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July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed

07-12-2014 , 07:42 AM
Yes but watching naked women is preferred unless I fap recalling a specific girl I've sexored or something.

edit: fwiw I think it's healthier to fap using imagination than watching porn or imagery. Also, while it might be counter-intuitive, the less real sex you have the less you should probably masturbate while watching porn. It's a brain thing. If you get laid regularly, fap away to porn all you want since that won't mess up your pathways. If you practically never have real sex then porn viewing should be kept very very low.

Last edited by Loctus; 07-12-2014 at 07:44 AM. Reason: .
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 07:42 AM
not everyone has the memories you have experienced tony
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 08:32 AM
Originally Posted by coon74
I feel so embarrassed and alien whenever one of you reminds that you have to look at a pic or vid (or hear a voice) to fap... Does anyone else do it purely from memory?
around ~14y old my parents friends needed to stay over one night, they had 2 Hot Hot daughters around 17 18y old, the 17y had massive t1ts just gorgeous, while the other was just a really long legged super hot type great boobies also - because of the limited room the big t1ted one slept on the couch while the long legged slept in my bed, and she was a flirt to boot a really playful tease while watching a movie that night messing with me a little, like asking me have i got a girl, as i was shy, not that something happened obv, anyway lets just say it was torture getting through that night sleeping next to her without sneaking one in, not to mention the day she left she gave me a half lip kiss like by mistake but it was no mistake.

So I think that answer's you question haha
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 08:39 AM
^So you're like 15 now judging by that post
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 09:12 AM
some deleting going on ITT

July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 09:22 AM
yeah lol. Let's just ignore that whole thing and I'm going to assume that your "ask your mom" comment was some crazy real-world-PLO-coincidence-variance.
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 10:27 AM
never seen so much editing/deleting in my life. good thing though because doing that was the equivalent of AIDS containment for the good of humanity.

i cringe every time sex/women is discussed in these LC threads. am i the only one?

July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 10:41 AM
Originally Posted by MastaAces
i cringe every time sex/women is discussed in these LC threads. am i the only one?
google sex/men if that's your preference
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 11:08 AM
Originally Posted by burbs
google sex/men if that's your preference
I lol'd
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 11:56 AM
Originally Posted by burbs
google sex/men if that's your preference

July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 03:26 PM
interestsing turn of events
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-12-2014 , 06:23 PM
Lol Brazil.. Vamoooooooooos!
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-13-2014 , 04:08 AM
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-13-2014 , 02:08 PM
go arrrrrrrrgentina!
leo pls, I already had to endure the pain and agony of germany winning the WC once in my lifetime, I don't think I can handle it a 2nd time.

July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-13-2014 , 02:28 PM
Messi gonna GOAT!
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-13-2014 , 06:19 PM
Glad to see my pre-wc bet on Germany paid off.
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-14-2014 , 03:27 PM
i really hope they bring poker after dark cash games back (or something very very similar), great format (commentator quiet most of the time) and very entertaining table talk
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-14-2014 , 04:47 PM
That would be great. Also HSP would be a nice one if they could bring AJ and Gabe back to the booth..
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-14-2014 , 11:36 PM
Leaving for Pori Jazz festival, playing a show in the young talent showcase with my music school.

Good times.
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-15-2014 , 03:09 AM
Originally Posted by napsus
i really hope they bring poker after dark cash games back (or something very very similar), great format (commentator quiet most of the time) and very entertaining table talk
Thought pad was rather boring tbh, esp the tourney format ones. hsp and pokerstars big game were a lot more entertaining to watch imo
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-16-2014 , 12:25 AM
Originally Posted by crashwhips
Thought pad was rather boring tbh, esp the tourney format ones. hsp and pokerstars big game were a lot more entertaining to watch imo
I wish PLO PAD got more of a chance. I honestly think it was just a bad run of cards, that line up had so much potential for fireworks. It happens in live PLO sometimes, noone has anything for an extended period of time. Imagine if we got some big cold decks, that would have been good TV.
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-16-2014 , 01:15 AM

one of them has made back to back final tables. pretty sick in this day and age considering field size.

I am motivated to go to wsop next year for the first time, but what's all this about tax on winnings?
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-16-2014 , 02:10 AM
Originally Posted by PokerBritney
I wish PLO PAD got more of a chance. I honestly think it was just a bad run of cards, that line up had so much potential for fireworks. It happens in live PLO sometimes, noone has anything for an extended period of time. Imagine if we got some big cold decks, that would have been good TV.
Was even more unfortunate that, iirc, that PAD aired the same wk as black friday. There was a huge influx of fish in the small stakes plo games on stars that wk, which I believe was due to those episodes getting people to try it out
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-16-2014 , 05:28 AM
Originally Posted by Mt.FishNoob
, but what's all this about tax on winnings?
Wot? Tax on winnings? Even if u British? Fak thut !!
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
07-16-2014 , 07:04 AM
Don't worry, UK or Germany residents don't pay taxes on poker winnings in the US due to tax treaties. E.g. in 2011, it was reported that neither Sam Holden nor Pius Heinz would pay any tax on their Nov Nine winnings. (It could change by now, so review the tax treaty between the US and your country once more.)

Afaik, residents of other countries can be potentially taxed at up to 25% of their gross winnings (without BIs deducted), plus in their home countries too, if there's no tax treaty between the US and their country.

Last edited by coon74; 07-16-2014 at 07:13 AM.
July LC ~ A MS crusher should have no problem acquiring a new functional female whenever needed Quote
