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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

06-10-2015 , 04:15 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
Twitter is ratting people out at their jobs for racism?
And you know, violence against a teenager.
06-10-2015 , 04:18 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
I was contrasting a thing against other real things. You are contrasting real things against a self-contradictory fantasy. Go back to the Anarchy thread.
It is easier if you auto-reply with a link to this or any other article mentioning Steven Pinker's work on violence and the state.
06-10-2015 , 04:50 PM
Originally Posted by Proph
"States" only exist
Yes, they exist. Exactly.
06-10-2015 , 05:17 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
And you know, violence against a teenager.
She committed violence against a teenager?

If so, why are they calling BoA and not the police?
06-10-2015 , 05:23 PM
Originally Posted by microbet
You know as recently as 1947 your tiny lousy country owned India, a country with 400 million people at the time?


That looks so horrible.
06-10-2015 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
That looks so horrible.
Its a highly pejorative picture.

The only reasons not to start every day with a great English breakfast are that a) all you can then do is go back to bed and b) you will die

If that's acceptable I especially recommend it with a few pints of ale. Nothing like it to set you up for a hard days napping.
06-10-2015 , 05:56 PM
That looks pretty good to me. If I got served that it'd be gone in less than 3 minutes. I WOULD like a decent coffee to go w/ it though. Can the Brits do coffee well?
06-10-2015 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
how many times is this gonna happen until police make a change in their policy? eventually the cops are gonna get tired of people filming their idiocy with their cell phones. Shame I didn't have one when I ran into LOL crazy cop.
Change is happening fast. Not fast compared to what should happen but compared to normal change the increase in footage is transforming - what was normal but denied or greatly exaggerated in favour of the police is now on full display.

The important factor is that it was never seriously defended as acceptable and now it can be clearly seen for what it is.
06-10-2015 , 06:02 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
That looks pretty good to me. If I got served that it'd be gone in less than 3 minutes. I WOULD like a decent coffee to go w/ it though. Can the Brits do coffee well?
Lol, not really. Especially not any place you'd get that.

We are a tea nation.
06-10-2015 , 06:06 PM
You need to get to know more italians.

Though coffee with proper breakfast should be a criminal offense.
06-10-2015 , 06:15 PM
Get those nasty baked beans off my plate then we'll talk. Feel free to scrap the tomato and mushrooms too.
06-10-2015 , 06:33 PM
I can live without the beans for breakfast, but I'd have no problems eating them if it was on my plate. Wtf is wrong with tomatoes and mushrooms?
06-10-2015 , 06:38 PM
Sigh, no coffee, it'd have to be tea. The way I'd attack it would be to first eat 2/3 of the beans w/ half the mushrooms, one sausage and one piece toast. Then mush the rest and gobble it up.

Nice derail, though. Thread could use this break.
06-10-2015 , 07:16 PM
Originally Posted by suzzer99
That looks so horrible.
It looks like a can of vandekamps beans, and a slice of wonder bread. The tomato looks a bit past its prime and the mushrooms just don't belong there. It the meat on the right I'd be concerned with.
06-10-2015 , 07:23 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
She committed violence against a teenager?

If so, why are they calling BoA and not the police?
She was fighting with the kids at the pool party, and you know, the police kinda umm... rolled up to that there party.

I'm just saying that the basis for the internet trying to get her fired isn't just "being racist".
06-10-2015 , 07:46 PM
Originally Posted by Namath12
She committed violence against a teenager?

If so, why are they calling BoA and not the police?

Yeah I can think of at least one reason why they might not call the police in this instance.
06-10-2015 , 07:50 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
To assert that the violence, low birth rate, child abandonment, etc. are an impact of crack on black people, that's necessarily an assertion that crack caused those things rather than something that happened coincidentally with them.
I've articulated many times it was the illicit markets associated with crack..specifically in regards to violence

Location is never a cause, but it can be used to help us identify causes. Itself, it's never a variable that needs to be taken into account, but it can be a proxy for the variables that are actually important.
JFC dude. I've never indicated it was a cause. I've said the locations of violence was the cause of police focusing on location that had a disproportionate level of minorities. How can you objectively think your integrity is not comprised when you continue to distort ****?

There are a whole ****load of illicit products that are profitable. If you're going to single out crack as being particularly problematic, you have to show something about it that is distinct from heroine or powder cocaine or meth or bootleg cigarettes or Cuban cigars or moonshine or ivory or whatever.
Demand and cost and availability, circumstances of a certain demographic, ignorance about the drug, the disproportionate use by AA's which leads to your red herring search for racism.

You have not shown anything particular to crack that would make it so much more of a societal ill, only that its invention has correlated with other societal ills that I believe are more strongly caused by lead poisoning.
You are ignoring everything and saying I have not shown anything. I've shown reputable studies. You ignore culture/environment as an extrinsic variable and think its racist to consider it. You continue to compare crack to powder and its such an obnoxious comparison because cocaine is significantly more expensive and consequently in less demand. I do not think you want to understand that the inner city to a certain extent embraced the market for crack. It allowed poor black kids to make cash quick and that's an alluring quality about a job. The profit associated with an unregulated product that is in high demand creates violence to which police respond to.

None of the above is wrong. You can dispute it all you want but there is overwhelming empirical evidence to support those statements. There is significantly more things that correlate with the crack market than lead including the timeline. You can not blame lead when there was substantial progress in regards to these societal ills then all of sudden it regresses almost inline with the introduction of crack into the inner city. You'd have to prove some huge intake of lead that corresponds with these issues along the same time line.

