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Run for your lives! It's Octo-Bear! (Low Political Content Thread) Run for your lives! It's Octo-Bear! (Low Political Content Thread)

10-04-2013 , 11:24 PM
Originally Posted by Ineedaride2
Really thought Goofy and Jimafternoon were finally going to agree on something, but no.
I mean, I guess that's more likely than me letting you beat me at fantasy football, but it ain't gonna happen.
10-05-2013 , 12:21 AM
Man here I was making a Canucks WIL joke about a guy who lit himself on fire... An absolute alley oop for Goofy, and I get nothing! Time to slink back to SE
10-05-2013 , 12:36 AM
Originally Posted by Ineedaride2
Really thought Goofy and Jimafternoon were finally going to agree on something, but no.
They probably both like bacon.

That immolation story is pretty sick though, very clear sign of desperation. How much of a soulless asshat do you have to be to call that person a failure as your first reaction?

Also, lol at 20mil savings, we probably spend more than that on catering for parliament every year.
10-05-2013 , 01:39 AM
Originally Posted by SenorMuresano
Man here I was making a Canucks WIL joke about a guy who lit himself on fire... An absolute alley oop for Goofy, and I get nothing! Time to slink back to SE
lol sorry, I thought you pretty much nailed it on your own and nothing else needed to be added there.
10-05-2013 , 04:28 AM
Originally Posted by Jeedz
I thought the whole point of silk road and deepweb is that one is anonymous and difficult to track-even by the NSA.
Considering that Tor is probably partly being operated by the NSA this might not work out that well.
10-05-2013 , 09:03 AM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
Oathkeepers want to go "operational" and form "Civilization Preservation Teams" because they have an Alex Jones fear that "a they", read elites, want to use this opportunity to get ride of the Constitution. Lol
I bet Alex Jones makes a ton of money off the idiots that listen to him.
10-05-2013 , 09:25 AM
Originally Posted by MidyMat
I bet Alex Jones makes a ton of money off the idiots that listen to him.
I saw a screenshot yesterday of someone (him?) on his show explaining Obamacare whilst wearing a Gorn mask.

He either does a great job acting crazy to make money off crazies or he is just the head crazy of a group of crazies.
10-05-2013 , 09:26 AM
Alex Jones is a genius.
10-05-2013 , 11:02 AM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
I saw a screenshot yesterday of someone (him?) on his show explaining Obamacare whilst wearing a Gorn mask.

He either does a great job acting crazy to make money off crazies or he is just the head crazy of a group of crazies.
I think he is just making money off of the crazies. Which is genius if it is true!
I don't believe he believes half the crap he says, but he knows that's what his listeners will love. Fear is a great way to make people buy crap.

I should start a webpage about a made up conspiracy. Sell a book and video on the webpage. Post some vids on UToobz and create fake accounts to comment on the vids being the truth. Then just watch the money pour in!
10-05-2013 , 12:37 PM
Originally Posted by All-In Flynn
Good news is that turnout has been ridiculously low and to everyone's surprise it's still too close to call. General consensus is that lower turnout was good for the No campaign. So maybe all those Star Wars jokes worked. Won't know until tomorrow.
'No' looking pretty strong, this is a mild surprise and a bit of a black eye for the government. Best guess is apathy/shallow support among the rural Yes base and some element of protest vote, ie rejection of anything the govt proposes. Need to examine how the other proposition being voted on fares to see if the latter is a real factor.
10-05-2013 , 12:48 PM
What's up with Republican House members and thinking the shutdown doesn't affect them? First park ranger guy now Issa thinks his case should be pushed through.
10-05-2013 , 04:34 PM
US moved against Shahab with a raid in Somalia--will have to wait for more details on this, but good work if was successful.
10-05-2013 , 04:46 PM
The guy who self immolated died, so I guess he didn't fail
10-05-2013 , 04:47 PM
Man in Houston ties self immolation
10-05-2013 , 05:04 PM
We need to get these firebugs some guns.
10-05-2013 , 05:48 PM
Originally Posted by SenorKeeed
Alex Jones is a genius.

Maybe, but his priorities sure are ****ed up. I wouldn't want to be responsible for creating his army of ******s, regardless of reward.
10-05-2013 , 06:17 PM
"If I were the owner of the team and I knew that the name of my team — even if they've had a storied history — was offending a sizable group of people, I'd think about changing it," Obama told the Associated Press during an interview.
10-05-2013 , 06:31 PM
Sick troll by Obama trying to distract Fox/Drudge/Rush/etc from the shutdown.
10-05-2013 , 11:25 PM
Nothing important, just showing that Fox and Friends is clueless about anyone who isn't white.
10-05-2013 , 11:29 PM
She aint even mad tho
10-06-2013 , 12:39 AM
i'm white and i grew up on tacos. come at me bro.
10-06-2013 , 02:46 AM

LONDON -- LONDON (AP) — An alcoholic British mother who let her 4-year-old son starve to death and left his body in a cot for almost two years was sentenced Friday to 15 years in jail.
10-06-2013 , 09:46 AM
Originally Posted by rakeme

LONDON -- LONDON (AP) — An alcoholic British mother who let her 4-year-old son starve to death and left his body in a cot for almost two years was sentenced Friday to 15 years in jail.
Lol it is too much, or lol it is too little? Cos I read that and think 15 yeas is about right.
10-06-2013 , 10:00 AM
I don't get the joke, but 15 years is maybe too long imo.
10-06-2013 , 10:03 AM
She'd be sentenced to life in prison in USA#1. Or like ten years in Texas.
