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Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN Here we go again... (unarmed black teen shot by cop): Shootings in LA and MN

05-21-2015 , 12:58 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Well, the conservatives screaming that they are gonna go to hell are just as stupid as the liberals who think PP's are there solely because they really care about a woman's right to choose.

Many conservatives just don't want to pay for "lolreproductive rights." And those liberals who say, conservatives are idiots because they end up paying way more if the kid is born, are completely wrong. Because nobody should be forced to pay for that kid if he is born anyway.
So liberals depend on minorities for votes but don't want more potential voters for some reason. Seems like liberals should be wanting minorities to have as many kids as they can so they can get in that welfare and become future Democrats. Oh well, silly liberals not even smart enough to choose future political security over a secret eugenics program.
05-21-2015 , 01:03 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
First recipients of food stamp program were in white appalachia WV.
Well yea the safety net was denied to minorities at first because of racism. But it's too bad there should be far more whites on food stamps, they should be getting every dollar their hands can get ahold of. Goes for everyone really.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 05-21-2015 at 01:12 AM.
05-21-2015 , 01:10 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey

For instance, 85% of planned parenthoods are in minority neighborhoods. Which is just completely obvious racism, period. But you have been programmed by the media, politicians to think it is about "LOLreproducive rights" or about some 19 year old's "right to choose."
Did you learn that stat from some sort of media outlet or did you do the research on your own?
05-21-2015 , 01:13 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Sure, LBJ locked in the AA vote for the next 200 years with the war on poverty, and some of his quotes are VERY racist. And now liberals are attempting to do the same thing with latinos. The formula for success appears to be to convince the targeted demographic that the party will make their lives better AKA give you stuff, but actually doesn't make their lives better.
That's why most elderly are Democrats, they received the largest anti poverty program in US history.
05-21-2015 , 01:16 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
Who cares?
If you are saying the media is brainwashing me and you got that stat from the media that would mean...?
05-21-2015 , 01:26 AM
I'm getting a NickVanExel vibe from JeffMacksey.
05-21-2015 , 01:30 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
90%+ AA's vote dem and no group is worse off.

Just honest to goodness wanting to help people coming from the liberal elite. Nothing to do with votes and manipulating.

The liberal elite/media/politicians support no ID for voting. If I went up to them and told them I could wave a magic wand and allow everyone without an ID to vote if they want me to, but 60% would be voting republican. They wouldn't have me wave that magic wand, and voting ID would not be an issue anymore.
You're doing a pretty poor job if you can't explain the contradiction in the shadowy liberal elite hamstringing themselves by not letting the minority birth rate increase to increase future voters to gain a permanent political majority just so they can remain loyal to their shadow eugenics program.
05-21-2015 , 01:48 AM
Originally Posted by JeffMacksey
I hear you. To be honest, I think it was on PP's website that I read it.

But it is easy to find on a quick google search.

New research released by Protecting Black Life (an outreach of Life Issues Institute) reveals that 79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American and/or Hispanic/Latino communities.
I thought 85% were in minority neighborhoods.

What's walking distance, anyways? Shoot, I would walk about 15 miles round-trip for my abortion.
05-21-2015 , 08:05 AM
Originally Posted by ALLTheCookies
Tamir Rice police report.

Count 1: Aggravated Menacing
Count 2: Inducing Panic

No of Victims: 3

Wow that is sickening.
05-21-2015 , 08:08 AM
The funny thing is that even if that 85% stat were true it means that 85% of poor neighbourhoods are minority majority. Its not racist at all.
05-21-2015 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Black people make up ~13% of the national population but ~32% of those murdered by police, naturally racists think this is totally okay
Maybe this is just because the majority of black people live in the South, which also happens to be where policing is most brutal and gun happy. At any rate, to discard that possibility you need to convince me that it is not the case that an exaggerated percentage of police killings (of whomever) occur in the South. The same argument makes sense with "urban areas" in place of "the South".
05-21-2015 , 02:12 PM
The footage obtained by The Baltimore Sun shows Gray lying motionless as several police officers shackle his ankles and load him into the vehicle. It appears to contradict earlier police claims that Gray was "irate" and "combative." One of the officers, Lt. Brian Rice, reportedly threatened to use his Taser on the eyewitness who was filming.
05-21-2015 , 02:24 PM
Getting real tired of the "race doesn't appear to be a factor" line from police after a shooting. Oh really? Are you gonna tell us when race was a factor? Shooting today of 2 black men in Washington and it's the first statement they make.

Last edited by ALLTheCookies; 05-21-2015 at 02:29 PM.
05-21-2015 , 04:28 PM
Race is 100% the factor.

