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09-10-2016 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by cookies4u
i don't know what they were but i think the Axe Files are pretty good sometimes:
Best thing about podcasts is getting informed, unconventional views from people in the know, not just the standard he said, she said.

I like slate's Trumpcast, 538 is ok to ok+, Mike Murphy's radio free gop is very good. PBS politics podcast is middle of road and boring. I've recently turned negative on the weekly slate politics podcast as basically boring. Keeping it 1600 is good for Hillary fans and Trump haters who want to hear a ton of Trump bashing and Hillary hugging. New Yorker podcasts are good.

One thing to do is to find good guests, like Gabe Sherman, on podcasts like Longform. Most PBS shows try to be too even handed, but On The Media is quite good.
09-10-2016 , 10:38 PM

My Aunt is on a roll today. This one somehow manages to express bogus sympathy and contempt for refugee women at the same time.
09-10-2016 , 11:06 PM
So Hinckley is officially a free man. I think that's a first for would-be presidential assassins.
09-11-2016 , 01:17 AM
would you guys say that you're ironic or...not ironic enough?
09-11-2016 , 01:18 AM
I get all my news from the onion because I don't know how to filter through satire very well and people in there 40's who can barely use the internet told me thats a funny site.
09-11-2016 , 01:36 AM
I don't think the onion could closer to reality than it is now.
09-11-2016 , 01:39 AM
I know Biden is still rocking that trans am and fighting against ditch weed.
09-11-2016 , 01:40 AM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
I don't think the onion could closer to reality than it is now.
i was trying to make that point of how saitiring trump feels so empty and worthless because anything you could think up wouldn't be as good or as funny as the actual donald trump. Its like the gop picked there nominee by asking some liberal 14 year old girl to write down all the things that are wrong with the gop and combine them into a cartoon character and quick you only have 3 hours to draw it. so then the question actually becomes is there some deeper psychological witchcraf t going on there are republicans doing that unpurpose like pick someone who is unsatirable.
09-11-2016 , 02:39 AM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
I know Biden is still rocking that trans am and fighting against ditch weed.
Joe Biden has been in dgaf mode for so long, he doesn't even know what gaf mode is. Dude checked the backseats of his Trans-Am and he couldn't find a single **** to give.
09-11-2016 , 11:44 AM
This week's Troll of the Week obv goes to businesses doing completely tone-deaf 9/11 trolling. I'm sure we'll see plenty of examples.

09-11-2016 , 11:46 AM
If someone where so inclined knocking down those towers with a remote control airplane, and getting it on video, would be elite, imo.
09-11-2016 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
If someone where so inclined knocking down those towers with a remote control airplane, and getting it on video, would be elite, imo.
still way too soon, man.
09-11-2016 , 11:50 AM
Facebook is currently doing a profile picture with "honor 9/11" transposed on the pictures. It's making for some interesting friend profile pictures on my feed.
09-11-2016 , 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by stinkubus
If someone where so inclined knocking down those towers with a remote control airplane, and getting it on video, would be elite, imo.
No way a remote control airplane could take those towers down. It's obvious someone planted M-80's in the little stack of diet coke at the base of tower 2.
09-11-2016 , 01:06 PM
If the sign said they were rolling back prices to 2001 then I would be ok with the display.
09-11-2016 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Sadly it was a crime problem when heroin abuse was an inner city black thing. Now its a public health issue.
09-11-2016 , 01:19 PM
Was that statement offensive? I meant it in the exact opposite way. That we treat white people with abuse problems better than we did black people with abuse problems. You went to some effort longmissed blind but I am not sure what you are saying.
09-11-2016 , 01:25 PM
Originally Posted by seattlelou
Was that statement offensive? I meant it in the exact opposite way. That we treat white people with abuse problems better than we did black people with abuse problems. You went to some effort longmissed blind but I am not sure what you are saying.
agreed and typed
09-11-2016 , 01:26 PM
Originally Posted by longmissedblind
agreed and typed

Thanks. I might be a wee bit defensive.
09-11-2016 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
If the sign said they were rolling back prices to 2001 then I would be ok with the display.
"Jet fuel can't melt steel, but these hot prices can!"
09-11-2016 , 02:15 PM
Running a drone into the coke towers would be GOAT.

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09-11-2016 , 02:35 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Best thing about podcasts is getting informed, unconventional views from people in the know, not just the standard he said, she said.

I like slate's Trumpcast, 538 is ok to ok+, Mike Murphy's radio free gop is very good. PBS politics podcast is middle of road and boring. I've recently turned negative on the weekly slate politics podcast as basically boring. Keeping it 1600 is good for Hillary fans and Trump haters who want to hear a ton of Trump bashing and Hillary hugging. New Yorker podcasts are good.

One thing to do is to find good guests, like Gabe Sherman, on podcasts like Longform. Most PBS shows try to be too even handed, but On The Media is quite good.
i'm not sure what you mean by 'he said she said' but i'm guessing you've never listened to an episode if that's what you think about Axelrod's pod, most of the episodes are in-depth biographical-style interviews about the guests and their history working in politics with a lot of interesting anecdotes, kind of similar to Charlie Rose. there's very little if any hot takes about the current campaign.

every time nate says "right?" rhetorically after he makes a statement he knows is right, i want to stab him in the face. but yeah i agree i like the 538 elections pod for the most part, i guess i just assumed everyone on this forum listened to it.

keeping it 1600 is hot garbage, and that's coming from someone who's inclined to agree with their general message, the party homerism is just overwhelming.

i think those 3 are the only political pods i've listened to.
09-11-2016 , 02:53 PM
I think simplicitus meant that Axelrod was not just he said she said.
09-11-2016 , 05:07 PM
Nobody listens to Common Sense here?

My personal favorite political podcast.

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