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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

12-28-2018 , 04:49 PM
Originally Posted by Husker
MI5's work during WW2 is probably unparalleled, especially during a time of war. It completely nullified any threat from German spies and indeed turned many of them and ran the incredibly successful double-cross system.
Cool story bro. Meanwhile, WW2 was almost eighty years ago. CIA didn't even exist then.
12-28-2018 , 04:55 PM
SHS looks great, love that makeup. really sells the whole stable genius great businessman thing, i mean sarah's 10x as professional as any major corporate spokesperson, just look at her.
12-28-2018 , 04:57 PM
ICE Used Taxpayer Money to Pay Private Prisons $800 Million to Detain Migrants in 2018: Report
In 2016, the Justice Department announced that the federal Bureau of Prisons could no longer work with private prisons, citing their histories of abuse and troubling inmate safety records. President Donald Trump reversed the order when he came into office.
12-28-2018 , 05:00 PM
The shutdown is halting civil cases in NY, including the ones Fat Nixon is involved in.
12-28-2018 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by +rep_lol

man it is ****ing sad that you are still beating this dead horse and doubling down after getting dunked on so hard, but you know people are like, pretty adept at climbing and tunnelling, yes? no? well, they are.
Nobody is saying that it'll prevent every single person from crossing but all you have to do is ask Israel or everybody else with a damn wall what happened, people didn't cross as often.

It's ****ing sad this forum refuses to see the obvious like this sometimes.

That is **** right wingers online do all the time when I expect better from the rest of you but most of you just wanna sit there and mock and belittle others like they do.

Really, that's my problem, I expect better, lol I've been around this forum way too long I should know better.
12-28-2018 , 05:04 PM
Originally Posted by kre8tive
The shutdown is halting civil cases in NY, including the ones Fat Nixon is involved in.
I thought the judge already denied that motion in the one case?
12-28-2018 , 05:06 PM
12-28-2018 , 05:08 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
I thought the judge already denied that motion in the one case?
Trumps Civil Cases on Hold
12-28-2018 , 05:12 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I feel like you're reading the tweet a bit too straight. I mean, obviously it doesn't really help someone to provide form begging letters--it's intended to make the people responsible for the shutdown look like monsters for screwing up people's lives while maintaining plausible deniability.
Joke’s on me, I guess, they were only pretending to be useless bureaucratic spanknuts.
12-28-2018 , 05:24 PM
Originally Posted by SirOsis
What's going on with Cohen's Prague denials? At first I thought it was just Lanny Davis repeating the denials from before, but I guess Cohen himself has recently, clearly stated he's never been to the Czech Republic. This after all the reports of his cell phone being picked up in the Prague area during the times in question. Could Mueller be telling him to deny this?
Seems like he's coordinating with Mueller on some level:

Like why else say that last part about Mueller in this context?
12-28-2018 , 05:29 PM
In Rebuke of Trump Policy, Judge Criticizes Asylum Seeker’s Detention
Detaining Mr. Kouadio for 34 months without a bail hearing violated his due process rights as a nonresident immigrant arriving at the border, “limited as those rights are,” the judge said in a ruling some legal experts also considered a rebuke of the Trump administration’s strict immigration policies.
12-28-2018 , 05:35 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Cool story bro. Meanwhile, WW2 was almost eighty years ago. CIA didn't even exist then.
I'm interested in history and probably WW2 more than most other periods, in terms of intelligence and counter-espionage things were far more interesting back then. Not sure why you're a bit salty about this as MI5 and the CIA don't have the same remit, they are concerned with different areas. In saying that, I don't know what great successes the CIA have had but there have been numerous failures
Shots fired!!
12-28-2018 , 05:48 PM
Im not sure how much the wall will discourage illegal immigration however the American economy will still need these workers and they will almost certainly be invited back. Republicans will still lose.

It's like all the whining about stuff not being made in America. Simple fix, start the "Made in America" brand that costs 2x for the same quality. Oh yeah, nobody wants to be twice as much for it to be assembled by white hands.
12-28-2018 , 05:51 PM
Originally Posted by Nicholasp27
How many more shutdowns before federal employees find it harder to rent homes because landlords don’t want to deal with possible missed payments 1-3 times a year when the govt shuts down?
So far they always get the pay they missed during the shutdown, so as long as that keeps happening it shouldn't be a huge problem for landlords.

Of course we're drawing live for Trump to **** that up, so who knows?
12-28-2018 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by OmgGlutten!
Im not sure how much the wall will discourage illegal immigration however the American economy will still need these workers and they will almost certainly be invited back. Republicans will still lose.

