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software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars)

12-29-2009 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by Mark1978
It looks like you are pasting the AHK script into pgadmin also? Just paste the SQL script in there to get the list of tourney #s.

Using the script

select distinct tourney_holdem_summary.tourney_no
from tourney_holdem_summary
where id_table_type = 0

I have obtained the list of tournaments and saved the query result as ahk. file. Now I have done everything until Paste in Palsh's SQL script and click the green triangle execute query button.
When I past in the text from your first post (starting with #SingleInstance, Force
I get the same error message as many before me (ERROR: syntax error at or near "#"
LINE 1: #SingleInstance, Force)

For the SQL script, go to Start | All Programs | PostGreSQL 8.3 | PGAdmin III
Expand the tree on the right until you see you PT3 database. You might need a password probably dbpass unless you changed it.
Go to the Tools menu at the top and select Query Tool. Paste in Palsh's SQL script and click the green triangle execute query button. Copy the tourn list. Run the ahk and paste in. Make sure PS is loaded and logged in. Cross fingers. Use at own risk.

Could you please explain how to solve the error, knowing that I have obtained the numbers of tournaments and saved them as ahk.file.
It looks like you are pasting the AHK script into pgadmin also? Just paste the SQL script in there to get the list of tourney #s.

Many thanks in advance.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-02-2010 , 02:47 AM
I have some comments I hope might help others...

These two methods worked great for me... A third describing the import into PT3 a bit further might help so I will cover that below...

Initially I used Mark's (and Palsh's) Code and Mark's instructions ... both from the first page of this thread.

However, I did bump up against a few issues that will be easily solved.

First --- I did hit the '60 request per hour' limit (mentioned by others) with my pokerstars account. My work around will be to simply re-run the query in PGAdmin III for a new updated list after PT3 is updated with the 60 i got in the previous try. The new list will exclude the updated tourney numbers. Then I run the AHK script again with the new numbers. I still copy more than 60 numbers into the list though... (sometimes the script seems to enter two tourney IDs before PS responds thereby skipping a few here or there) that way if my scrip misses some, I still get 60 in the batch for that hour. (no worries on which IDs get skipped... The next pgAdmin III query will re-list any that were not acquired and updated).

Second --- the script keeps running after the 60 limit is hit... The work around for that for me was simply to go into task manager and kill the 'AutoHotKey.exe' executable on the processes tab. Another approach would be just to limit the size of the list copied into the running AHK script's list box to 60 ID numbers at a time.

Third --- I found it much more simple to set up a new 'Dedicated email account for this process. I did not set this account up in my outlook. This way the emails stay on the server with my provider until I upload into PT3... anyway, I set it up with my internet provider, but any pop3 service will work. Then I changed my PokerStars email in the PS Lobby under accounts. Then I completed the validation process by getting and entering the validation number from the email sent. Then... before i start any of my request sequences using these scrips, I go into that email account and clean it out... (empty) That way when the histories come in and I move to import them into PT3, I can just select all the emails that show up.

Fourth --- You still need to import them into the PT3 using the "Import --- Manual Import --- Import from Email" button. But... before you do so, you will need to "Configure" and "Test" your email settings using the "Configure" button on the manual import tab just below the "import from Email" button in PT3 (whew). The settings will be similar to settings you use to configure Outlook to access the email acount... Look for POP3 access instruction for Outlook from you provider if this is greek to you. use the 'Test' button and verify you have set things right before continuing... PT3 will let you know right or wrong.

Okay --- lastly, Once you run the "Import from Email" option you get a dialog that scans the email account and populates a dialog with a list of emails on the server. This part took a minute for me too... before any import will actually take place, you will need to double-click (to select) each and every email for the new histories you have received (now listed in the dialog). Once correctly selected, they become 'Bolded' in the list. there is no 'select all' here presumably so that only appropriate emails are attempted for import by PT3 (you must pick them). I had no other emails so it was easy for me, but the histories you are after are clearly labeled via the subject line so this should not be too much of an issue.

I also decided to delete all those emails before i repeated the process again for another 60 histories... This time when importing into PT3 i used the check box on the import dialog to remove (or delete ??? i forget the exact label here but there is only one check box) the imported emails after the import was complete... This automatically deleted them from my email acount on the server...

