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Anti-Affirmative Action Organization Says "Severe" Racial Discrimination at Univ. of Wisconsin Anti-Affirmative Action Organization Says "Severe" Racial Discrimination at Univ. of Wisconsin

09-14-2011 , 12:18 PM
ftr, i guessed you went to new trier before that post
09-14-2011 , 12:21 PM
Originally Posted by [Phill]
Its a shame how white people in America have no chances in life. Nobody is attacked with prejudice more than the white Christian males.

There needs to be a Civil Whites Act to redress the balance to how the founding fathers envisioned America.
No, Phill... all people should just be treated equally. Or as MLK once put it, people should be judged by the content of their character and not the color of their skin.
09-14-2011 , 12:21 PM
There will always be extremes.

Milwaukee spends lots of money, and enjoys a graduation rate in the 40's.
09-14-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by ikestoys
Basically you're taking in poor people's money, giving them loans they can't get away from, and kicking them out when they don't meet your standards.

Solid policy of helping people imo.
I didn't know that inner city schools spent so much money per student (though the point does stand about the quality of education)

I'm not really defending Wisconsin's method, I'm attacking the view that public universities should not use affirmative action.

and I agree, **** new trier
09-14-2011 , 12:29 PM
Also hows come they let you take race into account in college admissions but they won't let the TSA take Muslimness into account when it comes to preflight screening?!?!?!
09-14-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by kimoser22
Why do they group Asians with Whites? I always wonder if it actually penalized me when I applied to colleges as an Asian?
Because Asians score at the highest average on every IQ test ever invented. Affirmative action is based on a groups need to be helped and most Asians have all the academic credentials and money needed to get into a university.
09-14-2011 , 12:34 PM
I'm cool with economic status being used for admissions and such but not race. Institutionalized racism imo.
09-14-2011 , 12:38 PM
Originally Posted by GBP04
I didn't know that inner city schools spent so much money per student (though the point does stand about the quality of education)
Nothing wrong with the quality of the education(with some exceptions due to union protections). The issue is the home life and culture of the inner cities in this nation.

My wife has been an inner city teacher for the last 8 years. She places 100% of the blame on the ****bag parent (or parents, in the rare case that there are two). She said the best students in her classes are typically those being raised by grandparents. Sadly, they're usually being raised by grandparents because mommy and daddy are dead, in jail, or just dumped the kid and left

TL : DR, Don't blame the educational system for a generation of under-performing minorities in the inner cities of this country. Blame society.

There are some students in her classes who have actual parents. They show up to the meetings, they hold their kid accountable for their actions, and actually make the kid show up at school. Those are the ones who will do well and go on to college somewhere.

The kid who got suspended for the 14th time for cussing out the teacher, and then when the mom shows up for the meeting, threatens to call the NAACP because the white bitch teacher is singling her perfect little angel out? Yeah, they might need some affirmative action assistance.
09-14-2011 , 12:49 PM
yea, good points. I tutored at a junior high in a poorer part of madison and I totally agree about the home life being a major factor (though I am still certain that the quality just wasn't the same. sample size, maybe).

I don't know the best way to get improve the crappy culture you are referring to. you are right in that it is important that we get to the root of the problem, as that would be much more effective than just accepting kids into colleges
09-14-2011 , 01:07 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
Nothing wrong with the quality of the education(with some exceptions due to union protections). The issue is the home life and culture of the inner cities in this nation.

My wife has been an inner city teacher for the last 8 years. She places 100% of the blame on the ****bag parent (or parents, in the rare case that there are two). She said the best students in her classes are typically those being raised by grandparents. Sadly, they're usually being raised by grandparents because mommy and daddy are dead, in jail, or just dumped the kid and left

TL : DR, Don't blame the educational system for a generation of under-performing minorities in the inner cities of this country. Blame society.

There are some students in her classes who have actual parents. They show up to the meetings, they hold their kid accountable for their actions, and actually make the kid show up at school. Those are the ones who will do well and go on to college somewhere.

