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A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces

04-13-2016 , 04:21 PM
Originally Posted by AsianNit
Are you arguing about the meaning of "coddling"?

Obama doesn't want to turn a campus into one giant safe space where no one gets their feelings hurt, but he also doesn't want a place where you can speak without being unchallenged. He is in favor of student activism that directly confronts opposing views. While he might not have chosen shouting as a tactic when he was a student, that doesn't mean Obama is against a level of protest that might make some invited speakers nervous and uncomfortable.
Sounds about right.
04-13-2016 , 04:31 PM
Before, I gave a viewpoint that was centered around Trump. Now lets talk about safe spaces in the larger context.

Nowadays, mostly everyone agrees that we should have equality (or rather, equitability.) We believe in fairness, and want to do the right thing. Yet there is consternation in how this goal is achieved. The narratives expressed today go far beyond equality. Every advertising poster must have one of each minority figure, or you are racist. If the female character in your video game is too sexy, you are sexist. If you are not a minority, you do not understand hardship and therefore must feel guilt, check your privilege, and be open to abuse.

The last point is most troubling. Some people that *actively* support these movements are radical and are willing to accept the ends justify the means. Many others in proximity tacitly support them. They accept "eye for an eye" justice because they are emotionally livid at the pain they have received and feel it exonerates their aggressive actions, even to victims that have only incidental relation with their trauma. For example, they may feel it is justified to lie under oath in court about a crime in order to punish someone.

In support of "non-minorities do not understand hardship", take the case of a 14 year old boy who was raped (statutory) and later forced to pay child support on the kid. This is something that would be deeply disturbing to all if the genders were switched. Yet we accept his "responsibility" to the child without outrage. How intransigent must the culture be to not recognize this as an injustice? This is par for the course for a movement that has warped the view of equality so far that it cannot view any misdeeds against non-minorities as troublesome. Hearts must open to accept all injustices, not just the injustices against the few. Hearts must open to understand that the ends do not justify the means. Only then can we achieve true equality.
04-13-2016 , 04:40 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
Trump supporters facing more threats and hatred than homosexuals could ever face is certainly a strong attempt to move up the HOT TAKE rankings.

I mean, like four threads down is a thread about Mississippi passing a law explicitly allowing discrimination against gay people, but sure, probably nothing like the hardship of voting for Trump.
Perfect analogy they get a lot of fear knowing there are businesses they wouldn't want to subsidize anyway
04-13-2016 , 04:42 PM
I mean, citation needed on....well, that whole three sigma post.

Perfect analogy they get a lot of fear knowing there are businesses they wouldn't want to subsidize anyway
Well, I mean, its not the hardship that someone saying they don't like the political candidate that someone supports. The Trump supporter struggle is real.
04-13-2016 , 05:06 PM
Yo Alex, it's hard for me to believe that Trump supporters are victims of oppression when one of your main grievances is the lack of big titties in video games.
04-13-2016 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Yo Alex, it's hard for me to believe that Trump supporters are victims of oppression when one of your main grievances is the lack of big titties in video games.
You're forgetting the forced inclusion blacks and asians into adverts, on pain of being called racist.

edit : Though I still see plenty of posters full of white people pretty much everywhere I go. I guess they haven't gotten the message.

Last edited by tomdemaine; 04-13-2016 at 05:27 PM.
04-13-2016 , 05:14 PM
I, for one, applaud the courageous stand that non-minorities can face hardship in life.
04-13-2016 , 05:36 PM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I mean, citation needed on....well, that whole three sigma post.

Well, I mean, its not the hardship that someone saying they don't like the political candidate that someone supports. The Trump supporter struggle is real.
There was another one last week on the Kelly Factor. Someone pressured to resign from student government because she OMG SUPPORTED THE WRONG CANDIDATE. But I suppose anyone who thinks that is wrong would vote for Adolf Duke et al.
04-13-2016 , 05:37 PM
Sure he doesn't have to worry about redlining or employment discrimination, but have you seen all the women and black people they forced into the new Star Wars?
04-13-2016 , 05:40 PM
Originally Posted by Alex Wice
Before, I gave a viewpoint that was centered around Trump. Now lets talk about safe spaces in the larger context.

