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Would July a pun LC Thread Would July a pun LC Thread

07-07-2015 , 08:06 PM
They are both clearly in the wrong.
07-07-2015 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Your common sense ain't the law. Nor should it be.
So you favor the Old Testament solution?

Please take it as wrote that I've got no sympathy for her.
07-07-2015 , 08:07 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
Maybe he was kicked off for being a 19-year-old in a bar.

Perfectly fine to be a bar at that age in FL. Just can't drink.
07-07-2015 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
They are both clearly in the wrong.
ldo. Or if you are feeling sensitive "+1."
07-07-2015 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
So you favor the Old Testament solution?

Please take it as wrote that I've got no sympathy for her.
There's nothing in between!

So you just casually haven't addressed how only the man is being charged?
07-07-2015 , 08:33 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
There's nothing in between!

So you just casually haven't addressed how only the man is being charged?
I already said that she should do a plea deal to only be found guilty of assault to get off from being charged with battery.
07-07-2015 , 08:46 PM
Originally Posted by goofball
They are both clearly in the wrong.
No ****.

She made a dumb move and paid the price. He will be mocked for decking a girl who had little chance of causing injuries to him.

I know I know, her first flail was just to get the fight started, he's lucky her friend stopped the fight because the real TKO punches were about to unload!
07-07-2015 , 08:52 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D

Perfectly fine to be a bar at that age in FL. Just can't drink.
My light research into this matter suggested that there was some dispute over whether Yianni's nightclub let under-21 in all the time or just on certain occasions.
07-07-2015 , 09:37 PM
Considering I lived in that city for most of my life. Been to Yianni's and other clubs when I was pre-21, most of the places are 18+ to enter and 21+ to drink.
07-07-2015 , 09:51 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Considering I lived in that city for most of my life. Been to Yianni's and other clubs when I was pre-21, most of the places are 18+ to enter and 21+ to drink.
The comments here made it seem like there was a lack of consensus from people who may have actually gone there.

I'll accept your personal experience as reasonable evidence, although I will note that you said "most of the places", suggesting that there are at least a few places where it wouldn't be perfectly fine for him to be in.
07-08-2015 , 02:13 AM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Ikes, what's the better play for the elite athlete in that spot: 1) Right hook, or 2) walk away? Assume there would be no legal or team related consequences to either decision.

Want to at least rule some things out before getting too involved.
You repeatedly describing the punch as a "right hook" is tilting me.

Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Him punching her was an unreasonable response. We aren't in the Old Testament anymore and common sense dictates that the least force necessary to protect oneself is the maximum amount of force that ought be allowed. He deserves no sympathy.

She also shouldn't have dropped an n-bomb and punched him. She was also guilty of bar-guarding which gets a 15 yard penalty in most states. She deserves no sympathy.

Both are clearly guilty of bad behavior and both are guilty of assault as a lesser charge should they plea deal to get out of a charge for battery.
I feel like her getting punched in the face is punishment enough and probably good for her in the long run. I'm kind of sympathetic to the dude because, man was she ever punchable, but i think he should face some kind of legal consequences like having to agree to anger management or something.

Maybe she should also have to go to anger management.
07-08-2015 , 02:28 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Children of tomorrow will have another thousand post thread on the real reasons for the Civil War.
Lol, it's amazing that people believe the civil war was over preserving states rights. The Confederates specifically went out if their way to say it was about slavery and not preserving states rights. If anything they were anti states rights given their hate of states that didn't enforce the fugitive slave act.

Propaganda is damn effective.
07-08-2015 , 10:07 AM
The correct answer is both.

It's about slavery
it's about the state having the right to reject federal laws (against slavery LDO)

If the question is not carefully constructed both answers are correct, but they don't let you answer "both"

so this is an argument about nothing, both answers are the same thing.
07-08-2015 , 10:18 AM
Except no its not because they specifically said it was only about slavery and if you are only for states rights when it's about preserving slavery then it's still just about slavery.
07-08-2015 , 10:20 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
You repeatedly describing the punch as a "right hook" is tilting me.

I feel like her getting punched in the face is punishment enough and probably good for her in the long run. I'm kind of sympathetic to the dude because, man was she ever punchable, but i think he should face some kind of legal consequences like having to agree to anger management or something.

Maybe she should also have to go to anger management.
Without knowing all the details for me this is a reasonable take. He overreacted in my view. He is also a guy that plays a sport where he gets drilled by 250 lb very well conditioned athletes. He ****ed up and is paying the price.
07-08-2015 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
The comments here made it seem like there was a lack of consensus from people who may have actually gone there.

I'll accept your personal experience as reasonable evidence, although I will note that you said "most of the places", suggesting that there are at least a few places where it wouldn't be perfectly fine for him to be in.
I lived in Tallahassee as well, and it depends on the place. There's a pool room/sports bar on the east side of town called Corner Pocket and last time I was there they had a sign on the door stating that you must be 21+ to enter the place after 9 PM. Before 9 PM, literally anyone can come in and people often bring their kids in for wings and to watch games. I'm not sure about every place in town ldo but from my recollection most of the bars near the campus are 18 to PARTY 21 to drink.
07-08-2015 , 11:14 AM
There are places in LA like that - but they start carding anyone who looks older than 12 and/or not there with their parents at like 6pm.
07-08-2015 , 11:30 AM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
You repeatedly describing the punch as a "right hook" is tilting me.

