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WW3 trigger? WW3 trigger?

08-15-2010 , 11:27 AM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy
Sigh, you are another idiot.

By that logic the Palestinians do have a right to destroy Israels nuclear sites. They HAVE been wiped off the map and kicked off their land.
Never knew this, ty for the info
08-15-2010 , 11:57 AM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
[ ] video
[ ] debunks anything
[ ] makes valid points
Prove he threatened to nuke Israel or wipe it off the map, etc.
08-15-2010 , 12:05 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
Prove he threatened to nuke Israel or wipe it off the map, etc.
Prove otherwise. This "video" proves or disproves nothing...
08-15-2010 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by dwainbro
Iran has supporters too and don't mistake Iran as just a country in the middle east, it is a very powerful country.
Didn't Iraq have like one of the top 10 armies in the world ???

How long did last in Desert Storm ?
08-15-2010 , 01:00 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
Prove otherwise. This "video" proves or disproves nothing...
No. You lot are saying he threatened to wipe Israel off the map. It's up to you to prove it. I can't quote him not saying what he didn't say. No more than I can prove that you aren't holding up three fingers right now.

You: "I heard Canada is going to nuke America. We need an invasion by yesterday. Prove I'm lying."
08-15-2010 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
No. You lot are saying he threatened to wipe Israel off the map. It's up to you to prove it. I can't quote him not saying what he didn't say. No more than I can prove that you aren't holding up three fingers right now.

You: "I heard Canada is going to nuke America. We need an invasion by yesterday. Prove I'm lying."
Please quote a post where i said that. what i did say is that some radio-junkie is just as legit on proving or disproving anything as you or me. Ohh your info legit about Canada?
08-15-2010 , 01:59 PM
I am posting between mtt breaks. I haven't seen the video. My posts are based on Ahmadinejad threatening Israel with destruction being a lie. If you don't disagree then I guess we are arguing for nothing.

08-15-2010 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
Please quote a post where i said that. what i did say is that some radio-junkie is just as legit on proving or disproving anything as you or me. Ohh your info legit about Canada?

Is this 'radio-junkie' you are referring to the same elected British politician/Member of Parliament??

Go on....please say yes.
08-15-2010 , 02:25 PM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy
It will be ww3 and it is will be very sad. The Israelis dominate the US, hence the US would obv get involved. Shame.
08-15-2010 , 02:30 PM
In order for a WWIII to happen, two sides would have to begin a fight that wouldn't be quickly resolved through conventional military action.... and Iran v US doesn't fit that criteria, because Iran would get smoked, and I highly doubt another force would step in that could make a difference (ie China, etc)
08-15-2010 , 02:37 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
I am posting between mtt breaks. I haven't seen the video. My posts are based on Ahmadinejad threatening Israel with destruction being a lie. If you don't disagree then I guess we are arguing for nothing.

They do disagree as they are a mouthpiece (or victim of) the Israeli propaganda machine. The Zionist lobby in the US tried pushing the 'Iran wants to wipe Israel off the map' lie through the US media. This has now been debunked everywhere though some Israeli wack jobs in the US still try to perpetrate this lie.

Plenty of the Israelis try to equate being Jewish with being pro-Israel. They would like to say that of you are anti-Israel then you are anti-Jewish. Thus, they tend not to talk much about the Jewish people who are against the extreme violent acts that Israel commits.

If you look at Muslim extremists, they tend to do the same thing in the Islamic world. They try to equate being a Muslim with the terrorist acts that they commit. Although Islam means peace and the majority of Muslims reject this idea.

Clearly, the US is biased and is influenced through AIPAC and the special interests served.
08-15-2010 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
I am posting between mtt breaks. I haven't seen the video. My posts are based on Ahmadinejad threatening Israel with destruction being a lie. If you don't disagree then I guess we are arguing for nothing.

I don't have first hand info to agree or disagree with that statement. There are handful of experts who are arguing on both sides of "wipe off the map" or "vanish from the the page of time" but you have to admit that both statements are not exactly friendly. Lets just say that i hope that he dies in the grease fire but since english is not my first language you are free to interpret it as " i hope he eventually dies and cremated in oil fueled crematorium".
08-15-2010 , 02:42 PM
iran collapse of the dollar another false flag attack pick your choice
08-15-2010 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
In order for a WWIII to happen, two sides would have to begin a fight that wouldn't be quickly resolved through conventional military action.... and Iran v US doesn't fit that criteria, because Iran would get smoked, and I highly doubt another force would step in that could make a difference (ie China, etc)

But they light up the Persian Gulf, oil goes to $2000 per barrel, and our economies everywhere truly gets fuc*ed.

