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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

04-12-2018 , 11:11 AM

Originally Posted by Nich
And if so, is it reasonable to be concerned that someone browsing this thread could get a misleadingly strong impression of how racist cops are?
It is essentially impossible to get a "misleadingly strong impression" of how racist the American criminal justice system is. You are also telling on yourself, though given your pre-existing position on these matters that phrase doesn't really apply.

Like when I call iron a future Trump voter that is an accurate description of the path he is on, but he can change. You, not so much. He's a socially cosmopolitan centrist with a troubling authoritarian streak, you're a ****ing neo-Confederate. Basically, he's defending cops, you're defending whiteness.
04-12-2018 , 11:12 AM
Black Lives Matter has protested white people being killed by cops before. One of the cases was where a black cop killed a white person and activists from the group protested that too.

Deray Mckesson, a prominent Black Lives Matter activist who was wrongly arrested in Baton Rouge while protesting Alton Sterling's death at the hands of police, tweeted Friday, "We talk about the disproportionate violence of the police towards people of color because it's true. It's also true that the police kill white citizens too. Police violence is everyone's problem. #DanielShaver should be alive today."
This is not the first time we've seen people linked to Black Lives Matter speak up for people who aren't black. In November 2015, when two black officers in Marksville, La., converged on a car and fired a hail of bullets that killed 6-year-old Jeremy Mardis, King wrote in a column for The New York Daily News, "I simply refuse to believe that the only way police could have disabled this vehicle was to fire bullets into it....We must do better." In August 2016, when a North Carolina state trooper killed Daniel Harris, a 29-year-old deaf man in Charlotte, a television station reported that Black Lives Matter activists were at Harris' vigil demanding police reform. Harris, who is white, hadn't immediately pulled over when the trooper turned on his siren, things escalated and he was shot dead. Being deaf, he couldn't have heard that siren.

In July 2017, when a black Minneapolis police officer killed a white Australian tourist, people affiliated with Black Lives Matter protested, just as they had when a suburban police officer killed motorist Philando Castile, a black man, in July 2016. Just as they had after a December 2015 incident when St. Paul police killed Philip Quinn, a Native American man who was having a mental health crisis.
04-12-2018 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
I mean your second paragraph implies that #1 is a problem. If people are being killed for bad reasons, then the total number of people killed should necessarily be lower (unless you think there are a bunch of people not being killed who should be ??)
1 would be a symptom of 2, mentioning it as a bigger problem than lowly #2 robs #2 of some of it's importance.
04-12-2018 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
LOL won't someone plz think of the innocent children building their entire worldview off of this thread on the 2+2 politics forum WHO MIGHT BE MISLED
To be fair, that is how Nich learns about the world around him.
04-12-2018 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
1 would be a symptom of 2, mentioning it as a bigger problem than lowly #2 robs #2 of some of it's importance.
Wat. #2 is like a subset of #1. Solving #1 automatically solves #2.
04-12-2018 , 11:51 AM
"How do you solve #1?"

"We examine the different causes of shootings and create a matrix to determine which ones to focus our attention on."

"Why don't you just focus on not murdering black people so much."

"We haven't determined if that is one of the major causes of the problem, until we've completed our analysis and ranked all of the problems we can't jump to conclusions, we need to let the system work."
04-12-2018 , 12:15 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
We don't know that 1 is a problem. What is the "right" number of people out of 300million+ that should be expected to be shot by the police every year?
You're making some of the worst posts here. Police in the UK shoot to death about 5 people a year and police in the US shoot to death about a thousand.
04-12-2018 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Where are all the anecdotes of poor whites being murdered by the police?
There was that blond lady in pajamas not too long ago. Of course, that cop got held accountable, unlike the cops who murder black people.

Edit: oh and the guy who got swatted was white iirc? They told him to step out of the house, then they shot him the split-second he stepped out.

There's definitely more to the problem than racism, but racism is certainly a factor.
04-12-2018 , 12:30 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You're making some of the worst posts here. Police in the UK shoot to death about 5 people a year and police in the US shoot to death about a thousand.
So somewhere between 5 and a thousand is where your number is? What I'm trying to say is that there are going to be people that are shot by the police, even if everything is done correctly. Saying the current number is too high or too low implies a level of analysis of the numbers that I don't think has been done. I'd love to have really great data on each shooting in this country so someone could figure out how many were justified and how many weren't.
04-12-2018 , 12:34 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
"How do you solve #1?"

"We examine the different causes of shootings and create a matrix to determine which ones to focus our attention on."

"Why don't you just focus on not murdering black people so much."

"We haven't determined if that is one of the major causes of the problem, until we've completed our analysis and ranked all of the problems we can't jump to conclusions, we need to let the system work."
What.. the **** are you even talking about?

If they are murdering random black people, then stopping that would be like a great way to get the numbers down which helps to solve #1.

You are simultaneously sure that police are "murdering black people so much" and UNSURE that too many people are being killed by police.
04-12-2018 , 12:36 PM
No. You don't need more analysis to know that police in the US shouldn't be killing 200 times as many people as police in the UK.
04-12-2018 , 12:38 PM
"Cultural differences" tho.
04-12-2018 , 12:42 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
What.. the **** are you even talking about?

If they are murdering random black people, then stopping that would be like a great way to get the numbers down which helps to solve #1.

You are simultaneously sure that police are "murdering black people so much" and UNSURE that too many people are being killed by police.
The only resolution to the last paragraph is kerowo thinks maybe police should kill more non-black people.

