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01-22-2013 , 05:17 AM
And the thing is, that getting tagged is another key. He showed a fine chin in those fights, so it makes it less likely that Mousasi will be able to KO him early, when he is still fresh and powerful.
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01-22-2013 , 08:51 AM
Originally Posted by anteatereater
[Machida/Hendo is] scheduled for 3 rounds, right?
Yep, 3 round fight.
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01-22-2013 , 10:47 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Ill have to see more of mousasis fights I guess. At first glance I dont imagine there will be much value either side though.
Mousasis if one of those fighters who is very scary to bet against, he is one of the worlds most naturally talented fighters and would beat anyone on his best day. Unfortunately he can also have terrible showings after not really training for the fight. Watch out for his GNP if he takes top position especially early in the fight.

Gus should be the favourite but I'm staying away just incase Mousasis has taken the UFC more seriously.
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01-22-2013 , 10:54 AM
When people call Mousasi one of the worlds most naturally talented fighters, what do you guys mean by that?

If we take BJ who also get that attached to him, he looks like an alien when he's at his best, but how about Mousasi?
I was high on the Mousasi hypetrain, but i never thought he was some kind of phenom.
Which fights should i watch to see Mousasi at his absolute best?

I've seen everything of him since his Manhoef fight and he's looked very good vs. Babalu (which was over in seconds). Don't think his W against Jacare was that great.

He's definitely not looked good since 2010.

With that said i definitely think he can beat Gus (tho the line looks solid to me aorn). Both in a scramble where he end up on top, or by a good bunch of shots standing (tho i favor Gus in mma striking when mixing in wrestling threat) or even from his back.
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01-22-2013 , 11:06 AM
Originally Posted by kingofcool
When people call Mousasi one of the worlds most naturally talented fighters, what do you guys mean by that?

Which fights should i watch to see Mousasi at his absolute best?
With Mousasi you see flashes of what he could offer in his fights rather than monster like dominance. He'll escape a deep armbar, show an excellent scramble or a flash of near perfect GnP. If he manages to put the tools together with cardio he could beat anyone.

He's also known for not training hard which I think adds to the "naturally talented" concept.
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01-22-2013 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by LasFuentes
Right, the guy who was getting tagged by Thiago Silva and Shogun's telegraphed haymakers should be a -200 over the most accomplished striker at lhw (bar Tyrone Spong should we consider him), who also has a superior ground game.
Well, machida was getting tagged vs shogun as well and he is one of the most elusive fighters ever to step into the octagon. Shogun especially is high cred mma striker and t silva wasnt tagging gus that much at all, what we saw instead was excellent footwork by gus and a very frustrated t silva. But i mean rarely do u see a fight where a guy isnt getting punched in the face.
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01-22-2013 , 04:06 PM
Gus almost never got tagged by Silva.

By Shogun? A lot. And he ate them very well.
If the Mousasi that fought Jardine or St Preux shows up he's going to get demolished.
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01-22-2013 , 04:47 PM
When people talk about Mousasi's talent I think a big thing is age. The guy was winning fights against reasonable competition at such a young age, that takes big talent no doubt about it. Very few teenagers can step into a cage fight with grown men and dominate. Second, look at the way he wins: similar to GSP, he has the type of well rounded game where if you have a weakness he will expose it. Weak grapplers like Mike Kyle and Mark Hunt are quickly subbed. Weak strikers/chins like Babalu are quickly knocked out (another thing that doesn't hurt is he finished almost everyone). Finally, everything just looks effortless with Mousasi. He's so smooth and skilled that he makes it look easy.

All of that combined has had people really high on him for years but he just hasn't fulfilled the promise. I mean people thought this guy was going to be the one to challenge Anderson some day.
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01-22-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
I see Belfort by KO 3-4 minutes into the 1st round. Bisping will once again be reminded that he's a second tier fighter who has always lost in the fight before the title fight.
Off by half a round. doh cost me 100 for this miss.

Oddly enough if Bisping were to get a rematch vs. Sonnen (and it being a 5 round fight) I'd pick him to win at even money. (although the oddsmakers would put him at a 4-5 to 1 underdog.)

Yet Sonnen would beat Belfort in either 3 or a 5 rounder.

While Bisping shouldn't see the third round vs Belfort unless he jumps on the bike and runs which is something he's too proud of a fighter to ever do.
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01-22-2013 , 06:23 PM
Originally Posted by just_mo
Pettis, Koch, and Grant in that order IMO.

I think I'm gonna go multiple units on Pettis here tho. Truthfully, I don't see much Cerrone has going for him here.

Liking Dodson too as a decent sized dog here. He's a bit unpredictable though, sometimes he can show up and look pretty meh while DJ is consistently solid. May play Dodson ITD prop? It's +370 and he has excellent power for the weight class.
I see Cerrone comfortably winning this fight on the feet and it should only hit the mat with Cerrone on top if he chooses to take it down. Easy pick imo. Tell me the odds are close to even as after this fight I think it will be evident that in another rematch the odds should be around 3.5-4 to 1 with Cerrone being the heavy favourite.
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01-22-2013 , 06:34 PM
Bisping basically got everything going for him in the fight vs. Chael. And he still couldn't pull out the win.

