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Run for your lives! It's Octo-Bear! (Low Political Content Thread) Run for your lives! It's Octo-Bear! (Low Political Content Thread)

10-11-2013 , 06:09 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Azerbaijan must be selling us oil, right? Or are they one of our "strategic allies in the region" ?
Exclusive rights to the oil in that oil rich nation. I'm sure it has nothing to do with anything though.
10-11-2013 , 06:51 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Azerbaijan must be selling us oil, right? Or are they one of our "strategic allies in the region" ?
Originally Posted by Jeedz
Exclusive rights to the oil in that oil rich nation. I'm sure it has nothing to do with anything though.
This stuff is standard operating procedure. It's so uncontroversial that it's probably in a manual somewhere. A dictator's former number 2 being the only guy on the ballot is an important step in democracy, Azerbaijan must have now arrived at utopia. It is definitely a good idea to let these moral giants rule over us.
10-11-2013 , 07:05 PM

Political parties
Azerbaijan Democratic Party or ADP
Civil Solidarity Party or CSP
Civil Unity Party
Classic People's Front of Azerbaijan
Democratic Reforms Party or PDR
Great Creation Party
Hope (Umid) Party
Justice Party
Liberal Party of Azerbaijan
Motherland Party
Musavat (Equality)
Open Society Party
Social Democratic Party of Azerbaijan or SDP
Social Welfare Party
United Popular Azerbaijan Front Party or AXCP
Whole Azerbaijan Popular Front Party
Yeni (New) Azerbaijan Party or YAP
They sure do have a lot of Political parties in Azerbaijan!

The Motherland party lol
10-11-2013 , 10:44 PM
from my budz @ 4chan...
Who, btw, b& me for 2 weeks for allegedly "doxing" a feminazi when I copy-pasta'd her position of employment-receptionist- from a link in a previous post in the same thread. So now I hafta hide my Guy Fawkes mask.

Anyway, Air Canada haz a handle on this:

Originally Posted by AirCanada spokesguy
I think I would just ignore, it is local news doing a story on a lost dog.
Their entire government is shut down and about to default and this is how the US media spends its time.
"Air Canada sent CBS13 a statement saying they have a team looking for Larry.[teh dog]"

10-12-2013 , 12:40 AM
If WWIII starts, I might be able to get a job.
10-12-2013 , 12:56 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
If WWIII starts, I might be able to get a job.
I was thinkin that too...
10-12-2013 , 03:05 AM
Cannon fodder is a job now? Jesus

Tbf WW2 (and the New Deal-no chance of that ever happening again) did sort of solve the 30s unemployment situation.
10-12-2013 , 03:11 AM
I was thinking more like fast food at like $20 an hour, since all those people would be drafted.
10-12-2013 , 03:41 AM
Originally Posted by AlexM
I was thinking more like fast food at like $20 an hour, since all those people would be drafted.
Surely all your customers would be drafted too? Anyway, I hope it goes well, I too want a superwage for minimum wage work.
10-12-2013 , 03:43 AM
Originally Posted by Jeedz
Surely all your customers would be drafted too? Anyway, I hope it goes well, I too want a superwage for minimum wage work.
Well, that would be less money for more work, so I'm not actually seriously.
10-12-2013 , 08:06 AM
Was just reading the Wiki of Larry Walters, balloon-chair guy.

I didn't realise he shot himself at the age of 44. That makes me has a sad. If there'd been a "buy the Balloon Chair guy some ****" charity drive, I'd have contributed. But perhaps it wasn't financial issues that did him in.
10-12-2013 , 09:13 AM
The public is more conservative than it has been in 50 years, and the conservative shift has occurred in all 50 states
The tears will flow next November. I guess 2012 wasn't enough to wake the alternate reality folks up.

10-12-2013 , 09:18 AM
einbert providing an intellectual critique as always
10-12-2013 , 09:33 AM
10-12-2013 , 09:36 AM
Sorry Nichlemmn, people are going to vote for "stuff" and "things" like a functioning ****ing government that isn't the laughing stock of the entire world. Oh yeah, Tea Party voters are gonna be super duper pissed when the shutdown and debt ceiling ends and they get absolutely nothing--that is going to cause all kinds of new and even deeper problems for the Republican party.

