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And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney And Here. We. Go. 2012 Presidential Election: Obama v. Romney

07-18-2012 , 10:30 PM
If the economy stays ****ty or the job numbers start declining again Obama is toast. A decent republican candidate would be opening a solid lead on Obama right now. Romney is perfectly fine right now assuming he didn't commit like major tax fraud.

Sept and Oct will be the deciding months - monthly job numbers, the debates, and how well Romney can create a reason/narrative to vote for him and not just against Obama will be what sways the undecideds
07-18-2012 , 11:01 PM
Originally Posted by jah7_fsu1
I'm not doubting that the attacks haven't had an effect, but Obama is at a 6 month low in approval rating. And where are these polls that show him putting Romney out of sight? The Palin thing? Let's be honest anyone who wanted to see Palin at the convention (other than Dems for the look how crazy they are love) is already so anti-Obama they are going to vote early for Romney. He isn't going to lose the wingnut vote with that by any means. He might anger the wingnuts at times, but these are the "Obama wasn't born here pure Marxist keep government away from my medicare" people. They are already squarely for whoever lined up against Obama.

No doubt Romney's response to the Bain/taxes attacks has been lolterribad, but I don't see any reason to think that they are clearly the death nail for him especially this far out.

Romney only had the rednecks/ wingnuts IF he went along with their big-ticket items. They've pretty much been telling themselves they could hold their noses and vote for him. But then, he completely dissed them by not including Sarah in the convention process, and they are PISSED; ie: they're not going to vote for him over it pissed. No, they won't ever vote for Obama, or any Dem., but they are NOT voting for Romney either.
07-18-2012 , 11:07 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
Romney only had the rednecks/ wingnuts IF he went along with their big-ticket items. They've pretty much been telling themselves they could hold their noses and vote for him. But then, he completely dissed them by not including Sarah in the convention process, and they are PISSED; ie: they're not going to vote for him over it pissed. No, they won't ever vote for Obama, or any Dem., but they are NOT voting for Romney either.
I doubt this is accurate but time will tell. I fully expect anyone who is an admirer of Palin to turn out and vote against Obama.
07-18-2012 , 11:08 PM
Rush Limbaugh: Batman villain is slam vs Romney

"Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bain [sic]?"
07-18-2012 , 11:21 PM
Originally Posted by rockfsh
Rush Limbaugh: Batman villain is slam vs Romney

"Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bain [sic]?"
I've known Bane was an obvious liberal plant since 1993 when Knightfall came out. Even though I was just ten I realized that he had been created as the perfect Democratic tool and would be used against the GOP in a future presidential race.
07-18-2012 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by rockfsh
Rush Limbaugh: Batman villain is slam vs Romney

"Do you think that it is accidental that the name of the really vicious fire breathing four eyed whatever it is villain in this movie is named Bain [sic]?"
This attribution to Rush is getting more and more ******ed. The context is that he says the sh.t is ridiculous and that idiots came up with this idea and that some of them actually think it might work with some braindead potential Obama voters. He refers to the newspaper article he is reading it from that discusses this "theory" that is showing up on a bunch of dem blogs, which is what prompted the whole bit.
07-18-2012 , 11:27 PM
Originally Posted by gobbomom
Romney only had the rednecks/ wingnuts IF he went along with their big-ticket items. They've pretty much been telling themselves they could hold their noses and vote for him. But then, he completely dissed them by not including Sarah in the convention process, and they are PISSED; ie: they're not going to vote for him over it pissed. No, they won't ever vote for Obama, or any Dem., but they are NOT voting for Romney either.

Other than from your fertile imagination, where do you get your finger on the pulse of the tea party types from? I understand that may be your fervent wish, but you display a lack of understanding of the deep seeded disdain for Obama and his ilk from the tea partiers.

