Originally Posted by einbert
One poll, one data point, without having a lot of other polls to aggregate with is useless UNLESS you want to use it to push some political point.
It's certainly nowhere near definitive, but it's not useless. People have been posting the results of single polls for as long as I've been on this board. Politco, I imagine, publishes the results of all or most of their polls. Why is publishing this one especially agenda-motivated?
And publishing the results of single polls is how aggregates are formed. There is no reasonable basis for objecting to the publication or posting of this poll, unless you've found some flaw in their methodology. It seems to me that you are trying to delegitimize the poll by crying politics, as Trump would, because the results don't match your worldview.
Last edited by AllTheCheese; 02-15-2017 at 05:14 PM.