Originally Posted by oddmonk
Using that program, what would be the probability of hitting 100 buyins in however many hands Yaarny is playing?
I actually made an error with the simulator, a huge one.
The previous results were to END with 3900bb+ with the number of hands. I forgot to uncomment a check to stop the loop (I commented that line out to make sure the loop was generating expected winnings in line with a typical mean/std calc)
To emphasize, previous results were for probability Yaarny ends up with 3900bbs in winnings at the end.
The probability that you hit 3900bbs at SOME point during 33000 hands is a LOT higher.
Correction for previous results
2 bb/100 winrate
280 bb/100 std
3900 target bbs
33000 hands
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.486549
Where the bet started:
2bb/100 winrate,
280 bb/100 std
target win 10000 bbs,
180000 hands (6000 a day, tough, but not soulcrushing),
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.491098
0 bb/100 winrate,
280 bb/100 std
target win 10000 bbs,
180000 hands
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.39654
Where the bet stands with 24 "buyins" to win:
2 bb/100 winrate,
280 bb/100 std
target win 2400 bbs,
12000 hands
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.458746
0 bb/100 winrate,
280 bb/100 std
target win 2400 bbs,
12000 hands
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.433543
Where the bet stands with 24 "buyins" to win: (playing losing poker but ramping up variance)
-2 bb/100 winrate,
350 bb/100 std
target win 2400 bbs,
12000 hands
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.509051
Where the bet stands with 24 "buyins" to win: (no sleep version with 18000 hands in 2 days)
2 bb/100 winrate,
280 bb/100 std
target win 2400 bbs,
18000 hands
10000 trials
Success rate: 0.555756
Two things to get out of this:
Yaarny is a small favorite to finish if he foregoes sleep and plays 18000 hands in next two days, even if that drives his EV down to break even. As long as the standard deviation stays high (basically earlier suggestions that he plays solid are dumb, variance is good for this bet).
That's the second take away. As deadline approaches, Yaarny might be in a position where he's better off playing breakeven, even slightly negative, EV but high variance poker. It's very dangerous because attempts to drive action can actually lead to lower variance (since people need to oblige to drive variance up).
To emphasize, previous results were for probability Yaarny ends up with 3900bbs in winnings at the end.
Last edited by grizy; 09-21-2014 at 08:35 AM.