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A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces A Safe Space to Discuss Safe Spaces

04-12-2016 , 06:13 AM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Even more troubling than being dis-invited is the far more pervasive problem of preemptive dis-invitations. A.k.a not being invited in the first place. Where's FIRE stats on that. I personally am a victim of this censorship dozens of times a day.
It's pernicious almost.
04-12-2016 , 07:35 AM
Originally Posted by iron81
Hay guize, I found a professor who was fired for saying something offensive:

She's black and was fired for expressing solidarity with Muslims.
Originally Posted by FlyWf
Oh yeah I also remember this:

Huh weird how that guy isn't a hero of the free speech anti-safe space crowd?

FAU did also fire their Sandy Hook truther, too.
Okay, so since there still seems to be confusion here, let me attempt to summarize the concern, and hopefully wrap things up.

Nobody is bringing up instances like the above from the far religious right, because that's what we've come to expect from those close-minded turds. Like, you understand, I'm in no way going to argue with anyone in support of the stupidity those examples represent. That side is roundly mocked for trying to shut down free speech that offends their delicate belief in fairy tales, as it should be.

So, when a trend of the same type of censorship becomes apparent from the opposite end of the political spectrum, the side who until fairly recently could be relied on to actually believe in freedom of expression, allowing ideas to be heard and debated, and was comfortable with letting people decide for themselves what makes the most sense because they had confidence in their arguments, when that side begins to also act like spoiled brats screaming bloody murder and attempting to silence other opinions, that's worth pointing out.

The disinvitation stats, only the latest of a long string of examples I've posted ITT, represent speaking events that were cancelled by colleges after they initially thought they were fine. So, like, at least somebody (student group, professors, etc) thought it was a good idea to invite them, most people had no problem with it, and then some other group of students got upset that that speaker should be listened to and shut it down for everyone on campus, instead of just not attending the event themselves. Turns out according to FIRE, that sort of censorship on campus is currently coming more from the far left than far right.

The data shows that speakers with perceived “conservative” viewpoints (which, as noted earlier, includes many speakers who might not self-identify as conservative) have faced a majority of the backlash. Successful disinvitations from the left of speakers are nearly double those from the right of speakers, with nearly triple the total number of disinvitation incidents.
What about the "right" for any speaker to be invited, like why is that guy being "censored"? Seriously? It's because apparently nobody thought it was a good idea to hear that schmo in the first place. Wookie, that's the reason David Duke isn't invited to speak at colleges these days.

Maybe this current attitude from the far left is justified, or maybe it's being overblown by olds who just can't stand emo music. Maybe someone will pick up the torch and start playing a new and improved form of rock and roll. But there's one thing I know for certain: OBAMA!!
04-12-2016 , 07:47 AM
So most of these disinvitation "incidents" aren't even successful? You're whining for 60 pages about attempted disinvitaitons? LOLOLOLOLOL GTFO, son.
04-12-2016 , 07:52 AM
I like how this is a major problem on college campus but date rape isn't, bitches be crazy.

This is what FodlN actually believes
04-12-2016 , 08:01 AM
It's weird how we spent 60 pages going on about professors supposedly being fired and books being censored and other bull**** stories that he couldn't back up, only to have disinvitations brought up just now. Why bury the lede? Why it's almost as if FoldN had never even heard of it until just today!
04-12-2016 , 08:09 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So most of these disinvitation "incidents" aren't even successful? You're whining for 60 pages about attempted disinvitaitons? LOLOLOLOLOL GTFO, son.
Well then there's no need for soul searching on the left since we're protected by their lowish batting average.
04-12-2016 , 08:11 AM

It isn't the same type of censorship. Disinviting a few speakers is very different to firing professors for what they believe and what they say. For instance it isn't censorship.

Also this whole teach the controversy bull**** doesn't fly on the left. We know what it means.
04-12-2016 , 08:21 AM
04-12-2016 , 08:22 AM
Originally Posted by LetsGambool
I like how this is a major problem on college campus but date rape isn't, bitches be crazy.

This is what FodlN actually believes

Drunk driving = lol, what's the big deal?

