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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

10-19-2017 , 01:32 PM
Originally Posted by fatkid
Ha dude is legit cray.

Why would Russia pay for a fake dossier that makes them look incredibly ****ty?
10-19-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
I don’t have my finger on the pulse of the American public but is any kind of tax increase a winner? Feels like the accepted wisdom here is that basically all taxes are bad, even left-leaning people seem to buy into that ****. Wealth inequality is a huge problem that needs to be addressed but it seems like a hard line to tow, as people just reflexively fight back against tax increases. Right wingers cry and scream about deficits but they don’t really care, they just hate undeserving minorities getting government benefits.
Taxes are good and we should have more of them. The problem is those who want the good things taxes bring feel like they have to concede the terms of the debate in order to provide 'cover'. It leads to a situation for those who advocate lowering taxes and cutting services have had an simple and easily explanation of why they're doing it and the supposed effects but the people who want to provide services are hamstrung because they've already implicitly agreed that taxes are bad.

Look at this Sanders clip. This question is designed to trap the 'centrist' tax and spend Democrat as someone who wants these great things but isn't willing to tax for it and have the Democrat make some kind of gesture to keeping taxes low and limiting the scope. Sanders doesn't concede any of that at all. He points out that Denmark has amazing universal cheap services in exchange for taxes. He lays out the situation out plainly that services = taxes but that we can get good services for those taxes. Currently it maybe that higher taxes = bad for elections but someone has to make the case otherwise you're forever going to have the anemic services fueled by diminishing funding because people are forever pushing lowering taxes.
10-19-2017 , 01:49 PM
I didn't catch much of the debate, but a few minutes after the above clip, the conversation went something like:

Cruz: Stop interrupting me
Bernie: You interrupted me
Cruz: No I didn't
Bernie: Yes you did
Cruz: But I'm not interrupting you now
Bernie: Stop interrupting me when I'm interrupting you!!!1!!!
10-19-2017 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
If one state has taxes that neighbouring states didn't have, all the rich people would move out. That's why there are no rich people in California.

Sarcasm aside, raising taxes would probably make even more people flee Ohio.
don't forget about all the companies that flooded to Kansas in the wake of corporate tax cuts
10-19-2017 , 01:58 PM
Originally Posted by Oroku$aki
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Fatkid I stole that and altered it slightly for FB.

This has SNL skit written all over it. A whole lot more you could mine there.
Ha Cool. It’s a good one I think.
10-19-2017 , 02:13 PM
I saw about 30 min of the debate and thought that it was cool that they were having a friendly, substantive political discussion. 90 min (or whatever) on one, single topic. The presidential debates aren't that great, especially the LOL primary ones where you can have 10 people on stage.
10-19-2017 , 02:15 PM
One of President Donald Trump’s nominees for the federal judiciary previously said in a speech that he discriminates against gay people, according to a new report from Vice.

“Guess what? I attend a conservative Baptist church. We discriminate, all right. On the basis of sexual orientation, we discriminate,” Jeff Mateer said in a 2015 speech at the National Religious Liberties Conference. “Does that mean I can’t be a judge? In some states, I think that’s true, unfortunately.”


The remark isn’t the only anti-LGBTQ comment Mateer has made over the years. He also argued that same-sex marriage is unconstitutional, that marriage equality is a “challenge” for Christians, and that transgender children are part of “Satan’s plan.” (He did not respond to Vice’s request for comment.)
10-19-2017 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by dinopoker
Well that's it, I've officially seen everything.
If that's the first time you've seen the falcon picture i have a feeling you still haven't seen everything.
10-19-2017 , 02:17 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Taxing the rich is massively popular in the US, so naturally everyone votes for the party that wants to slash taxes on the rich because we as a nation are ****ing imbeciles.
Imbeciles who all think they will be rich and famous one day and don't want to pay those sky high taxes. Decent point tbh. I mean seriously, which of them are even going to try to get rich if the taxes when they get there are high?

