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TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS

11-19-2013 , 02:32 PM
itt ive learned that lion are morally responsible for killing zebras. therefore, its okay for us to do the same to them
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by STJEAN81
I know its buzzfeed, but still pretty relevant for how difficult it appears to hunt a lion.
lolllll this is the stance the animal activists or ****** should be taking. images are almost as good as the posting itt is bad.

pretty much a giant "this" to clare quilty once I learned what pragomatic meant.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 05:40 PM
I have no qualms with hunting some animals. The white-tailed deer deals with overpopulation every year in many states. Hunting is needed for population control.

If people hunt for food, it's no problem imo. After all, people gotta eat and you can't just buy meat in some parts of the world.

But killing animals just for the sake of posting a replica of their head on your wall is sickening.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 05:56 PM
Originally Posted by idlikeadrinkplease
Why not start with yourself?
sry im not from a poor family of 11 in brooklyn, NY or id consider it.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 06:07 PM
Originally Posted by STJEAN81
I know its buzzfeed, but still pretty relevant for how difficult it appears to hunt a lion.
How does buzzfeed let this crap on their site? This isn't even a numbered list!
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 06:16 PM
Originally Posted by Clare Quilty
I don't know what's more annoying in threads like this, the lunatics saying they would trade a million people for an animal, or the Vulcan assburgers squadron at pains to show how pragmatic they are and how they can't understand feeling bad for an animal's death. All of you suck, please stfu and lock thread.
I would rather wait it out a couple of days for nudes, chick is hot.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:09 PM
Originally Posted by STJEAN81
Yea I really just don't understand how this is considered an exemplary feat. You have the best in tracking technologies and a ***** high powered rifle on a tripod with laser sighting. It's actually LeBron playing vs toddlers.
Lets all just go out and start dusting off more rhinos, pandas, tigers, and gorillas while we're at it.
Are you going to make a thread every time someone does something you don't understand or disagree with?
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:26 PM
Originally Posted by TexasHoldems
sry im not from a poor family of 11 in brooklyn, NY or id consider it.

troll fail
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:38 PM
Originally Posted by Clare Quilty
I don't know what's more annoying in threads like this, the lunatics saying they would trade a million people for an animal, or the Vulcan assburgers squadron at pains to show how pragmatic they are and how they can't understand feeling bad for an animal's death. All of you suck, please stfu and lock thread.

TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:44 PM
Killing animals is part of nature, and if you eat meat you are an animal killer (indirectly of course).

As humans though we should be humane to the animals we raise and kill. Which we don't do very well with our feedlot system. I hope the OP doesn't eat feedlot meat because those animals experienced extend periods of suffering before they are killed. The lion was living in the wild and met a quick death.

Humans taking pleasure in taking another creatures life have morality issues, not someone I would want around.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 07:47 PM
Originally Posted by STJEAN81
Ok I get it , you don't care that these lions are being hunted despite becoming increasingly more rare.
If by "increasingly more rare" you mean "increasingly more common on South African farms as a result of breeding programs" then I agree 100%. This isn't out in the Sahara dude, it's a canned hunt. The kind of hunt this woman went on consists of showing up to a fenced preserve and "hunting" an animal which was bred specifically to be hunted. By hunted I mean someone working on the property picks out an animal and tells the shooter to pull the trigger. Some of these farms have upwards of 2,000 head of lions specifically for hunting; they can't be released into the wild because there won't be a "wild" for lions in a few decades as land development and livestock farming have destroyed the lion's habitat. Southern and eastern Africa are essentially the final frontier for wild lions, with roughly half of the population residing in those areas.

FWIW I'd consider myself against hunting now after participating in the activity growing up as it's extremely inefficient and there's really no challenge involved.

Last edited by CBorders; 11-19-2013 at 07:56 PM.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:14 PM
Originally Posted by Everlastrr
Personally I think they are the scum of the earth just like this chick.

If you think you or anyone is else is a hero for shooting a defenseless animal with your .308 in this day and age then carry on. Honestly I think the look on their faces in these "trophy" pics are very consistent. The insecurity just shines right through.
People have killed and will kill everything else that has ever or will ever walk the earth. If you think killing a "defenseless" animal makes the killer insecure, or is a dumb thing, or whatever, then you're the idiot: there are plenty of legitimate, smart reasons to kill animals*.

Outrage over this is driven by the popularity of the animal, the perceived rarity of the animal, and maybe the hatred of the human. In that order.

* "Defenseless" in quotes here because at this point animals are almost prima facie defenseless against humans.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:21 PM

This woman is a smug and also! insecure idiot who is killing these completely defenseless animals every morning at 6AM Boulder, CO, time, when she makes her much-beloved western omelets for her family. She also kills some bell peppers and fermented cow's milk at the same time.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:30 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.

