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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-28-2018 , 12:15 AM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
No, this is very wrong. While the Brits (and Israelis) may be really good at human intelligence, the fact that the CIA is a much larger organization and has tons more cash to spend gives them a huge advantage. Plus the USA is still way, way, ahead with the electronic and signals stuff, or the SIGINT and ELINT if you're an espionage nerd. Plus the Americans have assets all over the world whereas the Brits tend to focus more on Europe and other areas where they have direct interest.
CIA has more resources, but MI5 has far better people and training.
12-28-2018 , 12:19 AM
I'd never consider for a second touching an escrow. Shame most people aren't that way.

How is 2p2 a bunch of spook experts all of a sudden.
12-28-2018 , 12:26 AM
hypothetically if they build the wall, won't they need to vastly expand guest visa programs, which will likely be better for migrants?

So you get a wall (debt) more rights for immigrants, the same amount of drugs?

And once you have the wall, will America be great again?
12-28-2018 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Matty Lice
Originally Posted by Ocasio2018
12-28-2018 , 12:27 AM
if the goal is to just trade illegal immigrants for guest workers, why build the wall? why not just offer that up?
12-28-2018 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by microbet
For one thing it's a joke bet and I wouldn't get in the middle of it except as a joke, but for serious I wouldn't want to escrow serious money and potentially get in the middle of a dispute. I appreciate your opinion of me and I wouldn't take the money. I've been burned $4k by a 2p2er (SuitedSixes) who I knew for a long time online and everyone had a very high opinion of him. So, I'm not quite as trusting of 2p2ers as I used to be.
I'm with you. I escrow all bets on here over a couple hundred bucks mainly because I have trust issues and I don't expect anyone to know me well enough to trust me. The problem is that finding an escrow is not that easy. I guess I'll cross you off of my list of potential escrows.

I never thought of the dispute issue before. I guess it depends on the nature of the bet, but I suppose disputes can arise even with the simplest of bets.
12-28-2018 , 12:59 AM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Once the house passes the exact same bill the senate passed, the messaging should be pretty strong that Trump is the obstructor.
RIght, that's the thing. Even if Mitch kills the new version in the senate it will be obvious who's ****ing around here.
12-28-2018 , 01:05 AM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
I'd never consider for a second touching an escrow. Shame most people aren't that way.

How is 2p2 a bunch of spook experts all of a sudden.
I guess it depends on what you mean by touch. If I had an escrow for 10K for years, I'd don't think it would be wrong to stick in in a high yield savings account and keep the interest.

I guess if the bank went belly up, I'd replace the 10K myself and collect on the FDIC insurance whenever that comes in. I'm comfortable accepting that tiny risk.

After all, I have to keep it somewhere, so I might as well do that. As far as safety goes, it doesn't get a whole lot better than that.
12-28-2018 , 01:07 AM
Lol at people who voted for a literal Russian Agent in Stein over a buffoon puppet Trump. Way to read people bozos who voted for either of them.
12-28-2018 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by Melkerson
I'm with you. I escrow all bets on here over a couple hundred bucks mainly because I have trust issues and I don't expect anyone to know me well enough to trust me. The problem is that finding an escrow is not that easy. I guess I'll cross you off of my list of potential escrows.

I never thought of the dispute issue before. I guess it depends on the nature of the bet, but I suppose disputes can arise even with the simplest of bets.
If I have a trust issue, it's that I trust too much. I don't think it's an issue though. I prefer over-trusting generally and leave **** in the back of my truck and there are lots of people irl I'd leave a blank check with, but 2p2 took $4k already and that's my 2p2/internet person I've never met limit.

And I might escrow for a commission, but 2p2 mediator is not a position I aspire to, so it's not something I'd volunteer for. I'm not trying to shirk gambling community solidarity. I'm an Anarchist and we're all about that. I'll come help raise your barn if that's what you want, but let some ballers do the $10k escrows.