Attempted disinvitations = ZOMFG MY FREE SPEECH! Time for a 40-hour thread****ting marathon!
04-12-2016 , 08:23 AM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Like, you know you make it obvious that you're full of **** when you post these unresponsive gifs, right?
04-12-2016 , 09:55 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
So most of these disinvitation "incidents" aren't even successful? You're whining for 60 pages about attempted disinvitaitons? LOLOLOLOLOL GTFO, son.
Even more concerning than all these disinvitations is the number of pages you keep quoting...the thread is 9 pages, 100 posts per page.
04-12-2016 , 10:08 AM
50ppp is the pro move.
04-12-2016 , 11:34 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
It's weird how we spent 60 pages going on... only to have disinvitations brought up just now. Why bury the lede?...
OK, if we follow the link to the far-right LTer FIRE folks, we find this page which lists 15 of what they charactorize as 'disenvite' incidents' in 2014. Of those 15, they only characterize four as being successful.
  1. Ayaan Hirsi Ali @Brandeis University
  2. Charles Murray @Azusa Pacific University
  3. Dustin Black @Pasadena City College
  4. Nonie Darwish @University of California – Irvine

OK, lets examine this alleged crisis...
  1. Here's what a Librul website has to say about this incident regarding this proported Islamaphobe:
    Originally Posted by thinkprogress
    Brandeis University this week announced that it had reversed its decision to give Ayaan Hirsi Ali an honorary degree after a grassroots campaign highlighting many of Hirsi Ali’s most anti-Islam statements.

    Hirsi Ali and her mostly right-wing defenders have cast the controversy as one of disallowing her the right to speak, a point that Ali Gharib debunked on Thursday in a piece at the Jewish Daily Forward (in fact, Brandies has invited Hirsi Ali to speak on campus at a later date).

    “Universities consider it important to make a distinction between inviting a speaker who may air unpopular or provocative views that the institution does not endorse and awarding an honorary degree, which is more akin to affirming the body of a recipient’s work,” the New York Times noted in its story on Brandeis’s decision...
  2. Here's what the odious racist C.Murray has to say about his own 'disenvite':
    I was scheduled to speak to you tomorrow. I was going to talk about my new book, “The Curmudgeon’s Guide to Getting Ahead,” and was looking forward to it...
  3. According to the LA Times, the 'disinvite' regarding D.Black, who FIRE would characterize as a Librul, never actually happened.
    The graduating class of Pasadena City College will, at long last, have a speaker.

    Oscar-winning screenwriter Dustin Lance Black, who was invited, then disinvited, then reinvited by school administrators put them out of their public relations misery Saturday.

    "I've said it before and I'll say it again,” Black told the campus newspaper. “It will be my honor to deliver the commencement address for PCC's graduating class of 2014."

    Students were happy to put the embarrassment, which I wrote about here, here and here, behind them.

    “As a graduating student, I am extremely relieved to have a speaker at all, and we’re going to have a really great speaker,” said Christine Michaels, 21, who is also outgoing editor in chief of the campus newspaper, the Courier...
  4. Incident #4 was the alleged 'disinvite' of Zionist N.Darwish from an extracurricular dinner speech. This is what a far-right website has to say 'bout that:
    Originally Posted by frontpagemag
    A number of university groups and off-campus organizations agreed to co-sponsor or participate... including CAMERA, Hasbara Fellowships, Stand With Us, ZOA, and the Jewish Federation of Orange County. On-campus participants included chapters of AEPi, AEPhi, Chabad and Hillel. Darwish’s speech was scheduled to take place Tuesday, May 6, as part of a Yom Ha’atzmaut festival, which commemorates Israel Independence Day...

    After [a] meeting, [Darwish] was told that Hillel and the Jewish Federation did not want to sponsor... and that funds for a Shabbat dinner would be withdrawn if Darwish’s speech would be a part of [the] activities...
    The article also states that the UC Police were willing to facilitate the dinner meeting regardless. As a UC alumnus, I can explain what's going on here.