Then there is that small issue of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They would get slaughtered, but maybe this does not bother you. Maybe you think sitting in the US somewhere you will be safe. What about the amount of terrorism that ipso facto 100% will escalate to levels never seen before.

What about when one of our cities goes up in smoke in retaliation...which will happen. What about all of the innocent American, British, western civilians that will die. What about the innocent people in Iran that will die...and for what exactly?? Ahhh yes, to protect Israel and make them feel secure.

You may want to think about things a little more before you spout all of your simpleton military talk.

What a great speech by UN Inspector Scott Ritter.

A great American man.
08-15-2010 , 02:44 PM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy
Is this 'radio-junkie' you are referring to the same elected British politician/Member of Parliament??

Go on....please say yes.
hmm...i fail to see your point. Do you think that him being a British politician/Member of Parliament adds to his credibility? No moslems in his constituency?
08-15-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy

Then there is that small issue of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They would get slaughtered
Please clearify your position. Our soldiers have been fighting there for last 10 years...Who are "your soldiers"?
08-15-2010 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
hmm...i fail to see your point. Do you think that him being a British politician/Member of Parliament adds to his credibility? No moslems in his constituency?

He is not the radio-junkie you say. Also, I am sure he knows much more about the situation in the ME than you do.

Re Muslims in his constituency, yes, there are. You see though, it is not as simple as you are trying to make out. You are trying to divide between Muslims and everyone else. The Muslims in Singapore for example, are different from the Muslims in Pakistan. You could say that this is similar to the situation with Israel. I am sure plenty of Jewish people feel that they have to be pro-Israel because it is called 'The Jewish State'.

It is good to see that you are not hiding your views though, but what annoys me is that people like you want America dragged into another war and you want American lives lost to protect Israel (which after all, stole land that does not belong to them).

Plz comment on my video above.
08-15-2010 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy
But they light up the Persian Gulf, oil goes to $2000 per barrel, and our economies everywhere truly gets fuc*ed.
This is another reason why no one is going to come to Iran's aide, and why ww3 won't happen... If a full conflict were to breakout, China isn't going to prolong the conflict. GG
Then there is that small issue of our soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan. They would get slaughtered, but maybe this does not bother you. Maybe you think sitting in the US somewhere you will be safe. What about the amount of terrorism that ipso facto 100% will escalate to levels never seen before.

What about when one of our cities goes up in smoke in retaliation...which will happen. What about all of the innocent American, British, western civilians that will die. What about the innocent people in Iran that will die...and for what exactly?? Ahhh yes, to protect Israel and make them feel secure.

You may want to think about things a little more before you spout all of your simpleton military talk.
'Simpleton'? You may want to try reading what I'm actually saying before you post. GMAFB, I wasn't attempting to weigh whether or not its a good idea, I was explaining why WW3 wouldn't happen.

08-15-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
Please clearify your position. Our soldiers have been fighting there for last 10 years...Who are "your soldiers"?
OK, firstly, do you class yourself as American or Israeli?

Secondly, it is well known that Israel wanted US to go to war in Iraq. Probably explains why the Israeli intelligence was caught filming the collapse of the twin towers on 9/11 and cheering.

Now Iraq is done, all you hear from BiBi and Israel is...forget is all about Iran. Iran is now the threat.

Let's get one thing straight. Iran would not attack Israel as it would mean the destruction of Iran. However, Israel not only occupies other peoples land, but they have hundreds of nukes. Funny how you do not dicuss this isn't it?
08-15-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy
He is not the radio-junkie you say. Also, I am sure he knows much more about the situation in the ME than you do
Please quote my post where i "pretend" to know more than he does. Also, while you at it please provide his credentials and credentials of hs opponents.

