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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

11-07-2016 , 02:41 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
So my mom told me that somebody used duct tape to throw a "vote Trump" on their first Clinton sign, and then flat stole their second. The effort the first would take is kinda scary.
There has been a ton of things like this going on from both sides. It's sad that people can't accept differing opinions.
11-07-2016 , 02:43 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Dow up 344, supposedly because Hillary more likely to win now? I'm not sure I see the most recent Comey announcement having any impact. Hillary has more voters and always did. It's all about turnout in a few states.

Swing state polls still exceedingly tight and I am still sweating this out until it's officially over. Florida closes at 7pm and if that looks like it's going Trump I'm gonna be officially shook waiting for PA.
7pm Central time for Florida. We should have a solid understanding by 10 pm latest.
11-07-2016 , 02:45 PM
This pretty much confirms Trump is toast. These approval polls are largely bs but still it's a 15 point gap now.

“@StevenTDennis: Gallup: Obama approval jumps 3 points to 56%, disapproval down to 41%”
11-07-2016 , 02:45 PM
Originally Posted by BreakYaNeck
Guess it depends what I make. If I made anywhere between 126-171k with all 3 kids in college, it makes sense to get under 126k. If Im over 171k it doesnt really make sense to be under the 126k. Im in a commission based industry so it would be easy for me to cut my salary
Commision based earnings make this calc different, but for non commision based family incomes the #'s are not anywhere close to that.

Unless you have a special talent that enables you to drop your salary from 171K down to 125,999 for only the years your kids were in college and rebounding back to 171k after they graduate you are costing yourself ungodly amounts in future earnings potential.

If we assume you and your wife are 45 and going to retire when you are 65, a couple making 171K currently with 3% rise in income each year is going to earn 4.73 million by retirement. Subtract out the 60K per kid for their college career and you net 4.53 million.

If you slash your pay to 125,999 and assume a similar rise in income of 3% per year(no raises for 8 years until your kids are out of college), even with free college your new net is 3.47 million. So you want to cost yourself over a million in future earning to take advantage of a simple tax break?

With the above assumptions(45 years old, retire at 65, 3 kids in college next 8 year, 3% raise each year when applicable) there is exactly no salary at which point it makes sense to cut your salary to 125,999. Not even 126,000.
11-07-2016 , 02:47 PM
Just heard the end of a trump speech, everybody chanting USA USA USA. My God did it ever sound like sieg heil, or something from The Wall. Truly chilling.
11-07-2016 , 02:48 PM
Even though community college seems super cheap (and is a great value), believe me when I say that cost is a HUGE factor for students, especially where I work. Keep in mind a lot of these are non-traditional students who have children, work multiple jobs etc.

Seems like a no brainer to me that at least community college education should be free for those who want it and can't afford it. As someone correctly posted, investing in education yields great returns. Hopefully our next President makes positive steps towards making people smarter.
11-07-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
In the US. It isnt like Hillary is promising to subsidise international college.
If the majority of US universities are government based, the government should have a super easy time controlling education costs. But they don't.

I think we are not speaking of the same thing. Many US universities are public but a very small percentage of their funding comes from the state and the state has very limited say in terms of tuition increases.
11-07-2016 , 02:48 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
So you want to cost yourself over a million in future earning to take advantage of a simple tax break?
Seems to be a common theme ITT, people willing to sacrifice tons of future earnings just so they can "save" a few thousand today.
11-07-2016 , 02:49 PM
What policies do you think Hillary will try and implement, assuming she wins? What will be her priorities?

I'm not convinced she doesn't have some big goals. She's spent her whole life trying to be president and she must know her chances of reelection are not great.
11-07-2016 , 02:50 PM
Originally Posted by einbert
No I understand that with every social safety net benefit some people are going to abuse it. It turns out it's a very small percent and the cost is almost always blown out of the water by many orders of magnitudes compared to the benefits of having the safety net there.
This. I suspect if we could actually get it down to a hard science (we can't, but if), we'd find it's a law: You can have a fair system, or you can have an unexploitable system, but you can't have a fair, unexploitable system.
11-07-2016 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Just heard the end of a trump speech, everybody chanting USA USA USA. My God did it ever sound like sieg heil, or something from The Wall. Truly chilling.
This is almost as ridiculous as the satanic spirit cooking stuff.

People have been chanting USA at political rallies and conventions and a bajillion other things for as long as I can remember and probably before that.

I'm sure I can find people chanting it at Obama rallies or any other Dem candidate for President.
11-07-2016 , 02:51 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Dow up 344, supposedly because Hillary more likely to win now? I'm not sure I see the most recent Comey announcement having any impact. Hillary has more voters and always did. It's all about turnout in a few states.