Last edited by microbet; 12-28-2018 at 01:17 AM.
12-28-2018 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by pvn
RIght, that's the thing. Even if Mitch kills the new version in the senate it will be obvious who's ****ing around here.
I don't know, man. Just about everyone has already picked a side. For deplorables, it literally doesn't matter what happens, Trump is not to blame. Even if he explicitly accepts responsibility, as he has already done.

Basically, it should be obvious already and making it more obvious is likely to change things for only a very tiny fraction of the electorate.
12-28-2018 , 01:14 AM
I'll escrow any amount for any bet with no fee and a sincere promise to post pics of whatever I spend the escrowed money on.
12-28-2018 , 01:22 AM
Escrow adds a second way the bet can go wrong. I'd rather just risk one way.
12-28-2018 , 01:38 AM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Escrow adds a second way the bet can go wrong. I'd rather just risk one way.
I'm not sure I follow. In both cases there are two ways the bet can go wrong:

1. You lose
2. You win and don't get paid.

Escrow or no escrow doesn't change anything. All that changes is who doesn't pay you when they should.
12-28-2018 , 01:46 AM
Well it makes it more tempting for the escrow holder to pull a TomVeil since they hold both bets.
12-28-2018 , 01:51 AM
Ok, I guess you just phrased it weirdly initially.

I guess I'd say that there are two ways in both cases, but with escrow #2 is worse.
12-28-2018 , 02:00 AM
Has there been any back and forth other than:

Trump: I want $5B for my wall.

Democrats: No.

I feel like Democrats are missing an opportunity to throw stuff out there like ok - DACA for $5B for your wall. Or restore all the Obama consumer protections and un**** the ACA. Things they know Trump will never do, but still will get great press and highlight all the crap Trump and this congress has destroyed the last 2 years. Throw out a new one every day. Dominate the news cycle with it until Trump cries uncle.
12-28-2018 , 02:04 AM
Would pay to read a retrospective of 2+2 scammers with some "where are they now?" updates.
12-28-2018 , 02:05 AM
All time winner has to be the guy who faked cancer, raised money then lost it at online poker.
12-28-2018 , 02:05 AM
Actually tell you what, if everyone here wires me $100 I'll write one.

12-28-2018 , 02:08 AM
Originally Posted by dth123451
All time winner has to be the guy who faked cancer, raised money then lost it at online poker.
Vaguely rings bells. Got a link?

There was that Cornell Fiji guy who spent a ton of time exposing other scammers and then degened away someone else's money himself. I've often wondered whether people who are obsessed with exposing the moral failings of others - in this and other domains - are more likely to have that failing themselves. Like how those who are obsessed with the sexual mores of others frequently turn out to be perverts.
12-28-2018 , 02:18 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
Would pay to read a retrospective of 2+2 scammers with some "where are they now?" updates.
Aka TheBayAreaBeast. Sone of Admo's best work.
12-28-2018 , 02:19 AM
Wasn't Futuredoc the cancer scammer?
12-28-2018 , 02:25 AM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Aka TheBayAreaBeast. Sone of Admo's best work.
It links to the 450-page OOT thread. OOT is a weird place.
12-28-2018 , 02:30 AM
This guy degened away an escrow. He eventually paid everyone back and is now a 2p2 reg under a different name
Originally Posted by Mike Johnson
Yes. Let's sumamrize EWS87's actions in this thread

1) EWS has 5000 posts and has been a member since June 2007 - Approximately 15 posts per day making 2p2 a big part of his life

2) He has at least 4 prior infractions with temporary bans for things like homophobia, misogyny, violence against animals and other unacceptable posts.

3) On May 15, EWS87 signs up for the $50 pool

4) On May 15, EWS proposes a 'more dependable escrow' if possible then sickg1

5) On May 15, sickg1 replies it would only be worth him stealing the money if it was 'hundreds of k'

6) On May 17, EWS87 posts the following
'people can send to me if sg1 is getting overwhelmed with all the, if you wanna send me the 800 and the screen names of the people who entered the $50 tier i wouldn't mind running that one so you can focus on 100 and 200 and open up more spots for people'

7) On May 17, sickg1 agrees and posts this
'There is 15 registered in the 50 so there will be 17 more spots left. and EWS thats good idea, YOu can run the 50, PM when you want me to transfer to you and ill give you the list of names.'

this occurs without the OK of everyone who sent their money origianlly to sickg1 and with noone vouching for EWS87. No one knows for sure if sickg1 ever transfers the money to EWS87. We'll assume he did.

