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What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked?

05-29-2011 , 04:16 AM
Anyone remember CB4 with Chris Rock?
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-29-2011 , 05:22 AM
joe dirt was an awesome movie

I don't understand why people thought sideways and superbad were good
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-29-2011 , 06:51 AM
Idiocracy was not popular at the movies but is incredible!
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-29-2011 , 12:00 PM
SKimmed through some of this thread, a few quick thoughts...

1. Sideways is one of my favorite movies. It's funny, the dialogue is great, and it's well directed + Napa Valley looks awesome.

2. I agree that Godfather can get a little boring, but the book is awesome. You should all read the book.

3. Hated Idiocracy...don't think it's clever at all. Really liked Grandma's Boy though.

4. District 9 is an interesting, fast moving movie with good acting. It was really cool.

To add one to the thread...

I didn't like Chinatown
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-29-2011 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by HC82
Hate LOTR, Star Wars, Harry Potter etc. No idea why anybody over the age of 11 enjoys watching those types of movies.
Same here. I saw one of the LOTR movies and after 2.5 hrs I just turned it off. There was probably only another 15 minutes left but I didn't care. If I had to see Elijah Wood fall down again for no reason I was gonna snap.

Star Wars sucks too. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

Have never seen Harry Potter
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 07:59 AM
I thought the novel "Fight Club" was absolutely hilarious but the movie didn't do much for me although I believe a lot of young people liked it.

Michael Moore's movie "The Big One" is probably one of his least known movies (only grossed 720,000) but I thought it was somewhat funny and interesting.

Last edited by Kevin B; 05-30-2011 at 08:11 AM.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 11:30 AM
Bad movie Deer Hunter. Like all Cimino films boring, overdone. Also Im a Coen brothers fan but A Serious Man was not good, it's full of unlikable characters. Good movie, Man on Fire. Denzel may be limited in characters he can play, but he has big screen star quality charisma.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 12:12 PM
Loved Country Strong which got bad reviews and hated The Lincoln Lawyer which got good reviews.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 12:15 PM
I don't care what anybody says, Bringing Down the House is funny.

Outside of the montage set to the song Shout, I don't get why people think Wedding Crashers was good. After that montage it was a pretty below average romantic comedy.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 12:27 PM
Originally Posted by dibbs
Hurt Locker was so mediocre and hyped.
Totally agree with Hurt Locker. It was so hyped on messageboards and at the oscars. I finally got around to seeing it. It was a decent movie, but not a great movie.

Tho I loved her earlier work - Point Break is a classic, and Near Dark (Lance Henriksen and Bill Paxton playing vampires)
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 12:30 PM
Claude Chabrol's Pleasure Party has like a 6.8 imdb rating and i think is his best movie as is pretty great
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 12:30 PM
Btw I'm watching Ron Burgundy for the first time now. I don't think I chuckled once for the first 15 minutes, but there's been some funny stuff since. I also tivo-ed wedding Crashers to watch for the first time. I have a feeling I'll like it better since the characters seem more like actual people.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 12:33 PM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
Life of David Gale & Law Abiding Citizen weren't great movies and I can't say I cared for either, but they weren't as terrible as people made out. More mediocre than bad, say 2.5 or 3 stars out of 5.
Uhhh Law Abiding Citizen got 3.5 stars (7.2/10) from IMDB -- and it was a great movie!

Edit: Just realized it got only 1 star (WTF) from Rotten Tomatoes -- **** those guys!
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 01:09 PM
The problem with Crash is that movie was already made 12 years earlier it was called "Short Cuts" and was done better imo. sittin thru crash just thinkin to myself jfc i have seen this already.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by its4thecatlol

Poorly Rated Movies I liked:

-Funny People, thought it was very original and a realistic life-like movie.
+1 with adam sandler and seth rogan the movie got almost zero buzz, but it was well done
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 01:36 PM
Moulin Rouge.

critically acclaimed and won awards. the movie is painful to watch and way over the top. not to mention ewan mcgregor plays a dude infatuated with a Nicole Kidman's character, but he comes off as flaming gay.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 01:51 PM
can someone explain the appeal of Eternal Sunshine? I can't stand this movie and I just watched it for the 2nd time kinda just to make sure. I like the actors a lot in other stuff but I just don't get this at all. It has a pretty good premise and then its an hour of meandering, incoherent garbage. Kaufman's other stuff is even worse.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-30-2011 , 05:01 PM
Originally Posted by RUBINH
Uhhh Law Abiding Citizen got 3.5 stars (7.2/10) from IMDB -- and it was a great movie!

