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June LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition** June LC Thread **Survivor White House Edition**
View Poll Results: Who will NOT survive the month of June?
Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III
12 20.34%
John Kelly
4 6.78%
Jared Kushner
2 3.39%
Wilbur Ross
2 3.39%
Ben Carson
3 5.08%
Rudy Giuliani
9 15.25%
Scott Pruitt
9 15.25%
Kellyanne Conway
1 1.69%
Rod Rosenstein
8 13.56%
9 15.25%

06-10-2018 , 05:41 PM
Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
Since 2006, suicide rate among American children up 64%, and suicide rate among American children under 13 up 114%.

Stay connected to your kids! Ask questions, don't be afraid to discuss suicide with them, and don't be afraid to seek help. There's no better time to be over-cautious then when your kid says something ominous.

This is all seriously ****ed up, but that 114% for u13 is super disturbing.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I think we have reached the point in this basically more or less global conversation where calling no Peterson an idiot is unhelpful. I think of him as one of the smartest “victims” of what I don’t know.
Can you rephrase this, please? It's confusing and I can't decipher what it actually means.

Originally Posted by spaceman Bryce
I haven’t read anything he’s written but I’ve listened to a couple of his speeches. Jordan Peterson would say that men need a purpose like fighting a dragon and that without that purpose they feel suffocated by the modern world.
Indoctrination from birth regarding many things should change imo

Originally Posted by +rep_lol
he allegedly battled depression for years and definitely had long stretches of rationality in which he could reflect on his life and his illness, so...where was that thought when he decided to start a family? that's a ****ing 20 year commitment. that kid didnt ask to be born and it didnt ask for him to be its father which is why any decent human being puts their child first no matter what. it's not like a person of reasonable intelligence, means, and self awareness, like AB, would find foreign the concept that a child with a developing brain would be scarred for life from the trauma and shock of one of its parents offing themselves.

i hate the idea that this guy is treated as some sort of victim when the world was literally his oyster, he had people who depended on him, and instead of continuing to seek help from one of the infinite places he could have gone for it, he chose instead to shove off his problems onto his 11 year old daughter and leave her with a bunch of unresolved questions and issues that she is literally incapable of addressing in a healthy way.
Between this and the posts you've made about sports and people who enjoy watching them, I'm beginning to think you have anger issues. I don't necessarily disagree with your sentiment on either subject, just that you seem to be more infuriated than necessary.

Also, I'm having a hard time feeling the need to hate AB just because he did something selfish. I personally think it is ****ed up to choose to commit suicide if there is anyone in person in question's life that would be negatively impacted without any positive outweigh. However, one has a right to choose to end their suffering and selfishness isn't necessarily always wrong in the moral sense of the word. There is more to it than it just being some simple math equation ergo AB is selfish and **** that guy. Without walking a mile in an individual's shoes I think he deserves at least a modicum of benefit of doubt, no?

I apologize in advance if anything I said offends you or if I made a total misread. No intent to disrespect here.

Originally Posted by 2/325Falcon
Voted Write-in on the monthly poll for Bourdain.
Your words per troll avg is epic.
06-10-2018 , 05:43 PM
Most likely result of Trump-Kim meeting is an agreement with no verification and declaration of victory. It's the easiest thing. Trumpkins, contrarians, and some of the Dems will be on board for giving Trump all the credit in the world.
06-10-2018 , 05:50 PM
Originally Posted by ScreaminAsian
There's no way President Trump doesn't have a mental disorder. A miserable work environment has to be a reflection of his personality flaws. Ever have a boss who also possesses severe mental instability? I have. It is depressing and infuriating at the same time. It took me a long time to figure out how best to handle it, but all I did was optimize a remarkably ****ty situation, and it took a lot out of me.

Think of it like this: When everyone around a person is saying "I don't understand why person is doing x or y" you actually do understand. The person is not rational in any remote sense of the word. Brace yourself for impact if you are in any way tethered to said person's situation. That thought is what scares the hell out of me, because America is tethered to President Trump, and subsequently the entire world is too.

Last edited by TeflonDawg; 06-10-2018 at 05:52 PM. Reason: The universe might be safe though...
06-10-2018 , 05:52 PM
My parents and aunts are on a cruise ship with some other retirees. So of course it's a miracle in any given day if one of them 1) has a working phone, 2) takes pictures, 3) figures out how to upload them to Facebook.

Mom: "I tried to upload pictures but it didn't work."

Me: "How did it not work?"

Mom: "I don't know."
06-10-2018 , 06:13 PM
Access journalism has it's moments.
Originally Posted by suzzer99;

Me: "How did it not work?"
Why not just tell her instead of trolling?
06-10-2018 , 06:20 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Most likely result of Trump-Kim meeting is an agreement with no verification and declaration of victory. It's the easiest thing. Trumpkins, contrarians, and some of the Dems will be on board for giving Trump all the credit in the world.
There is a non zero chance they end the Korean War.
06-10-2018 , 06:26 PM
Originally Posted by Praetor1an
There is a non zero chance they end the Korean War.
If Obama had ended the Korean War officially by agreeing to completely withdraw US troops from the peninsula without getting North Korea to give up all their nukes, would you have supported it.
06-10-2018 , 06:31 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
Access journalism has it's moments.

Why not just tell her instead of trolling?
Tell her what? I was trying to help. I have no idea if the phone wouldn't turn on, or she couldn't figure out how to access Facebook, or she was on the FB mobile web instead of app, or if she took pics on a point and shoot and can't figure out how to upload, or she forgot her password again (hint: it's always my name, with birthday if they make her type more) - or any of a dozen other potential hiccups.