I feel like her getting punched in the face is punishment enough and probably good for her in the long run. I'm kind of sympathetic to the dude because, man was she ever punchable, but i think he should face some kind of legal consequences like having to agree to anger management or something.

Maybe she should also have to go to anger management.
The most interesting part of this whole situation is how the left seems to be largely paralyzed by the fact that this confrontation was between a woman and a black man, so they aren't sure who they're supposed to be supporting. If this was a bar exam question where A shakes A's fist under B's nose, B grabs A's fist, A punches B, then B punches A, it would be completely obvious that A is guilty of assault and battery and B is not guilty of anything. It's also 100% obvious that B was arrested here because he's a scaryblackman and because the person who punched him was a blonde chick, so he's just supposed to accept being punched in the face because white supremacy. At least he wasn't lynched, so maybe that's #progress.
07-08-2015 , 11:38 AM
Originally Posted by hornbug
The correct answer is both.

It's about slavery
it's about the state having the right to reject federal laws (against slavery LDO)
And the ability for their residents to reject other states' laws when in the other states' territories. Because slavery of course.
07-08-2015 , 11:51 AM
Originally Posted by BrianTheMick2
Him punching her was an unreasonable response. We aren't in the Old Testament anymore and common sense dictates that the least force necessary to protect oneself is the maximum amount of force that ought be allowed. He deserves no sympathy.

She also shouldn't have dropped an n-bomb and punched him. She was also guilty of bar-guarding which gets a 15 yard penalty in most states. She deserves no sympathy.

Both are clearly guilty of bad behavior and both are guilty of assault as a lesser charge should they plea deal to get out of a charge for battery.
I can't believe the bar guarding is not getting more attention. That is clearly the most egregious offense here, even if she dropped an N-bomb. She's lucky she didn't get shot, imo.
07-08-2015 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
The most interesting part of this whole situation is how the left seems to be largely paralyzed by the fact that this confrontation was between a woman and a black man, so they aren't sure who they're supposed to be supporting. If this was a bar exam question where A shakes A's fist under B's nose, B grabs A's fist, A punches B, then B punches A, it would be completely obvious that A is guilty of assault and battery and B is not guilty of anything. It's also 100% obvious that B was arrested here because he's a scaryblackman and because the person who punched him was a blonde chick, so he's just supposed to accept being punched in the face because white supremacy. At least he wasn't lynched, so maybe that's #progress.
Replace B with D1 athlete, and A with random drunk chick. I doubt you get much different reaction than what happened in reality.
07-08-2015 , 12:08 PM
NYSE down. United was down earlier. Coincidence? Probably.
Edit: WSJ website too.

Last edited by seattlelou; 07-08-2015 at 12:13 PM.
07-08-2015 , 12:39 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
The most interesting part of this whole situation is how the left seems to be largely paralyzed by the fact that this confrontation was between a woman and a black man, so they aren't sure who they're supposed to be supporting. If this was a bar exam question where A shakes A's fist under B's nose, B grabs A's fist, A punches B, then B punches A, it would be completely obvious that A is guilty of assault and battery and B is not guilty of anything. It's also 100% obvious that B was arrested here because he's a scaryblackman and because the person who punched him was a blonde chick, so he's just supposed to accept being punched in the face because white supremacy. At least he wasn't lynched, so maybe that's #progress.
I understand your frustration about not being about to deck drunk chicks with impunity, I get it. Neither should be charged. Her bruise will heal as well as his ego and lessons will be learned. If anyone else is flustered that the woman isn't being charged with battery should come forth.
07-08-2015 , 12:41 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
NYSE down. United was down earlier. Coincidence? Probably.
Edit: WSJ website too.
have you noticed anything odd going on this morning? Oh yes. Let us be the first to tell you that the time to panic is upon us.

ITEM: The New York City subway system suffered an atrocious commute today, with some trains being inexplicably stranded in stations for long periods of time.

ITEM: The website “The Dissolve” folded today.

ITEM: United Airlines was forced to ground all of its flights after its computer system mysteriously stopped working.

ITEM: The New York Stock Exchange suspended trading today after its computerized trading system mysteriously stopped working.

ITEM: Immediately after, the Wall Street Journal’s website mysteriously stopped working.

ITEM: More than 2,500 people in Washington, DC mysteriously lost power.

It seems our nation’s centers of powers are facing a mysterious and spreading collapse.

I choose to panic. If you choose to remain calm, good—I’ll get away ahead of you.

Edit: My flash just crashed, PANIC!
07-08-2015 , 12:47 PM
Did not know about "dissolve." The end is nigh.