The kid who got suspended for the 14th time for cussing out the teacher, and then when the mom shows up for the meeting, threatens to call the NAACP because the white bitch teacher is singling her perfect little angel out? Yeah, they might need some affirmative action assistance.
Also intelligence is genetic
09-14-2011 , 01:12 PM
Originally Posted by the steam
Because Asians score at the highest average on every IQ test ever invented. Affirmative action is based on a groups need to be helped and most Asians have all the academic credentials and money needed to get into a university.
Then there should be affirmative action for Asians in sports.
09-14-2011 , 01:17 PM
K-12 education isn't exactly tailored to 115 IQs.
09-14-2011 , 01:17 PM
No sports just hire the best man for the job,period.
09-14-2011 , 01:20 PM
Originally Posted by Inso0
K-12 education isn't exactly tailored to 115 IQs.
Kids that are that smart need their own classes or schools. You shouldn't have to dumb down what is being taught. Also many kids that should be special ed aren't,and that's not fair to them or their classmates.
09-14-2011 , 01:31 PM
Originally Posted by the steam
Kids that are that smart need their own classes or schools. You shouldn't have to dumb down what is being taught. Also many kids that should be special ed aren't,and that's not fair to them or their classmates.
Again, blame the parents. They have to authorize the IEP. (Individualized Education Plan)

If they don't want their perfect little Sally/Johnny to be pulled out with the "slow" kids because it would hurt their pride or require more effort on part of the parent, the school can't make them.
09-14-2011 , 01:34 PM
Harrison Bergeron by Kurt Vonnegut.

The plot is set in the year 2081. Due to the 211th, 212th and 213th Amendments to the Constitution of America, all Americans are mandated equal. “They were not only equal before God and the law. They were equal every which way."
09-14-2011 , 01:41 PM
Affirmative Action is really bad. Fair or not, it tarnishes the achievement of all black students. It also put underqualified kids in tough positions.
09-14-2011 , 02:08 PM
it probably ends up hurting minorities more than it helps them by throwing them into classes they aren't as prepared for which leads to larger drop out rates and massive debt
09-14-2011 , 02:20 PM
Originally Posted by jogsxyz
Then there should be affirmative action for Asians in sports.
Jeremy Lin, LDO

Actually I'm in favor of Affirmative Action, one way to brake the cycle is to start having more disadvantaged minorities receive college degrees from top tier schools as this increased earning power will put more poor minorities into the middle class. The one part about affirmative action that I disagree with is making it wholly race-based (the only pro is that it makes campuses more diverse). I wonder how many of the minorities at top school are actually from underprivileged backgrounds...One of my high school friends applied to schools as African American because he was born in South Africa...(obv white)
09-14-2011 , 02:24 PM
Originally Posted by rsigley
it probably ends up hurting minorities more than it helps them by throwing them into classes they aren't as prepared for which leads to larger drop out rates and massive debt
But those who do graduate do earn roughly the same as other graduates of high tier universities.
09-14-2011 , 02:28 PM
solid thread rename
09-14-2011 , 04:00 PM
Originally Posted by rsigley
it probably ends up hurting minorities more than it helps them by throwing them into classes they aren't as prepared for which leads to larger drop out rates and massive debt
Umm.... the notion behind AA is that all things being equal, you opt for the minority candidate. It should not be about taking people who are not qualified and accepting them into programs for which they are not prepared.
09-14-2011 , 04:23 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Umm.... the notion behind AA is that all things being equal, you opt for the minority candidate. It should not be about taking people who are not qualified and accepting them into programs for which they are not prepared.
It's amazing how many people don't get this.
09-14-2011 , 04:24 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
Umm.... the notion behind AA is that all things being equal, you opt for the minority candidate.
Right, and if you think this is what happens at top universities, law firms, medical schools and the like I have a bridge to sell you.
09-14-2011 , 04:33 PM
Originally Posted by JayTeeMe
I'm cool with economic status being used for admissions and such but not race. Institutionalized racism imo.
This!!! Affirmative action on economic background is a no-brainer imo.
