Originally Posted by ChrisV
It's one area where the right is genuinely split. A lot of the alt-right are isolationist and blame the Deep State for dragging America into infinite wars. During the election campaign places like r/the_donald had a whole bunch of **** about how Clinton was a warmonger and wanted to get the US into a war with Russia and that only Daddy could save us, etc. There's a lot of overlap with the conspiracy types who were Ron Paulites before they were Trumpers. This is a minority of the right overall, but it's a decent chunk of Garrison's audience.
Thinking about this more, I'd divide the right into four major groups, obviously there's overlap between all of these, but:
The "Intellectual" Right: Also called the GOPe, although they power-share that with evangelical types a bit. Neocons, National Review types, Evan McMullin, John Kasich, Jeb Bush, Paul Ryan etc.
The Evangelical Right: Huckabee, Santorum and so on. Usually obsessed with social policy. I'd put Sessions in this category as well.
The Macho Right: The guys for whom the answer to everything is masculinity, dominance and a total lack of empathy. Trump is in this category, to the extent that he has any political beliefs. Also creeps like Sheriff Joe, Steve Bannon, etc.
The Conspiracy Right: Deep State haters, frothing Ron Paulers and Audit The Fed types, Alex Jones, Pizzagaters, Oathkeepers, militias, Alex Wice etc etc. Trump fooled these people into thinking he was one of them by constantly ranting about "fake news" and stolen elections and such. The difference between Trump and this faction is that Trump doesn't have any actual beliefs, whereas the Conspiracy Right have very intensely held and typically crazy beliefs. The anti-war right are all in this group.
There's a fair bit of overlap between those last two groups and they're collectively called the "alt-right". They share a disdain for civilizational norms and the establishment, but they differ on areas where the conspiracy types tend more libertarian - the conspiracists are usually isolationist and suspicious of the government, whereas the macho types see the government as an instrument to crush their enemies, foreign and domestic.
And obviously, if you look for issues which unite all four, what we get is: shafting minorities, lowering taxes, liberal tears.