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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-28-2017 , 10:44 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
I don't think I even really get it. Sure, he's saying McCain is brain cancer for America. I got that. Who/what is removing him? And wouldn't that be good news in his scenario?
Pretty standard for Garrison cartoons. Just a mishmash of idiotic GOP talking points that don't make any sense of you actually think about it for more than a few seconds.
07-28-2017 , 10:45 PM
Also, I thought the right-wingers loved war.
07-28-2017 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
I don't think I even really get it. Sure, he's saying McCain is brain cancer for America. I got that. Who/what is removing him? And wouldn't that be good news in his scenario?
It's an advocacy of what needs to happen.
07-28-2017 , 10:48 PM
Does Garrison get syndicated anywhere or is he just living off the PayPal donation grift?
07-28-2017 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by True North
Also, I thought the right-wingers loved war.
It's one area where the right is genuinely split. A lot of the alt-right are isolationist and blame the Deep State for dragging America into infinite wars. During the election campaign places like r/the_donald had a whole bunch of **** about how Clinton was a warmonger and wanted to get the US into a war with Russia and that only Daddy could save us, etc. There's a lot of overlap with the conspiracy types who were Ron Paulites before they were Trumpers. This is a minority of the right overall, but it's a decent chunk of Garrison's audience.
07-28-2017 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
Does Garrison get syndicated anywhere or is he just living off the PayPal donation grift?
He doesn't need money he survives only on hate for brown people and Regan fantasies.
07-28-2017 , 11:05 PM
Originally Posted by Yuv
Why is Bannon next? I mean I get that Mooch dislike his ability to pleasure himself, but what else?
I thought Priebus was a way to get GOP behind Trump while Bannon was the outsider-fascist stormfronter who got Trump in the door in the first place. Why can't Kelly and Bannon work together to bomb brown people?
Originally Posted by Riverman
I think Bannon is next because we're basically down to family, military and Tony Baloney. Ain't none of those people got time for Steve Bannon.
Bannon and Conway were brought in by Mercer. Does Trump need Mercer anymore?
07-28-2017 , 11:13 PM
07-28-2017 , 11:14 PM
Apparently we're just recently learning about a very possible 2015 Putin murder in Washington, on US soil.

His media czar, Lesin, "accidentally" died of a multitude of battering and bruising the night before he was scheduled to testify with the DOJ.

Now, this was being downplayed by the government. But did the gang of 8 (McConnell, Rubio, who was hacked by Russia, and 6 others) know about it? If they did, was McConnell aware of this, or anything else Russia, when he threatened Obama not to go public with the election hacking PSI? And lastly, if other GOP learned about this through the party leaders or the RNC, how intimidated are they feeling?
07-28-2017 , 11:18 PM
Trump definitely needs Mercer's cash. Hell, he needs everyone's cash and the donor pool is getting smaller. He's gonna have to cash in some of those Rosneft shares or raise the rates at Trump DC to like $5k per night.
07-28-2017 , 11:22 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
Apparently we're just recently learning about a very possible 2015 Putin murder in Washington, on US soil.

His media czar, Lesin, "accidentally" died of a multitude of battering and bruising the night before he was scheduled to testify with the DOJ.

Now, this was being downplayed by the government. But did the gang of 8 (McConnell, Rubio, who was hacked by Russia, and 6 others) know about it? If they did, was McConnell aware of this, or anything else Russia, when he threatened Obama not to go public with the election hacking PSI? And lastly, if other GOP learned about this through the party leaders or the RNC, how intimidated are they feeling?
It was a big story at the time. If I knew about it, all those people and many posters here also did.

Edit: ok, not at the time, but late October before the election is likely when I read NPR stories covering it.

Last edited by uDevil; 07-28-2017 at 11:29 PM.
07-28-2017 , 11:27 PM

"With every month that passed since I did the drawing two years ago, he has become more like that crazy alien," O'Connell said. "It seems over time he became more and more like the movie, so it became more and more appropriate over time."
07-28-2017 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
It's one area where the right is genuinely split. A lot of the alt-right are isolationist and blame the Deep State for dragging America into infinite wars. During the election campaign places like r/the_donald had a whole bunch of **** about how Clinton was a warmonger and wanted to get the US into a war with Russia and that only Daddy could save us, etc. There's a lot of overlap with the conspiracy types who were Ron Paulites before they were Trumpers. This is a minority of the right overall, but it's a decent chunk of Garrison's audience.
Thinking about this more, I'd divide the right into four major groups, obviously there's overlap between all of these, but:

The "Intellectual" Right: Also called the GOPe, although they power-share that with evangelical types a bit. Neocons, National Review types, Evan McMullin, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan etc.

The Evangelical Right: Huckabee, Santorum and so on. Usually obsessed with social policy. I'd put Sessions in this category as well.