F that
10-19-2017 , 02:23 PM
Originally Posted by Noodle Wazlib
Taxing the rich is massively popular in the US, so naturally everyone votes for the party that wants to slash taxes on the rich because we as a nation are ****ing imbeciles.
Cutting taxes for everyone is also pretty popular though. That these plans pretty much always favor the rich (unless they are specifically designed to avoid that) makes them a lot easier for republicans to pass.
10-19-2017 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by DeuceKicker
Bernie: Stop interrupting me when I'm interrupting you!!!1!!!
Someone has been watching the Churchill trailer.
10-19-2017 , 02:30 PM
Originally Posted by eyebooger
6 hours later.....
Lolol it’s like an unending circle jerk of stupidity.
10-19-2017 , 02:37 PM
Lol white dudes

10-19-2017 , 02:39 PM
Seems like a lot of tap dancing around what happened in Niger. There were surviving troops though, yes? Seems like the Administration should at least tell us what those surviving soldiers are saying about what happened. I'm quite certain their story will eventually come out anyway.
10-19-2017 , 02:40 PM
there must be something big coming out with these tweets
10-19-2017 , 02:40 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
Imbeciles who all think they will be rich and famous one day and don't want to pay those sky high taxes. Decent point tbh. I mean seriously, which of them are even going to try to get rich if the taxes when they get there are high?

F that
I think its more Republicans have tricked people making 60-100k a year into thinking that raising taxes on the rich is going to massively affect them and their taxes will skyrocket to help lazy black people get free stuff.

I mean when you make 70k in Alabama or Arkansas etc, it's pretty easy to be tricked into thinking you're part of the elite lol.
10-19-2017 , 02:41 PM
Let's all never forget this was proudly posted on that dapper white nationalist Richard Spencer's website.

10-19-2017 , 02:42 PM
How the **** has Facebook not banned Richard Spencer?
10-19-2017 , 02:52 PM
Originally Posted by Kirbynator
there must be something big coming out with these tweets
That’s what I was thinking. Pee pee on me.
10-19-2017 , 02:53 PM
For Vecernicek: Get ready for Prime Minister Trump! (interview with frontrunner to be Czechia's next leader. He's a billionaire, and also says things like...)

Washington Post: Your party is at the top of the polls, which would put you in position to be prime minister. Why do you think voters are coming to your party?

Andrej Babis: They are saying that I'm a danger to democracy in this country, which of course is ridiculous. I'm a danger to this corrupt system. [Establishment politicians] never had a vision of the country. They spent money, they were stealing money, there was lots of corruption.

WP: And why are voters looking to a billionaire like yourself, someone who has so many financial interests across the entire breadth of this country, including in the media?

AB: I'm breaking the political system and also the media system.

WP: If you're going to be prime minister and also own one of the largest media companies in this country, doesn't that create an inherent conflict of interest?

AB: I don't have this company anymore. I put it in a trust.
10-19-2017 , 03:03 PM
Huckabeast behind the mic.
10-19-2017 , 03:05 PM
Mackenzie’s letter sounds like a verse from Emenim’s Stan.
10-19-2017 , 03:05 PM
In addition to the previous ruling by the Hawaii judge blocking the latest travel ban - Federal judge in Maryland also blocks the newest travel ban

U.S. District Judge Theodore D. Chuang issued a somewhat-less-complete halt on the ban than his counterpart in Hawaii did a day earlier. Chuang blocked the administration only from enforcing the directive on those with a “bona fide” relationship with a person or entity in the United States, such as family members or some type of professional or other engagement in the United States.

But in some ways, Chuang’s ruling was more personally cutting to Trump, as he said the president’s own words cast his latest attempt to impose an entry blockade as the “inextricable re-animation of the twice-enjoined Muslim ban.”
10-19-2017 , 03:17 PM
10-19-2017 , 03:27 PM
Yeah how about we let radical Imams speak on college campuses? Speech is not violence. Free speech bro ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