Cerrone 4-1 against Pettis? Wow, that's interesting.
Didn't like how Cerrone just shut off against Diaz.
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01-22-2013 , 07:30 PM
Originally Posted by kingofcool
Bisping basically got everything going for him in the fight vs. Chael. And he still couldn't pull out the win.

Cerrone 4-1 against Pettis? Wow, that's interesting.
Didn't like how Cerrone just shut off against Diaz.
I think the diaz fight was a once in a time for cerrone, dont really see it happening in this fight. Is kind of worrying that benson handled cerroney twice whilst pettis got the better of benson.
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01-22-2013 , 07:48 PM
Pettis will get stomped if he fights Benson again. Benson has come together very nicely since joining the UFC.
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01-22-2013 , 07:51 PM
I added another 1.6 on pettis for 2.6u total, have .2 and .3u on koch and wiman as well so far
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01-22-2013 , 08:40 PM
Originally Posted by Sect7G
I see Cerrone comfortably winning this fight on the feet and it should only hit the mat with Cerrone on top if he chooses to take it down. Easy pick imo. Tell me the odds are close to even as after this fight I think it will be evident that in another rematch the odds should be around 3.5-4 to 1 with Cerrone being the heavy favourite.
I would love to hear the logic on this one.

Cerrone stands straight up with no head movement, Pettis is going to work this dude on the feet. I could see a Cerrone W especially if they trade a lot and Cerrone gets a few takedowns but 3 or 4 to 1 is beyond logic.
MMA Thread Quote
01-22-2013 , 09:53 PM
Originally Posted by kingofcool
Bisping basically got everything going for him in the fight vs. Chael. And he still couldn't pull out the win.

Cerrone 4-1 against Pettis? Wow, that's interesting.
Didn't like how Cerrone just shut off against Diaz.
Bisping lost the 1st round as expected and would likely lose 99% of 1st rounds vs. Sonnen. By the second he was stopping half the takedowns and by the third he stopped all I believe and even took Sonnen down.
Bisping has an astounding gas tank/determination and had the fight being a 5 rounder he'd have very likely won both of them as Sonnen was gassing.

Cerrone looks much bigger and is really on fire. That fight with Diaz was Nate at his absolute finest. Cerrone looked utterly confused for the entire 1st round which affected his later round performance. Yet by the 4th/5th he was holding his own despite the effects of the earlier damage.
Nates unique style (and him fighting the best performance of his life) was the difference maker and I don't see Pettis coming close to that type of constant pressure.

Other then that Cerrones being on fire.

The Pettis match vs. Guida is what tells the story to me in this match up. Sure he can move good off his back but without a finished sub you are going to lose the round. I see Cerrone being able to take Pettis down at will and think his standup from the distance is far superior.

The odds I was stating would be if they had a 3rd match as after their upcoming match most would agree that Pettis doesn't have much of a chance. Sort of like if Bisping got a rematch next month with Belfort. Sort of a bold prediction... but time will tell.
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01-22-2013 , 09:56 PM
Adelaide Byrd is a judge in Aldo-Edgar. That's something to take into consideration, as she very often have lolworthy scores.
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01-22-2013 , 10:46 PM
Has she judged any close edgar fights? If so what score etc
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01-22-2013 , 10:53 PM
Also sect wasnt cerrone diaz a 3 rounder?
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01-22-2013 , 11:03 PM
Not sure she's judged any Edgar fights, but she had Guillard beating Varner 30-27.

Lots of other lolscores too. There's an article on bloodyelbow about it, up today.
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01-22-2013 , 11:13 PM
Yeah it does always confuse me how some judges stay employed.
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01-23-2013 , 02:15 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Also sect wasnt cerrone diaz a 3 rounder?
I thought it was a 5rounder as it was a Main Event... but I def. could be wrong. But he did seem to start holding his own by the end. But that 1st round was like a blitzkrieg that very few could mentally come back from. (not much damage as those stockton slaps don't hurt much)
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01-23-2013 , 02:30 AM
Originally Posted by SwoopAE
Also sect wasnt cerrone diaz a 3 rounder?

Pettis v Guida has little bearing on this fight. Cerrone is highly unlikely to pursue a game plan that resembles that.
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01-23-2013 , 03:35 AM
Originally Posted by Swiiftx
I think the diaz fight was a once in a time for cerrone, dont really see it happening in this fight. Is kind of worrying that benson handled cerroney twice whilst pettis got the better of benson.
i thought cerrone got robbed by the judges when he fought bendo the first time. the judges had it 48–47, 48–47, 48–47 for henderson.

i thought cerrone won 3 rounds and should have gotten a 10-8 in one of those, so 48-46.

then bendo got lucky-ish in his next fight against varner. varner won both of the first two rounds, then got caught in a standing guillotine in the 3rd and tapped out in like half a second - wtf?

bendo is a monster now though.
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01-23-2013 , 04:57 AM
Yeah Cerrone deserved the decision in his first fight with Henderson IMO as well.

Also, Byrd has never judged one of FE's controversial fights FWIW.
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