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2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN 2016 Presidential Election Thread: TRUMP vs. Hillary SMACKDOWN
View Poll Results: The 45th President of the United States of America will be
332 46.63%
190 26.69%
In to watch it burn
161 22.61%
73 10.25%
im tryin to tell you about ****in my wife in the *** and youre asking me these personal questions
57 8.01%

11-01-2016 , 11:07 AM
But the last week of the campaign, the very last week, her people are pushing these really sketchy "Trump is a Russian spy" stories? What the ****!
I get your point, but two things

1- I think it's easy to read a bit too much intent into an RT/share. It's a pretty fleeting thing.

2- I think the Russia stuff is something that could actually resonate with undecided voters. If you assume they're more the USA#1 type, Trump being an actual traitor could be a deal breaker. While the most recent story seems iffy, it's part of an ongoing theme and looks more concrete than just speculation from government agencies.

3- I'm not surprised that Clinton's approach isn't resonating with you, because they're not trying to court you (or me) at this point. It's easy to make the argument against Donald Trump to smart liberals, but the people who aren't horrified by him from jump, I'm not going to get too judgey about how you attempt to reach them, because I've got no ****ing clue. My only move is insulting them, no idea how you reason with 'em.
11-01-2016 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by pokerjunkie101
Well, the thing about QE is that once you start you can't stop. So when they launch QE4 the junkie will get its high and things will seem ok temporarily but things are really continuing to get worse. The economy isn't going to die from the disease but from the drugs administered to treat the disease. When we inevitably have a currency crisis you will then realize that all that QE was a bad idea and didn't work.

And the thing about inflation is you don't have it until you do.
Yeah it surely didn't work. Just look how well countries with no QE equivalent are doing. :eyeroll:
11-01-2016 , 11:12 AM
Originally Posted by WichitaDM
So how will we react the next time we face a 2008 level economic (or even 2000 level) calamity assuming the status quo? You can't really lower interest rates, and you will have a hard time government spending your way out of it with the large national debt and current large annual budget deficit. Print money?
Why do we have to solve problems that haven't even cone up yet? If somebody asked in 1940 how we would deal with another great depression the correct answer would have been "don't waste your time thinking about it".

What I am trying to say is that most of the usual techniques for impacting the economy are nearly maxed out and the economy while better has mostly been improved through a combination of maxing those techniques out and consumers being willing to borrow to consume. They can't take their foot even an inch off that gas pedal for fear the economy will collapse which is what the previous poster mentioned wrt interest rates.
Yeah, at some point in the future unemployment will go up, GDP may contract etc. You plan on being chicken little until that happens?
11-01-2016 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by Dids
I get your point, but two things

1- I think it's easy to read a bit too much intent into an RT/share. It's a pretty fleeting thing.

2- I think the Russia stuff is something that could actually resonate with undecided voters. If you assume they're more the USA#1 type, Trump being an actual traitor could be a deal breaker. While the most recent story seems iffy, it's part of an ongoing theme and looks more concrete than just speculation from government agencies.

3- I'm not surprised that Clinton's approach isn't resonating with you, because they're not trying to court you (or me) at this point. It's easy to make the argument against Donald Trump to smart liberals, but the people who aren't horrified by him from jump, I'm not going to get too judgey about how you attempt to reach them, because I've got no ****ing clue. My only move is insulting them, no idea how you reason with 'em.
There's some merit to this, and I guess leave it all the field, but I'm frustrated at how many hanging curveballs she took in the first few innings to come out hacking in the 9th
11-01-2016 , 11:15 AM
Originally Posted by 13ball
Don't know if you've seen the NYTimes page on NC early vote:

Partially based on poll that has HRC up +6, but early vote results are in line with that poll.
thanks. yeah I saw that a few days ago, but forgot where it was.
11-01-2016 , 11:19 AM
Originally Posted by Jiggymike
Paul Ryan and his ilk looking reasonable after this election is another negative unintended consequence; now they can "pivot" back to "moderate" Republicans who want to gut Medicare and slash other public programs in order to give the rich their well-deserved tax cuts.
thats a good point actually, the past 1,5 years the radical right have had their voices heard on all news media all day long through trump.
11-01-2016 , 11:24 AM
Originally Posted by dessin d'enfant
Why do we have to solve problems that haven't even cone up yet? If somebody asked in 1940 how we would deal with another great depression the correct answer would have been "don't waste your time thinking about it".

