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05-22-2014 , 08:18 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I think you're being dense, but whether or not I would hire a guy falsely accused is of little significance, obviously just ask Dids he must be a ****ty guy. My guess is he gets pushed behind the other qualified applicants often. If he's dating my daughter, even I couldn't detach myself from my emotions on that. I'd raise hell.

No, you kept saying that one guy was falsely accused in US the whole year and I really wasn't sure you knew it's probably thousands.
Thousands per year that were so deeply and publicly shamed that you can't find a single example
05-22-2014 , 08:19 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
Still waiting to hear what policy you would implement that would reduce the prevalence of false rape accusations without also reducing the reporting of rape.
How about using the accepted legal standard of "clear and convincing evidence", rather than forcing schools to use a much weaker "preponderance of the evidence" standard (50.01% likelihood of guilt is enough to find someone guilty), which is what the Dept. of Ed has forced onto U.S schools. When the standard is that low, it is incredibly easy for wrong judgements to be made and for personal biases to color the final decision. (And you'd be delusional if you don't think the adjudicators on college campuses don't skew more feminist than a standard legal proceeding or jury.)

Anyway why should forcing schools to actually have clear and compelling evidence the guy is guilty - reduce the # of legit rape allegations? Campuses have more apparatus than ever to encourage women to report sexual assault.
05-22-2014 , 08:20 PM
Every time I open this thread I weep for humanity. Then I realize that this forum is probably like 3 standard deviations above the mean and I get legitimately depressed.
05-22-2014 , 08:21 PM

This thread is full of specific examples of pervasive biases is rape proceedings, and it ain't biases that disfavor the accused.
05-22-2014 , 08:24 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Thousands per year that were so deeply and publicly shamed that you can't find a single example
Caleb Warner case - just one of the most well-known ones because he was able to get some national press.

On January 2010, University of North Dakota student Caleb Warner was accused of sexually assaulting a fellow student. A UND tribunal determined that Warner was guilty of misconduct, and he was swiftly suspended from school and banned from setting foot on campus for three years. Yet the police – presented with the same evidence – were so unconvinced of Warner's guilt that they refused to bring criminal charges against him. Instead, they charged his accuser with filing a false report and issued a warrant for her arrest. Warner's accuser fled town and failed to appear to answer the charges.

Despite these developments, the university repeatedly rejected Warner's requests for a rehearing. Finally, a year and a half later, UND reexamined Warner's case and determined that their finding of guilt was "not substantiated" – but only after the civil liberties group FIRE intervened and launched a national campaign on Warner's behalf.

Unfortunately, Warner is not alone in his grievances. Across the country, students accused of sexual assault are regularly tried before inadequate and unjust campus judiciaries. At most schools, cases of sexual misconduct are decided by a committee of as few as three students, faculty members or administrators. At Swarthmore College, volunteers are now being solicited via email to serve on the Sexual Assault and Harassment Hearing Panel. Such a panel is far more likely to yield gender violence activists than impartial fact finders. In a court of law, we rely on procedural safeguards to ensure unbiased jury selection and due process. But on the college campus, these safeguards have vanished
05-22-2014 , 08:25 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Caleb Warner case - just one of the most well-known ones because he was able to get some national press.
You are not following the conversation.
05-22-2014 , 08:29 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You are not following the conversation.
Right because aside from the whole expulsion from school and being branded a rapist thing, there were no consequences? The issue is that a legit procedure would have found him innocent to begin with.

The point is to punish the guilty, correct? Just checking.
05-22-2014 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
No, you kept saying that one guy was falsely accused in US the whole year and I really wasn't sure you knew it's probably thousands.
When I said one guy I was referring to one guy at the university per year. Not sure how you get from that to one guy in the whole of USA.

Originally Posted by DudeImBetter
So we agree thousands of dudes each year are falsely accused. Cool.

And I offered up placing breathalyzers around campus. Thoughts?
Yes thousands of dudes! Thousands!! You still haven't shown how many suffer the consequences of being expelled each year. So of those thousands(!) I am sure many are found to be innocent and suffer no consequences. It's a pretty simple question: how many dudes per year are expelled on rape allegations? How many of those do you believe were falsely accused?

How are breathalyzers going to reduce rape? Do you think women that are too incapacitated to consent are going to be aware enough to make the guy that's trying to take them home take a breathalyzer test? Or are drunk dudes going to get girls to breathalyze to make sure they aren't raping them? Maybe you should be discussing this with the consent-is-hard crowd, I am sure they can help you out with some more realistic ideas.
05-22-2014 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Right because aside from the whole expulsion from school and being branded a rapist thing, there were no consequences? The issue is that a legit procedure would have found him innocent to begin with.