To paraphrase Cassius in Julius Caesar, most tea partiers would brook'd the eternal devil to defeat Obama. Sitting on their hands at home over some perceived dis of Palin isn't an option for these people.
07-18-2012 , 11:43 PM
vigil goode says he has the signatures he needs to get on the VA ballot. they dig him out there in some parts. could be worth a few points to barack.

yeah mitt is hanging tough. not ready to admit that i was wrong that his poll numbers will suffer from this bain and tax stuff, but he hasnt seen any erosion in poll numbers yet. the gamblers moving toward barack a bit he is at 57.4 right now.
07-18-2012 , 11:51 PM
just hope if barack wins he can lay off the snifty. fin dick cheney has 5 duis and bush was an alchoholic til he found god at 40 lol stay classy gop at least mccain on the senate floor called out bachman and those 4 other gop unamerican lying sacks of **** scott brown jumped on that train too
07-19-2012 , 12:06 AM
Originally Posted by DVaut1

New DNC ad goes in the horsey-dressage direction. This is Bizzarro Opposite Land of 2004. Bain = swiftboats, dressage = windsurfing. It's like I don't even know these parties anymore.
Looks like the DNC is apologizing over the dressage spot.

Last edited by seattlelou; 07-19-2012 at 12:06 AM. Reason: slow pony but dancing purdy
07-19-2012 , 12:06 AM
For the record, terrorbabies guy from texas being part of that group was the least surprising thing I learned this week.

Last edited by [Phill]; 07-19-2012 at 12:07 AM. Reason: re: annatas post
07-19-2012 , 12:18 AM
just heartless and gutless, that poor lady's husband is antony wiener so she suffered through that and then to attack her with the most outrageous "evidence" anderson cooper did a great job last night he had a diagram and said ok this is the evidence, her father who died a decade ago founded this organization and in this organization was another man who was a member of an organization that may have had ties to the muslim brotherhood.
07-19-2012 , 12:22 AM
Originally Posted by anatta
just heartless and gutless, that poor lady's husband is antony wiener so she suffered through that and then to attack her with the most outrageous "evidence" anderson cooper did a great job last night he had a diagram and said ok this is the evidence, her father who died a decade ago founded this organization and in this organization was another man who was a member of an organization that may have had ties to the muslim brotherhood.
Oh damn I didn't realize she was married to that dumbass.
07-19-2012 , 12:29 AM

In his own words
07-19-2012 , 12:40 AM
Originally Posted by jah7_fsu1
I'm not doubting that the attacks haven't had an effect, but Obama is at a 6 month low in approval rating. And where are these polls that show him putting Romney out of sight? The Palin thing? Let's be honest anyone who wanted to see Palin at the convention (other than Dems for the look how crazy they are love) is already so anti-Obama they are going to vote early for Romney. He isn't going to lose the wingnut vote with that by any means. He might anger the wingnuts at times, but these are the "Obama wasn't born here pure Marxist keep government away from my medicare" people. They are already squarely for whoever lined up against Obama.

No doubt Romney's response to the Bain/taxes attacks has been lolterribad, but I don't see any reason to think that they are clearly the death nail for him especially this far out.
Sure, they're not a death sentence, but his response thus far is certainly indicative of him being a weak candidate who's running a weak campaign. When the Bain/tax stuff started a few weeks ago, most of the liberals ITF yawned. It didn't seem like the biggest and best move in Obama's toolbox, certainly. The ad with RMoney singing was pretty well received by the liberals, but more for the singing, not because the substance of the attacks was super potent.

But RMoney's response to this has been borderline incompetent, to the point that he's getting called out and criticized by his own party, and that he's given liberals the fuel to speculate wildly as to whether there might actually be something there. He can still pull it off, sure. Like, the economy can crash so bad that even Santorum could have won. But if the status quo continues, with mediocre GDP, mediocre job numbers, mediocre stock market, etc., RMoney has done absolutely nothing to indicate that he's strong enough to pull off a close one.
07-19-2012 , 12:57 AM
Wow mediocre GDP and job numbers. Someone is grading on a hell of a curve.
07-19-2012 , 01:02 AM
Hey, guess what, Obama's chances of winning are higher now than they were when the June jobs report was released. Clearly the June report wasn't that bad.
07-19-2012 , 01:06 AM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Hey, guess what, Obama's chances of winning are higher now than they were when the June jobs report was released. Clearly the June report wasn't that bad.
I have a feeling that this post and Obama's thought processes are exactly the same.
07-19-2012 , 01:34 AM
Once we get closer to the election, Obama can basically run ads that says "We Have X Source that says that Mitt Romney has committed the federal crime of tax evasion. He should be in prison not the white house. Show us the returns Mitt" and Mitt will be like "No I won't do that on principle, it is none of your business".

