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04-19-2016 , 08:17 PM
If this means that the rematch against Nate Diaz was off then this would have sent proverbial shockwaves but as it is, it's merely cryptic.

It hasn't stopped speculation as to what Conor actually means. I'm assuming that he'll fulfill his contract, get as much money as possible and then retire unless anybody else ~ particularly Conor & UFC ~ say anything differently.
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04-19-2016 , 08:31 PM
Originally Posted by stereoman
If this means that the rematch against Nate Diaz was off then this would have sent proverbial shockwaves but as it is, it's merely cryptic.

It hasn't stopped speculation as to what Conor actually means. I'm assuming that he'll fulfill his contract, get as much money as possible and then retire unless anybody else ~ particularly Conor & UFC ~ say anything differently.

Dana just announced McGregor is out of UFC200 - though he's citing refusal to turn up to the press commitments, not "retirement" as the reason, and he's still referring to him as the featherweight champion.

If he actually believed Conor was retiring for good you'd think he'd give that as the reason and strip him of the title. So at the very least he's hedging his bets. And you know he puts McGregor back in that headlining spot in a heartbeat if he does say he'll fight.
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04-19-2016 , 08:51 PM
Yup, and Dana wouldn't even blink.

Injury? Money? Press commitments? Retirement? Tests? Definitely some shenanigans going on with the real story not emerging yet. Wouldn't be surprised if Tom's thoughts were true.

UFC 200!? Not sure who's supposed to headline now (Edgar vs. Aldo 2 looks almost certain though) although rumours about GSP keep cropping up. GSP vs. Nate Diaz would be another curio.
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04-19-2016 , 09:42 PM
Originally Posted by TheStuntman
Hey guys, what do you guys think of OSP at +375 vs Jones. I think it's pretty good value, but wanted your thoughts. I'm thinking about putting a small wager down.
There was some discussion a little while back where the general consensus was that Jones wins this fight 80+% of the time, probably more like 90% or more.

I'd want to be applying the same test to a bet on OSP that I apply to any other MMA bet: do they have a clear path to victory? Even if it's not one that happens often, is there at least a path?

I'm not sure I see a clear path for OSP, even an unlikely one. Is he gonna out-grapple Jones? Either sub him or ride top control for the win? Doesn't seem likely. Out-strike him en route to a decision? Seems similarly unlikely That leaves him with the proverbial "puncher's chance". Knocking out past-his-prime Shogun and knocking out Jones, who hasn't shown any problems with his chin to date, are two very different things.
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04-19-2016 , 10:15 PM
I mean yeah he saw a fight where someone died as a result but knowing he fails a test seems more likely
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04-20-2016 , 03:42 AM
Maybe the conor thing is a money struggle on second thought as apparently test results would be released anyway.

200 needs Ronda conor or gsp though. Lesnars gone and cm punk debut is undercarriage material even if they add it. Jones v dc would be ok but who knows if either is healthy in time. If conor really is out gsp Lawler makes the most sense or maybe a Jones v werdum superfight idk but if 200 loses the main while Aldo Edgar and Tate nudes are good fights the card won't do 1m plus buys without a new main and anything else would be a failure and RDA Nate isn't big enough and sadly Lawler woodley or condit isn't either
MMA Thread Quote
04-20-2016 , 08:16 AM
As Swoop said UFC 200 needs a big name at the top.

Unless the UFC already has a clear cut plan to include GSP/Ronda they need to start hedging. I'd cancel the JJ vs. OSP fight and have DC vs. JJ for UFC 200 in the off chance that JJ loses (which would be a short term disaster) or JJ gets injured and isn't ready for the summer. Even then DC gets injured tons so that fights not safe either. Jones vs. Werdum would be great but who knows about the outcome of Werdum/Miocic. Werdum would have to win it.

GSP vs Lawlor makes a lot of sense. GSP has a good chance against Lawlor (although Lawlor's TDD has looked a lot better of late).
Ronda vs. Tate/Holm must also be considered if any of the above isn't a 100% lock to happen.

As for Nate I'd tell him to keep in shape and the winner of Maia vs Brown should fight him if there's no injuries.

Brown vs. Nate would be awesome.
MMA Thread Quote
04-20-2016 , 08:59 AM
Managed to bet 1 unit on Matt Brown via TKO,KO, or DQ vs. Maia at +500
Bet .5 unit on Matt Brown wins in r3 at +2000.

Unibets vig is high imo compared to other sites but some of their props offer way better odds then other sites.
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04-20-2016 , 09:11 AM
ya'll be trippin ******
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04-20-2016 , 01:30 PM
They need a huge name for ufc 200 no doubt, and tbh, no name other than Conor / Ronda will suffice. They're the only two fighters known to the public eye. I think even GSP popularity faded at the end and he wasnt drawing so much. GSP Silva would be cool, but then again, both of them are irrelevant at this stage, and Lawler GSP is another that's fine, but again, I don't think GSP is that high on the radar and they need a fighter that will put on a show and GSP has a high prob. of LnP his way to a victory which will be boooring.

