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Why America is Great. Why America is Great.

07-27-2018 , 02:37 PM
Not sure why this thread is still so food focused.

Neither SF nor London should be included in a top 10 global food city list.
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07-27-2018 , 02:38 PM
why are you using the bay area population when he specifically said san francisco? are you that insecure that you have to change someone's statement and then pat yourself on the back for pointing out that the version you changed to is incorrect?

also how is stars per capita relevant at all
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 03:02 PM
You guys can argue that the food in England ids better then in the US an long as you want. What makes the US so great is that you have the freedom to have that conversation at all. I wouldn't trade my right to debate for all the blood pudding in the world.
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07-27-2018 , 03:18 PM
Originally Posted by dkgojackets
why are you using the bay area population when he specifically said san francisco? are you that insecure that you have to change someone's statement and then pat yourself on the back for pointing out that the version you changed to is incorrect?

also how is stars per capita relevant at all
While 57 used the population of the entire Bay Area in his post, I would imagine Zikzak also counted many restaurants outside of SF proper.

Out of the seven 3 star spots, you would have to leave off The French Laundry, The Meadowwods, and Manresa.
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07-27-2018 , 03:46 PM
I didn't put that much effort into it. I looked at this page and divided city population by the number I found there.

Or the opposite. idk. America is great because we don't need to be good at math.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 03:46 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
San Francisco has literally 5x the number of Michelin stars per capita as London.
This seems a silly way of looking at it. All that matters is the choice in a given City. If London has more it has more, end of, less choice per capita means nothing.

Cmon, you win all the way upto just before MS restaurants. Take it.
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07-27-2018 , 03:49 PM
Originally Posted by jjshabado
Someone once commented that if you had more posts in a thread than the 2nd and 3rd place person combined - you were probably wrong.


So close!

Probably being the key word.

Given the levels of off the charts derp in this thread, with actual grown men unable to comprehend the word raised, all sorts of anomalies and outliers are bound to happen.

The whole reason I am posting so much in this thread is because the No1 derp is so amazing.
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07-27-2018 , 04:00 PM
Nailed it.

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07-27-2018 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by zikzak
I didn't put that much effort into it. I looked at this page and divided city population by the number I found there.

Or the opposite. idk. America is great because we don't need to be good at math.
Going by that page, it seems that they actually only counted the restaurants within SF proper though I dont know if that extends to the one star list.
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07-27-2018 , 04:15 PM

Originally Posted by Didace
Clearly, one of the reasons America is great is OAF doesn't live here.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:41 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
Cmon, you win all the way upto just before MS restaurants. Take it.
We can take it. Mississippi actually has some top-notch restaurants. Many of the chefs trained in New Orleans and other cities and open up places closer to home. Farm-to-table and cooking from scratch is common. It's not all fish and grits.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 04:51 PM
Originally Posted by daveT
We can take it. Mississippi actually has some top-notch restaurants. Many of the chefs trained in New Orleans and other cities and open up places closer to home. Farm-to-table and cooking from scratch is common. It's not all fish and grits.
MS=Michelin Star

The argument becoming about whether the one bastion of good food in their entire country is better than CityX (that isn't NYC) is pretty funny though.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 05:06 PM
Seeing as how we're not going away from the topic of food, I might as well do some USA cheerleading.

To be fair though, the Bocuse D'or is more akin to the u18 tourney.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 05:54 PM
London is great and doesn't need to be talked down, but USA#1 is obv better. What they did with Canary Wharf/ Isle of Dogs/ West Indian Quay/, is impressive but pick a ****ing name.
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07-27-2018 , 05:58 PM
The English are pretty damn good at inventing sports (arguably the best), but pretty bad at dominating the sports they invent.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:17 PM
Originally Posted by Fedfan691
MS=Michelin Star

The argument becoming about whether the one bastion of good food in their entire country is better than CityX (that isn't NYC) is pretty funny though.
English food does still deserve to be laughed at, even though it has improved massively in the last 20 years.

No countries food has improved as much the UKs in the last 20 years, but its still behind most if not all countries.

English food is therefore a perfect analogue for Yank Beer.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:17 PM

1) How would you guys describe traditional English cuisine?
2) Has the overall food quality there overtaken the rest of world, as beer quality has in USA#1?
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:22 PM
Originally Posted by cs3

1) How would you guys describe traditional English cuisine?
2) Has the overall food quality there overtaken the rest of world, as beer quality has in USA#1?
As regards 2, as I say above English food is a perfect analogue for Yank beer.

It has taken gigantic steps from a low base, but still sucks in relation to other countries.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:26 PM
There should be an annoying but massively subscribed loltubes channel dedicated to showing Yanks try English versions of popular fast food chains.

Kentucky Fried Chicken would supply some good content, the gulf between the Yank offering and English offering is literally bigger than infinity+1. English KFC is inedible.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:34 PM
I've walked through English areas, where a nauseating greasy smell overwhelms the air for 10 minutes of walking. I think the biggest culprit for the stink is actually pasty shops over chip shops. We don't cotton to walking in USA#1, but I've never experienced anything like it in the States.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 06:49 PM
One area Yanklandia crushes is on deals/sales.

These actually mean something in America.

When shops want to move goods, they slash the **** out of prices, slow footfall night of the week, bar/restaurant/diner whatever will offer sometimes what seems like insane bargains on food/drink to get people through the door.

Its not something I have seen anywhere else in the world.

Happy to endorse Yanklandia no1 in this regard.
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07-27-2018 , 07:04 PM
Originally Posted by txdome
London is great and doesn't need to be talked down, but USA#1 is obv better. What they did with Canary Wharf/ Isle of Dogs/ West Indian Quay/, is impressive but pick a ****ing name.
You mean the Docklands?
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 08:42 PM
Originally Posted by amoeba
Not sure why this thread is still so food focused.
Because some people are too thick-headed to understand why prawns are not a delicacy.
Why America is Great. Quote
07-27-2018 , 11:57 PM
Originally Posted by O.A.F.K.1.1
As regards 2, as I say above English food is a perfect analogue for Yank beer.

It has taken gigantic steps from a low base, but still sucks in relation to other countries.
Nah. We have the full range of beers. Up until our recent troubles, we imported people who had whatever skills and they were happy to come here. This is true of brewers as well as other craftsmen. We're allowed to cheat since once you move here as a French vintner or Belgian Ale brewer, you are American* and you will scale your operations up to meet demand, damnit. For example, the best Cornish Pasty shop in the world is in America despite us not even wanting a Cornish Pasty shop at all. Want Italian marble countertops? Order them from America because that is where all the Italian craftsmen live.

Since I'm too lazy to scroll up and reply to the proper post, what exactly was your point in posting your two cattle pics? IIRC, you folded and said that it had nothing to do with 'murica or the UK, but you didn't clue us in on how it was even remotely relevant given the thread or the previous conversation. I do kind of remember you implying that we don't have sufficient land to start our calves out on pasture, but that can't be it unless you have some sort of weird map that shows us not being primarily a country of grassland.

*certain restrictions apply
Why America is Great. Quote
07-28-2018 , 12:01 AM
Originally Posted by daveT
Because some people are too thick-headed to understand why prawns are not a delicacy.
That is because they are the weakest piece on a chessboard. USA#1 does not tolerate weakness in any shape, form, or fashion.
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