Swing state polls still exceedingly tight and I am still sweating this out until it's officially over. Florida closes at 7pm and if that looks like it's going Trump I'm gonna be officially shook waiting for PA.
The market upswing is Comey related. Probably a combination of both increased likelihood of Clinton winning and the removal of the uncertainty of legal issues hanging over the head of the President elect.
11-07-2016 , 02:53 PM
Originally Posted by LFS
Just heard the end of a trump speech, everybody chanting USA USA USA. My God did it ever sound like sieg heil, or something from The Wall. Truly chilling.
it truly is amazing the hypocrisy of people who claim to be most patriotic but yet say America is so bad
11-07-2016 , 02:54 PM
Surprised nobody wants Clinton as a 6-1 favorite. Seems like easy money
11-07-2016 , 02:54 PM

11-07-2016 , 02:54 PM
It's a simple as the market likes certainty, not a coincidence short duration volatility was piled into over the 9 days & now that trade is being unwound.
11-07-2016 , 02:54 PM
Originally Posted by madlondoner
What policies do you think Hillary will try and implement, assuming she wins? What will be her priorities?

I'm not convinced she doesn't have some big goals. She's spent her whole life trying to be president and she must know her chances of reelection are not great.
From what I've heard, some of her early priorities will be:

Infrastructure spending bill (w/some tax changes)
Immigration reform
Amendment to overturn Citizens United
11-07-2016 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by master3004
Surprised nobody wants Clinton as a 6-1 favorite. Seems like easy money
People still think (are hoping?) Brexit is possible again which is hilariously wrong at this point.
11-07-2016 , 02:56 PM
Originally Posted by sportsjefe
yeah, my thinking on this is almost in reverse. if high schools did a better job preparing people for the world, we wouldn't need colleges to do it. our funding should be doing that, instead of trying to stretch it out over more and more levels of the education system.

Yeah for sure. I meant to say WONT require more years. Whoops
11-07-2016 , 02:57 PM
I think everyone in this thread agrees that we want to invest in a more educated country across the board.

I think we also all agree that higher education costs rise at a faster rate than both inflation and professor salaries.

It would behoove us to finally address the root problem instead of a short term patch on the symptoms.
11-07-2016 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by NxtWrldChamp
Commision based earnings make this calc different, but for non commision based family incomes the #'s are not anywhere close to that.

Unless you have a special talent that enables you to drop your salary from 171K down to 125,999 for only the years your kids were in college and rebounding back to 171k after they graduate you are costing yourself ungodly amounts in future earnings potential.

If we assume you and your wife are 45 and going to retire when you are 65, a couple making 171K currently with 3% rise in income each year is going to earn 4.73 million by retirement. Subtract out the 60K per kid for their college career and you net 4.53 million.

If you slash your pay to 125,999 and assume a similar rise in income of 3% per year(no raises for 8 years until your kids are out of college), even with free college your new net is 3.47 million. So you want to cost yourself over a million in future earning to take advantage of a simple tax break?

With the above assumptions(45 years old, retire at 65, 3 kids in college next 8 year, 3% raise each year when applicable) there is exactly no salary at which point it makes sense to cut your salary to 125,999. Not even 126,000.

This is assuming your salary stays at 126k (ignoring the 3% rise as thats a wash on both numbers). Id imagine if you voluntarily dropped to 126k, it would not be hard to get back up to 171k. But enough of a derail
11-07-2016 , 02:57 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
This is almost as ridiculous as the satanic spirit cooking stuff.

People have been chanting USA at political rallies and conventions and a bajillion other things for as long as I can remember and probably before that.

I'm sure I can find people chanting it at Obama rallies or any other Dem candidate for President.
You want us to think you're reasonable, but you keep posting stuff like this. It makes it difficult! Trump's rallies are a nightmare straight out of A Clockwork Orange. Can you really not see that?
11-07-2016 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by revots33
Dow up 344, supposedly because Hillary more likely to win now? I'm not sure I see the most recent Comey announcement having any impact. Hillary has more voters and always did. It's all about turnout in a few states.

Swing state polls still exceedingly tight and I am still sweating this out until it's officially over. Florida closes at 7pm and if that looks like it's going Trump I'm gonna be officially shook waiting for PA.
Early vote everywhere skews democratic and gets counted first. So HRC is going to look like she has a lead everywhere that has early voting early on, and that lead will steadily erode.
11-07-2016 , 02:59 PM
My pony might be grunched but I think this chart explains Trump's brand of authoritarian appeal perfectly.