We got too many Rasict cops wheater white people wanna belive it or not. I'm white and what's going on in the US with White cops just flat out racial profiling and doing all this nonsense to unarmed black men/teens is a joke! They must be held accountable. Its MURDER!!!! Just because they wear a badge doesn't make them god and choose to take lives away these futures from these young black men.

05-21-2015 , 05:32 PM
There is one thing in common with all these shootings. They seem to attack the police. I was raised if you resist arrest to police they will shoot you. This guy seemed to assault (punched him) the police officer. You do not have the right to punch an officer. There are also some cases where they try to flee the police once in the vicinity of the police officer. Once you are within 5 feet of an officer you give up. You don't fight or flee. If you try to beat up an officer they have the right to shoot you.

All these cases would not exist including Rodney King and there is even the possibility that a police officer would have shot Zimmerman when he assaulted him.
05-21-2015 , 05:37 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
Black people make up ~13% of the national population but ~32% of those murdered by police, naturally racists think this is totally okay
What percentage of crime is by blacks?

What percentage of violent crime is by blacks?
05-21-2015 , 05:42 PM
Steelhouse is also racist?
05-21-2015 , 05:48 PM
All 6 officers indicted in grand jury
05-21-2015 , 06:08 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Steelhouse is also racist?
He couldn't let a single stone of crackpottery go unturned.
05-21-2015 , 06:12 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
There is one thing in common with all these shootings. They seem to attack the police.
Tamir Rice did not attack the police. Freddie Gray did not attack the police. Oscar Grant did not attack the police.

So, no.
05-21-2015 , 06:59 PM
Originally Posted by steelhouse
There is one thing in common with all these shootings. They seem to attack the police.
Saying "one thing in common" implies that you've actually read about all of the police killings in the past year, most of which were against men who were unarmed and/or posing no genuine threat.

Either you're ignorant or you're a bald face liar.
05-21-2015 , 07:15 PM
Originally Posted by rjoefish
Steelhouse is also racist?
negs is too, and in a real out of nowhere bitter way. There's some interesting social science to be done about that lol
05-21-2015 , 09:15 PM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
Tamir Rice did not attack the police. Freddie Gray did not attack the police. Oscar Grant did not attack the police.

So, no.
Um, what do you call Gray trying to break through the floorboards of the paddy wagon with his spine? Clearly he was trying to get at the officers.
05-22-2015 , 12:27 AM
Originally Posted by Turn Prophet
Tamir Rice did not attack the police. Freddie Gray did not attack the police. Oscar Grant did not attack the police.

So, no.
1. Tamir Rice gun was an airsoft gun how are the police going to know.

"A caller reported that a male was pointing "a pistol" at random people in the Cudell Recreation Center. Toward the end of the 2 minute call, the caller stated "he is probably a juvenile."[4] The officers reported that upon their arrival, Rice reached towards a gun in his waistband. Loehmann fired two shots within two seconds of arriving on the scene, hitting Rice once in the torso.

Rice's gun was later found to be an Airsoft replica, though lacking the orange safety feature signifying that the gun is not real.[6][7] Rice died on the day after the shooting."

police vindicated!

2. Gray. Lieutenant Rice made eye contact with Mr. Gray, who ran away.

3. Oscar Grant.

In making his decision during the highly charged, 3 1/2-hour hearing, Perry threw out a gun enhancement that could have added as much as 10 years in prison and said there was overwhelming evidence that it was an accidental shooting.

Perry said race would not factor into his decision and although Mehserle had shown "tons of remorse" for killing Grant, he would have to account that a "young man needlessly died."

"I did the best I could with this case," Perry told the courtroom. "My decisions today will not be well-received by many people. I'm sorry for that."

Perry also said he believed the videos showed Grant resisted arrest and many people, including Mehserle's fellow officers and Grant's friends, contributed to the tragedy.

30,000 people die a year due to traffic accidents and about 600 by officer involved shootings. The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) noted that deer-vehicle collisions in the U.S. cause about 200 fatalities annually.

About 150 officers are killed a year.

Last edited by steelhouse; 05-22-2015 at 12:54 AM.
05-22-2015 , 01:05 AM
I may have a problem, as many as 1000 civilians are killed each year by police officers either in custody or in jails, but 50 police officers are kill in the line of duty. You would think the civilians would have the advantage over the police.

I wonder what would happen if police officers did not hold guns.

It appears since there are no guns in G.B., there are virtually no police related deaths.

Last edited by steelhouse; 05-22-2015 at 01:22 AM.