This woman is a smug and also! insecure idiot who is killing these completely defenseless animals every morning at 6AM Boulder, CO, time, when she makes her much-beloved western omelets for her family. She also kills some bell peppers and fermented cow's milk at the same time.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:32 PM

there's a difference between buying eggs at the store and shooting an animal in a concentration camp for 0 reason and then taking a picture of you smiling next to the dead body to show your accomplishment

Killing a lion like that is morally wrong 100%. You probably should get tested for sociopathy if you truly cant get why. It is worth crying over all the internet though, probably not since thousands of worse **** happen on a daily basis

Last edited by omnishakira; 11-19-2013 at 08:37 PM.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:38 PM
Plus eggs is an abortion issue. RDH in full troll mode.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:39 PM
I think it's more cowardly to kill a cow than a lion. We have, like, machines and **** to kill cows, and it's not like we're ever in danger of the cows being like "**** this ****" and turning on their masters before they're ground up for a burger. There's at least a remote possibility of a lion thinking you look tasty.

...but it's not that a lion died people care about, they just mad that a lady posed next to it. And also they're like cats and awwwwww.

TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think it's more cowardly to kill a cow than a lion. We have, like, machines and **** to kill cows, and it's not like we're ever in danger of the cows being like "**** this ****" and turning on their masters before they're ground up for a burger. There's at least a remote possibility of a lion thinking you look tasty.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:41 PM
Originally Posted by omnishakira
then taking a picture of you smiling next to the dead body to show your accomplishment
It's a lot more dangerous getting that picture is the lion is alive.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 08:57 PM
Originally Posted by RunDownHouse.
People have killed and will kill everything else that has ever or will ever walk the earth. If you think killing a "defenseless" animal makes the killer insecure, or is a dumb thing, or whatever, then you're the idiot: there are plenty of legitimate, smart reasons to kill animals*.

Outrage over this is driven by the popularity of the animal, the perceived rarity of the animal, and maybe the hatred of the human. In that order.

* "Defenseless" in quotes here because at this point animals are almost prima facie defenseless against humans.

They are killing them for sport bro, you know, a trophy. There's big difference between that and killing something to sustain your life. Sorry I didn't define that coherently enough so that your pea could comprehend. Insecure does fit them absolutely perfectly.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:08 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer

...but it's not that a lion died people care about, they just mad that a lady posed next to it. And also they're like cats and awwwwww.
there you go with those stupid assumptions again
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:14 PM
Originally Posted by goofyballer
I think it's more cowardly to kill a cow than a lion. We have, like, machines and **** to kill cows, and it's not like we're ever in danger of the cows being like "**** this ****" and turning on their masters before they're ground up for a burger. There's at least a remote possibility of a lion thinking you look tasty.

...but it's not that a lion died people care about, they just mad that a lady posed next to it. And also they're like cats and awwwwww.

Man you're really on a roll with dumb posts itt.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:16 PM
Originally Posted by Everlastrr
They are killing them for sport bro, you know, a trophy. There's big difference between that and killing something to sustain your life. Sorry I didn't define that coherently enough so that your pea could comprehend. Insecure does fit them absolutely perfectly.
The wildlife managers were killing the lion for management purposes. Michelle whatshername killed it so she could generate a buzz and sell commercial advertisement space.

Maybe the demographic that this appeals to just pisses you off.

There was a similar story last year about the California DFG commission president Dan Richards lost his job over legally hunting a mountain lion in Idaho after a trophy photo of him withh the cat ran in Western Outdoor News. Obviously NatGeo and Michelle whosit should have known the ****storm was coming. I think they probably did, and it will help the bottom line.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by sumey
there you go with those stupid assumptions again
I'm actually really curious - if it's not the lady posing, then what? Why is killing a lion more cowardly then the way we farm cows living miserable existences to be our food?
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
11-19-2013 , 09:21 PM
Originally Posted by crashjr
The wildlife managers were killing the lion for management purposes.
Can you link to something or explain what you mean by management purposes?

With <32,000 lions in the wild I'm wondering what these management purposes actually are.

Originally Posted by goofyballer
I'm actually really curious - if it's not the lady posing, then what? Why is killing a lion more cowardly then the way we farm cows living miserable existences to be our food?
We make use of the cow by eating it, using it for goods.

The cow isn't nearly as endangered as a lion.

I think it would also be lame for people to pose with carcasses of dead cows acting like they did something special, but at least there would be some use for it afterwards.
TV presenter proud and congratulated over killing lion in South Africa...epic POS Quote