The point is to punish the guilty, correct? Just checking.
Lots of guys falsely accused of rape get found innocent. They are who we were talking about.
05-22-2014 , 08:34 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
How about using the accepted legal standard of "clear and convincing evidence", rather than forcing schools to use a much weaker "preponderance of the evidence" standard (50.01% likelihood of guilt is enough to find someone guilty), which is what the Dept. of Ed has forced onto U.S schools. When the standard is that low, it is incredibly easy for wrong judgements to be made and for personal biases to color the final decision. (And you'd be delusional if you don't think the adjudicators on college campuses don't skew more feminist than a standard legal proceeding or jury.)

Anyway why should forcing schools to actually have clear and compelling evidence the guy is guilty - reduce the # of legit rape allegations? Campuses have more apparatus than ever to encourage women to report sexual assault.
Originally Posted by revots33
Caleb Warner case - just one of the most well-known ones because he was able to get some national press.
Yes I am sure you can find one guy whose life was ruined, injustice exists in this world and sometimes the middle class white guys get hit with it. What we need to know before we throw all rape victims under the bus is how many men are accused a year falsely. The first thing we need to know is how many men are expelled from university on rape charges, then an approximation of how many of those men you think are innocent.
05-22-2014 , 08:48 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Lots of guys falsely accused of rape get found innocent. They are who we were talking about.
That may be who you're talking about, but I'm not less worried about those who were found guilty. We've established there are thousands who were found innocent, we don't know how many were found guilty. Why would I bother trying to look up a random person? If I have a reason to vet a specific person and he was involved in a rape accusation, trial, etc., it wouldn't be hard to find out.

Originally Posted by ianlippert
Yes I am sure you can find one guy whose life was ruined, injustice exists in this world and sometimes the middle class white guys get hit with it. What we need to know before we throw all rape victims under the bus is how many men are accused a year falsely. The first thing we need to know is how many men are expelled from university on rape charges, then an approximation of how many of those men you think are innocent.
Again, I'm on your side on this issue because rape is a large (growing?) problem and colleges need a way to protect victims in the short term from having to be around the accused, something the legal system doesn't do. But I still think we need to be very careful where this leads. The idea that just because false accusations are relatively rare that means they aren't significant is strange. Our entire legal system has been built around it.
05-22-2014 , 08:54 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
That may be who you're talking about, but I'm not less worried about those who were found guilty.
You specifically claimed that those found innocent were publicly shamed, yet you have not provided a shred of evidence of this. I am sorry about the guys expelled wrongly, but quite frankly, I'm more concerned about the guilty guys who never face a hearing due to underreporting and then go on to rape again, and the guilty guys who are found innocent and then go on to rape again, and the guys who are found guilty but not expelled and who then go on to rape again. There are a ton more of these guys, and a ton more women they rape.
05-22-2014 , 09:05 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
You specifically claimed that those found innocent were publicly shamed, yet you have not provided a shred of evidence of this. I am sorry about the guys expelled wrongly, but quite frankly, I'm more concerned about the guilty guys who never face a hearing due to underreporting and then go on to rape again, and the guilty guys who are found innocent and then go on to rape again, and the guys who are found guilty but not expelled and who then go on to rape again. There are a ton more of these guys, and a ton more women they rape.
It shouldn't be too hard to find something. Honestly can't believe you're serious about thinking someone accused of rape, has his name printed in the newspaper, isn't publicly shamed. Let me take a look and see if I can beat the edit bar.

Edit: well that took about twenty seconds.

Edit2: Here's a famous one:


Wookie, I'm with you that we should be worried about those who get away with rape, perhaps more than those falsely accused because of the former outnumber the latter, but that same argument holds for murder accusations. Are you suggesting we shouldn't worry about those people falsely accused of murder because of those who get away with it?

Last edited by FoldnDark; 05-22-2014 at 09:17 PM.
05-22-2014 , 09:20 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
It shouldn't be too hard to find something. Honestly can't believe you're serious about thinking someone accused of rape, has his name printed in the newspaper, isn't publicly shamed. Let me take a look and see if I can beat the edit bar.

Edit: well that took about twenty seconds.

Edit2: Here's a famous one:


Wookie, I'm with you that we should be worried about those who get away with rape, perhaps more than those falsely accused because of the former outnumber the latter, but that same argument holds for murder accusations. Are you suggesting we shouldn't worry about those people falsely accused of murder because of those who get away with it?
None of those cases were tried by a college panel. We were talking about college panels.

Your murder analogy is poor, as in murder trials, seldom is there a question as to whether or not a crime has taken place, and the problem of underreporting is quite small.
05-22-2014 , 09:31 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
None of those cases were tried by a college panel. We were talking about college panels.

Your murder analogy is poor, as in murder trials, seldom is there a question as to whether or not a crime has taken place, and the problem of underreporting is quite small.
How often is rape tried by a college panel but not reported to the police?

Just because the analogy isn't perfect doesn't make it poor. Yes, they are different crimes and different circumstances, that doesn't mean those falsely accused are less damaged. I might go so far as to say I'd rather be falsely accused of murder than rape. And considering what happens to convicted rapists in jail, I'd rather be convicted of murder.
05-22-2014 , 09:34 PM
Originally Posted by ianlippert
Yes thousands of dudes! Thousands!! You still haven't shown how many suffer the consequences of being expelled each year. So of those thousands(!) I am sure many are found to be innocent and suffer no consequences.
I don't think you get to have it both ways. Accusing falsely a woman for being a slut in court has long lasting psychological effects. Accusing a man falsely for being a rapist doesn't involve zero consequence assuming, in the end, his true non-rapist status is confirmed.