Yeah, at some point in the future unemployment will go up, GDP may contract etc. You plan on being chicken little until that happens?
I am referring to current problems, not being a chicken little. The analogy I would use is that you have just finished one battle of a war which you won (which is great), however you are now out of bullets. In your mind it is time to declare victory and just hope the bullets magically reappear. In my mind it is time to try and figure out how to get more bullets for the next battle.

A healthy economy doesn't have 0 percent interest rates, median household income that is lower now than it was 20 years ago, federal debt levels that have risen 100% over the last 10 years or so, etc. I agree that some signs such as employment and the stock market are healthy but that isn't the result of normal market mechanisms. They are largely the result of QE the size of which the modern world has never seen and perverse incentives created by artifically low interest rates (Some of the same perverse incentives that gave us the housing bubble).

And I am not saying any of this from a THANKS OBAMA perspective. I voted for Obama, I am voting for Hillary and I think Obama did a good job cleaning up a mess he inherited from his predecessor. I think many of the problems with our current economy have been mostly caused by republicans. All I am saying is that it is not time to declare victory, there are still significant problems in the economy that need addressing and in this complete **** show of an election season have gone almost completely undiscussed in any meaningful way because EMAILZ and ORGY VIDS and DERPLORABLES. I also think some of you want to gloat about the economy and ignore the warts because it scores you political points which just seems ridiculous.
11-01-2016 , 11:26 AM
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 27m27 minutes ago
Our model forecasts the popular vote as Clinton 49.2, Trump 44.7.
What if we removed the ABC/Post poll entirely? Clinton 49.3, Trump 44.5.
11-01-2016 , 11:33 AM
Originally Posted by Clovis8
Just had a special on CNN about Christians voting for Trump. Made me want to literally puke. Trump is hands down the least Christian political candidate of all time. È
This may be the only good thing to come out of this election. Unlike previous elections, religious beliefs and really anything related to religion haven't even been discussed. It goes to show that America is taking steps away from the restrictions of religion and towards a more secular society.

The bad news is that despite people fading from religion, they are still holding the deplorable beliefs that are once based around religion. So, it's a chicken/egg scenario. Did the beliefs come and religion was used as a way to make them seem less offensive or did religion actually influence the beliefs?

Originally Posted by Klingbard
Samantha Bee had a segment on Russian Internet trolls tonight. Though it just scratched the surface, this was the first I've seen it covered in a major media (ok, basic cable) segment.

lol'd irl

Love the brutal honesty.

"Are you crazy?"
"Of course I am. I'm sitting here in mask."

Would be interesting if most of the Trump supporters are just Russian trolls working for the Kremlin.

Last edited by SuperUberBob; 11-01-2016 at 11:40 AM.
11-01-2016 , 11:42 AM
538 having Clinton at only a 58% probability in North Carolina is pretty lol, no?
11-01-2016 , 11:43 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
This may be the only good thing to come out of this election. Unlike previous elections, religious beliefs and really anything related to religion haven't even been discussed. It goes to show that America is taking steps away from the restrictions of religion and towards a more secular society.

The bad news is that despite people fading from religion, they are still holding the deplorable beliefs that are once based around religion. So, it's a chicken/egg scenario. Did the beliefs come and religion was used as a way to make them seem less offensive or did religion actually influence the beliefs?

lol'd irl

Love the brutal honesty.

"Are you crazy?"
"Of course I am. I'm sitting here in mask."

Would be interesting if most of the Trump supporters are just Russian trolls working for the Kremlin.
Yeah the guy is definitely more in tune about his role than the woman.
11-01-2016 , 11:46 AM
Originally Posted by simplicitus
Nate Silver ‏@NateSilver538 27m27 minutes ago
Our model forecasts the popular vote as Clinton 49.2, Trump 44.7.
What if we removed the ABC/Post poll entirely? Clinton 49.3, Trump 44.5.
So essentially the ABC poll is ****
11-01-2016 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by Biesterfield
538 having Clinton at only a 58% probability in North Carolina is pretty lol, no?
currently 1.65 (60%) on Betfair fwiw
11-01-2016 , 11:47 AM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
This may be the only good thing to come out of this election. Unlike previous elections, religious beliefs and really anything related to religion haven't even been discussed. It goes to show that America is taking steps away from the restrictions of religion and towards a more secular society.

