Originally Posted by einbert
Doesn't matter if they never visit the website or read the lingo. They may even know of the name and think of it as a bad place that they wouldn't want to go. But they are spouting their propaganda and voting for their white nationalist candidates (Republicans) so it doesn't matter if they never make it to SF or put on a white robe and hood. In fact, it might be more effective for "the movement" for a huge part of their foot soldiers to be insulated from all that, as it gives them more credibility.
Well, I'm trying construct a way to argue that Breitbart is worse than Stormfront. There's part of the right that benefits from racial animosity and foments it. They do this on purpose because it helps them in other areas. You can't convince them they are wrong, because they aren't. They're just selfish bastards. There's another part of the right which is deplorable and hates people based on the color of their skin, but thinks they are right and righteous. Those people may be more redeemable.
The Breitbarters know full well that they are pushing ethno-Nationalism and whether they can stomach having a black person or a Jew over for dinner or not, they're cool with it and will defend their position as being color/race-blind.