Edit: Just realized it got only 1 star (WTF) from Rotten Tomatoes -- **** those guys!
this movie is awesome, how can it be 1 star, morons.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-31-2011 , 04:06 AM
Originally Posted by DesperateHouswives
Also agree that godfather is a snoozefest.

Man on wire I could not Pay attention whatsoever..I think i need to give it another chance though..
responding just to tell you to watch man on wire again. its a very low-budget, laid-back documentary, but its done very well and the people involved are very interesting. i thought it was a great story, not just because the feat is remarkable (it is), but i just enjoyed the experience from the perspective of those involved.

the obvious troll picture made me laugh pretty hard.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
05-31-2011 , 04:32 AM
eternal sunshine is one of my favorite movies so i will defend it. i think time is a very interesting idea that is underused in movies. without saying too much, most of the many ways it manipulates time, memory, and thought are fascinating. im a fan of winslet and carey and theyre on point here. their characters are likeable but real, as is their relationship, and the experience they go through is unique and thought-provoking. supporting characters (cross, wood, dunst, and the doctor) are all pretty hilarious, and have their own funny roles in the experience. it is also beautiful to watch and well-written.

raising arizona is a pile of crap. im going to preface this by saying i must be biased against old movies, or not understand something from a previous generation, because i frequently hate movies from before 95. this is no exception. i love pretty much every other coen bros movie and was pumped to see this. after 15 minutes i had that horrible feeling that it might not get better, but figured there were too many great people involved for it not to pick up. but it sucks. it sucks so bad. the plot is so stupid. it makes no sense and its not funnier for it. every joke is on the first level, the actings junk (one of cages worst accents which is saying something) its ugly to watch (half of its in a trailer), its depressing, and the endings terrible. i feel better.

starwars is meh. im not gonna be too harsh on it cause it seems cool and stuff and everyone loves it and i can respect that, but it just really doesnt do it for me. i predict were the last generation that cares much about it though.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
06-01-2011 , 06:42 AM
Originally Posted by RUBINH
Uhhh Law Abiding Citizen got 3.5 stars (7.2/10) from IMDB -- and it was a great movie!
Uhhh, okay? What does IMDB's rating have to do with me or my post? IMDB giving it 3.5 and RT having it at 1-star doesn't have anything to do with what I think of it.

It was okay, but it's been done before. Man's family killed, now he's a vigilante. See: Death Wish and maybe 100 other movies. Of course there's the part where some random establishes that the vigilante is actually a highly-trained CIA assassin & "the best there is." Really? I'm surprised Steven Seagal didn't make a cameo.

Gerard Butler was good at least, Jamie Foxx was okay enough, which helps. Just didn't see a great story there, only a chain a people getting killed in different ways and a stupid generic ending. That's good enough to watch but not what I'd call a "great" movie.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
06-01-2011 , 06:51 AM
I didn't like Chicago at all, probably the most overhyped thing I've seen. The Pianist definitely got robbed that year.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
06-01-2011 , 08:39 AM
Conan the Barbarian (1982) is the most underrated film. The score from that is one of the best ever.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
06-01-2011 , 08:54 AM
Good reviews and did not like list is too large to list really. Will go ahead and start with a universally acclaimed movie that is recent.... There Will Be Blood. It's a gorgeously shot movie and technically excellent all around but it doesn't do much for me. Plainview is too much a caricature and DDL hams it up a lot.
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
06-01-2011 , 10:30 AM
Originally Posted by Le Gonso
Uhhh, okay? What does IMDB's rating have to do with me or my post? IMDB giving it 3.5 and RT having it at 1-star doesn't have anything to do with what I think of it.
The point of this thread is not "movies I don't like".
What movie got good reviews that you didn't like & which one got lousy reviews that you liked? Quote
