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The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace The Tragic Death of Mike Brown: No Indictment, No Peace

11-25-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by Jbrochu
Being black adds 12" and 150 pounds.
that's what she said
11-25-2014 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
They did not measure.
That's impossible. Come on now. I'm sure it's in the testimony somewhere.

Don't they draw circles around each shell casing and take a picture? A person was shot to death.
11-25-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
"David Wilson shot and killed Michael Brown, who was at a distance and unarmed. This is undisputed." That's a sufficient case for an indictment, regardless of Wilson's account of events.
Does that mean we should blame the jurors?

people seem willing to give the jurors a pass because the prosecution was obviously culpable but if that's so obvious then it must have been obvious to them. Combined with the given evidence and your statement above then isn't that more than enough to warrant a criminal trial?

We don't have GJ type things so maybe I've misunderstood their role, but I can't see anything to suggest the prosecution has to prove their case, it's just sufficient evidence for a trial (or something like that) isn't it?

Last edited by chezlaw; 11-25-2014 at 04:47 PM.
11-25-2014 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Because there are riots this time.
Long before the riots, Michael was national news, Swuave got no attention, and he was gunned down like an animal by 2 doughnut munching cops that were to lazy to chase him down.
11-25-2014 , 04:43 PM
Originally Posted by longmissedblind
6'4" 220+lb DW was the biggest surprise of the evidence.

5 year-old 6'4" 220+lb boy vs Hulk Hogan

What are the odds DW is a big time wrasslin' fan?
Yeah since all were have heard was "Big" Mike and the big black kid and pictures of the cop that made him look like some skinny kid.
11-25-2014 , 04:44 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
At the bare minimum the cop is culpable to a large extent even based on what I heard was his testimony. I say that because, just as cops pull up from high speed cases for public safety (unless the driver is extremely dangerous), Wilson should not have chased someone who was not a severe danger to the public if he knew he would have to shoot (rather than hit or tase) if he turned around and came toward him. Not only because you shouldn't put yourself in a position of having to kill a non murderer type petty criminal, but also because of the significant danger of a stray bullet from your gun hitting an innocent bystander.

My guess is that he knew all that but disregarded it due to his anger at being hit. He may even have been secretly wishing he turned around. In other words even if Brown didn't have his hands up and was charging him, he is still guilty of something.
11-25-2014 , 04:45 PM
Not reading all this, but did the looters pull their pants up yesterday?
11-25-2014 , 04:45 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Long before the riots, Michael was national news, Swuave got no attention, and he was gunned down like an animal by 2 doughnut munching cops that were to lazy to chase him down.
This thread was started 8/9. There were riots 8/11.

The other difference is the guy on twitter liveblogging the killing with pictures.
11-25-2014 , 04:46 PM
so many unapologetic racists itt today

none of you are clever, btw
11-25-2014 , 04:49 PM
The black witnesses had the final say in all of this and this was the final result. EOS
11-25-2014 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Not reading all this, but did the looters pull their pants up yesterday?
National Guard air dropped belts
11-25-2014 , 04:54 PM
what cha gonna loot wit cha pants on the ground
11-25-2014 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
This thread was started 8/9. There were riots 8/11.

The other difference is the guy on twitter liveblogging the killing with pictures.
So do you think social media is the difference, or have we reached a tipping point in the US?
11-25-2014 , 04:58 PM
Originally Posted by chezlaw
Does that mean we should blame the jurors?

people seem willing to give the jurors a pass because the prosecution was obviously culpable but if that's so obvious then it must have been obvious to them. Combined with the given evidence and your statement above then isn't that more than enough to warrant a criminal trial?

We don't have GJ type things so maybe I've misunderstood their role, but I can't see anything to suggest the prosecution has to prove their case, it's just sufficient evidence for a trial (or something like that) isn't it?
The burden of proof in gj proceedings is probable cause, which is an admittedly low evidentiary standard.
11-25-2014 , 05:00 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
Just found out that the prosecutor's father was a police officer who was killed by a black man. Stranger than fiction.
If you were paying attention to this story, there is a good chance you were using one-sided news sources because this has been a major talking point in claims that the prosecutor is biased in favor of cops and should recuse himself or be removed somehow.
11-25-2014 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by LASJayhawk
Long before the riots, Michael was national news, Swuave got no attention, and he was gunned down like an animal by 2 doughnut munching cops that were to lazy to chase him down.
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson determine which cases are worthy of national attention.
11-25-2014 , 05:02 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
littlevictory, the point isn't so much that he's racist, it's that he's never indicted a cop in over 20 years, when there have been many, many cases of misconduct by officers. This isn't saying he's prejudiced against anyone, it's that he is clearly prejudiced for law enforcement. His record dictates this.