I then do a full housekeeping (automatically by check box selection) and all my newly imported tourneys are now updated and win rates correctly listed for all players involved

I still have more to import, so I simply return to pgAdmin and repeat.

Good Luck!

And... THANKS MARK (and others) This has made my day... PT3 was not so appealing after I moved to MTT & SNGs from cash games... but now I have a seperate database with my tourney and I am much happier with my data again...

Keep up the good work!!!!!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-05-2010 , 07:54 PM
To those from PokerTracker out there who are reading this thread I would like to:

1) Say you have an excellent software program. Don't know what I would do without it


2) Really stress that we need our tournament results just as importantly as we need our cash game results. I know you say your working on this, but I hope you understand that this is a very huge deal for over half the poker players out there. Many of us play over 100 sit n gos a day, and manually requesting all of our tournament histories every day and then manually importing them is a huge time waster and a reason why I bought the software in the first place (to save me time in the day to play, play, play !). If you need to contact PokerStars or FullTilt or whoever it is you need to contact to work with them to get this working accurately, it would really mean a huge deal to all of us daily grinders. There has got to be a way ... and we would more than appreciate it!

Thank you so much,
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-06-2010 , 06:22 AM
We're aware of the need to update the tournament results entry system, and I think that may be one of the higher priority issues once the teething problems with the new Mac and Omaha versions are ironed out, although I don't know for sure yet.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-06-2010 , 11:01 PM
what am i supposed to do with the emails once i get them? add them in by hand?

Last edited by smarchie; 01-06-2010 at 11:12 PM.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-09-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by smarchie
what am i supposed to do with the emails once i get them? add them in by hand?
I don't quite understand what you are asking smarchie. Especially the "add them by hand part". JeckllIsland did a great job a few posts describing the process. Go re-read starting from "Fourth ---" heading. It describes the email info very well.

I do it slightly different. I did not create a seperate mail account. Instead I stop (exit out of) Outlook before requesting the tournament summaries. I do not restart Outlook until the import process is over.

Originally Posted by Jeckllisland
before any import will actually take place, you will need to double-click (to select) each and every email for the new histories you have received (now listed in the dialog). Once correctly selected, they become 'Bolded' in the list. there is no 'select all' here presumably so that only appropriate emails are attempted for import by PT3 (you must pick them). I had no other emails so it was easy for me, but the histories you are after are clearly labeled via the subject line so this should not be too much of an issue. <snip> Check box on the import dialog to remove (or delete ??? i forget the exact label here but there is only one check box) the imported emails after the import was complete... This automatically deleted them from my email acount on the server...
When you restart Outlook and it connects to your mail server, there are no emails to do anything with. (Certainly nothing to do by hand).

Hope this helps.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-09-2010 , 03:17 PM

First let me say thanks for providing the script. It has helped me get a lot of data into PT3. Like others have mentioned, I found myself babysitting it due to the indeterminate nature of the "email has been sent" from PS.

I spent a little time learning AHK (and looking at other people's scripts) over the holiday break and changed a few things that seem to improve the way your script works. I was able to remove all of the SLEEP XXXX out of the script. The largest list that I have tried it with so far is 23 tournaments. So, I don't know if it will have problems with larger lists. My list of 23 does generate at least one email message that is 1M in size. I exit if 120 seconds pass before getting the "email sent" window.

I added some error messages at various points to help troubleshoot if things go awry. I have also left in some of my debug messages that are currently commented out.

I am not a programmer by trade and I won't claim to know why things work. The SendMode Input is supposed to make the SENDs faster and more reliable. Maybe that was the only thing that was needed, I don't know.

Again, thanks for doing all of the heavy lifting. (And to PALSH too).

I am using Version of AHK running on a AMD quad core machine.

