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The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns. The Presidency of Donald J. Trump: No smocking guns.

07-25-2017 , 12:47 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
At that point, we will realize that GOP supporters are not GOP supporters but Trump supporters. They only support GOP because they support Trump. The split will be wonderous.
07-25-2017 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by Riverman
Democrat congress critter outrage level seems about 1000% too low. These clowns are so awful. Primary them all.
Schumer spent half of his opening OCare argument hitting Trump on this.


07-25-2017 , 01:08 PM
So this motion to proceed is definitely passing, right?
07-25-2017 , 01:10 PM
I can't imagine they would hold the vote if it was gonna fail. Atm afaik only Collins is voting no.
07-25-2017 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by Our House
My Onion: President Trump calls on boy scouts to take to their whittling knives and rise up against Democrat voters

My Onion: President Trump assures boy scouts that it's ok to grab girl scouts by the pony tail
When you're a Bald Eagle Scout they let you do whatever you want.
07-25-2017 , 01:17 PM
Originally Posted by champstark

lol Sessions if he doesn't resign, what a cuck
I disagree. It's pretty clear at this point that Trump wants Sessions to resign. If Sessions wants to make life difficult for Trump, then the proper move is not to resign. The proper move is to make Trump fire him.
07-25-2017 , 01:19 PM
Originally Posted by Rococo
I disagree. It's pretty clear at this point that Trump wants Sessions to resign. If Sessions wants to make life difficult for Trump, then the proper move is not to resign and rather to make Trump fire him.

Trump doesn't have the balls to say you're fired when it isn't on a TV show. So this is what he's resorting to.
07-25-2017 , 01:22 PM
Originally Posted by m_reed05
Damn Trump got ahold of some coke and his phone all in one morning.
He totally jimmied open the lockbox with one of those weird clips he uses to keep his Perfect Hair connected to his head.
07-25-2017 , 01:33 PM
I wonder if Trump realizes posting that graph makes Obama look really good lmao
07-25-2017 , 01:34 PM
07-25-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by bobman0330
I presume the majority of Republican senators approve this (but may publicly express outrage).

Q. I read the one time the senate must go on recess is for a short while before swearing in new senators post-election. Let's say a president used that window to make a bunch of absolutely ridiculous appointments - how quickly could senators call another recess to get rid of the recess appointments?
07-25-2017 , 01:36 PM
Originally Posted by AllTheCheese
I can't imagine they would hold the vote if it was gonna fail. Atm afaik only Collins is voting no.
Lindsey Graham said he was a no on the plan as leaked.

Someone linked an article a week ago saying McConnell's leadership is very top down, it's totally plausible he would call a vote without checking with anyone whether he has the votes.

PartyGirl, the recess appointment expires automatically when the congressional year ends. Since that scenario would take place at the beginning of the year, it would take a year for that person to leave office.

Not sure how happy I am with the Dems dispensing with the norm of not filibustering the motion to adjourn to protect Sessions of all people.

Last edited by iron81; 07-25-2017 at 01:42 PM.
07-25-2017 , 01:43 PM
I don't think the lack of a recess appointment would necessarily stop Trump from firing Sessions.
07-25-2017 , 01:44 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Lindsey Graham said he was a no on the plan as leaked.

Someone linked an article a week ago saying McConnell's leadership is very top down, it's totally plausible he would call a vote without checking with anyone whether he has the votes.

PartyGirl, the recess appointment expires automatically when the congressional year ends. Since that scenario would take place at the beginning of the year, it would take a year for that person to leave office.

Not sure how happy I am with the Dems dispensing with the norm of not filibustering the motion to adjourn to protect Sessions of all people.
They're not protecting Dobby, they're protecting Senate confirmation.
07-25-2017 , 01:45 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Super grunching, but there is more complexity to the abortion argument than that.

If you have a belief that a fetus is a life and shouldn't be terminated AND are also in favor of doling out as much birth control as possible to ANYONE who wants it, fine great, your intentions seem ok and we just have a difference of agreement on whether a woman should be in control of her pregnancy or not.

If you have a belief that a fetus is a life, that sex ed should never be taught in school, that birth control is immoral, That the death penalty is well deserved and should be executed as soon as possible after a conviction (what is this 25 years of appeals bull****?) And feel that health care is only for those who can afford it and **** those lowlife poors who get cancer, try pulling yourselves up by the bootstraps whydontcha?

Then you are a ****ty garbage person.
This is one of my favorite posts ever.
07-25-2017 , 01:46 PM
Remember that this isn't just Trump spouting off, this is a Bannon approved strategy. I wouldn't think Bannon would stab one if his closest allies in the back unless the ability to fire Mueller was achieved. There are pre inauguration articles in how close Bannon and Sessions are.
07-25-2017 , 01:47 PM
wait, manafort says he has notes from a meeting he was never at and nothing but abortions was discussed?
07-25-2017 , 01:49 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Remember that this isn't just Trump spouting off, this is a Bannon approved strategy. I wouldn't think Bannon would stab one if his closest allies in the back unless the ability to fire Mueller was achieved. There are pre inauguration articles in how close Bannon and Sessions are.
I was correct, Trump wants hillary indicted and will not take no for an answer. That's why he's mad at sessions. There's no bannon master strategy or 3d chess here. It's do what trump wants or else.
07-25-2017 , 01:57 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
I was correct, Trump wants Mueller fired and will not take no for an answer. That's why he's mad at sessions. There's no bannon master strategy or 3d chess here. It's do what trump wants or else.
FYP. Trump doesn't really care about Hillary being prosecuted. That is just red meat to rile up the base.
07-25-2017 , 01:59 PM
Originally Posted by wheatrich
I was correct, Trump wants hillary indicted and will not take no for an answer. That's why he's mad at sessions. There's no bannon master strategy or 3d chess here. It's do what trump wants or else.
What? No. TRUMP doesn't care about Hillary, her indictment is only a tool that is useful to distract from his own administration's malfeasance.
07-25-2017 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by Pwn_Master
FYP. Trump doesn't really care about Hillary being prosecuted. That is just red meat to rile up the base.
That's correct. He was the one who decided not to go after the Clintons back in November of last year. Now that he needs a tool to deflect attention he's going after Hillary again. He's yelling "squirrel!" at his base.
07-25-2017 , 02:04 PM
Originally Posted by DisGunBGud
I wonder if Trump realizes posting that graph makes Obama look really good lmao
07-25-2017 , 02:05 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
What? No. TRUMP doesn't care about Hillary, her indictment is only a tool that is useful to distract from his own administration's malfeasance.
Was your pony on Trumpcare?
07-25-2017 , 02:06 PM
yeah obv he doesnt give a crap about hillary, its just currently the most effective way of riling up his army of rubes

if they stop caring about hillary doing the emails he'll 4d chess pivot to talking about obama's birth certificate again or pizzagate or something
07-25-2017 , 02:06 PM
Ivanka is lawyering up.