The Macho Right: The guys for whom the answer to everything is masculinity, dominance and a total lack of empathy. Trump is in this category, to the extent that he has any political beliefs. Also creeps like Sheriff Joe, Steve Bannon, etc.

The Conspiracy Right: Deep State haters, frothing Ron Paulers and Audit The Fed types, Alex Jones, Pizzagaters, Oathkeepers, militias, Alex Wice etc etc. Trump fooled these people into thinking he was one of them by constantly ranting about "fake news" and stolen elections and such. The difference between Trump and this faction is that Trump doesn't have any actual beliefs, whereas the Conspiracy Right have very intensely held and typically crazy beliefs. The anti-war right are all in this group.

There's a fair bit of overlap between those last two groups and they're collectively called the "alt-right". They share a disdain for civilizational norms and the establishment, but they differ on areas where the conspiracy types tend more libertarian - the conspiracists are usually isolationist and suspicious of the government, whereas the macho types see the government as an instrument to crush their enemies, foreign and domestic.

And obviously, if you look for issues which unite all four, what we get is: shafting minorities, lowering taxes, liberal tears.
07-28-2017 , 11:39 PM
And Garrison is firmly in the Conspiracy group, you can tell this from basically any cartoon he draws but the Bilderberg stuff is a dead giveaway.
07-28-2017 , 11:45 PM
You can see what happened with Trump as well: pre-Trump, the crazy wing of the GOP was a coalition between the Evangelical and Conspiracy, with the Machos relegated to a bit part. That was the Tea Party. With the rise of Trump, the right reconfigured itself, with the Macho and Conspiracy joining forces to make Trumpkins. Evangelicals were split and although they're still getting some of what they want (Gorsuch etc) they're no longer a driving force in the party. Some evangelicals threw their lot in with the establishment (David French springs to mind) while others were keeping their Macho inclinations in check before Trump and were happy to shift allegiance to that wing (Sessions).
07-28-2017 , 11:55 PM
Originally Posted by uDevil
It was a big story at the time. If I knew about it, all those people and many posters here also did.

Edit: ok, not at the time, but late October before the election is likely when I read NPR stories covering it.
Incredible. Russia is my main thing, and I knew nothing about this, or completely forgot. That just shows the size of the thing.
07-29-2017 , 12:00 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
Incredible. Russia is my main thing, and I knew nothing about this, or completely forgot. That just shows the size of the thing.
Trump has completely ****ed up my sense of the passage of time. There are NPR stories about Lesin from March 2016 too. I assume a national story about a dead Russian would be a big deal in DC too.
07-29-2017 , 12:34 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Trump has completely ****ed up my sense of the passage of time. There are NPR stories about Lesin from March 2016 too. I assume a national story about a dead Russian would be a big deal in DC too.
FYI your post inspired a new Q&A thread.
07-29-2017 , 12:43 AM
this personnel turnover is expected. Most new presidents get people from the last admin of their party. But Trump was not in sync with GWB admin personnel. So he got people from his campaign to serve. But campaigning and governing is different. So you watch and see which ones excel at governing and get rid of the those that don't. We've had 6 months to observe who is doing well and with more time it will get easier to pick those good at governing. the quality of the Trump admin personnel will improve much over time, just as it did for previous new presidents.
07-29-2017 , 12:48 AM
Originally Posted by poconoder
this personnel turnover is expected. Most new presidents get people from the last admin of their party. But Trump was not in sync with GWB admin personnel. So he got people from his campaign to serve. But campaigning and governing is different. So you watch and see which ones excel at governing and get rid of the those that don't. We've had 6 months to observe who is doing well and with more time it will get easier to pick those good at governing. the quality of the Trump admin personnel will improve much over time, just as it did for previous new presidents.
Does that mean that soon they'll all be able to suck their own dicks or that none of them will be able to?
07-29-2017 , 12:49 AM
Originally Posted by Our House
FYI your post inspired a new Q&A thread.

Unrelated: I wonder if Trump is familiar with Titus Andronicus.
07-29-2017 , 12:51 AM
Originally Posted by uDevil
Unrelated: I wonder if Trump is familiar with Titus Andronicus.
Gonna guess "no" on this one.
07-29-2017 , 12:57 AM
Originally Posted by poconoder
this personnel turnover is unprecedented .
07-29-2017 , 01:03 AM

Apparently @RoguePOTUSStaff is very likely some kind of Breitbart/Russia disinformation account.
07-29-2017 , 01:07 AM
Originally Posted by ChrisV
It's one area where the right is genuinely split. A lot of the alt-right are isolationist and blame the Deep State for dragging America into infinite wars. During the election campaign places like r/the_donald had a whole bunch of **** about how Clinton was a warmonger and wanted to get the US into a war with Russia and that only Daddy could save us, etc. There's a lot of overlap with the conspiracy types who were Ron Paulites before they were Trumpers. This is a minority of the right overall, but it's a decent chunk of Garrison's audience.
When you worship authoritarianism and violence, you are going to get war.

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