Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
Neither Turkey or Iran are major powers, regional powers at best and both have been implementing "do not piss off Russia" policy.
Greater regional powers coming into conflict have a tendency to exacerbate into larger situations.
If Turkey can manage to gain access throughout the entire Caucasus (which is why its diplomatic issues with Armenia are so important right now), it gains access to the Caspian Sea (and Jiggs can tell you how valuable that place is). And then from there to the central Asian countries that are ethnically Turkish. It also has a very close relationship with Azerbaijan, which is significant in a number of ways.
Iran has several interests in the region. It is traditionally the area where Persia and Russia have conflict with one another. Also there is the fact that Iran has a fairly good relationship with Armenia and sees Azerbaijan very much as a potential problem because of their population in northern Iran.
Russia clearly has an interest in that area for obvious reasons, and the US has a fairly close relationship with Azerbaijan, and of course Georgia.
The point is that there are a lot of very significant players operating in this very small geographic region that has a long history of various ethnic and national tensions. In the larger picture you have the geopolitical game being played between Russia, the US, Turkey, and Iran. And then in the smaller picture you have the smaller regional actors playing (Armenia and Azerbaijan tensions, Georgia resisting Russian influence, tensions in northern Caucasus with Islamist movements, etc) a game of their own. The thing that connects the two games is that very local issues and concerns have the very real and potential ability to draw in the larger players of the game. This certainly wouldn't be the first time something transpired in that particular manner to lead to a major global conflict.
SO you saying that if US wouldn't be involved with Afghanistan and Iraq, Bush would have risk open confrontation with a nuke-superpower (not really superpower anymore so their only response can be nuclear) over something that is going on in Russian backyard? Yeah...common sence...ya has it!
No, Russia simply put would not have done what it did had the US not been tied up in Afghanistan and Iraq. As the US withdraws from those areas, its attention will return to a more balanced one.