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The Tragic Death of Jonathan Ferrell The Tragic Death of Jonathan Ferrell

09-20-2013 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
Way to shoot your own argument down before you even start it.
Not. The remaining threats are not rational actors and are not being detered by a door, fence, or window.
09-20-2013 , 10:08 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Women have the belief that male strangers late at night when they are alone are inherently dangerous. They are correct.
And white people are disproportionately afraid of black males.
09-20-2013 , 10:10 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
If women are scared of a guy at 2:30am and he happened to be white, she's being cautious.

If women are scared of a guy at 2:30am and he happened to be black, she's a racist.

There's a chance she was racist and there's a chance she wasn't racist. Zero reason to be outraged.
09-20-2013 , 10:13 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
He probably was yelling stuff like he needs help, turn off the alarm, etc. It's still not unreasonable for her to interpret that as threatening. She's not thinking clearly -- not because she's irrational, but because she's had a biological, hormonal response -- the adrenaline rush associated with the flight-or-flight response. People like Wookie seem to be saying "hey, she should just STOP being afraid". Lol? What does he say to someone who's clinically depressed? Something like "Hey buddy, cheer up!" Boom, problem solved right!

This isn't something that she (or anyone) can control. She can't choose to react to him yelling for help and pounding on the door by taking a step back and calmly analyzing things. Her hormones are going to dictate how she responds -- and if she's in a fearful flight response she's going to interpret his continued knocking and yelling fearfully. But you have a bunch of Internet Tough Guys on a 99.999% male forum saying exactly how much adrenaline she should have allowed her adrenal glands to secrete in that spot. Good times.
Interpret more knocking as breaking in? This is where you lose me. You are OK with this gross of a misinterpretation because of fear of someone knocking?
09-20-2013 , 10:15 AM
If it's pounding? Yes, absolutely.
09-20-2013 , 10:16 AM
Originally Posted by Tien
If women are scared of a guy at 2:30am and he happened to be white, she's being cautious.

If women are scared of a guy at 2:30am and he happened to be black, she's a racist.

There's a chance she was racist and there's a chance she wasn't racist. Zero reason to be outraged.
Unless, of course, you are black and you don't want people's default assumption to be that you are a violent criminal when you need help late at night. No, no reason to be outraged.
09-20-2013 , 10:18 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
If it's pounding? Yes, absolutely.

You guys are all Ferrell didn't do anything wrong! Bitch was right to say he was breaking in too! lmao
09-20-2013 , 10:21 AM
Originally Posted by prana

You guys are all Ferrell didn't do anything wrong! Bitch was right to say he was breaking in too! lmao
You understand that both of things could of course be true, right? Like neither party is clairvoyant and each can in good faith misinterpret the other person's actions.
09-20-2013 , 10:22 AM
No. Because he didn't try and break in. She could have called the po and said "hey some guy keeps banging on my door." Nope. Violent criminal here in the act of breaking and entering!
09-20-2013 , 10:22 AM
lol prana

not one of your finer moments.
09-20-2013 , 10:23 AM
So I'm confused. Are you saying that she was consciously lying to the police, that she was willfully misrepresenting what Ferrell was doing?
09-20-2013 , 10:25 AM
Originally Posted by spanktehbadwookie
Not. The remaining threats are not rational actors and are not being detered by a door, fence, or window.
Most of the time robbers run away at alarm, but some of the time they don't.

So because it happens some of the time, it means you are perfectly safe 100% of the time.

Hmmm let me think about that. Nope that argument doesn't work.
09-20-2013 , 10:25 AM
Who knows if she was lying or panicked but what she said was factually wrong. You have no issue with it though because you would be a fraidy cat at night too or something.
09-20-2013 , 10:27 AM
Did you listen to the call? She's either Merrill Streep or she was panicked. Soooooo we're back with Internet Tough Guys dictating how much adrenaline she should have allowed her body to secrete in that situation.
09-20-2013 , 10:28 AM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
Unless, of course, you are black and you don't want people's default assumption to be that you are a violent criminal when you need help late at night. No, no reason to be outraged.
We're supposed to be outraged at the racist cop that unloaded 12 rounds into an innocent, unarmed man.

