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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

06-09-2015 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by braves2017
Oh my. He is a bear being poked or pig is it makes a better analogy. This does not justify the reaction but being poked is a significant factor in the escalation.

I do not want to have to defend the cop but your incoherent argument forces me too. You ignore the impact stress has on a person. I do not expect kids to act perfectly nor do I expect cops and there is ample reason to see the cop is stressed and ample enough reason to at least understand why he was stressed. Obviously he did not respond well to this stress.

Was this racist? I do not know, could be. What I do know there are several variables at play that does not include race that significantly impacted this situation.
How did the cop know who didn't belong there? How did the people there know which kids were from section 8 housing?
06-09-2015 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by lycosid
When an adult man grabs a teenage girl and throws her violently to the ground because she talked back to him, I feel comfortable assigning 100% of the blame to the man in that scenario.
I have no time to assess blame. I think its pointless exercise. Yeah, we need to hold people accountable but I think its more important to find the reasons these things occur rather than find someone to blame or make assumptions based on race with limited information.
06-09-2015 , 06:41 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
How did the cop know who didn't belong there? How did the people there know which kids were from section 8 housing?
He didn't. That's not racist that's just how cops work. You've never had a cop come up to you and assume you did something because of your skin color? I have. "oh we got a call about white males doing so and so". "Ohh well I that wasn't me." Maybe they should change procedure so it makes more sense.

The situation escalated too fast so they never got a chance to sort it out before **** hit the fan.
06-09-2015 , 06:42 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
How did the cop know who didn't belong there? How did the people there know which kids were from section 8 housing?
What does this have to do with what I've said?
06-09-2015 , 06:50 PM
Originally Posted by braves2017
I have no time to assess blame. I think its pointless exercise. Yeah, we need to hold people accountable but I think its more important to find the reasons these things occur rather than find someone to blame or make assumptions based on race with limited information.
Hahahaha. Thus says the guy who wants liberals to quantify the percentage racism plays a role in sentencing to two significant figures. And what the hell is the difference between holding people accountable and assigning blame?
06-09-2015 , 06:59 PM

Hannity taking, well, exactly the line you'd expect.

Which is weird, because:
SEAN HANNITY (4/16/2014): And back with us to respond in a Hannity exclusive is rancher Cliven Bundy. ... You know, Cliven, I've gotten to know you now over this, as this controversy is unfolding. You and your family seem like really nice people.
06-09-2015 , 07:02 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hahahaha. Thus says the guy who wants liberals to quantify the percentage racism plays a role in sentencing to two significant figures. And what the hell is the difference between holding people accountable and assigning blame?
Hey guy, the cool kids are the one making a BFD about racism and crack and other things, yet when asked how much of a BFD they say that is not important or it's a nonsensical question. You really do not know the impact racism has on any particular issue yet want to call people racist for acknowledging other variables that are demonstratively significant.

If I asked you right now what makes crack laws racist your entire premise will be based on that 80% number, yet you can not tell me which part of the 80% was attributed to racism.

While it may seem subtle to your simple mind, there is a significant distinction.

(of a person, organization, or institution) required or expected to justify actions or decisions; responsible.

assign responsibility for a fault or wrong.
Why are you incapable of staying on one aspect of the conversation between me and you and instead just respond to my responses to other people? Absent a logical and coherent reason I just have to assume you have no credible answer to my responses to you specifically and instead have to find some other thing to poke.
06-09-2015 , 07:06 PM
No, my response would not be based solely on the racial disparity,but you have ignored all other supporting arguments that indicate racism plays a role in crack laws

And quoting the dictionary didn't answer my question. Assigning blame and holding people accountable are the same thing, even if the dictionary uses subtly different verbiage.
06-09-2015 , 07:08 PM
quoting definitions is so 2000 and late.
06-09-2015 , 07:11 PM
Sean hannity has a history of siding with police so not surprising. Wonder if he really feels that way or he's trying to appeal to fox news demographic, i feel he's being honest.
06-09-2015 , 07:12 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
No, my response would not be based solely on the racial disparity,but you have ignored all other supporting arguments that indicate racism plays a role in crack laws
Like what?

