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Vegetarian-vegan thread Vegetarian-vegan thread

09-03-2016 , 12:30 PM
Or he just has good taste.

Having a fake hamburger when you can afford the real thing is just poor decision making.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 12:42 PM
That's the best looking meal LoL has posted ITT. Lentil patty on a bagel >>>>>>>>>> eating a bushel of apples for lunch.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 01:01 PM
Lose the tomato and were talking! *ducks before the hate for not liking tomatoessss*
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 01:42 PM
The bagel is just as lol at the patty.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 01:58 PM
I think it looks tasty but seems like using a chewy bagel would smash the delicate lentil patty while you try to eat it. Any reason to use powdered onion and garlic instead of processed whole?

I like a black bean burger with processed green bell, onion and garlic and chipotle, cumin, cashews and breadcrumbs to help bind.

Adding egg requires adding flour which makes it more like a pancake.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 02:53 PM
<----- also not a fan of tomatoes unless it's in a sauce.

I don't digest lentils well but would try that with black beans or something else.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 03:16 PM
Originally Posted by GooseHinson
That looks like the worst and it would take a large sum of money to even get me to take a bite
WTF you talking about? It's easily the most normal looking food LoL has ever posted... I would just replace the veggie patty with meat, add some condiments and be good to go.

EDIT: would also replace the multigrain bagel with a regular poppyseed bagel... multigrain bagels, pita, etc are just plain WRONG imo

Last edited by ninetynine99; 09-03-2016 at 03:20 PM. Reason: slow-ponied by Zikzak I see... hadn't read all the posts before jumping in with my own observations
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-03-2016 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by GooseHinson
That looks like the worst and it would take a large sum of money to even get me to take a bite
What's funny is I post a spaghetti squash, a crushing spinach salad and a barrel of killer apples and w/e else veggie plates, and no one says a peep. Once it's something shaped like something you meat-mouths (did I get that right amazin?) eat, all hell breaks loose.

It's not meant to replace or replicate a hamburger. I couldn't even tell you what a hamburger even tastes like as it's been forever. My intention is not to offend you blood-mouths (ah, I think that's what it is called); if so, then I'd just post it in the steak thread.

And stfu - I could get you to take a bite for $20 easy ($10 if we didn't put any corn in it).

Originally Posted by cassette
You sound like a child. Are you generally adverse to new things, or just when it comes to food?
He's offended because he thinks I'm mocking his precious hamburgers. Good to see you back itt.

Originally Posted by Neil S
Or he just has good taste.

Having a fake hamburger when you can afford the real thing is just poor decision making.
It's a patty. There's a reason why I never call it a burger, and that's because it's not a burger, ldo. At $11/pd for organic black lentils and $25/pd for organic pistachios, that sonofabitch cost a lot more than a burger, imo. Heck, I needed to pick up some more distilled vinegar just to wash the veggies and they didn't sell anything but organic, so that was $5 for a bottle, lol.

Originally Posted by zikzak
That's the best looking meal LoL has posted ITT. Lentil patty on a bagel >>>>>>>>>> eating a bushel of apples for lunch.
It def was the tastiest. Blast full of flavors, but if I can't peak out at 150 or so mpw this year without issue, then I'll snap go back to a raw diet, though.

Originally Posted by PJo336
Lose the tomato and were talking! *ducks before the hate for not liking tomatoessss*

Originally Posted by GooseHinson
The bagel is just as lol at the patty.
If by lol you mean tasty af, then yes, it was lol.

Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
I think it looks tasty but seems like using a chewy bagel would smash the delicate lentil patty while you try to eat it. Any reason to use powdered onion and garlic instead of processed whole?

I like a black bean burger with processed green bell, onion and garlic and chipotle, cumin, cashews and breadcrumbs to help bind.

Adding egg requires adding flour which makes it more like a pancake.
This was made with all fresh ingredients. The onions, garlic gloves, bell & jalapeno peppers were mostly pureed; pistachio and sunflower kernels grounded into a coarse dust. We just went too big on the rice (well, I guess only I did since she yelled, "noooo..."), but the patty held up fine in the bagel (the others went for a bun).

Powdered ingredients for fast and lazy meals. I'll give the cumin and cashews a try when it's time for black bean patties, even though cumin smells like cheesy feet to me, but I'll give it a shot, nevertheless.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 03:40 AM
Damn kids wanted it again tonight, meh. Doubled the oil and panko; ditched the brown rice and corn completely and took the oven to 400 instead of 350. Almost there, just a couple of more tweaks...

Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 07:48 AM
The rice and oats in the patty seem weird to me but what do I know never made a lentil patty. Falafel is so inanely good I never felled the need to mess around with other legume " Pattys "

The apples you posted looked rather bland though. What kind of apple was that? Honey crisp? I think those are boring. I like some acidity in my apples
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 08:51 AM
You got a general/nice recipe for that LoL ? Looks pretty good.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-04-2016 , 08:47 PM
Originally Posted by donjonnie
The rice and oats in the patty seem weird to me but what do I know never made a lentil patty. Falafel is so inanely good I never felled the need to mess around with other legume " Pattys "
Rice and/or oats is pretty standard in any garden variety patty that isn't soy based. Yup, can't go wrong with anything chickpea based, imo.

Originally Posted by donjonnie
The apples you posted looked rather bland though. What kind of apple was that? Honey crisp? I think those are boring. I like some acidity in my apples
Agreed - Honeycrisp are meh. Those were Koru apples from New Zealand.