Right now the Tea Party seems to be pushing very hard for an impeachment over Benghazi. I know Tom Graves and Paul Broun, two reps from my great state of Georgia, would definitely get high ratings from their constituencies if they were able to weave together enough votes for an impeachment hearing. That would be pretty epic.
10-12-2013 , 09:38 AM
And if House Republicans in heavily gerrymandered states refuse to support an impeachment, they get primaried. This is going to be a rough decade but if we survive it we will see a very long and deep shift to the left in this country.
10-12-2013 , 09:43 AM
Conservative shift in all 50 states tho bro. Republican landslide just around the corner.
10-12-2013 , 10:05 AM
I don't think it means a whole lot, electorally speaking. Views on government in the abstract are typically negatively correlated with what the party of the President is (see the other articles that one links to) and there are all sorts of other reasons other than abstract political leanings that might induce voters to support the candidates they do. Still, it's a surprising result, and a convincing rebuttal when people like Phil say stuff like "history always moves left".

But lol at einbert seeing it as nothing but an opportunity to spout his talking points, not even addressing the article or the idea in the slightest.
10-12-2013 , 10:12 AM
Originally Posted by Nichlemn
I don't think it means a whole lot, electorally speaking. Views on government in the abstract are typically negatively correlated with what the party of the President is (see the other articles that one links to) and there are all sorts of other reasons other than abstract political leanings that might induce voters to support the candidates they do. Still, it's a surprising result, and a convincing rebuttal when people like Phil say stuff like "history always moves left".

But lol at einbert seeing it as nothing but an opportunity to spout his talking points, not even addressing the article or the idea in the slightest.
The idea that people are more conservative than they were 40 years ago is utterly laughable. I didn't click the link.

The very fact that a President was elected who is very much pro gay marriage when such a thing would have been laughable probably even ten years ago is evidence enough.
10-12-2013 , 10:31 AM
It's easy to show that we are both more and less conservative by using tailored definitions of "conservative." It's not really an interesting observation.
10-12-2013 , 10:49 AM
Not sure if anybody posted this yet, but its time to LOL at SYG laws.

Cliffs: In South Carolina, hero's daughter was threatened by some kids at school, who according to testimony drove by in an SUV and fired shots at their house. Hero, now armed, goes outside, sees another car occupied by a 17 year old kid, shoots and kills him instantly. Turns out he was an unarmed innocent bystander and there's no evidence he was connected to the SUV. But **** all that, judge grants him immunity in a SYG hearing.

In a potentially landmark state court ruling, a South Carolina judge – citing the state’s Stand Your Ground Act – has granted immunity from prosecution to a man charged with shooting and killing an unarmed bystander in a Columbia case.

“When the defendant fired the shot, he reasonably believed he was being attacked with deadly force directed at his home,” said a 12-page order by Circuit Judge Maite Murphy filed Wednesday afternoon.

The case involved the 2010 shooting of Darrell Niles, 17, a Keenan High School student and basketball player, who was across the street in a car when Shannon Scott, then 33, fired his handgun. Shortly before, an SUV filled with youths who had been threatening his 15-year-old daughter drove by his house and they fired shots, according to testimony in the case.

Smith then saw Niles’ 1992 Honda, and, believing its occupants posed a danger, fired his gun from his front yard across the street, hitting Niles in the head with a .380 bullet, killing him instantly. No evidence indicated Niles was a threat to Scott or his daughter.

Bonus: Defendant was represented by a SC State Rep. that helped pass the SYG law in SC. He said that people in defendant's position "cannot be expected to shoot straight always because they are not supposed to have their life in jeopardy."
10-12-2013 , 10:50 AM
Originally Posted by einbert
The tears will flow next November. I guess 2012 wasn't enough to wake the alternate reality folks up.
Prop bet on dems taking the house?
10-12-2013 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by drugsarebad
Not sure if anybody posted this yet, but its time to LOL at SYG laws.

Cliffs: In South Carolina, hero's daughter was threatened by some kids at school, who according to testimony drove by in an SUV and fired shots at their house. Hero, now armed, goes outside, sees another car occupied by a 17 year old kid, shoots and kills him instantly. Turns out he was an unarmed innocent bystander and there's no evidence he was connected to the SUV. But **** all that, judge grants him immunity in a SYG hearing.

Bonus: Defendant was represented by a SC State Rep. that helped pass the SYG law in SC. He said that people in defendant's position "cannot be expected to shoot straight always because they are not supposed to have their life in jeopardy."
Is it really expensive to hire a bulletproof car? Just thinking ahead if I take a holiday in America and need to travel in areas that allow guns.
10-12-2013 , 12:40 PM
If you're white don't worry about it. If you aren't, stick to the blue states.