As pointed out in the excellent post by OneEyedPoker this is not what the protest of police violence against Black people is about.
04-12-2018 , 12:45 PM

04-12-2018 , 01:06 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
What.. the **** are you even talking about?

If they are murdering random black people, then stopping that would be like a great way to get the numbers down which helps to solve #1.

You are simultaneously sure that police are "murdering black people so much" and UNSURE that too many people are being killed by police.
How do you know you're done solving #1 if you can't define the number?

My problem with starting with "The police are killing too many people" is that it's too big a problem to get your arms around and you focus on too many things. I care about people of color being murdered by police. Fix that problem then lets worry about the next one.

Originally Posted by microbet
No. You don't need more analysis to know that police in the US shouldn't be killing 200 times as many people as police in the UK.
No ****, but you do need some kind of analysis to know what the size of the problem is. If I asked you to put solar on every house in such and such county you'd ask me how many houses that was, if I couldn't tell you within an order of magnitude you'd have no idea the size of your task.
04-12-2018 , 01:08 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
The only resolution to the last paragraph is kerowo thinks maybe police should kill more non-black people.

As pointed out in the excellent post by OneEyedPoker this is not what the protest of police violence against Black people is about.
Or that the number of people killed by police in total is orthogonal to how many black people are murdered?
04-12-2018 , 01:10 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
How do you know you're done solving #1 if you can't define the number?

My problem with starting with "The police are killing too many people" is that it's too big a problem to get your arms around and you focus on too many things. I care about people of color being murdered by police. Fix that problem then lets worry about the next one.
Good point. Racism, easy problem to solve. Police murders in general, much more difficult. Just look at the UK, they have no racism but their police are murdering people out of control.

You are really, really dumb.

Originally Posted by kerowo
Or that the number of people killed by police in total is orthogonal to how many black people are murdered?

# of black people murdered is orthogonal to... # of people murdered?

You are really, really dumb.
04-12-2018 , 01:41 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Good point. Racism, easy problem to solve. Police murders in general, much more difficult. Just look at the UK, they have no racism but their police are murdering people out of control.

You are really, really dumb.
We're talking past each other. Sorry I can't explain this so you understand what I'm saying.


# of black people murdered is orthogonal to... # of people murdered?

You are really, really dumb.
I don't care about the overall number of people killed by the police. Therefore I can think the number of black people killed by police is too high and still not care about the overall number. You could reduce the number of black people killed and I would be happy. You could reduce the overall number of people killed and I wouldn't care.
04-12-2018 , 02:02 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
You could reduce the number of black people killed and I would be happy. You could reduce the overall number of people killed and I wouldn't care.
Well.. okay then. I mean, that's both racist and insane, but at least I understand you now.
04-12-2018 , 02:15 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
I can't tell if this is sarcasm or not.
Mostly sarcasm, except for the last part. That's true.
04-12-2018 , 02:36 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
No ****, but you do need some kind of analysis to know what the size of the problem is. If I asked you to put solar on every house in such and such county you'd ask me how many houses that was, if I couldn't tell you within an order of magnitude you'd have no idea the size of your task.

You can just say "oops" if you want, but you said "we don't know if number one is a problem."
04-12-2018 , 02:38 PM
Originally Posted by kerowo
I don't care about the overall number of people killed by the police.
So you're a horrible, terrible, atrocious, abhorrent, odious person. Got it.
04-12-2018 , 02:40 PM
The thing about kerowo is that he doesn't really understand anything. He's been exposed to liberal ideas so he sounds liberal on the surface, but his support for everything is just like four word talking points.

Force him to think for himself and you get... "I don't care when white people are killed by the police."

kerowo in a different environment is definitely a Trumper.
04-12-2018 , 03:05 PM
It's actually really easy to find out how many people the cops should have shot. Roughly 50 cops/year are murdered in the line of duty in the US, so ideally the cops should have shot those people. Still a small problem compared to the people cops shoot, plus you could subtract some if better tactics or broad gun control would prevent problems.
04-12-2018 , 03:06 PM
Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
Well.. okay then. I mean, that's both racist and insane, but at least I understand you now.
Wrong, it makes not part of all lives matter.

Originally Posted by microbet
You can just say "oops" if you want, but you said "we don't know if number one is a problem."
How can we know if the total number of people being killed by the police is a problem if we don't what the correct number is? Yes, we think they are killing too many black people and want that number reduced, and can try to achieve that by different strategies. However, even if we reduced the number of blacks killed we still wouldn't know if the overall number of people killed had reached the correct number because no one will define what the "correct" number is.

Originally Posted by microbet
So you're a horrible, terrible, atrocious, abhorrent, odious person. Got it.
LOL, yes, I'm horrible because I don't care how many people are killed by the police, only that too many black people are.

Originally Posted by TiltedDonkey
The thing about kerowo is that he doesn't really understand anything. He's been exposed to liberal ideas so he sounds liberal on the surface, but his support for everything is just like four word talking points.

Force him to think for himself and you get... "I don't care when white people are killed by the police."

kerowo in a different environment is definitely a Trumper.
There are only so many things I'm going to care about. I don't care about celebrities I've never followed dying from drug overdoses. I don't care about amber alerts when I'm watching television. If you try to care about everything you go insane.

In the context of trying to reduce the number of black people murdered by the police I don't think the overall number of people killed by the police is very telling at all. Particularly when there hasn't been any research done to indicate that not only are the police killing too many black men but they are also killing too many other people because that minimizes the injustice being done to black men who are murdered because a cop felt scurred.

When we go a couple of years of other random ethnic groups being murdered by the police in droves and the police getting off then I'll care about the overall number of people killed by the police.