LV, no one is saying they should have announced it in the morning. People are mostly saying they should have let schools out early, say a half day then announced it around 4-5 PM rather than 830ish.
I concede that the favoritism is a legitimate gripe--although I can see why a government would favor a prosecutor who favors cops.

For the morning announcement ... yes, people are saying specifically "morning", and it just seems like butthurtness about the bad news, rather than a legitimate point. Yet Eugene Robinson, Al Sharpton, Ronin Farrow, Abby Huntsmen, and some other girl are all raising it up. That irrational pile-on fervor doesn't help the Mike Brown cause. It's a distraction.
11-25-2014 , 05:08 PM
I just heard that the grand jury witnesses were all black. The ones saying hands up and he was on his knees and the ones saying MB was charging DW. Do we know the extent the witness statements corroborated DW's testimony?
11-25-2014 , 05:09 PM
Originally Posted by Chips Ahoy
That's impossible. Come on now. I'm sure it's in the testimony somewhere.

Don't they draw circles around each shell casing and take a picture? A person was shot to death.
Yes, there are pics of the shell casings.
11-25-2014 , 05:10 PM
Originally Posted by aoFrantic
I'm so shocked the unabashed DW supporters itt have not commented at all on the discrepancies in his testimony...
you'd be the first one to point them out afaict, but I'm not reading the raw testimony.
11-25-2014 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by neg3sd
Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson determine which cases are worthy of national attention.
Their standard seems to be "if they don't have a gun they are innocent"

Maybe they should add "if they don't use their fists"

Trayvon and MB have shown that being "unarmed" is not enough to be a credible victim.
11-25-2014 , 05:13 PM
Originally Posted by oldbookguy
This is a long thread and it will get longer, that is certain, and nothing will be agreed upon my most.

while we were watching the prosecutor's remarks last night though one thing was glaring concerning Browns wounds when he said the bullet to the head rendered him incapacitated or words to that effect when that bullet actually rendered him DEAD.

The prosecutor acknowledged that Brown was on his knees when this shot was administered.

Take this last and final shot as you will to the top of the head to a man on his knees who was already wounded and at that point subdued.
Prosecutor said no such thing. The last shot to the top of Brown's head was probably due to him falling forward from the previous shots.
11-25-2014 , 05:14 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
At the bare minimum the cop is culpable to a large extent even based on what I heard was his testimony. I say that because, just as cops pull up from high speed cases for public safety (unless the driver is extremely dangerous), Wilson should not have chased someone who was not a severe danger to the public if he knew he would have to shoot (rather than hit or tase) if he turned around and came toward him (and he realized there was a decent possibility of that.). Not only because you shouldn't put yourself in a position of having to kill a non murderer type petty criminal, but also because of the significant danger of a stray bullet from your gun hitting an innocent bystander.

My guess is that he knew all that but disregarded it due to his anger at being hit. He may even have been secretly wishing he turned around. In other words even if Brown didn't have his hands up and was charging him, he is still guilty of something.
Wait a minute. Brown assaulted an officer and evidently attempted to take possession of his firearm in the process. He committed a violent crime. If you don't think the police have a duty to pursue and arrest violent criminals what are police for?

Also, I don't think you can compare a high speed chase, which presents a danger to everyone in the area, to a foot pursuit, which does not present a danger to anyone in the area. The danger came after the foot pursuit was over.
11-25-2014 , 05:16 PM
He's comparing a high speed chase to a shootout.
11-25-2014 , 05:16 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
At the bare minimum the cop is culpable to a large extent even based on what I heard was his testimony. I say that because, just as cops pull up from high speed cases for public safety (unless the driver is extremely dangerous), Wilson should not have chased someone who was not a severe danger to the public if he knew he would have to shoot (rather than hit or tase) if he turned around and came toward him (and he realized there was a decent possibility of that.). Not only because you shouldn't put yourself in a position of having to kill a non murderer type petty criminal, but also because of the significant danger of a stray bullet from your gun hitting an innocent bystander.

My guess is that he knew all that but disregarded it due to his anger at being hit. He may even have been secretly wishing he turned around. In other words even if Brown didn't have his hands up and was charging him, he is still guilty of something.

Is this a normative or positive argument? NYPD fired a ton of bullets into a crowd and shot a bunch of innocent bystanders and nobody even got a slap on the wrist. In fact, the UNARMED guy they were shooting at got charged.

So the precedent is there. if you're a cop, you basically have free reign to shoot whatever the **** you want.
