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Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Stingiest thing you've seen someone do

07-16-2010 , 11:05 AM
Originally Posted by Dasq1306
I was staying at a friend's house and I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. His mum is in there loading the dishwasher. After she's done, she takes a tablet then pulls out a knife and proceeds to cut the tablet in half (took a good three minutes). I couldn't help but stare and when she notices me, she just says 'I'm running the dishwasher on economy mode so I don't need to use a full tablet'. I just nod. My friend had stepped into the kitchen and heard that last part and wanted to die.

Ofc when the dishes came out, they weren't clean at all.

Oh and his mum is a religious bigot obv.
That's pretty stingy, but how is this obvious?
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 11:20 AM
Originally Posted by Aceium
That's pretty stingy, but how is this obvious?
Because she's apparently not a very intelligent person.

Originally Posted by KlaSuu
Haha you just reminded me of someone I know who drives like 2 meters behind the trucks on the highway to save gas. One day one of the trucks is going to brake hard and he can use his saved up money to fix his car.
I once saw a bumper sticker on a Prius which said: "Draft behind me so we can save gas together!"
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 11:41 AM
Originally Posted by JustifiableCause
Thats ****ed up.

One of my biggest pet peeves growing up was when my mother and father would refuse to get gas at say $2.65 for instance because they saw it for $2.63 an hour before. It comes out to like 30 cents tops!!
There is a point of diminshing returns for gas prices, where you cost yourself more money by driving around looking for gas thats a few cents per gallon cheaper, or driving to the cheaper gas station that's farther away than you save buy buying the cheaper gas. This is especially true if you put any value on your time.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 11:59 AM
Originally Posted by Poogs
well I mean did you rest the rest of it? This is also the same kid who used to come to our apt and not bring any beer and drink ours all the time. When we called him on it he finally started bringing beer...12packs that hed carry around all night only for himself.

what does the rest of the things have to do with it, it was this event that dids was reacting to, it doesnt change if he has done stingy stuff in the past. I can actually relate because my non-gambler friends think of my poker winnings still as some kind of lottery score and that I should pay them **** and they wont have to pay me stuff just because I have a good day.

If you work 2 hours extra at your job do you friends not pay their share of the gas with you? SORRY MAN YOU MADE SUCH SICK LOOT AT WORK TODAY!
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by ohead
what does the rest of the things have to do with it, it was this event that dids was reacting to, it doesnt change if he has done stingy stuff in the past. I can actually relate because my non-gambler friends think of my poker winnings still as some kind of lottery score and that I should pay them **** and they wont have to pay me stuff just because I have a good day.

If you work 2 hours extra at your job do you friends not pay their share of the gas with you? SORRY MAN YOU MADE SUCH SICK LOOT AT WORK TODAY!
oh yea that tilts me so hard as well, my friends all earn 3k a month, while im a busto student who grinds poker, whenever i cash like 1k in a donkament every 2-3 months im supposed to pay everyones drink for a week because "you won the money anyway so u can share it" otherwise im being called nitty all day long.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dids
This maybe isn't nice, but I wouldn't call not spending on your friends after a big score "stingy" really.
Originally Posted by Poogs
He doesn't buy anyone anything (anytime any of us won anything wed buy food, beers etc for the group)
Sounds like the very definition of stingy to me. Certainly moreso than the several posts ITT that are outright stealing, rather than stinginess.

Originally Posted by SJUHawks
This belongs in a when to call DFCS thread or something b/c I'm sure people have tons of stories about that. Bad parents tilt the hell out of me.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by SirGaribaldi
oh yea that tilts me so hard as well, my friends all earn 3k a month, while im a busto student who grinds poker, whenever i cash like 1k in a donkament every 2-3 months im supposed to pay everyones drink for a week because "you won the money anyway so u can share it" otherwise im being called nitty all day long.
so next time you have a losing day ask them to buy you a drink. when they say no, problem solved
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:22 PM
or just stop telling them about your donkament scores
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:24 PM
Originally Posted by ahnuld
so next time you have a losing day ask them to buy you a drink. when they say no, problem solved
I am sorry ahnuld but logic doesn't work with these people
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:26 PM
Originally Posted by tschubauer
Friend of mine, pretty stingy stinky guy, went an entire school year...on ONE BOTTLE of body wash.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:32 PM
Originally Posted by Dasq1306
I was staying at a friend's house and I go to the kitchen to get a glass of water. His mum is in there loading the dishwasher. After she's done, she takes a tablet then pulls out a knife and proceeds to cut the tablet in half (took a good three minutes). I couldn't help but stare and when she notices me, she just says 'I'm running the dishwasher on economy mode so I don't need to use a full tablet'. I just nod. My friend had stepped into the kitchen and heard that last part and wanted to die.

