software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-13-2010 , 05:18 PM
OK I've figured out that I can import one at a time, but as soon as i select more then one i get the error message.
I really don't want to go through the entire Tourneys importing one at a time, dammit !
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-13-2010 , 07:43 PM
Originally Posted by Kontoproduktiv
hmmm... anyone?

Sorry, been out of town a few days. (Playing live poker in Vegas!)

The server should be your mail server. Do you have your mail client running during the import? It should not be running, or it may download the file(s) you are trying to import.

The other thing to be aware of is not waiting too long between getting the list and selecting files to import. I think PT logs in to retrieve the list, but does not log in again when retrieving the messages. The mail server maybe timing out if too much time passes.

Last edited by dengland; 04-13-2010 at 07:54 PM. Reason: Adding the timeout comment
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-13-2010 , 09:27 PM
The Client is not running.

I had just figured out what you said about the timing out before i read your post.
I have to be real quick to select a couple, but it seems to time out during an import after about 3 or 4 mails. This is so annoying, could there be a way to change the time it takes till it times out maybe?

Thank You for you're reply!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-14-2010 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by Kontoproduktiv
The Client is not running.

I had just figured out what you said about the timing out before i read your post.
I have to be real quick to select a couple, but it seems to time out during an import after about 3 or 4 mails. This is so annoying, could there be a way to change the time it takes till it times out maybe?

Thank You for you're reply!
I did not see an options for setting any parameters for staying connected. My guess is that it is on the mail server side. Do you have "Use SSL" checked? I do not on mine.

Which version of PT are you using? The latest beta 30.10 has an option to select all for import.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-14-2010 , 11:21 PM

I agree it must be on the side of the Mail Server.
I tried un-checking the SSL Box, but if I do that it says Server did not respond. I have to have that checked. That must depend on the Provider you use.

I'm using Hotmail, so I wanted to test if it would work if I configure PT3 with Outlook, but I don't know witch Email Server Information I would have to give in, since my Outlook is set up with Hotmail. I guess that would be the same Info afterall.

I've done about 70 emails so far and the max I've managed to Import at once were the last 11 of the first 60 since selecting them went quick.

I'm also not allowed to use the ''Delete marked after Import'' checkbox since I can never be sure how many will be imported before it times out.
I just delete the once I've imported in Hotmail so that reading the next once doesn't take to long. Oh and by the way it doesn't matter being logged in to my Mail account.

I have not Updated PT3 since I have not figured out how to!
But I'm afraid the option to select all won't change that much.

Thx for your Help
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-16-2010 , 03:05 PM
Yay, it finally has started importing properly. I have done 2 sets of 60 mails without interruption.
I guess it always timed out when importing Tourneys with Lot's of Players.
I had Summary's with 36k people involved that took up to 30min.

OK, Thank You once a again!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-16-2010 , 04:47 PM
Good deal. With beta 30.10 and greater, they have added message size. For tournaments with emails much larger than 10KB, I usually manually enter the results rather than creating an entry with data about 20K+ of "closest" friends. Not sure it makes much difference overall or not.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
04-23-2010 , 02:49 PM
It seems like the solution to all this is for everybody to ask Poker Stars to put the tournament data in the hand history or in a separate file, so that HEM and PT3 could get it without all the stupid gymnastics.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
05-04-2010 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by Mark1978
I have updated to automatically retrieve the list from the database. Require PostgresFunctions.ahk to be included in the folder nad configured correctly:

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

#include postgresfunctions.ahk

; Create the gui
Gui, Add, Edit, H200 W200
Gui, Add, Button, w56 h20 gGo, &Go
gui, show,, Tournament Summary Requester

sql := "SELECT tourney_holdem_summary.tourney_no FROM tourney_holdem_summary  WHERE ((SELECT sum(val_finish) FROM tourney_holdem_results thr WHERE thr.id_tourney = tourney_holdem_summary.id_tourney) = 0) AND tourney_holdem_summary.id_site in (100) ORDER BY tourney_no DESC LIMIT 60;" 
result := psql(sql)
controlsettext, Edit1, %result%, Tournament Summary Requester



; Get list tourn from text box
ControlGetText, Tourn_List, Edit1, Tournament Summary Requester

; Loop through tourn list
Loop, parse, Tourn_List, `n, `r
; Select the Tournament History Requests menu item
WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Requests, Tournament History...
; Wait for the Tournament History Requests item to popup
WinWait, Tournament History ahk_class #32770,

; Click the radio button for Tournament ID. Repeat until selected (ControlClick is unreliable, probably a better way of doing this)
Enabled = 0
ControlGet, Enabled, Enabled, , Edit2, Tournament History
IF (Enabled == 0)
	ControlClick, Button2, Tournament History
sleep, 1000

sleep, 1000
; Enter the tourn ID into the text box
ControlSetText, Edit2, %A_LoopField%, Tournament History
sleep, 1000
Click the OK button
ControlClick, Button4, Tournament History
sleep, 1000
; Wait for the message box
WinWait, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,PokerStars
sleep, 1000
; Click OK on message box
ControlClick, Button1, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,,,PokerStars Lobby
sleep, 1000
MsgBox, Done!

I tried this but its not working... No errors are returned, can someone help me?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
05-15-2010 , 10:06 AM
Originally Posted by andrestc
I tried this but its not working... No errors are returned, can someone help me?
Need a little more information than you have provided. Did you get the postgres functions installed correctly? Is the Tournement Summary box filling with tourney IDs? Are you getting an error message(s)?

Have you sucessfully used the non-SQL version of Mark's script before?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
05-28-2010 , 01:25 PM
Just wanted to drop into this thread and say a big THANK YOU to mark1978, Palsh, dengland and radub (and anyone else who's contributed so much in this thread), the help you guys have provided has been invaluable.

Decided to tidy up my 1000+ missing tournament summaries so I'm now using the SQL script + radub's history_maker.exe program to get everything. Haven't tried the AHK scripts, but I must say that radub's exe is excellent - it can even wait 60 mins between request-binges!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
05-28-2010 , 01:30 PM
Originally Posted by AceMuncher
If you get a blank mail in return of your request, it's just because stars will return summaries for tournaments that are less than a year old . If you need older summaries, you have to contact them directly.

It's an official answer I got from stars a month ago.
On a side note I just tried to request a tournament summary from 2008 and received a full summary email, so hopefully blank emails have been fixed.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
