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Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Ivory Coast, More???  Protest/Revolution Sweat Thread Bahrain, Yemen, Libya, Morocco, Syria, Ivory Coast, More???  Protest/Revolution Sweat Thread

02-23-2011 , 06:47 PM
Libyans in the know on AJE say Gadafi doesn't control the airforce anymore so what's the point in no-fly zone?
Reports of pilots ejecting and stuff lol, what a waste of good planes.
Mercenaries still use helicopters or something though.
02-23-2011 , 07:02 PM
Some more email posts from the poster from Libya.

hi guys. could not make it. so seems that we are stuck in Tripoli. The maniac is sending text messages to people to go to work and school tomorrow and pretend that there is no problems. He is nuts. Some areas still have bodies on the streets and want people to continue as if nothing happened?
Dear friends, many thanks for your support.

Can't say much right now, but now you all know why I defended this monster on that air-crash thread when yeezeevee bashed the idiot of Libya several months ago. Qaddafi is a clown and a maniac. But he is very scary gangster. Hitler and Mosolini, Saddam, Qaddafi are all the same, maybe he is a bit worse. He spends billions of USD on intelligence including extreme scanning means for emails, internet, phones etc. But now I can speak freely (I think) because he is too busy saving his ass from the angry Libyan people who stood in front of antitank artillery and actually were willing to make them run out of ammunition by sacrificing their lives. You wont believe the images that are on the internet right now.

Say "**** Allah", "**** Mohamed", no problem. Say "I think Qaddafi is not doing well with the education system in libya and he should reform a bit", and you will be dissolved in Hydrochloric acid and sent to your family in a bottle... I could criticize religion freely and as the Admins know I don't use proxies, because as long as I didn't criticize the clown himself I will be safe. He is a monster, and that was the only reason he lasted 42 years. You say No, and you are dead.

He used to hang his opponents and show them on TV to scare people. During the 80, these kind of shows were a kind of entertainment shows on TV. These luckily stopped at least publicly thanks to the internet and satalite TV.

There is a joke that is running around now to lift spirits that goes like this. "Jamal Abdulnasir Saddat (both former presidents of Egypts that were assasinated by poison and gun fire) were greating Qaddafi in Hell and asked him: How did your people kill you? Poison or Gun? Qaddafi says: Facebook!

Naerys, first of all congratulations for the lifting of your country's 19-year-old state of emergency, that could be the start towards your freedom. I really thank you from the heart for your kind offer, although it will be suicide as his mad African Mercenaries are targeting people randomly now.

Neighbors have formed alliances with trusted ones and have night watch shifts to guard themselves. Funny how I never thought that I would be gathering rocks and sticks and call them weapons...

Kenan, IA, Q-man, J&T, Loki and all the rest, I thank you from the heart for your concern.

Libyan people say that "they want to try gas tears, hot and cold water jets, rubber bullets like regular protesters of the world".Instead the mad dog and his gang went strait for anti-tank and anti-aircraft bullets to silence the protesters (forever). They use 14.5 caliber rounds. These were used to target heads, neck and chests of protesters.

Anyways, the net is sporadic and snail-slow these days. So bye for now.

02-23-2011 , 07:11 PM
Saudi King Abdullah is back in SA after a 3 month hiatus, promises 37 billion investments in housing and education.
He is trying to calm the population I guess, apparently saudis on facebook are preparing a demonstration, "a day of anger" at 11th of March.
02-23-2011 , 07:24 PM
Wow, thanks for posting those updates from your friend on the other board. Fascinating.
02-23-2011 , 08:00 PM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
Saudi King Abdullah is back in SA after a 3 month hiatus, promises 37 billion investments in housing and education.
He is trying to calm the population I guess, apparently saudis on facebook are preparing a demonstration, "a day of anger" at 11th of March.
So in other words. Fill the tanks on the 9th or so of March cause oil's gonna go nuts?
02-23-2011 , 10:36 PM
AlJazeera showing some crazy ****.

22 Libyan soldiers handcuffed and shot in the back of the head, supposedly for not taking part in attacking civilians.

jeez i used to think the Colonel was a good leader for his people, more fool me it seems.

OT - there is a guy from my neighbourhood that has met and dealt with Gaddafi, he used to be quite the celebrity around here. ("the guy" is supposed to have helped organise the lifeline NIMN mentions for the IRA)

Last edited by unwantedguest; 02-23-2011 at 10:50 PM.
02-24-2011 , 01:31 AM
cool image i found via reddit

02-24-2011 , 02:03 AM

Here's a graphic, extremely disturbing link. The Daily Beast has a round up of the most horrific images of the Libyan revolution. If you are mildly sick in the head like me and want to look, here's the link.

FURTHER WARNING: These are really, REALLY messed up. It includes the link from earlier in this thread and that's not even in the top 3 worst things on this list. Really, you will regret clicking this link, do not do it.
02-24-2011 , 04:53 AM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_

Here's a graphic, extremely disturbing link. The Daily Beast has a round up of the most horrific images of the Libyan revolution. If you are mildly sick in the head like me and want to look, here's the link.