Re Muslims in his constituency, yes, there are. You see though, it is not as simple as you are trying to make out. You are trying to divide between Muslims and everyone else. The Muslims in Singapore for example, are different from the Muslims in Pakistan.
Wold you say that on balance there are more moslems that support Ahmadinejads anti-Israel stand than those who oppose it? If yes then your "elected British politician/Member of Parliament" is playing numbers game on the winning side and appealing to majority of his voters.

You could say that this is similar to the situation with Israel. I am sure plenty of Jewish people feel that they have to be pro-Israel because it is called 'The Jewish State'.
You got it bro!!!! Why don't we start calling Iran a "Jewish State" and see how many Jews will support it!!!!!!

It is good to see that you are not hiding your views though, but what annoys me is that people like you want America dragged into another war and you want American lives lost to protect Israel (which after all, stole land that does not belong to them).
I do not have to hide anything from anyone and why would i???? If US will attack Iran it wont be to protect Israel (they can protect themself tyvm) but more to protect SA or other gulf countries. Any idea why SA are opening airspace for Israels bombers?
08-15-2010 , 03:13 PM
Originally Posted by kparker1
iran collapse of the dollar another false flag attack pick your choice
You do realize that when you make posts harder to read, e.g. by not using punctuation, less people will read them?
08-15-2010 , 03:15 PM
Originally Posted by GuvnorJimmy
OK, firstly, do you class yourself as American or Israeli?
LOLOLOLOLOL you just wrote a huge post about how not all moslems are the same and now this question?????
I am American but was born in moslem country...not religious...never been to Israel...have plenty of relatives in Turkey and Azerbaijan (all moslems)...have plenty of relatives in Israel (all jewish). How would you class me?
08-15-2010 , 03:20 PM
Originally Posted by random hater
Prove he threatened to nuke Israel or wipe it off the map, etc.
this seems to be Ahmadinejad's website:

"O dear Imam (Khomeini)! You said the Zionist Regime that is a usurper and illegitimate regime and a cancerous tumor should be wiped off the map. I should say that your illuminating remark and cause is going to come true today. The Zionist Regime has
lost its existence philosophy... the Zionist regime faces a complete deadend and under God's grace your wish will soon be materialized and the corrupt element will be wiped off the map," said President Ahmadinejad.
08-15-2010 , 03:22 PM
Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
Please quote my post where i "pretend" to know more than he does. Also, while you at it please provide his credentials and credentials of hs opponents.
You called him a radio-junkie, thus trying to render what he says worthless. It did not work. Re his credentials, he is very well known for his knowledge on the ME, I am sure you can research this and listen to what he says yourself.

Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
Wold you say that on balance there are more moslems that support Ahmadinejads anti-Israel stand than those who oppose it? If yes then your "elected British politician/Member of Parliament" is playing numbers game on the winning side and appealing to majority of his voters.

On balance while I would say that Muslims are anti-Ahmadinejad, I would say that they agree with his views on Israel. This is due to the treatment of Palestinians on their land. Kicked out of their homes or killed etc. I would also say that if a strong military force came along and killed Jewish people, then occupied their territories, the majority of Jewish people would be against that.

Also, what makes you say it is a numbers game and against the majority of voters. People all over the world know what Israel is like and their horrid acts disgusts them.

Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
You got it bro!!!! Why don't we start calling Iran a "Jewish State" and see how many Jews will support it!!!!!!

Well, if Iran was like the Palestinians, then Israel could conquer Iran and call is ‘Israel – the Jewish State’. Certain people would support it.

Originally Posted by 3rdCheckRaise
I do not have to hide anything from anyone and why would i???? If US will attack Iran it wont be to protect Israel (they can protect themself tyvm) but more to protect SA or other gulf countries. Any idea why SA are opening airspace for Israels bombers?
Because SA are in bed with US (although not entirely). I am sure SA are pretending to be an ally, but funds terrorism at the same time. I have no proof of this, but the Taliban are still there due to being funded by a rich country. Pakistan is probably in this too. Pleany of Arabs do not like us as US and Britain sell arms to SA, thus they can maintain their iron grip.

Now I am off to the Chinese restaurant, continue this when I get back.
08-15-2010 , 03:24 PM
Well, if Iran was like the Palestinians, then Israel could conquer Iran and call is ‘Israel – the Jewish State’. Certain people would support it.
lol JOOS JOOS JOOS, conquer, get invaded by, whatever same thing.