8) On May 17, EWS confirms that he has taken over the $50

9) On May 17, EWS accepts several new entries with deposits directly to his EWS87 account on Full Tilt

10) May 18 - EWS makes several posts discussing payout structure, how many horses each enty will have and very specific details about the upcoming pool.

11)May 21 - not much action happening in the pool so EWS87 bumps the thread with a few spots still available in the pool

12) May 22 - EWS bizzarely admits to the following
"well i just had to put myself on 12 hour self exclusion bc ive been up for 60 hours and im a little tilted...but u can send 50 to ews87 on about 11 hours...ill reserve your spot

also nobody worry im not bustoing contest money...having it in my account has actually boomswitched me pretty nice i really hope i win this contest so i can keep it bc its lucky monies"

13) May 23 rolls around and entants are getting concerned that the draft of Horses has yet to take place and tournement is less than 24 hours away.

14) Late night May 23 - sickg1 posts his sob story about monies being stolen from those involved in the $100 and $200 pool

15) 20 minutes later EWS87 posts this
edit: custom title for me? $1,600 Savior?" and proceeds to roast sickg1 saying him will be shunned from 2p2. He then offers for others to get into his $50 at the last minute if they wish to ship him money.

16) 9 hours prior to event EWS87 posts
'got it all set up for the soon as i get the 3 more entries it will be good to go'

17) EWS disappears with approx $1600 - no one can PM him. Everyone piles on sickg1(with reason) and EWS escapes virtually unscathed.
He blew it all on HU SNGs. Or maybe it was the other guy who blew it on SNGs. Ironic that sickgambker's user note about him being a scammer was written by Cornell Fiji
Originally Posted by Sickgambler1
Im sure you have all been wondering why I have not been posting in the thread as much this week, and im sure some of you have feared the worst. Well last sunday I had a friend over to play a session online and we played awhile I went to bed and he stayed up in my computer lab playing. He proceeded to tilt off his role and then in drunken tilt, lose all of my stars roll including all the contest money. I realize almost none of you will believe this story and you will think I stole the money or lost it myself but for those of you who have me met and know what ive been through in the last 6 months know that I am telling the truth. I have my car up for sale and I should be able to sell it back to the dealership and get that al through by wed-thursday at the latest. All week I have been trying to get that money back one way or another, buying mad fpp bonuses and playing LHE a ton but I have bad state of mind and cant play good poker and have barely made any money so I failed at salvaging anything for now.

I will have the money asap and transferring everyone back with 50+% interest because I have felt like **** all week cuz I let this happen, one by not having my computer on password protect (i thought i did) and by completly failing all of you.

As for he people that said I was good guy ( I am) but failed and let you guys down, aka Brandifan and Muxy I am so sorry about all of this I did everything I could to get it back and resolve this but I am just not good enough I guess.

Agian, I know none of you will believe this and I wouldnt either in your shoes but Im doing everything I can to get your money back, mind you I had my idenitity stolen and am in mad debt because of it so im doing the best I can. And no I didnt use the money to pay debts, 3.5k would not even put a small dent in what Ive been hit with i nthe last 6 months, the story is true no matter how ****ed up it maybe.

I had surgery today and am now getting my clear head back from all the meds. 2p2 Mods, my responsibility for these people money is 100% even though my friend ****ed me and is now not returning my calls because of his broken nose problem. THeir money is my responsibility and I deserve to be banned forever but i have everyones names who is owed and they will get it back even if I have to sell this computer and all my other stuff.

I will post no more on 2p2 until everyone is payed back in full+ some and because I dont want to see the bad things that will be said about me which are somewhat warranted atm.

PS. Please dont take this out on Brandifans rep and emyouxwhy's because they are really good guys and I ****ed up not them.

Im sorry,

Last edited by gregorio; 12-28-2018 at 02:46 AM.