FURTHER WARNING: These are really, REALLY messed up. It includes the link from earlier in this thread and that's not even in the top 3 worst things on this list. Really, you will regret clicking this link, do not do it.
I'm going to believe the warning this time...
02-24-2011 , 04:54 AM
Originally Posted by __w__
So in other words. Fill the tanks on the 9th or so of March cause oil's gonna go nuts?
Well, I don't know about US but in Europe, in particular Netherlands a galon gas = 8,65 $ = 1,67 euro/l, (~2/3 of that is tax).

It's the highest price ever and people are very angry.
Price of crude oil can go up all it wants but there is no more room for gas price jump in EU or people may snap here too.
And of course the goverment don't even dream about lowering the tax on gas to balance the price so... it's bad.
02-24-2011 , 04:57 AM
As if lowering the tax has any effect? People are buying gas now so the oil companies can sell the gas at the same price without the tax.
02-24-2011 , 05:14 AM
I don't know jack about economy, what I do know and see around me is that for the middle class in europe a car is becoming a luxury they can't afford.
02-24-2011 , 07:25 AM
Libya's ex minister of justice just held a press conference, from a meeting with tribal leaders who for the moment are united and chanting that their only tribe is Libya.

Gaddafi tried to negotiatie by offering them government positions, but they declined. The ex-minister says that most of Libya is under control of protesters / tribes and that Tripoli is the last stand - with Gaddafi still controling an awful lot of powerful weapons.

apparantley the press conference was on al-jazeera, but I think it was the arabic channel. My source is the tweets from!/iyad_elbaghdadi
02-24-2011 , 08:26 AM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
I don't know jack about economy, what I do know and see around me is that for the middle class in europe a car is becoming a luxury they can't afford.

Maybe in Kosovo or something...
02-24-2011 , 08:48 AM
Originally Posted by Flip-Flop
I don't know jack about economy, what I do know and see around me is that for the middle class in europe a car is becoming a luxury they can't afford.
lol wut?
02-24-2011 , 09:36 AM
You heard me.
Buying a ****ing car is the easy part and even that is done via loans.
The maintence costs and monthly tax/insurance is high anyway so when you add 300-500 euros a month for gas to all that... yeah it starting to look like a luxury an average earner can't afford.
And I'm talking about Netherlands...
Someone mentioned the balkans?
Average salary for non EU country in the balkans is 300 euros a month!.. if that, while gas is euro+ /l.
Do the math.
02-24-2011 , 10:09 AM
You spend 300-500 euros a month on gas in... the Netherlands?

Do you commute to Russia or something? There is no way you can spend 300-500 a month on simply driving to work in a country the size of the Netherlands, and doing chores and going places in your local area. That's absurd.
02-24-2011 , 10:32 AM
Well, I don't drive a 'smart'.
My car spends something like 10Ltr/100km on average (more in city, less on highways) and I do drive 100km a day on average which comes down to exactly 500 euros a month for gas.
Sure there are more economic options like smaller and diesel cars but still...

Anyway, back to Gaddafi.
The tool is speaking live on Libyan TV atm.
02-24-2011 , 10:53 AM
Originally Posted by Not_In_My_Name
Indeed. And more shame us (well, more shame the US government back then, since I don't think you had anything to do with it, and I either wasn't born or was a baby). The facts surrounding this issue reflect badly enough on the US, people should let the facts speak for themselves, rather than trying to make it look even worse by making distorted, inaccurate or downright false statements.
In those facts, somewhere you concede that "we" gave considerable military support to both Iraq AND Iran simultaneously, right? Hope so.


Last edited by JiggsCasey; 02-24-2011 at 11:13 AM. Reason: how much "worse" can our chickenhawks look in that disaster?
02-24-2011 , 11:09 AM
Originally Posted by JiggsCasey
In those facts, somewhere you concede that "we" gave considerable military support to both Iraq AND Iran simultaneously, right? Hope so.
Yes. I like how by the tone of your post you seem to think you haven caught me out on something, or caught me trying to conceal something, when what you brought up simply want't part of the conversation at that point. I have no trouble discussing those policies.

Never change Jiggs.
02-24-2011 , 11:12 AM
uh huh... you either...
02-24-2011 , 11:12 AM
Defectors from the government saying that Gaddafi is still sitting on tons of sulfur and mustard gas despite having renounced WMDs in 2003. This could turn into a vast, brutal, and grizzly tragedy before we are done.
02-24-2011 , 11:41 AM
In a less sinister note: A German newspaper cites Gaddafi as claiming Al-Qaida has drugged the libyan population and is being supported by the US media.

I guess the guy must have watched too much Glenn Beck.
02-24-2011 , 11:50 AM
gaddafi going into troll mode telling everyone obama is a muslim, great president, and that they're friends
02-24-2011 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by DannyOcean_

Here's a graphic, extremely disturbing link. The Daily Beast has a round up of the most horrific images of the Libyan revolution. If you are mildly sick in the head like me and want to look, here's the link.

FURTHER WARNING: These are really, REALLY messed up. It includes the link from earlier in this thread and that's not even in the top 3 worst things on this list. Really, you will regret clicking this link, do not do it.
This is some sick ****! You've been warned!!

Sarkozy calls for EU sanctions against Libya
