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Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee? Who Will Be the 2012 Republican Presidential Nominee?

11-14-2011 , 04:36 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
lol, c'mon man
89 seconds man

But seriously, it's both. Unfortunately fearmongering works, and Newt is the king of that. If I had money on intrade, I'd be pounding the **** out of Newt right now.
11-14-2011 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by Case Closed
Republicans just don't like his foreign policy. It's a damn shame, but that disqualifies him.
Sick thing is is that I think most democrats just don't like his foreign policy as well. Obama has neutralized the anti-war left and shifted the general view of foreign policy by the Democratic party to what would have described as pure neocon a few years ago.

Progressives are probably still anti-war but they seem about as fringe within the Democratic party as real libertarians are in the Republican party.
11-14-2011 , 04:52 PM
I've had country club Republicans and various shades of "conservatives" tell me Paul is a liberal. LOL There's a mixture of things that go into his lack of support.
11-14-2011 , 04:59 PM
Originally Posted by FourFins
Sick thing is is that I think most democrats just don't like his foreign policy as well. Obama has neutralized the anti-war left and shifted the general view of foreign policy by the Democratic party to what would have described as pure neocon a few years ago.
11-14-2011 , 05:00 PM
Enjoyed this article about the GOP candidates, and their need to inspire Americans on how their plans for the future will make them better off.

"The Economy's Bad, So Why Is the GOP on Track to Hand Obama a Second Term?"

From the article:

The president retorts he has directed the bureaucracy to identify unnecessary rules—heck, that’s like asking an alcoholic to pick the day of the week he prefers not to drink.
Enter Governors Romney and Perry, Professor Gingrich, and friends—they’ve got plans to fix it all, but don’t articulate where the problems lie, how their remedies would work and by extension, why one of them deserves the top job.
Americans must be convinced they should expect better than the mediocrity Democrats so worship, and what the ultimate GOP nominee offers will work. So far the polls indicate Americans are unhappy but are unconvinced any Republican can do better.
Read more:

And also Albert Brooks had a nice article along similar lines.

"Optimistic or Pessimistic About America: Arthur C. Brooks"


How is it that today’s free-enterprise warriors have forgotten how to use the language of morality? Statists may talk about fairness and “social justice,” but free marketers seem content to console themselves with the language of economic efficiency and productivity. They are right about free enterprise being good for economic growth, but their arguments rarely move the soul. Yet it is the moral, cultural case for free enterprise that America most needs to hear today if it is willing to make sacrifices for the future.

Rather than making the business case, free-enterprise advocates must stop talking about dollars and cents and start talking about what is written on their hearts. They must talk again about why America is an exceptional nation and about what its system of free enterprise offers—the possibilities of self-realization, matching our skills with our passions, and pursuing happiness in whatever way we choose to define it.

If we do this, then Americans may help us change course before statism changes our nation for good.
11-14-2011 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by kurto
An example:

GOP and Think Progress on Obama’s foreign policy “successes”

many Democrats not only passively acquiesce to Obama’s continuation of core Bush/Cheney Terrorism policies, but enthusiastically cheer it as proof that they, too, can be Tough and Strong (manly virtues demonstrated by how many human beings their leader kills from afar).
TP = Think Progress, progressive/liberal site

But what’s most notable here is how inaccurate TP’s prediction was: it turned out to be completely wrong that the Awlaki assassination was something “you won’t hear at tonight’s GOP foreign policy debate.” In fact, we heard a lot about it — from the GOP candidates who heaped as much praise on Obama as TP did for murdering this American citizen. Indeed, among the most vocal cheers of the night from the GOP South Carolina crowd — second only to its vocal swooning for the virtues of waterboarding — was when their right-wing candidates hailed Obama’s decision to kill Awlaki.
Is there anyone, anywhere, who denies that had George Bush (rather than Obama) claimed the power to assassinate American citizens with the CIA with no due process or transparency, Think Progress would be vociferously objecting rather than celebrating?
It's a bit of a difficult article to quote from, but it's very recent. I don't think it's hard to see that if a Repub president had the foreign policy record of Obama the past few years there would be a much greater outcry from the Democratic side.
11-14-2011 , 05:21 PM
newt getting paid 300k as an advisor to fannie/freddie has to bring him down, right? this is like the height of hypocrisy
11-14-2011 , 05:24 PM
I don't know the details on that specific aspect of Newt but I imagine the **** that's going to be coming out in the MSM about him as he is front-runner/anti-romney right now is going to be pretty popcorn worthy.
11-14-2011 , 05:25 PM
Originally Posted by jsnipes28
newt getting paid 300k as an advisor to fannie/freddie has to bring him down, right? this is like the height of hypocrisy
They brought it up at the CNBC debate last week. His polling numbers have seen a rise since then. Who knows. As long as he keeps telling people how radical Obama is, I'm not sure it will matter. The mud is going to be slung though. Reminding people how bad liberals are seems to be making people hard, for the moment at least.
11-14-2011 , 05:27 PM
It was brought up in one of the recent debates, but didn't seem to stick. At this point, I kind of doubt it brings him down. It's pretty clear the party doesn't want Romney. Foxnews and all the other crazies probably see Newt as the last anti-Romney left, so they will all rally around him.

