Originally Posted by adios
If he comes back and votes for repeal is is definitely a POS. Not sure how his health is relevant to that or his service in the military or even his work as a senator.
He is doing a pretty crappy job of wrapping up would should have been an objectively, non-partisan, positive legacy.
Let’s see what he does but it is certainly crazy if his family is letting him fly to D.C. to take healthcare from tens of millions while he has months to live. That would be pretty horrible.
And that his friends in the senate and McConnell and anyome else would be doing anything but actively discouraging him from doing this they are behaving horribly.
This is not some kind of heroic last stand of a public servant. It’s a misguided old man who through his own judgment or persuasion of others is likely going to do some very dumb.
I don’t even care what side he votes on, it’s just dumb.