    Technically, we don't have in-state tuition here in Cali. What we have instead, and which amounts to the same damn thing, are fees. Registration fees, which go the UC, and Student fees with go to the AS (student government). Although the university holds the AS fees, they don't legally control them in Cali... the AS does. In turn, the AS, using democratic process, can dole out some of those student fees to campus clubs... like the chess club, or a political club. In turn, and again using democratic process, those clubs can spend that $$$ as they see fit.

    And... once again, this has nothing to do with 'safe spaces'

Of the four alleged 'disinvites' for 2014, in one case it didn't actually happen, in another the alleged 'disinvitee' was actually asked to speak instead, in a third the 'disinvitee' was trying to selling his own books, for goodness sake, and in the fourth case the speaker 'disinvited' herself because she wasn't going to get paid.

Note: in no case were these folks censored on campus. All four were, and are, free to stride onto the campus quad, and speak to their hearts content, any old day they wish to. LMFAO @this shiz !!!1!
04-12-2016 , 11:36 AM
Originally Posted by Trolly McTrollson
Like, you know you make it obvious that you're full of **** when you post these unresponsive gifs, right?
Aren't you an advocate of gif bombing?

Sorry if I've confused you with someone else.
04-12-2016 , 05:31 PM
Wookie's modding really needs to come into question when he exiles Gambol from a forum for a thread we all know is AIDS and can avoid, but he allows chez and foldn to continually AIDS all the threads.
04-12-2016 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Wookie's modding really needs to come into question when he exiles Gambol from a forum for a thread we all know is AIDS and can avoid, but he allows chez and foldn to continually AIDS all the threads.
Yup. Gambol really sucks, but he got super screwed relative to how many other posters have been allowed to attempt to ruin the forum.
04-12-2016 , 06:08 PM
crickey that's a bit rich when you miss it's others who are the ones not remotely interested in discussing the topic and you two don't seem to be either - just come here to whine about Wookie.

If there's anything you want to discuss then please join in.
04-12-2016 , 06:16 PM
Maybe if your partner hadn't sucked the life out of this thread with his clown show there would be something to discuss. But when it's derailed to the point of someone finding disinvites to bitch about, it's not much of a thread, but a good example of what I originally stated.

lol cheeselaw
04-12-2016 , 06:20 PM
I have no partner and the subject is here to be discussed whenever you like.

What is it you wanted to discuss about it?
04-12-2016 , 06:29 PM
Nice try, cheeselaw. But I'll leave you with the last word which you seem to always want or need.
04-12-2016 , 06:37 PM
Well I have to admit I didn't expect you to start discussing the subject. I'll take the last word on that if you like.
04-12-2016 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by Paul D
Wookie's modding really needs to come into question when he exiles Gambol from a forum for a thread we all know is AIDS and can avoid, but he allows chez and foldn to continually AIDS all the threads.
Gambol got one of the longest leashes of anyone in this forum precisely because of his mainly one thread posting. Like he was temp banned dozens and dozens of times, often within a day or two of getting back he would be temp banned again. he just could not stop going to far on the personal insults. Yet it took years and years of this for him to finally, after repeated warnings, to finally get banned.
04-12-2016 , 07:03 PM
Originally Posted by uke_master
Gambol got one of the longest leashes of anyone in this forum precisely because of his mainly one thread posting. Like he was temp banned dozens and dozens of times, often within a day or two of getting back he would be temp banned again. he just could not stop going to far on the personal insults. Yet it took years and years of this for him to finally, after repeated warnings, to finally get banned.
This doesn't really refute what I said. Gambol resided in one thread where people had become aware that **** posting was the norm. Cheese and Foldn fill numerous threads with a bunch of **** posts.

Gambol did less harm in his IP thread to the Politics forums than Chez and Foldn barraging numerous threads with daftness.

EX: this thread turned from Goofy posting something to a clown show in rapid order.
04-12-2016 , 07:14 PM
What's the point of even having a separate unchained forum if the mods are just going to sit back and let the main forum go to ****?
04-12-2016 , 07:24 PM
This really confused me for five minutes, I was trying to figure out where I got exiled and why no one could spell my name.