Here is the code:

#SingleInstance, Force
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

; Create the gui
Gui, Add, Edit, H200 W200
Gui, Add, Button, w56 h20 gGo, &Go
gui, show,, Tournament Summary Requester



; Get list tourn from text box
ControlGetText, Tourn_List, Edit1, Tournament Summary Requester

; Loop through tourn list
Loop, parse, Tourn_List, `n, `r

SetTitleMatchMode, 2

; Select the Tournament History Requests menu item
WinMenuSelectItem, PokerStars Lobby,, Requests, Tournament History...
if ErrorLevel
    MsgBox, WinWait timed out Trying to request the Tournament History from main request in the lobby.
   ;MsgBox, Found Tournament History.
   ; Wait for the Tournament History Requests item to popup
   WinWait, Tournament History ahk_class #32770,,3
   if ErrorLevel
    MsgBox, WinWait timed out inside of waiting to set tournament ID after 3 seconds
     ; MsgBox, In the Tournament History window, Going to set the Tournament ID to %A_LoopField%
      SetControlDelay -1
      ControlClick, Button2, Tournament History,,,,NA
      ControlSetText, Edit2, %A_LoopField%, Tournament History
      ControlClick, OK, Tournament History
      ; Wait for the email message sent box
      SetTitleMatchMode, 3
      WinWait, PokerStars ahk_class #32770,,120
      if ErrorLevel
       MsgBox, WinWait timed out waiting on email message box for %A_LoopField% for 120 seconds.
       ; Click OK on message box
       ;MsgBox WinWait found email message box for %A_LoopField%
       ControlClick, OK, PokerStars

} ;end the else
} ;end the loop

MsgBox, Done!
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-10-2010 , 01:07 PM
Many thanks to all the script writers who've made this process so much easier. It wasn't a big deal babysitting the original script but - MY GOD!!! - dengland's script ran so fast that I was positive it wasn't working. I requested 18 summaries and the process was done in about 10 seconds. Unbelievable. Well done and thanks again.

Edit: Was a Eureka! moment worthy of the first post of a long time lurker.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-10-2010 , 11:09 PM
How this is not in PT3 is beond me.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-11-2010 , 01:08 AM
I have been needing this since my torny results got all deleted in pt3.

Im new to this and read through the thread but still have questions. I ran dengland script and it worked fine. But how do I get the torny ids from pt3. What script do I run. Once I get the torny results how do I import them into pt3. Is this auto or done by hand.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-11-2010 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by TampaThunder
Many thanks to all the script writers who've made this process so much easier. <snip> Well done and thanks again.
Glad it worked well for you. Your post made my day. Thanks.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-11-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by violentj
I have been needing this since my torny results got all deleted in pt3.

Im new to this and read through the thread but still have questions. I ran dengland script and it worked fine. But how do I get the torny ids from pt3. What script do I run. Once I get the torny results how do I import them into pt3. Is this auto or done by hand.
Not sure what you did... If you ran the script, what did you input into the dialog box for tournament IDs to retreive?

Did you see this post here: LINK

I added the condition " AND tourney_holdem_summary.amt_buyin != 0" to my query to exclude the freerolls.

Mark1978 details how to use the SQL script in this post: LINK

Also go and reread Moutain Runner's and JekyllIsland's posts a few posts back. They pretty clearly describe things.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-12-2010 , 05:36 PM
Thanks, I got it to run finally. Once I get the torny results in my email do I need to enter these into pt3 by hand. Or is there a macro that does the work.

Last edited by violentj; 01-12-2010 at 05:37 PM. Reason: fggdf
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-12-2010 , 08:17 PM
Originally Posted by violentj
Thanks, I got it to run finally. Once I get the torny results in my email do I need to enter these into pt3 by hand. Or is there a macro that does the work.
Read post 56 (and 52 that I quote from) is the most help I can give. I don't think I could describe it better than JekyllIsland did.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:16 AM
ok guys i know i am a little bit late to the party but maybe someone still wants to chim in and help.
whenever i try to execute following sql code i get following error message:

SELECT ths.tourney_no
FROM tourney_holdem_summary ths WHERE
((SELECT sum(val_finish)
tourney_holdem_results thr inner join
player p on
p.id_player = thr.id_player
p.player_name = 'PutYourNameHere'
AND thr.id_tourney = ths.id_tourney) = 0)
AND ths.id_site in (100)
ORDER BY ths.tourney_no ESC;ERROR: relation "tourney_holdem_summary" does not exist