Not sure why I'm wasting my time anymore, its obvious you have no willingness to honestly comprehend my views.

Last edited by braves2017; 06-10-2015 at 08:02 PM.
06-10-2015 , 07:53 PM
Originally Posted by campfirewest
If she loses her job over this maybe she'll become less racist?
Nothing of consequence will happen for society at large its nothing more than a catharsis.
06-10-2015 , 07:56 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
how many times is this gonna happen until police make a change in their policy? eventually the cops are gonna get tired of people filming their idiocy with their cell phones. Shame I didn't have one when I ran into LOL crazy cop.
How many bad cops do you think this or other videos proves exist? Not to mention, it seems once again the system actually is working. Cop is no longer employed.
06-10-2015 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by braves2017
I've articulated many times it was the illicit markets associated with crack..specifically in regards to violence

JFC dude. I've never indicated it was a cause. I've said the locations of violence was the cause of police focusing on location that had a disproportionate level of minorities. How can you objectively think your integrity is not comprised when you continue to distort ****?

Demand and cost and availability, circumstances of a certain demographic, ignorance about the drug, the disproportionate use by AA's which leads to your red herring search for racism.

You are ignoring everything and saying I have not shown anything. I've shown reputable studies. You ignore culture/environment as an extrinsic variable and think its racist to consider it. You continue to compare crack to powder and its such an obnoxious comparison because cocaine is significantly more expensive and consequently in less demand. I do not think you want to understand that the inner city to a certain extent embraced the market for crack. It allowed poor black kids to make cash quick and that's an alluring quality about a job. The profit associated with an unregulated product that is in high demand creates violence to which police respond to.

None of the above is wrong. You can dispute it all you want but there is overwhelming empirical evidence to support those statements. There is significantly more things that correlate with the crack market than lead including the timeline. You can not blame lead when there was substantial progress in regards to these societal ills then all of sudden it regresses almost inline with the introduction of crack into the inner city. You'd have to prove some huge intake of lead that corresponds with these issues along the same time line.

Not sure why I'm wasting my time anymore, its obvious you have no willingness to honestly comprehend my views.
I am not ignoring anything. I am disagreeing with you. Not agreeing with you is not the same as not understanding you.

The qualities of an illegal product being in high demand in the inner city such that youth could sell it for a good profit are not at all unique to crack. It is true for weed. It's true for heroin. It's true for stolen bicycles. It even used to be true for powder cocaine, which used to be much cheaper and more accessible to the poor. But the rise of these things did not correlate with a rise in crime at all similar to the rise in crime when crack became popular. We can only conclude, then, that either there is something more special about crack compared to weed, which is more popular in the inner city, more profitable, and just as illegal, a special property you have not shown, or we can conclude that the rise in crime when crack became popular was just a coincidence.
06-10-2015 , 09:19 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We can only conclude, then, that either there is something more special about crack compared to weed, which is more popular in the inner city, more profitable, and just as illegal, a special property you have not shown, or we can conclude that the rise in crime when crack became popular was just a coincidence.
Do some ****ing homework:




Our analysis suggests that the greatest social costs of crack have
been associated with the prohibition-related violence, rather than drug use per se.
We find evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the rise of crack cocaine played an important contributing role.

About 2 percent of homicides were motivated by economic compulsion and were classified as crack-related because homicides were committed during robberies and burglaries by crack users to obtain money to finance their habits. About 40 percent of all homicides and nearly 75 percent of all drug-related homicides were related to exigencies of the illicit market system. Of these systemic homicides, 65 percent were classified as being primarily crack-related. The vast majority of crack-related homicides occurred between dealers or between dealers and users. Systemic homicides occurred for a variety of reasons, including territorial disputes, dealer robberies, and drug-related debts. Overall, 52.7 percent of homicides were in some way drug-related. The study methodology and sample are described in an appendix. 47 references, 13 notes, and 3 tables
Here is a collection of studies:

The evidence is overwhelming and its so ****ing obvious its not a coincidence. Take your motherjones lead bull**** back to the cool kids club house.

Last edited by braves2017; 06-10-2015 at 09:26 PM.
06-10-2015 , 09:24 PM
It's actually peer reviewed science, just nicely summarized by Mother Jones.

Your first article is a bunch of interviews with cops, not controlled studies.

Last edited by MrWookie; 06-10-2015 at 09:33 PM.
06-10-2015 , 09:33 PM
Man, I never would have guessed braves would not want to consider additional variables I a complicated problem.
06-10-2015 , 09:45 PM
is the mckinney ******* on the fox news payroll yet
06-10-2015 , 11:55 PM
The lead issue is not BS. IDK about lead in the air from gas affecting the inner city esp, since the entire city would be affected but lead in paint (which was outlawed in 1978 way after the buildings we ran were built) IS a concern and caused me some problems. Our rehabs got rid of it but for the rest we had to keep up w/ chipping paint bec toddlers would eat it bec it tasted like candy.

Some of the blame is on the parents for not sweeping it up, or even reporting it, but a ton of it is on the slum lords that didn't make any repairs at all. Lead abatement became a big deal in NYC and prob everywhere else as well and it's not bec of junk science.

I also remember reading a theory that laid some of the blame for the fall of the Roman Empire on the fact that they lined their water aqueducts w/ lead.