It's like all the whining about stuff not being made in America. Simple fix, start the "Made in America" brand that costs 2x for the same quality. Oh yeah, nobody wants to be twice as much for it to be assembled by white hands.
Phase two is a full rollout of using the prison population for profit.
12-28-2018 , 05:58 PM
Maybe it’s time for a new thread?

I have a 950/950 connection and am still noticing significant lag loading it.
12-28-2018 , 06:01 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Nobody is saying that it'll prevent every single person from crossing but all you have to do is ask Israel or everybody else with a damn wall what happened, people didn't cross as often.

It's ****ing sad this forum refuses to see the obvious like this sometimes.

That is **** right wingers online do all the time when I expect better from the rest of you but most of you just wanna sit there and mock and belittle others like they do.

Really, that's my problem, I expect better, lol I've been around this forum way too long I should know better.
The reason why this stuff happens is that people with political opinions often, in an effort to persuade others, try to find arguments that have little or nothing to do with their own personal reason to hold a position. Those who are morally against torture talk about how it doesn't work even though they would still be against it if it did. Those who benefit greatly from capitalism talk about the trickle down effects even though they would still support capitalism if there was no such effect. And those who are philosophically horrified at the idea of a physical wall argue that it will stop very few illegal immigrants without worrying if that is actually true because it isn't their reason to be against it.

I could come up with dozens of examples. And I happen to believe, as I have said many times, that such disingenuous arguing can backfire because people on the fence can usually recognize when someone brings up an argument that is not the actual reason he holds that stance.
12-28-2018 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Maybe it’s time for a new thread?

I have a 950/950 connection and am still noticing significant lag loading it.
Once I set up the page view to be 40, it stopped lagging.
12-28-2018 , 06:14 PM
Mason is just rolling out lagbans to politics forum regulars to get even after being repeatedly dunked on
12-28-2018 , 06:21 PM
Isn't the US Mexico border like 5 times bigger than the isreali gaza border? Might be tough to staff it with the same level of shall we say intensity...
12-28-2018 , 06:30 PM
If, for example, torture did work, then the debate could become quite different. A significant set of anti-torturers (for moral reasons) might be persuaded, if life saving information could be obtained. If it is instead so ineffective that it might cause lives to be lost by making poor decisions, there simply isn't any point in further discussion.

Wall advocates should google "Maginot Line".
12-28-2018 , 06:35 PM
Originally Posted by David Sklansky
The reason why this stuff happens is that people with political opinions often, in an effort to persuade others, try to find arguments that have little or nothing to do with their own personal reason to hold a position. Those who are morally against torture talk about how it doesn't work even though they would still be against it if it did. Those who benefit greatly from capitalism talk about the trickle down effects even though they would still support capitalism if there was no such effect. And those who are philosophically horrified at the idea of a physical wall argue that it will stop very few illegal immigrants without worrying if that is actually true because it isn't their reason to be against it.

I could come up with dozens of examples. And I happen to believe, as I have said many times, that such disingenuous arguing can backfire because people on the fence can usually recognize when someone brings up an argument that is not the actual reason he holds that stance.

What makes you say the part I bolded? If they were good at recognizing, then they wouldn't be on the fence in the first place, right?
12-28-2018 , 06:36 PM
Originally Posted by bware
Mason is just rolling out lagbans to politics forum regulars to get even after being repeatedly dunked on
Who has been banned? And what's a lagban?
12-28-2018 , 06:44 PM
He's joking Mason is intentionally making connections lag for those that criticize him here.
12-28-2018 , 06:48 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
Nobody is saying that it'll prevent every single person from crossing but all you have to do is ask Israel or everybody else with a damn wall what happened, people didn't cross as often.

It's ****ing sad this forum refuses to see the obvious like this sometimes.

That is **** right wingers online do all the time when I expect better from the rest of you but most of you just wanna sit there and mock and belittle others like they do.

Really, that's my problem, I expect better, lol I've been around this forum way too long I should know better.
The reason it became slats is because BP said that a wall makes their job harder. Yes, more people can cross with a wall than with nothing. Walls in Israel or Berlin work(ed) because there are guarded posts on top of the wall close enough that they can constantly watch everything. That is never happening here.

Also the whole effing thing is just awful and there should be no border control of any kind. The people trying to come in make the US a better place if only by diluting the concentration of awful people who want a wall.

(Berlin didn't have to be on top because they were stopping people from leaving - but the point is the wall just makes it so you are easy to spot for guards.)

Last edited by microbet; 12-28-2018 at 06:54 PM.
