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Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Stingiest thing you've seen someone do

07-19-2010 , 12:34 AM
every time stamps go up by a cent or 2 they always show people on the news outraged
who gives a ****
even if youre 95 years old lets say you can mail 20 things a month (which is a ****ton)
thats less than 5 dollars a year boo hoo
i mean i can see if youre or something and it will add up to millions but people act like its the biggest injustice in the world whenever this happens
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07-19-2010 , 10:51 AM
Originally Posted by AcTiOnJaCsOn
his wife just bleed 750 million from him
This was 2 years ago, hence it says back before anyone knew he was a tool.
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07-19-2010 , 10:55 AM
Originally Posted by bottomset
you can tell from the way its phrased that she'd still be pissed if she got $20 even though it clocks in at ~25%

its entitlement like this that is so annoying, its really bad with poker dealers
You make a valid point, but the the thread is about being stingy.

One of the wealthiest athletes ever tipping $10 on an $85 dinner is...

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07-19-2010 , 11:28 AM
maybe he got ****ty service?
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07-19-2010 , 11:55 AM
Originally Posted by JHolsinger88
You make a valid point, but the the thread is about being stingy.

One of the wealthiest athletes ever tipping $10 on an $85 dinner is...

It isn't at all. Do you expect him to just throw Benjamins around wherever he goes? Do you really think rich people should tip 100% or something absurd? Larry David mind would be boggled at the notion I know that much.

Its a standard tip. Perfectly acceptable in fact I think it'd be weird if he did anything else. Whats he trying to be baller? Is the waitress some charity case that deserves donations from this wealthy person?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 11:58 AM
11 pct is stingy for good service no matter how rich you are
im not saying go around pissing money away but if youre worth a billion dollars and nickel and diming tips on 85 dollar meals something is wrong with you
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07-19-2010 , 12:07 PM
There are jokes to be made in this Tiger thing, but I won't be the one to make them.
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07-19-2010 , 12:26 PM
Tiger tipping $10 on $85 tab is a little low for USA standards, but the waitress with her entitlement issues probably gave him bad service and made him uncomfortable.

I've worked for tips as a waiter and bartender before, and this sort of entitlement still tilts me.

Tiger should tip whatever he feels like and his net worth is entirely irrelavent.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 12:58 PM
its not irrelevant at all
we were talking about whats stingy and what isnt
tiger is notorious for being a dog **** tipper
your net worth has EVERYTHING to do with being stingy
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07-19-2010 , 01:34 PM
Originally Posted by DMC0627
A friend of mine who prides herself on her appearance has an 8 year old son. He is underweight and very small for his age, and his pediatrician suggested she give him certain vitamins (I forgot the name, but they weren't the ones you normally would think of for kids).

When she found out the vitamins weren't covered by insurance, she decided that his being small and underweight wasn't that big of a deal. She wouldn't spend the $40 a month it would be for him to have them, but has no trouble going to a hairdresser and spending $120 in a shot, or buying 5 shades of lipstick at $30 each.

The day she was supposed to get the vitamins but found out they weren't covered, she literally went to a shoe store and spent $350 on herself for shoes that were a "must have".
What a ripe old c*nt.

Originally Posted by JasonInDallas
Tiger tipping $10 on $85 tab is a little low for USA standards, but the waitress with her entitlement issues probably gave him bad service and made him uncomfortable.

I've worked for tips as a waiter and bartender before, and this sort of entitlement still tilts me.

Tiger should tip whatever he feels like and his net worth is entirely irrelavent.
I agree, the idea that wealthy people should just piss away their money because they can and if they don't they are cheap really boggles the mind. You see this alot at poker tournaments. Some guy will "only" tip like 20K or something after winning several million and people will be like "OMG what a cheap ass, he only tipped 20K"

Had Tiger left her $50 I still get the feeling she'd be like "WTF he coulda left more"

The fact she freaking cried tilts me way more about her than him.

Last edited by Cotton Hill; 07-19-2010 at 01:44 PM.
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07-19-2010 , 02:55 PM
Originally Posted by ImsaKidd
Most (all?) banks have a counter just like coinstar, without the fee/having to buy a giftcard.

My old bank had one right in the lobby, you poured your coins in and it printed a receipt to bring to the cashier.
Never seen a bank that has a coin counter. If I bring in bulk coins, they give me wrappers and tell me to wrap it myself.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 02:59 PM
I've never seen a coin counter or even thought about bringing coins to a bank; just always used Coinstar. If I had like $100 in various coins and brought them to the bank, how much work would "wrapping" them take?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 03:01 PM
Originally Posted by Klompy
Arguing with nits about AC is pointless. One of my roommates has it set in his mind that we shouldn't ever use the AC, or if we do he sets it at 80. Obviously I change the setting, it will never register in his mind that it only costs like a quarter a day to run the AC at a reasonable temp.
It costs a lot more than a quarter a day to run AC. My bill goes up at least $60/month in the summer and I have a tiny house.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 03:08 PM
I had a similar meal last night and tipped better than Tiger.

