Originally Posted by zikzak
Men are hardwired to be pigs because y'all are most fertile when you're in your 20's but we keep firing viable sperm into old age. That doesn't fit very well into the higher level notions of how things should be in the 21st century and ideally we should - and often do - suppress those base urges for the collective betterment of an advanced society. But those underlying biological drives are hella strong.
Ok, this is sort of spitballing and semi-talking out my arse uber-feministing, but in some primitive non-monogamous cultures women are desirable at somewhat older ages because they are still fertile and likely to do a good job with offspring. In societies with marriage it's not the peak of fertility that men are after, but the peak of fecundity, which is much younger. And so in the oppressive patriarchy youth is prized because it's not just that one best shot at passing on your genes, but the best shot at having many offspring.