As we get closer, they can say whatever they want about Mitt's returns. Since it is a mystery what is in them, they can fill that mystery in, and then it will just be the "So I heard you stopped beating your wife" bit.
07-19-2012 , 01:42 AM
Originally Posted by CaliBobby
Once we get closer to the election, Obama can basically run ads that says "We Have X Source that says that Mitt Romney has committed the federal crime of tax evasion. He should be in prison not the white house. Show us the returns Mitt" and Mitt will be like "No I won't do that on principle, it is none of your business".

As we get closer, they can say whatever they want about Mitt's returns. Since it is a mystery what is in them, they can fill that mystery in, and then it will just be the "So I heard you stopped beating your wife" bit.
Isn't the IRS part of the executive branch of the USG which Obama heads? Maybe he can trump up an indictment and after he gets impeached we can try President Joe.
07-19-2012 , 02:00 AM
Originally Posted by swinginglory

Other than from your fertile imagination, where do you get your finger on the pulse of the tea party types from? I understand that may be your fervent wish, but you display a lack of understanding of the deep seeded disdain for Obama and his ilk from the tea partiers.

To paraphrase Cassius in Julius Caesar, most tea partiers would brook'd the eternal devil to defeat Obama. Sitting on their hands at home over some perceived dis of Palin isn't an option for these people.
I read Free Republic constantly. Every thread. It entertains me. It's not my imagination. I'd post a link or two, but their service is down atm.
07-19-2012 , 02:20 AM
the last few polls i read have a distinct "enthusiasm" gap in the favor of the president which is a big switch from say a year ago. now when it was reversed, it was an issue in that many were saying liberals wont turn out like the did in 08, the luster has worn off. but now its not an issue but i kinda agree with this. think republicans will turn out big since they hate the president, but they really arent into romney. and obamas favorables have taken a hit. so despite a reversal in the numbers, think goper will hold their nose and vote for mitt despite the fact that they dont really trust him and he dont believe in the holy trinity. at least he aint a moslem socialist.
07-19-2012 , 02:26 AM
Originally Posted by anatta
the last few polls i read have a distinct "enthusiasm" gap in the favor of the president which is a big switch from say a year ago. now when it was reversed, it was an issue in that many were saying liberal wont turn out like the did in 08, the luster has worn off. but now its not an issue but i kinda agree with this. think republicans will turn out big since they hate the president, but they really arent into romney. and obamas favorables have taken a hit. so despite a reversal in the numbers, think goper will hold their nose and vote for mitt despite the fact that he doesnt believe in the holy trinity. at least he aint moslem.
I don't read every poll but I was surprised to hear that the enthusiasm gap had switched. The latest NYT's poll doesn't seem to back your assertion.

First, the enthusiasm gap between Democrats and Republicans when compared to 2008 gives Romney a distinct advantage in potential turnout. Only 27 percent of Democrats say they are more excited than 2008 to vote in this election. That compares with an insurgence of Republican enthusiasm — an astounding 49 percent of Republicans are more enthusiastic.

Read more:

Not sure if "business insider" is a reputable source and haven't looked at these numbers in the past to know if the characterization. BTW does anybody other than Catholics believe in the holy trinity?
07-19-2012 , 02:31 AM
interesting. yeah didnt read that one. read 2 others in the last week that had it in obama's favor by 10 points. dont remember. but that is pretty big gap in the nyt poll. (as far as holy trinity maybe i was thinking of holy spirit? dunno read something about some fundamentalist saying mormons dont believe in some fundamental part of the deal.)