Regardless, I'm not finding numbers of expelled students in my 5 minute search. We can guesstimate though. We can assume 5,000 colleges. If your estimation is correct, that 1/college/year is falsely accused of rape, that means we've got 5,000 dudes/year falsely accused.

How many do YOU think are proven to be innocent of those 5,000 per year? How many would have to be NOT proven innocent for you to consider it a problem worthy of attention?

It's a pretty simple question: how many dudes per year are expelled on rape allegations? How many of those do you believe were falsely accused?

Originally Posted by ianlippert
How are breathalyzers going to reduce rape? Do you think women that are too incapacitated to consent are going to be aware enough to make the guy that's trying to take them home take a breathalyzer test? Or are drunk dudes going to get girls to breathalyze to make sure they aren't raping them? Maybe you should be discussing this with the consent-is-hard crowd, I am sure they can help you out with some more realistic ideas.
I think not every guy is aware of the specifics pertaining to date rape. I certainly wasn't as a 21 year old college student. I think placing breathalyzers in bars and in dorms with some simple poster explaining basic date rape law would RAISE AWARENESS, encourage RESPONSIBLE DECISION MAKING, and would create at least a noticeable dent in the percent of rapes occurring annually on our college campuses.

NOTE: I also advocated much earlier ITT for creating a consent BAL in much the same way that there exists a drunk driving BAL threshold. This BAL could be included in the breathalyzer's informational poster and encourage the breathalyzer's use. I also had stated that there would be intended positive side effects when it comes to drunk driving incidence.

Now if you think all men are rapist as****es who have zero regard for consent or women's rights, and that raising the awareness of men at American universities would make no discernible difference, then we've got nothing else to discuss.
05-22-2014 , 09:37 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
How often is rape tried by a college panel but not reported to the police?

Just because the analogy isn't perfect doesn't make it poor. Yes, they are different crimes and different circumstances, that doesn't mean those falsely accused are less damaged. I might go so far as to say I'd rather be falsely accused of murder than rape. And considering what happens to convicted rapists in jail, I'd rather be convicted of murder.
We're not talking about sending anyone to jail.
05-22-2014 , 09:44 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
We're not talking about sending anyone to jail.
Yeah, I added that. Look, your contention that I could be falsely accused of rape, tried by a college panel found innocent and that would never get out to the press, internet, etc. and follow me around for the rest of my life when trying to get a job or if someone decides to google me is uplifting. If that is the norm, then I believe someone falsely accused of rape could get over it within a few years. I'm not yet convinced that is the norm, and as soon as it hits the press I'm headed for the nearest bridge.
05-22-2014 , 09:45 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
If that is the norm, then I believe someone falsely accused of rape could get over it within a few years. I'm not yet convinced that is the case, and as soon as it hits the press I'm headed for the nearest bridge.
Imagine how you'd feel, then, if instead of this you were

05-22-2014 , 09:54 PM
Goofy, we've already established that waking up with no memory but with cum dripping out of your anus is not that big of a deal. You just had sex with someone you wouldn't have had sex with sober.
05-22-2014 , 09:59 PM
Originally Posted by MrWookie
Goofy, we've already established that waking up with no memory but with cum dripping out of your anus is not that big of a deal.
You know I never said that, and that sort of mischaracterization is why these conversations go nowhere.
05-22-2014 , 10:03 PM
But you really did trivialize the trauma of waking up next to someone who had violated your body the night before, as long as you were too drunk to remember exactly what happened, and even suggested that the woman is at fault for letting it happen.
05-22-2014 , 10:06 PM
Originally Posted by adacan
Just some ideas: in the military rape should be investigated by independent bodies, not someone in the chain of command. In civilian rape cases the victims and defendants should not be named in the newspapers.
Why should the defendant not be named? There are no other crimes where the person on trial isnt named, afaik.

There is a huge public benefit in naming a defendant, namely to get other victims to come forward and strengthen the case, given the way statistics work rapists rarely get caught on their first rape.
05-22-2014 , 10:07 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
But you really did trivialize the trauma of waking up next to someone who had violated your body the night before, as long as you were too drunk to remember exactly what happened, and even suggested that the woman is at fault for letting it happen.
I did nothing of the sort.
05-22-2014 , 10:14 PM
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I did nothing of the sort.
Oh yes you did.

Originally Posted by FoldnDark
Thinking deeply about it (which is sick), I would honestly probably prefer waking up next to a stranger not remembering what happened but knowing I'd been raped than being falsely accused.
Originally Posted by FoldnDark
I was pointing out rape comes in lots of forms, from brutal and forced to the girl allowed it because she had too many.