Nowadays, mostly everyone agrees that we should have equality (or rather, equitability.) We believe in fairness, and want to do the right thing. Yet there is consternation in how this goal is achieved. The narratives expressed today go far beyond equality. Every advertising poster must have one of each minority figure, or you are racist. If the female character in your video game is too sexy, you are sexist. If you are not a minority, you do not understand hardship and therefore must feel guilt, check your privilege, and be open to abuse.

The last point is most troubling. Some people that *actively* support these movements are radical and are willing to accept the ends justify the means. Many others in proximity tacitly support them. They accept "eye for an eye" justice because they are emotionally livid at the pain they have received and feel it exonerates their aggressive actions, even to victims that have only incidental relation with their trauma. For example, they may feel it is justified to lie under oath in court about a crime in order to punish someone.

In support of "non-minorities do not understand hardship", take the case of a 14 year old boy who was raped (statutory) and later forced to pay child support on the kid. This is something that would be deeply disturbing to all if the genders were switched. Yet we accept his "responsibility" to the child without outrage. How intransigent must the culture be to not recognize this as an injustice? This is par for the course for a movement that has warped the view of equality so far that it cannot view any misdeeds against non-minorities as troublesome. Hearts must open to accept all injustices, not just the injustices against the few. Hearts must open to understand that the ends do not justify the means. Only then can we achieve true equality.
How far beyond equality do the "narratives expressed today" go?

I get checking your privilege, but feeling guilty and being open to abuse? Why? Who are the abusers?

Anyone could feel justified to lie under oath, not just minorities, jeez.
04-13-2016 , 05:46 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sure he doesn't have to worry about redlining or employment discrimination, but have you seen all the women and black people they forced into the new Star Wars?
Though weirdly not always in the advertising posters
04-13-2016 , 06:14 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
There was another one last week on the Kelly Factor. Someone pressured to resign from student government because she OMG SUPPORTED THE WRONG CANDIDATE. But I suppose anyone who thinks that is wrong would vote for Adolf Duke et al.
No citation, of course.

But, just like any objectionable extracurricular entertainment, like a commencement speaker, can legitimately be objected to by those paying the bills... be it the school administration, or a duly delegated student government...

So too is a student government electee subject to pressure for their actions and viewpoints while representing the student body. Seriously, "Adolph Duke" is a made up name. But if I'm paying student fees, which some student government lackey has control over, and that student government lackey was, back in the day, endorsing the real David Duke... well damn straight I'd be in favor of pressuring her to resign.

WTF, are you insane?? That was my $$$$ and damn straight I'm going to pipe up about how they are spent... and I'm going to pipe up about the fools who are doing that spending too.
04-13-2016 , 09:39 PM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
There was another one last week on the Kelly Factor. Someone pressured to resign from student government because she OMG SUPPORTED THE WRONG CANDIDATE. But I suppose anyone who thinks that is wrong would vote for Adolf Duke et al.
I just watched that video. The best part was at the end when Kelly asked her why she supported Trump and then struggled to not laugh at the pathetically terrible answer.

Anyway, she is not being pressured to resign for who she supports, firstly, and its not even clear who is pressuring her and how. She just said a few people tweeted at her and so she took the original post down. I genuinely think she is just referring to people tweeting at her saying she should resign over how she acted.

Hint for future discussions, when you put graffiti on campus and tweet about it saying you know half the student body will hate it then the issue is no longer about who you support.
04-13-2016 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Sure he doesn't have to worry about redlining or employment discrimination, but have you seen all the women and black people they forced into the new Star Wars?
so who would boycott Scotland if they passed a law: Artists' creative integrity are exempt from laws requiring a diverse cast in Highlander part VII. Is it the same people who are mad that North Carolina doesn't want different discrimination codes in every city or town?

Originally Posted by [Phill]
I just watched that video. The best part was at the end when Kelly asked her why she supported Trump and then struggled to not laugh at the pathetically terrible answer.

Anyway, she is not being pressured to resign for who she supports, firstly, and its not even clear who is pressuring her and how. She just said a few people tweeted at her and so she took the original post down. I genuinely think she is just referring to people tweeting at her saying she should resign over how she acted.