And quoting the dictionary didn't answer my question. Assigning blame and holding people accountable are the same thing, even if the dictionary uses subtly different verbiage.
I'm sorry my vernacular and ability to articulate is too much for you to comprehend. I do not operate in vagueness or ambiguous semantics and while my grammar is something to be desired, I use very specific words to articulate my point, if you can not understand the distinctions or need clarifications please go discuss it with a literary professor. I do not have the patience to be your vocabulary teacher or discuss semantics especially when you have consistently conflated racism with discrimination, disproportion and prejudice with out cause.
06-09-2015 , 07:14 PM
Those of us who remember the Trayvon thread may have been exposed to what is easily a top 3 conservative journalism website, The Conservative Treehouse, which is steady on the beat of looking up black teenagers instagrams

That article is like 9 million words long, but I think my favorite part is either:


A teen friend of the event organizer (friends wth Tatiana’s brother) is named, ironically, “Grace”, Grace Stone – approximately 14-years-old.
06-09-2015 , 07:35 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
If I've learned anything when a cop acts crazy...
Was there any part of you that was tempted to stop right here and wonder how messed up it is that it feels natural to use "when" rather than "if"?
06-09-2015 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Was there any part of you that was tempted to stop right here and wonder how messed up it is that it feels natural to use "when" rather than "if"?
Was there any part of you that was tempted to understand the news has a significant impact on our natural tendencies to stereotype and form illogical and irrational biases?

In psychology and cognitive science, confirmation bias (or confirmatory bias) is a tendency to search for or interpret information in a way that confirms one's preconceptions, leading to statistical errors.
06-09-2015 , 07:40 PM
Originally Posted by braves2017
Was there any part of you that was tempted to understand the news has a significant impact on our natural tendencies to stereotype and form illogical and irrational biases?
You're immune, right?
06-09-2015 , 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
You're immune, right?
No I'm aware and I do not discriminate my awareness based on which issue these potential biases could manifest, unlike some of you. I mean you guys are rather prejudicial of ANY purported negative interaction a black person has with white cops that makes main stream media. I mean, if I do not know if race played a role in this, I'm racist right? Yet, no evidence exist that race played a role in this specific instance but its being used as a rallying cry against racist cops or all cops for that matter. The cool kids are oblivious to their own biases, and prejudices, even when confronted with them, but want to take the righteous stand against other peoples biases and prejudices.

Last edited by braves2017; 06-09-2015 at 08:00 PM.
06-09-2015 , 07:45 PM
Originally Posted by Howard Beale
The judge stood up, bent over the bench, pointed his finger into her face and yelled 'if his workers get killed in your apartment you're going to be in a lot of trouble!' And then ordered me to do the repairs, of course.
Stories like this crack me up. My best friend deals with cops in NYC a lot and the stories he tells me are fantastic. We'll be having dinner and something like "so the cops in the Bronx had " crack ho roundup night last week"" and he just continues on like I know what he means. Then I make him tell me the background to it. Its great.

I'll check out your thread.
06-09-2015 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by SuperSwag
Sean hannity has a history of siding with police so not surprising. Wonder if he really feels that way or he's trying to appeal to fox news demographic, i feel he's being honest.
No way he's being honest. He's giving a particular segment of the population what they want to hear.
06-09-2015 , 08:38 PM
Originally Posted by DrChesspain
Was there any part of you that was tempted to stop right here and wonder how messed up it is that it feels natural to use "when" rather than "if"?
I used "when" because I've had to deal with crazy cops on several occasions. Just by luck though, not because I was doing anything illegal. My dealings with them have been rather negative.
06-09-2015 , 09:00 PM
06-09-2015 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
To my eyes none of those boys threatened the officer at all, in any way. They were going to help the girl who was just attacked not going to challenge the cop.

It's amazing how differently some people will see that same video.
06-09-2015 , 09:43 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf

Hannity taking, well, exactly the line you'd expect.

Which is weird, because:
I was trying to find an online copy, but an ex McKinney cop and defense attorney went over the video on the local TV station.


The first cops on the scene were acting correctly. They showed up assessed that the crowd wasn't really agitated and the fight was just a few people so they separated them and started taking statements while remaining calm. Then supercop showed up, screaming and running and using profanity which did nothing but agitate normally calm people. Unfortunately supercop was the other cops' supervisor so they were hesitant to reign him in.

Unholstering the gun was actually SOP but given that the officer created the situation it's really all his fault. The ex McKinney cop put 100% of the blame on supercop.

I think the exact quote was "this video should be used as a perfect example of what not to do"

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 06-09-2015 at 09:49 PM.
06-09-2015 , 10:17 PM
lol, that sounds like you're assigning blame to the cop rather than holding the kids accountable.
06-09-2015 , 10:45 PM
"Our policies, our training, our practice, do not support his actions," Police Chief Greg Conley said. "He came into the call out of control, and as the video shows, was out of control during the incident."
06-09-2015 , 10:49 PM
Originally Posted by Money2Burn
^^^And why murderous biker gangs get to sit on the curb and play with their cellphones, but teenage black girls in bathing suits get their faces shoved to the ground and a knee in their backs.
Um... they arrested 140, the vast majority obviously had nothing to do with this. They charged them all with conspiracy and gave them all million dollar bail with absolutely no evidence. This has got to be one of the greatest mass civil rights violations in history.

Last edited by Wheel Gunner; 06-09-2015 at 10:56 PM.