The bad news is that despite people fading from religion, they are still holding the deplorable beliefs that are once based around religion. So, it's a chicken/egg scenario. Did the beliefs come and religion was used as a way to make them seem less offensive or did religion actually influence the beliefs
It ties in with what Dvaut said though. Right wing evangelicals self selected to tie into white identity grievances and therefor made themselves into terrible people who incidentally believed in Jesus. When evangelicals started becoming mobilized there actually was a schism between those who wanted 'pro life' to actually be a continuous movement throughout the child's life and so wanted to push neonatal care, child care, maturity and paternity leave, etc. Basically making the family and family care a core concern, but white identity politics stipulated that you couldn't give too much care to minorities and that combined with libertarianish right wingers meant that any serious government ability to push those things wouldn't happen. Those religious people who wanted those thing were and are still religious and still want those things because of religious reasons, they just self selected to be in the Democratic Party.

Last edited by Huehuecoyotl; 11-01-2016 at 11:52 AM.
11-01-2016 , 11:52 AM
Originally Posted by LostOstrich
currently 1.65 (60%) on Betfair fwiw
NYTimes Upshot is reporting that 37% of the vote is already in and it is Clinton +12. They are projecting a total finish of Clinton +6.

edit - tbf they "think" it is Clinton +12 based on vote history but do not know this for a fact.
11-01-2016 , 12:03 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
That said, this last week is one of the things that is so infuriating about Clinton.

So all along, the sales pitch for her over Bernie was that she was this battle-scarred Washington ace politician, right? OK. Cool.

Then she never once brings up that Obama released the birth certificate in 2008. She never once confronts Trump about his ties being made in Bangladesh. She doesn't bring up climate change, or the Central Park 5, or his general idiocy. "When they go low, we go high!" Obviously she wins all the debates anyway because Trump is Trump, but she wins by TKO, she doesn't send him to the hospital.

But the last week of the campaign, the very last week, her people are pushing these really sketchy "Trump is a Russian spy" stories? What the ****!
Originally Posted by mutigers
never before has there been so much time wasted on winning like the .4% of republicans who give a **** about natsec endorsements and random stupid russian conspiracies while also be willing to vote democrat
This is the same problem since Day 1 of her campaign. At some point you have to assume it's a feature, not a bug, and that's how she wants to govern -- as basically like Reagan or George H.W. Bush's moderate Secretary of Defense.
11-01-2016 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by FlyWf
That said, this last week is one of the things that is so infuriating about Clinton.

So all along, the sales pitch for her over Bernie was that she was this battle-scarred Washington ace politician, right? OK. Cool.

Then she never once brings up that Obama released the birth certificate in 2008. She never once confronts Trump about his ties being made in Bangladesh. She doesn't bring up climate change, or the Central Park 5, or his general idiocy. "When they go low, we go high!" Obviously she wins all the debates anyway because Trump is Trump, but she wins by TKO, she doesn't send him to the hospital.

But the last week of the campaign, the very last week, her people are pushing these really sketchy "Trump is a Russian spy" stories? What the ****!

If I'm not mistaken you agreed with the sales pitch, while simultaneously claiming you would love to live in a country that would elect Bernie Sanders as president. That's lame as ****.
11-01-2016 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
This is the same problem since Day 1 of her campaign. At some point you have to assume it's a feature, not a bug, and that's how she wants to govern -- as basically like Reagan or George H.W. Bush's moderate Secretary of Defense.

Did you vote for Hillary or Bernie in the primary? If you previously said it I apologize.
11-01-2016 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by Huehuecoyotl
It ties in with what Dvaut said though. Right wing evangelicals self selected to tie into white identity grievances and therefor made themselves into terrible people who incidentally believed in Jesus. When evangelicals started becoming mobilized there actually was a schism between those who wanted 'pro life' to actually be a continuous movement throughout the child's life and so wanted to push neonatal care, child care, maturity and paternity leave, etc. Basically making the family and family care a core concern, but white identity politics stipulated that you couldn't give too much care to minorities and that combined with libertarianish right wingers meant that any serious government ability to push those things wouldn't happen. Those religious people who wanted those thing were and are still religious and still want those things because of religious reasons, they just self selected to be in the Democratic Party.
It would be interesting to see the Democratic Party become the new party of religious people. After all when you think about it, they are more in tune with what religious beliefs are regarding helping the poor and needy through various welfare programs. To them, stuff like gay marriage and transgender bathrooms don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. So, why not allow those people to have their rights? Doesn't make society worse.