There's no outrage for the scared woman. But since you are desperate to be outraged over something, she makes a fine target.
09-20-2013 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Did you listen to the call? She's either Merrill Streep or she was panicked. Soooooo we're back with Internet Tough Guys dictating how much adrenaline she should have allowed her body to secrete in that situation.
uhh no. She should have called the police and said what was actually happening regardless of her adrenaline jesus christ. A knock on the door doesn't give people the right to claim you are attempting to break and enter their residence. I don't how scared you or some woman is.
09-20-2013 , 10:32 AM
Now, add in trying to kick door down, jimmying the knob to enter, going to windows and you may have a case. Knocking loudly and talking loud don't qualify.
09-20-2013 , 10:34 AM
Originally Posted by prana
uhh no. She should have called the police and said what was actually happening regardless of her adrenaline jesus christ. A knock on the door doesn't give people the right to claim you are attempting to break and enter their residence. I don't how scared you or some woman is.
Add prana to the "Depressed? Just be happier!" school of mental wellness.
09-20-2013 , 10:36 AM
I can't help but believe that if lady had shot dude through the door with a shotgun we would have same people crying, "but she was scared guys! The guy kept knocking on the door!"
09-20-2013 , 10:36 AM
Originally Posted by prana
uhh no. She should have called the police and said what was actually happening regardless of her adrenaline jesus christ. A knock on the door doesn't give people the right to claim you are attempting to break and enter their residence. I don't how scared you or some woman is.
Ahhh yes, she has an absolute obligation to calmly report JUST THE FACTS, no matter how scared she is. What absolute horse****. If she's panicked she's going to interpret all of his actions in the most threatening possible light -- that's just how things work.
09-20-2013 , 10:37 AM
According to this thread this is what should have happened:

2:30am woman and child are sound asleep.


Woman arises from a deep sleep, a slow happy smile forms on her face.

Woman: A visitor? At this hour? Oh who could it be?

In her head, her biggest decision is whether to put a tea kettle on before or after she answers the door. Decisions, decisions she thinks to herself, skipping to the door.

Woman opens up the door.

Woman: Well hello there young fella, how may I help you? Oh you look like you have a scrape, here come on in, and let me put tea on for you. You were in an accident you say, well let's get you cleaned up. You could borrow my husband's robe, he won't be home for a while.

Unknown man: I am in a ton of pain here, I need an ambulance.

Woman: Nonsense, I will call Dr. Condestine, my personal doctor, he will come right over.

Ring, ring, ring.

Woman: Dr. Condestine, hi, sorry to bother you this time of the night, but a young man knocked on my door bleeding from his head, I was wondering if you could come over and attend to him. No, no, I don't know him. No, no I didn't get his name, but he just needs a doctor, and some motherly love, and he will be on his way. Thanks so much!
09-20-2013 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Did you listen to the call? She's either Merrill Streep or she was panicked. Soooooo we're back with Internet Tough Guys dictating how much adrenaline she should have allowed her body to secrete in that situation.
In the 911 call she was saying he was yelling to turn off alarm and kicking door.

From Ferrell's point of view he just needs help badly.

From her point of view he's trying to break in.

If you listen to that call, its so easy to conclude she was just scared and panicked.
09-20-2013 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Ahhh yes, she has an absolute obligation to calmly report JUST THE FACTS, no matter how scared she is. What absolute horse****. If she's panicked she's going to interpret all of his actions in the most threatening possible light -- that's just how things work.

Originally Posted by prana
I can't help but believe that if lady had shot dude through the door with a shotgun we would have same people crying, "but she was scared guys! The guy kept knocking on the door!"
09-20-2013 , 10:38 AM
Originally Posted by prana
I can't help but believe that if lady had shot dude through the door with a shotgun we would have same people crying, "but she was scared guys! The guy kept knocking on the door!"
Oh hey let's just make up a scenario that didn't happen and didn't even come close to happening. Why chain ourselves with, you know, stuff that actually happened?
09-20-2013 , 10:39 AM
Originally Posted by prana
uhh no. She should have called the police and said what was actually happening regardless of her adrenaline jesus christ. A knock on the door doesn't give people the right to claim you are attempting to break and enter their residence. I don't how scared you or some woman is.

Adrenaline, how does it work?

Where is Ikestoys.