Ron Paul 2012.
11-14-2011 , 05:30 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
lol, c'mon man
This. Ron Paul would be better off running as a democrat.
11-14-2011 , 05:31 PM
Originally Posted by joeyDizzle
They brought it up at the CNBC debate last week. His polling numbers have seen a rise since then. Who knows. As long as he keeps telling people how radical Obama is, I'm not sure it will matter. The mud is going to be slung though. Reminding people how bad liberals are seems to be making people hard, for the moment at least.
ahhh i only watched parts of the cnbc debate so i missed that. this was the first i had heard of it. i would imagine all the other R's will def start slinging now that Newt is getting some traction but we'll see i guess
11-14-2011 , 05:35 PM
frothy mix actually making sense talking about the psu scandal on cnn just now too. most reasonable i've ever heard him.
11-14-2011 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
89 seconds man

But seriously, it's both. Unfortunately fearmongering works, and Newt is the king of that. If I had money on intrade, I'd be pounding the **** out of Newt right now.
Are you saying Paul's platform is not (economic) fear mongering? I agree it works...but actually explains Paul's somewhat modest success of polling ~10% for multiple months.
11-14-2011 , 06:02 PM
Don't really read politics much so two quick caveats: dunno if this has already been posted, or if this thread is the most appropriate place for it.

Here is a video of Herman Cain on Libya. Really incredible. I mean wow.
11-14-2011 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
Don't really read politics much so two quick caveats: dunno if this has already been posted, or if this thread is the most appropriate place for it.

Here is a video of Herman Cain on Libya. Really incredible. I mean wow.
this video is gold jerry, gold

really wish they had hit him with some of that good ol 'gotcha! journalism' with such questions as "you really have no idea whatsoever what has occurred in libya both historically and very recently, do you? nor do you have any idea of what the obama administrations response and actions involved, right?"

"herman, it appears that you don't have ANY of the information, and are completely ignorant to world events"

your ignorant garbage word salad is pretty rancid herman
11-14-2011 , 06:45 PM
Herman is learning the world's countries in reverse alpha order so he can get Uzbekibekibekistanstan out of the way early for the inevitable gotchas. Hasn't gotten to Libya yet obviously.
11-14-2011 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
Don't really read politics much so two quick caveats: dunno if this has already been posted, or if this thread is the most appropriate place for it.

Here is a video of Herman Cain on Libya. Really incredible. I mean wow.
He sputters around when he could've just cut to the chase and asked him to clarify the question. "Do you agree with Obama on Libya?" is a terribly vague question and he responded in the worst way possible to it.
11-14-2011 , 07:34 PM
Cain's horrible and the truth in the polling numbers won't reveal anything, resembling the truth, until January.
11-14-2011 , 07:37 PM
I'm getting increasingly agitated every time I see a new poll with Cain still doing well in it.

I see there's a new Iowa poll that has Cain 20%, Gingrich 19%, Romney 14%, Paul 10%, Bachmann 10%.
11-14-2011 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
Don't really read politics much so two quick caveats: dunno if this has already been posted, or if this thread is the most appropriate place for it.

Here is a video of Herman Cain on Libya. Really incredible. I mean wow.
Holy ****. I expected bad, but what the ****.
11-14-2011 , 07:40 PM
Each candidate up there in the polls besides Paul terrifies me, but Gingrich probably the most. I see him as the best '1984' candidate.

He's said that we should execute drug dealers and the government should drug test the country to help "win" the drug war.
11-14-2011 , 07:48 PM
I see there's a new Iowa poll that has Cain 20%, Gingrich 19%, Romney 14%, Paul 10%, Bachmann 10%.
Comments below this article are gold:
I think we have a qualified and knowledgeable group of candidates. With the exception of Ron Paul
who is a decent person but too doctrinaire for the job. Romney and Gingrich seem to be the most qualified. The problem is: Who is going to have the intestinal fortitude to effect the changes that need to be made? I think Newt is very tough and will do what needs to be done despite the onslaught. After all, he is a historian and he knows that the next president, if he is a Republican, will be judged historically as the one who saved the nation or didn't.
11-14-2011 , 07:58 PM
Originally Posted by Xaston
Don't really read politics much so two quick caveats: dunno if this has already been posted, or if this thread is the most appropriate place for it.

Here is a video of Herman Cain on Libya. Really incredible. I mean wow.
Hold on, did you say Lybia, or pepperoni?
11-14-2011 , 08:10 PM
Originally Posted by punter11235
Comments below this article are gold:
Omg, please someone paste the one about Sarah Palin, it's like the 4th one down. It has to be a level. I can't copy it from my phone.