Trump symbolizes stepping away from family values and the sanctity of marriage bull**** that religious people claim to care about when the truth is that the only thing that matters to them is preventing women from getting life-saving abortions.

Without religion as a cover, Republicans are outed douchebags who are only interested in oppressing people who aren't them. I think at that point, it becomes much easier to hate them than it is now. I wonder if that's a good thing though. We're divided enough as it is. The vile attacks are only going to get worse over time.
11-01-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
It would be interesting to see the Democratic Party become the new party of religious people. After all when you think about it, they are more in tune with what religious beliefs are regarding helping the poor and needy through various welfare programs. To them, stuff like gay marriage and transgender bathrooms don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. So, why not allow those people to have their rights? Doesn't make society worse.

Trump symbolizes stepping away from family values and the sanctity of marriage bull**** that religious people claim to care about when the truth is that the only thing that matters to them is preventing women from getting life-saving abortions.

Without religion as a cover, Republicans are outed douchebags who are only interested in oppressing people who aren't them. I think at that point, it becomes much easier to hate them than it is now. I wonder if that's a good thing though. We're divided enough as it is. The vile attacks are only going to get worse over time.

Haha no. I assure you most come to religion primarily for themselves.

Edit: to add to this it IS the religious right wing that IS against gay marriage. Where have you been? Unless I'm misreading your post
11-01-2016 , 12:14 PM
Originally Posted by DVaut1
This is the same problem since Day 1 of her campaign. At some point you have to assume it's a feature, not a bug, and that's how she wants to govern -- as basically like Reagan or George H.W. Bush's moderate Secretary of Defense.
I'm a pretty vocal Hillary critic and would not go this far. She's neocon enough that people wanting to illegally overthrow democratically elected governments in Central America or Presidents of Bechtel who want to destroy and rebuild the middle east are invited to the table to talk, but thankfully so are the people who actually mind if hundreds of thousands of people in another country die.
11-01-2016 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by Biesterfield
NYTimes Upshot is reporting that 37% of the vote is already in and it is Clinton +12. They are projecting a total finish of Clinton +6.

edit - tbf they "think" it is Clinton +12 based on vote history but do not know this for a fact.
afaict it's all dependent on their final poll being accurate though. the makeup of voters is looking the way they predicted it would, but if trump is actually +25 among white voters, instead of the +19 in their poll, then the results will be different even with the same demographics.
11-01-2016 , 12:25 PM
Originally Posted by daca
afaict it's all dependent on their final poll being accurate though. the makeup of voters is looking the way they predicted it would, but if trump is actually +25 among white voters, instead of the +19 in their poll, then the results will be different even with the same demographics.
this is correct
11-01-2016 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
It would be interesting to see the Democratic Party become the new party of religious people. After all when you think about it, they are more in tune with what religious beliefs are regarding helping the poor and needy through various welfare programs. To them, stuff like gay marriage and transgender bathrooms don't mean much in the grand scheme of things. So, why not allow those people to have their rights? Doesn't make society worse.

Trump symbolizes stepping away from family values and the sanctity of marriage bull**** that religious people claim to care about when the truth is that the only thing that matters to them is preventing women from getting life-saving abortions.

Without religion as a cover, Republicans are outed douchebags who are only interested in oppressing people who aren't them. I think at that point, it becomes much easier to hate them than it is now. I wonder if that's a good thing though. We're divided enough as it is. The vile attacks are only going to get worse over time.
There's always been a lot people who are pious mainly for show.

Originally Posted by my current avatar (1906)
n. A daughter of Hope and Fear, explaining to Ignorance the nature of the Unknowable. “What is your religion my son?” inquired the Archbishop of Rheims. “Pardon, monseigneur,” replied Rochebriant; “I am ashamed of it.” “Then why do you not become an atheist?” “Impossible! I should be ashamed of atheism.” “In that case, monsieur, you should join the Protestants.”
11-01-2016 , 12:27 PM
two more alt-right twitter accounts locked