They also need to remove Aldo Frankie from the CO-main and put in something like JJ DC as main or CO main and then perhaps Rockhold vs someone as co-main. Man, it's tough.
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04-20-2016 , 04:21 PM
is pinnacle a good site? their odds seem pretty dope. I am just wondering about withdrawing, more so the processing speed, anyone do business with them? am in ontario canada.
MMA Thread Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:17 PM
Originally Posted by WateryBoil
is pinnacle a good site? their odds seem pretty dope. I am just wondering about withdrawing, more so the processing speed, anyone do business with them? am in ontario canada.
Pinnacle is reputable, low vig, although their odds are fairly sharp compared to most sites. Withdrawals are fine and they dont limit winners ever. No idea about Canada part, as i'm Australian based but i've had nothing but positive experiences with Pinnacle, have bet there for a few years

Can't cancel JJ/OSP as it ruins the 197 card's buyrate if you do, but if Jones wins and takes little to no damage, which is very likely, i'd definitely try and set up Jones/Cormier 2 for 200, if Cormier's going to be healthy and consider Jones/Rumble or see if Jones wants a super fight at HW, although with Werdum/Stipe at 198 it would be a short turnaround to make it for the belt. Jones/Rumble for an interim belt if Cormier is still unable to defend by July would be fine I guess (interim belt just being a marketing tool and to make it 5 rounds)

If Anderson beats Hall at 198 could be worth trying to get him on the card as well in some sort of superfight, GSP would be good but GSP/Lawler makes more sense if GSP is willing to fight, maybe Anderson vs some big name slightly past their prime like Rampage or Shogun or whatever
MMA Thread Quote
04-20-2016 , 07:27 PM
Silva vs Hall. Eww. Both can be such entertaining fighters when fighting someone that presses action. Instead they're going to be wasted in a hyped up bout where they stare at each other waiting for the other to engage.
MMA Thread Quote
04-20-2016 , 10:37 PM
Originally Posted by Swiiftx
They need a huge name for ufc 200 no doubt, and tbh, no name other than Conor / Ronda will suffice. They're the only two fighters known to the public eye. I think even GSP popularity faded at the end and he wasnt drawing so much. GSP Silva would be cool, but then again, both of them are irrelevant at this stage, and Lawler GSP is another that's fine, but again, I don't think GSP is that high on the radar and they need a fighter that will put on a show and GSP has a high prob. of LnP his way to a victory which will be boooring.

They also need to remove Aldo Frankie from the CO-main and put in something like JJ DC as main or CO main and then perhaps Rockhold vs someone as co-main. Man, it's tough.
I suspect GSP would definitely get a one-time "comeback fight" ratings bump, and he'd work OK as a headliner for 200. What kind of business fights he had after that would do is another question entirely though...

Pretty sure there's no chance of Rousey fighting on the card with her movie schedule and whatever.

FWIW I still expect McGregor to headline this card, there's too much money on the line for everyone concerned not to work it out.
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04-20-2016 , 10:38 PM
If he's actually filed retirement papers, it's a minimum of 4 months until he can fight again.
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04-20-2016 , 10:52 PM
Originally Posted by TomCowley
If he's actually filed retirement papers, it's a minimum of 4 months until he can fight again.
Someone posted in the other thread the language on this. It says the ucf can waive the waiting period at their discretion.

Edit: this report contradicts that.

Last edited by Johnny Truant; 04-20-2016 at 11:06 PM.
MMA Thread Quote
04-21-2016 , 09:40 AM
Seems a bit out of whack that it takes four months to un-retire, but you can sign someone off the street like Horcher on nine days notice... I guess I can see why though.

Anywho, I'm leaning Barboza as a dog over Pettis, anyone got thoughts on that fight?
MMA Thread Quote
04-21-2016 , 10:11 AM
Make sense - the clause is there to prevent this or similar scenarios where players use retirement as a tool for getting what they want. As for Connor, I'm pretty sure DW would let him back in immediately if the clause can be waived and if it can't then I'm sure DW would find a way lol.

Also @OzExorcist - I like Barboza as well simply for the extra month of rest he has had vs Pettis' last fight
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04-21-2016 , 11:51 PM
Thinking pettis wins even post Usada apparently I won some money on livb today haven't seen the fight tho
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04-22-2016 , 03:11 AM
lol i just saw my phone autocorrected tate nunes to tate nudes a couple posts back. well played phone

Conor made a FB post that hes not retired for USADA/Contract purposes and seems to want the fight to go ahead he just had a problem with extra press stops that interfered with his preparation and is happy to do the big ones but wants to be able to focus on avenging the loss rather than promotion which even though its UFC 200 seems fair as long as he does basic promo stuff the card has enough superstars to share the load a bit.

Hoping we get the main event back, i'm sure Dana wants it back but also doesn't want to look weak so who knows. Would be nice if we both get the Conor fight back and a GSP/anyone fight on the card, or Jones/Cormier or Jones/AJ assuming Jones wins and takes no real damage at 197 which is likely
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04-22-2016 , 12:49 PM
Anyone fire that Busquet/Alvarado fight?
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04-22-2016 , 01:37 PM
Liv at -110 was stealing money.
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04-22-2016 , 04:54 PM
Ya I was surprised. Didn't think he would be able to hang on the ground against someone who had been doing BJJ off and on for 5 years but clearly there was a lot more off than on in there.
MMA Thread Quote
04-22-2016 , 05:29 PM
Originally Posted by just_mo
Anyone fire that Busquet/Alvarado fight?
I pissed away about a hundy on that exhibition match after reading about it online yesterday and watching it live on a Periscope stream. I don't play poker or know much about the back story, but figured I'd bet the guy in Alvarado with longer experience training BJJ. But the bigger more athletic guy in Busquet was definitely the play. Think he closed at on Pinnacle & Nitrogen +110 or so.
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04-22-2016 , 05:41 PM
Fired a big 3u play on Benson Henderson tonight fighting for the belt in Bellator.
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