Originally Posted by Yakmelk
You got a general/nice recipe for that LoL ? Looks pretty good.
Cooked lentils, about 1.5 cups
Grated white onion and bell pepper, about 1/2 cup combined
1-2 garlic gloves mashed into a paste
About 1/4-1/2 cup of sunflower kernels grounded because sunflowers are awesome
About 1/4-1/2 cup of pistachio kernels grounded because pistachios are even more awesome
Olive oil, about 1-2 tables
Plain panko breadcrumbs, about 1/2 cup
1-minute plain instant oats, about 1/4 cup
Stone ground mustard to taste
Minced jalapenos and/or hot sauce to taste
A couple of tables of chopped parsley
Black pepper, salt, basil, oregano, chili powder, cayenne pepper all to taste

I think that was about it. Drain lentils really well and pat dry. Mash up most of the lentils with a potato masher or fork. Pat dry the onion and bell pepper, etc. Blend everything in except for the panko and oats. Taste and adjust spices and adjust as needed. Stir in the panko and oats. Add in a bit more if the mixture is too wet. Blend really well, and let sit covered for a bit for the flavors to mingle.

Take about a 1/2 measuring cup and scoop the mixture into it and pack it down tight. Smack the cup against a parchment paper lined rimmed baking sheet until the molded mixture comes out. Mash it down more to make a nice round patty shape.

Bake in a preheated oven at 400 degrees for 15-20 minutes, flipping once halfway through, or fry it in oil for 4-5 minutes each side on med-high.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 12:07 AM
Spicy black bean. Cooked up 2 pounds of dry beans and froze a ****load of patties. Now I'll tell the kids to hit the freezer or McDonald's coz I'm done.

Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 12:34 AM
Are you here yet amazin lets go to the penthouse in yaletown it's all vegan
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 01:18 AM

Check this place out. Opening in a few days
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:13 AM
I don't really leave downtown but the penthouse seems like a much better place to eat things
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:01 PM

These words were written in 1946 by Donald Watson, the father of veganism...

"The acceptance of a reformed relationship between man and animals is imperative. The higher animals have feelings like ours, therefore they should have justice on equal terms with ourselves, or not be bred into the world. Until this demand is met, man will remain a thug species despite his pious creeds. Animals present us with a test case, and by our conduct to them in their innocence and weakness, our own standards are truly fixed. Admit that the strong have the right to exploit the weak, and the basis of civilized society is gone. The attitude is one of conceit and selfishness and unless discarded will not confine itself to the treatment of animals. Therefore, in man's interest, animal exploitation must end. Not only flesh-food but all products of the slaughter-house must be denounced and the most serious effort made to avoid their use. Human existence does not depend upon the inconceivable tyranny now existing against animals, in fact progress is impeded enormously by it. To renounce this tragic heritage is to be born again, to a life sometimes more difficult, but always of clearer conscience and more satisfying conclusion."

-Donald Watson, The Vegan, Volume 2, No. 1, Spring 1946. (pg. 2)

Note that he mentions absolutely nothing about "love" for humans. He DOES mention JUSTICE, ANIMAL EXPLOITATION and TYRANNY. He calls humans a THUG SPECIES and decries their CONCEIT and SELFISHNESS.

Please get over yourselves! Veganism is not about being lenient with human atrocities. It is about the non-human animals and what we have done to them. Veganism is about reversing the course of history and stopping those humans who value their petty desires over the lives of those whom we have forsaken.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:05 PM
At what point will you argue for reparations for eating meat ?

Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:38 PM
i think all these amazin' copy/pastes from facebook were meant for a different thread
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:47 PM
Land'O, what do you need vinegar for?
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:54 PM
To wash produce.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 03:58 PM
The higher animals have feelings like ours, therefore they should have justice on equal terms with ourselves, or not be bred into the world.
Thanks for the mental image of a justice system based on feelings, made me laugh.
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 04:08 PM
Originally Posted by Land O Lakes
To wash produce.
Why isn't tap water enough? (I've never heard anyone to use vinegar to wash veggies)
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 04:18 PM

I don't expect you to read this or reply to this because you seem to have decided that this thread is just a good repository for your copy and paste TRUTH BOMBS. However, I wanted to know your thoughts on this sentence from your post:

Originally Posted by amazinmets73
These words were written in 1946 by Donald Watson, the father of veganism...
Donald Watson is the person who coined the term "vegan." We can agree on that, I assume, since you and I have access to the same wikipedia.

However, the notion that some white British guy created the concept that humans could change their diets and their treatment of animals on the whole as driven by ethics is fairly disgusting, given the cultural appropriation necessary to come to that conclusion, particularly given that the chain of events leading to Watson's break from the British Vegetarian society appears to have been precipitated by a visit and speech from Ghandi.

Similarly, would love to hear your thoughts on Jainism, and how you can live with yourself knowing that there is a non-self-righteous group of people who take the nonviolence towards living beings much more seriously than you and your fellow hypocrites. Jainism being an ancient religion (for clarification, "ancient" means older than 1944) that has generally put forth a diet and lifestyle that by benefit of being more restrictive than veganism defaults to being "vegan."
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
09-06-2016 , 09:26 PM
Originally Posted by amazinmets73
Note that he mentions absolutely nothing about "love" for humans.
Ummmm... okay, noted.

But why?
Vegetarian-vegan thread Quote