$83.47 bill ($36 of which was wine), left $16.53 to round it to $100.

I actually never round like this but it basically worked out to 20% and figured I'd just make the total 100.

Actually, I was going to tip 10% on the wine and it tallied to about $14 but when I noticed it was close to $100 I just made it even $100.

The waitor threw the 53 cents of change at me in the restroom before I left. WTF? I was in the stall and he yelled something inaudible and threw the coins at my feet under the partition.
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07-19-2010 , 03:08 PM
Originally Posted by kcaw
I prefer to just handwrinse dishes directly after use. There are no germs unless you just ate the germs and it saves time and energy. Just trying to teach all the kids to do it it sucks.
glasses and plates/silverware go in the dishwasher, most other stuff gets washed. I don't really understand putting a giant bowl in the dishwasher that takes the space of 8+ plates when you can hand wash it in 20 seconds.

and yeah, dishes are easy.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 03:19 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
The waitor threw the 53 cents of change at me in the restroom before I left. WTF? I was in the stall and he yelled something inaudible and threw the coins at my feet under the partition.
I wonder if there were any stingy patrons that later picked up the change?

I'd definitely get the waiter in **** if this happened to me btw.
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07-19-2010 , 03:30 PM
You left a really good tip. I don't get why the waiter would be upset at all. That's just stupid.
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07-19-2010 , 03:31 PM
Originally Posted by Fleebrog
The fascinating thing that I have found is that people who go to great lengths to save pennies often don't save money or make as much money as they should in situations that actually matter.

Like stuffing their life savings under a mattress rather than investing it (actually the mattress has a lot of investments beat recently, but that's not why they're doing it), or not negotiating something at work. Or totally getting ripped off buying a car or a house.

Don't they realize that getting a few thousand dollars in any of these ways will more than compensate for several lifetimes' worth of this nickel and dime BS? Apparently they don't see the inconsistency.
My mother in law eats out every meal. Breakfast, lunch, and dinner. But whenever my wife was visiting her and wanted to call me at home (long distance), my MIL would either refuse or make my wife give her money before calling me.
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07-19-2010 , 03:39 PM
Originally Posted by Cotton Hill
I agree, the idea that wealthy people should just piss away their money because they can and if they don't they are cheap really boggles the mind.
I agree in general but I don't think it applies here. He tipped 11% and that is pathetic.

Originally Posted by prohornblower
The waitor threw the 53 cents of change at me in the restroom before I left. WTF? I was in the stall and he yelled something inaudible and threw the coins at my feet under the partition.
Originally Posted by baumer
I'd definitely get the waiter in **** if this happened to me btw.
Yeah that is an outrageous reaction for a 20% tip. I would also report that behavior. I assume the waiter thinks you did that as some sort of insult and completely ignored the fact that you were just rounding to $100?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 04:21 PM
I was kidding about the end. I paid on CC. I don't know why I said that, but it sounded funny. That would be completely messed up if that had happened. I definitely would have confronted him in front of other patrons before leaving.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 04:26 PM
Originally Posted by prohornblower
I was kidding about the end. I paid on CC. I don't know why I said that, but it sounded funny. That would be completely messed up if that had happened. I definitely would have confronted him in front of other patrons before leaving.
We are now going to get no fewer than 27 posts from people bitching about people in the service industry responding to your joke post.

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07-19-2010 , 04:38 PM
Well I'm sure it's happened before to someone, so there's that.
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07-19-2010 , 04:54 PM
Originally Posted by JHolsinger88
You make a valid point, but the the thread is about being stingy.

One of the wealthiest athletes ever tipping $10 on an $85 dinner is...

How is it stingy?

Just because someone is rich, doesn't mean that they have to blow it all. $100 buys $100 of goods and services, whether it's a billionaire doing the buying or a guy with only $100 to his name.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 04:54 PM
Best story I have is second hand. Two guys I work with (Lets call them Gary and Mitch) live in the same neighborhood and Gary is throwing a little neighborhood BBQ and invites over Mitch and his family. At some point later, this conversation goes down between the wives:

Mitch's Wife: I was wondering what kind of food to expect at the BBQ.
Gary's Wife: Hamburgers and Hot Dogs ... the usual.
MW: Oh ... I don't really eat red meat, will you have anything else?
GW: No, but feel free to bring something else to throw on the grill if you want.
MW: Great, I have some chicken in the freezer I could sell you.
GW: ...
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-19-2010 , 05:02 PM
Head explosion.
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