Originally Posted by dlorc
I love the **** out of George Galloway.
The man works as a propagandist for the Iranian regime on the state-financed Press TV, cheerleads for a mass murderer like Bashar Al-Assad, praises suicide bombers, praised and expressed his personal solidarity with Saddam Hussein in the 90s, supported the Soviet invasion of Afganistan, cheerleads for Hamas, engages in anti-Semitic drivel, called the collapse of the Soviet Union as the biggest disaster of his lifetime (paraphrasing), engaged (unproved of course) in massive corruption in the oil for food program, praises Casto and thinks that Cuba is more free than the UK. He represented me in the UK parliament before this years elections, hardly ever turned up, acted like a loud-mouthed **** when he did, and campaigns in my London neighbourhood on a platform of inciting extremist Muslim opinion, fracturing cohesion in the area and extreme identity politics.
If you love all that, then I feel sorry for you. The fact that he parades himself as an anti-war activist is a sick joke.