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What's the deal with sandwiches? What's the deal with sandwiches?

12-26-2022 , 08:02 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
yeah, i wouldn't initially consider the 'berg for a construction like that, but would at least give it a few honest bites before deciding to remove

Fair enough. It wasn’t too much, I liked the crunchy coolness.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-26-2022 , 08:06 PM
i hope so 'cause it's sure not bringing any flavor
you strike me as the type of guy who loads up his fork with a bit of everything on the plate
i'll stop the derail...looks great!
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-26-2022 , 08:08 PM
Originally Posted by KJS
Fair enough. It wasn’t too much, I liked the crunchy coolness.
To be clear, I wasn't criticizing your creation with my comment. I never would have had that much imagination in the first place. I was just making a comment that my personal tastes are a bit different from yours. That piece of meat would have worked great with almost anything in my book!

Thanks for posting it. It gives the rest of us some ideas of possibilities that we may never have considered.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-26-2022 , 10:50 PM
Turkey and bacon on a bagel with veggie cream cheese and sharp cheddar

What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-26-2022 , 11:30 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
To be clear, I wasn't criticizing your creation with my comment. I never would have had that much imagination in the first place. I was just making a comment that my personal tastes are a bit different from yours. That piece of meat would have worked great with almost anything in my book!

Thanks for posting it. It gives the rest of us some ideas of possibilities that we may never have considered.

Didn’t take it that way. Everyone likes what they like!
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-26-2022 , 11:31 PM
Originally Posted by KJS
Didn’t take it that way. Everyone likes what they like!
I know. I just wanted to be sure you didn't mistake my envy as criticism.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-26-2022 , 11:33 PM
Originally Posted by REDeYeS00
i hope so 'cause it's sure not bringing any flavor
you strike me as the type of guy who loads up his fork with a bit of everything on the plate
i'll stop the derail...looks great!

True dat but I kinda miss it when I leave it off.

Constructing good bites is key. Depends on what everything is. Def did beef, jus, horseradish and potato bites aplenty yesterday.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-27-2022 , 12:16 AM
sometimes you single, sometimes you mingle
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-27-2022 , 05:13 AM
I'm not usually a big big fan, but roast beef sarnies are one place I like to rock the rocket (arugula) as my salad option. Find the pepperyness works really well with the meat and the horseradish.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-27-2022 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by thethethe
I'm not usually a big big fan, but roast beef sarnies are one place I like to rock the rocket (arugula) as my salad option. Find the pepperyness works really well with the meat and the horseradish.

Great idea
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-28-2022 , 03:03 PM

Stupid simple turkey, Muenster, light Mayo on both sides of bread shoved in air fryer at 400 for 4 minutes.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-28-2022 , 04:04 PM
Originally Posted by Malucci

Stupid simple turkey, Muenster, light Mayo on both sides of bread shoved in air fryer at 400 for 4 minutes.
My dear Sainted mother asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year. She has learned not to just get me random crap. Haven't decided as of yet, but air fryer is on the list. Didn't know you could make a Sammy in one.

At the expense of derailing the thread, what's your setup? Thinking about pulling the trigger but would like some input from you or others.

What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-28-2022 , 04:06 PM
For reference, these are the sad Sammies I had for lunch.

What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-28-2022 , 05:08 PM
My SIL decided I needed an air fryer last year. Wasn't sure what I was going to do with it. Use it quite a bit. GL, Cowboy, I bet your experiments come out great.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-28-2022 , 09:49 PM
I have this one:

Do love it, but it is the only one I’ve ever had or used. You can and should use it for tons of things, just look up air fryer recipes on YouTube and you’ll realize how versatile it is and how many easy things you can make with it. It also makes lots of frozen foods much better than anything else. Highly recommend having an air fryer.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
12-28-2022 , 09:54 PM
12-28-2022 , 09:54 PM
the biggest downside to an air fryer is the space it takes up
it's not something you're likely gunna plug and unplug to store in the cabinet every night
so there it sits on your countertop
what's the bright side?
the sandos Mal makes in four minutes
the only person to decide is you
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 03:44 PM
Cross post from cheese thread, made a grilled cheese with Trader Joe’s carmelized onions, some Texas pickled pickles with garlic and kale pekoe and enough mayo to make Undercover Brother cringe in disgust, I enjoyed this. Now I just need to do with some liverwurst and sautéed onions.

Originally Posted by Da_Nit
By itself it didn’t really hold up to some French and other cheeses, did try it as the main event of a grilled cheese sandwich and it was fantastic. I now have a sudden craving to make a liverwurst sandwich with this cheese, sautéed onions, spicy mustard on some bake at home ciabatta.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 04:03 PM
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 04:04 PM
great sandwich Da_Nit
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 04:09 PM
I'll have to try that carmelized grilled cheese this week. Re-upped today.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 04:14 PM
I'm still trying to decipher "pickled pickles." Best I can tell from that jar, it says "Rickle pickles." Maybe Kickle Pickles? Please help!
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 06:37 PM
Originally Posted by Tom Ames
I'm still trying to decipher "pickled pickles." Best I can tell from that jar, it says "Rickle pickles." Maybe Kickle Pickles? Please help!
Yeah I mean if it’s just pickles, can say pickles but with other pickled items I guess you can say pickled, cucumbers but F.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 07:53 PM
i'm a third year student trying to get my bachelors in pickle jar design and i was wondering if you'd mind taking a better picture of that label?
not trying to copy it or anything...just trying to think about how it could represent something i might be asked to do sometime in a future class

Last edited by REDeYeS00; 01-02-2023 at 08:00 PM.
What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
01-02-2023 , 10:00 PM
Here you go.

What's the deal with sandwiches? Quote