Hint for future discussions, when you put graffiti on campus and tweet about it saying you know half the student body will hate it then the issue is no longer about who you support.
Woah first, Is it because she supported Trump or is it for some other reason?
04-13-2016 , 11:05 PM
DMW- Wait wait wait. Is your definitely not a college graduate lol you lied earlier hillbilly ass GOING TO BAT FOR THE VICTIMIZATION OF NORTH CAROLINA over their anti-gay laws?
04-13-2016 , 11:09 PM
DMW is a typical small government conservative who also needs to make sure state governments are regulating public bathrooms.

Kid, "political correctness" and "safe spaces" are the cure to the generations of cultural toxicity that produced you. The idea that is in time, some member of your bloodline might one day aspire to be something more than a seething mass of resentment and inability to do trigonometry.
04-13-2016 , 11:16 PM
chezlaw- Obviously I misspoke and your incoherence is right up there with your bigotry, but the Obama quote is NOT THE POINT. It's a weird tangent that FoldN brought up because he's also an illiterate bigot. You don't get to assign "what does everyone think about this quote" as a homework project for the whole thread.

P.S. Naw, man, you absolutely don't agree with zikzak, me, Trolly, etc. Oh, definitely, after like 50-100 posts of begging for something approaching a point you'll SAY you do because you think that's a clever way to answer the question or whatever, but it's quite clear(from the general choice of topics, tenor of responses, clique allegiances) where your actual sympathies lie.

This is a common delusion among the SMP set, that "lying" is some incredible masterstroke that nobody ever thought of before or could see coming. Like the torture thing, yeah, no. You aren't a committed anti-torture liberal. If I had to guess, you were and are a LirvA/Alex style incoherent "logical libertarian" sort, someone with no real sincere policy beliefs beyond one in your own personal reasoning ability being superior to the hated libtards.
04-13-2016 , 11:34 PM
Sorry Fly. Despite your best attempts, reality is more significant than your straw world. You can carry on making stuff up and calling me names all you like but it doesn't change anything mate. Always entertaining though.

The reality is that you and I are extremely close on all political issues - maybe why you pretend not to have noticed my views despite them coming up so often in threads you read? I'm still not sure if you go as far as I do on positive discrimination but fairs do's I'm more radical than even most liberals on that.
04-13-2016 , 11:36 PM
04-14-2016 , 07:10 AM
I bet you wish you were arguing with me still Fly. While "Islam bad" may not be a political point, at least it's, like, a point.
04-14-2016 , 07:47 AM
Originally Posted by DeadMoneyWalking
so who would boycott Scotland if they passed a law: Artists' creative integrity are exempt from laws requiring a diverse cast in Highlander part VII. Is it the same people who are mad that North Carolina doesn't want different discrimination codes in every city or town?

Originally Posted by chezlaw
The reality is that you and I are extremely close on all political issues...
It's weird how you guys are so close on all issues and yet DMW's open defense of North Carolina's anti-gay laws goes by without any kind of comment from the SMP crew.
04-14-2016 , 08:33 AM
They're just getting their ducks in a row before tearing DMW a new one.
04-14-2016 , 08:40 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's weird how you guys are so close on all issues and yet DMW's open defense of North Carolina's anti-gay laws goes by without any kind of comment from the SMP crew.
Oh Trolley so you haven't got over the SMP thing, that was too much to hope for I suppose. Don't complain when I respond in future.

Sorry I'm from the UK and not all over North Carolina but my views on LGBT have been given many times so obviously I'm totally against anti-gay laws.

Hope that clears it up for you. Anything else?
04-14-2016 , 08:56 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's weird how you guys are so close on all issues and yet DMW's open defense of North Carolina's anti-gay laws goes by without any kind of comment from the SMP crew.
Yeah, the scolding is always reserved for anyone calling anything bigoted. Must be a weird coincidence.
04-14-2016 , 09:05 AM
Constructing a vast straw world just because we have a very different view in how to discuss politics is never going to make it real. It's seems a bit silly doesn't it?

When you've reached the point of believing I haven't given my polical views many times then even you lot might be starting to wonder how you managed it.