********** Fehler **********

ERROR: relation "tourney_holdem_summary" does not exist
SQL Status:42P01

any ideas?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-21-2010 , 09:34 AM
The error is here
ORDER BY ths.tourney_no ESC;
it should be

ORDER BY ths.tourney_no ASC;

-- or
ORDER BY ths.tourney_no DESC; -- Descending order
With that change it works fine for me and without it I get the same error you do ASC means ascending order....

software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-21-2010 , 04:53 PM
thank you very much for your quick answer. it is working now. at least i get no more error messages .....
but still get no result from this script. msgbox stays empty. .......
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-21-2010 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by zkhaha
thank you very much for your quick answer. it is working now. at least i get no more error messages .....
but still get no result from this script. msgbox stays empty. .......
Not trying to insult you, but you are not expecting the sql script to populate the AHK dialog box titled "Tournament Su..." are you?

Running the sql script puts data in the "Output Pane" of pgAdmin. You have to copy and paste it into the AHK dialog box.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-22-2010 , 02:50 AM
haha you are not insulting me, how? you gave most wanted information. thx a lot. now i got it.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-22-2010 , 05:40 AM
If you get a blank mail in return of your request, it's just because stars will return summaries for tournaments that are less than a year old . If you need older summaries, you have to contact them directly.

It's an official answer I got from stars a month ago.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-23-2010 , 04:08 PM
I've done a program to automatically insert ids and send request to pokerstars.
Let me know if you like it

here's the link:
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-23-2010 , 05:19 PM
Here's what is does and how it works:
The program enters id by id in Requests->Tourrnament History->Tournament ID.
And sends it away.
PokerStars has a limit of 60 requests per hour.
So you can set the ammount of requests to send at once and time to wait for the next set of requests.
The Id's need to be entered one on each line.
It's pretty easy to use.
Let me know if you like it
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-23-2010 , 08:31 PM
Very nice radub. Now I just need to figure out how to get access to all my tournament id numbers in a way where I can just bulk copy and paste them all.

If I request a Pokerstars audit the tournament ID numbers are mixed with other info in the excel sheet, or if I go into Pokertracker's tournament results window there's no way to select only the tournament id # column.

I don't feel like copy and pasting thousands of tournament ids one by one into the program you've made

edit- obviously the solution was simple... I needed to request the audit in .xls form instead of .csv. The format provided in excel allowed me to copy and paste all the ID's at once and paste them into your application.

Last edited by PaulieWlnuts; 01-23-2010 at 08:54 PM.
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-23-2010 , 09:41 PM
I requested all my tournament summaries from stars from 2005 to 2010.

What I received was an html output of all the results..Not the actual summary
like you'd receive if you requested thru lobby.

Is this standard?
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
01-24-2010 , 08:01 AM
Pokerstars sends the xml, csv or html. You can all open them with excell, then copy the column with the tournament id's and simply paste it in a txt document.
You now have all the ids, on each line.
On the other hand, if you mail pokerstars support to give you ALL hands history starting with the day you created your account, until a given day (like today) they will provide you zip files and instructions on how to download your hand history from they're site. Download all you history and import it to Poker Tracker (import from file).
After the import is finished, use this query in postgresql (taken from this thread):
SELECT tourney_holdem_summary.tourney_no as "tourney_no"
FROM tourney_holdem_summary WHERE
((SELECT sum(val_finish)
FROM tourney_holdem_results thr WHERE
thr.id_tourney = tourney_holdem_summary.id_tourney) = 0)
AND tourney_holdem_summary.id_site in (100)
ORDER BY tourney_no DESC;
(If you don't know exactly how to do this here it is:
Go to: Start->Programs->Postgresql8.3->pgAdminIII
Select Postgresql server...., right click->Connect
Then input your username and password for the database (default = user: postgres password: dbpass, port: 5432)
Select from left, the database PT3DB, right click on it and select Create Script.
Delete the default query and replace it with the script I gave you, Click Play( execute query, green arrow)
On bottom left you will have the list of id tournaments that are missing the tournament summaries.
CTRL+A to select all and paste them in a txt file.
Then use my program to send them away
software to automatically request missing tournament summaries (stars) Quote