I just found out a few days ago my Mom thinks "making the phone jiggle" is how you close apps. "Then I just go to the app store to re-open it." She's literally uninstalling and re-installing an app any time someone tells her she should try closing the app. I spent several minutes trying to explain by comparing it to opening/closing vs installing/uninstalling programs on a PC. I got the phone blank stare equivalent. And she's by far the more computer literate of my two parents.

I tell you what - why don't you just try to teach my dad to copy and paste over the phone - instead of trolling? I'll give you his number. I've already laid a big chunk of the ground work in 4 2-hour sessions. He sort of knows how to select text - but will need a refresher. He calls it "turning the text blue".

But be aware he's a little skittish because he irretrievably lost several chapters of his book by hitting Ctrl-A, then Ctrl, then typing the letter 'C' then panicking and somehow closing the program while saving. And not having any backups despite me imploring him to and telling him a million times to hit Ctrl-Z if anything went wrong and then call me if that didn't work. He'd reply - "Yeah yeah - control Z, control Z. I know SHEESH!" - every freaking time. Then he tried to blame me for giving him the awesome destructive power for Ctrl-A. I cut that off real quick.

Btw I literally deduced what happened over the phone while driving in LA rush hour traffic and him in a full blown panic wanting to tell me every step he took going back hours. When we got to the part where several chapters of text mysteriously disappeared, I said "Did you see the letter 'C'?" "Well yes, I did now that I think about it." Ugh.

Oh yeah - within 30 seconds you'll get "the speech" about how he's a right-brained poet and his brain doesn't do computers. As if copy and paste is T.S. Elliott-level computering. Just nod along and press on.

Last edited by suzzer99; 06-10-2018 at 06:46 PM.
06-10-2018 , 06:34 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
If Obama had ended the Korean War officially by agreeing to completely withdraw US troops from the peninsula without getting North Korea to give up all their nukes, would you have supported it.
Didn't you say you wouldn't give Trump credit even if he verifiably got NK to ditch their nukes - because you'd know he was just mashing buttons and got lucky?

But you're bashing Praetor1an for hypothetically doing the same thing?
06-10-2018 , 06:39 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Didn't you say you wouldn't give Trump credit even if he verifiably got NK to ditch their nukes - because you'd know he was just mashing buttons and got lucky?

But you're bashing Praetor1an for hypothetically doing the same thing?
No, I didn't, and no, that's not my argument here anyway. I would argue that "ending the Korean War" is not necessarily preferable to the status quo in isolation. What matters is the details of the agreement.
06-10-2018 , 06:44 PM
Originally Posted by Praetor1an
There is a non zero chance they end the Korean War.
There's also a non-zero chance they start a hot war.

But, yeah, it's not that unlikely that they reach some kind of an agreement. Trump is naturally aligned with people like Kim. It's quite possible they come to an "agreement" and nothing really changes. You'll swallow whatever tripe they dish out, so why bother spending more than half an hour writing up the Greatest Peace Deal Ever and calling it done?
06-10-2018 , 07:08 PM
The main reason cell phones don't work on ships is there aren't any cell towers in the ocean.
06-10-2018 , 07:21 PM
06-10-2018 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by iron81
The main reason cell phones don't work on ships is there aren't any cell towers in the ocean.
I believe they have wifi. Also they're in the North Sea - so not far from land a lot of the time.
06-10-2018 , 08:11 PM
suzzer, given how open you are with your irl identity, maybe it's not such a hot idea to tell a public forum your mom's password.
06-10-2018 , 08:27 PM
One benefit of having kids is they handle the tech support for grandma.

I have my own things to do for older generation though. I patched a hole from where my 96yo step-f-in-law knocked in the wall with his head yesterday. His head seems to be ok. Pretty tough for a 96yo huh?
06-10-2018 , 08:44 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I patched a hole from where my 96yo step-f-in-law knocked in the wall with his head yesterday. His head seems to be ok. Pretty tough for a 96yo huh?
I lol'd

Headbutting a wall at 96 without getting injured is pretty awesome.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 06-10-2018 at 08:45 PM. Reason: I assume the real reason is he fell but it's funny to imagine that it's headbutting
06-10-2018 , 09:38 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
Youtube sucks ass nowadays. I can't even find Andy Rooney on Kurt Cobain's suicide. It should be the top hit for Andy Rooney.
I refused to watch Rooney after this, even though i had previously found him ok in my then 'old before my time' way.
06-10-2018 , 10:30 PM
Sup simplicitus? Tell us what freedom felt like.
06-10-2018 , 10:34 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
Didn't you say you wouldn't give Trump credit even if he verifiably got NK to ditch their nukes...
I can't believe us liberals are still having this conversation.
06-10-2018 , 10:42 PM
Originally Posted by simplicitus

I refused to watch Rooney after this, even though i had previously found him ok in my then 'old before my time' way.
06-10-2018 , 11:51 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
I lol'd

Headbutting a wall at 96 without getting injured is pretty awesome.
warriors won their third championship in four years, you’re damn right he did it on purpose
06-11-2018 , 12:45 AM

JFC this
06-11-2018 , 02:01 AM
Does anyone else think suicide might become acceptable in the near future? Obviously it's a huge taboo now. But so are all kinds of things (polygamy, ritual sacrifice, man-boy love, etc) that pockets of society have totally condoned and codified in the past.

What if it was acceptable to say "I want to live to 75 and then just peacefully exit the stage"? I could see this happening at some point.

06-11-2018 , 02:10 AM
Suicide rate is very middle of the pack in the US. It's almost 3 times higher in Lithuania and South Korea and a bit more than 3 times lower in Greece. The reported rates are extremely low in a few places, but maybe in Egypt the coroners basically never put 'suicide' on a death certificate.

Anyway, my point is there is certainly room for it to change in either direction.