Ofc when the dishes came out, they weren't clean at all.

Oh and his mum is a religious bigot obv.

My mum does that, only she does not use a knife and just breaks it in half in a second. Dishes are all perfectly clean. Maybe she's just super-mum, I don't know.

I don't think that is stingy at all. She also never wash plates before putting them in the dishwasher as that would actually cost more than not having a dishwasher or just using the dishwasher. She had the machine for years and still no dirty plates.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:33 PM
I went out for drinks with my best friend and a load of his friends from work who I had never met. When we walked into the bar, to avoid getting the round in, half of the group went to the toilet and the other half just started staring at the ceiling so in dismay I went and got 4 pitchers of beer for the first round.

One by one the pitchers were emptied and one by one so were glasses and one by one the eyes started searching for the ceiling again. The group sat there showing off their necks for 10 minutes before I had had enough and went home.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:40 PM
Old guy owns a house across the street from my bar & grill. When he gets done working around his yard he comes over and washes his hands in our bathroom so he can save on his water bill. I found this out because he told another customer who told me. LOL.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:41 PM
You should have just stayed and stared at them. You probaly don't want to hang out with such a nitty group but I would atleast get some of my beer back before going home angry.

Going home angry sucks,
going home buzzed and angry sucks less.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:47 PM
Yeah, I would have bought a pint for myself or something. These people who you do not know expect you to supply them alcohol for the night? **** that.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 12:52 PM
^^ I actually like that, should get the point across
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:11 PM
**** that. come back with a pitcher in each hand and start double fistin it. like someone earlier said i've never been into the whole buying rounds thing. if i'm out with just one or two good buddies i will buy a round for us right when we get there and not even expect reciprocation but when i'm out with a whole group of people there's no ****in way i'm droppin 60-80 bucks on a round of shots or jaegerbombs or some ****. there's always at least one guy who is a mooch in every group. and if you're with women? don't even get me started.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 01:32 PM
Rounds are for everyone knows each other and groups < 7. If your group is bigger than that, split the group.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:24 PM
Most of my friends were pretty big nits/cheapskates in college, but we've all outgrown it. There were 6 of us that lived in a huge house and we got all nitty about food and sharing bills and stuff from time to time.

I am embarassed to admit that I once drew fill lines on the side of my milk to make sure nobody else was drinking it. Of course that prompted one of my friends to drink the milk most of the way down and refill it with water to the fill line.

The same guy, however, once tried to steam a used stamp off an envelope and use it to pay one of our common bills. The envelope was obviously returned and it made our bill late. lol.

****ing embarassing. None of us were even close to poor, really. We all had cars and were going to an expensive private university. I think you just feel as though you have to be a stingy nit when you're a "poor college student."

Thankfully now we're all much more generous. The same friend from the previous stories came into town a couple years ago and took a bunch of us out to sushi. We offered to pay for his meal of course but he insisted on paying for everyone else instead.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 02:39 PM
Not super stingy, just nitty and tilts me. Roomate in college was super stingy, now 5 years later he has a good job making ~$80k a year. He still has the same mattress from probably his youth. He let a mutual couple we know spend the night on it one night. They both said the mattress was the biggest POS the ever seen and had about a 3 foot drop in the center where both people just rolled into each other and had to sleep like that all night.

Upon making fun of him, he said "When its only me its just fine". And this comes from a guy who complains of back problems and about girls never going past one night stands.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by SomethingClever
I am embarassed to admit that I once drew fill lines on the side of my milk to make sure nobody else was drinking it. Of course that prompted one of my friends to drink the milk most of the way down and refill it with water to the fill line.
LOOL I can't believe I forgot about this. I know a guy that used to do this. His food of choice was obv ramen noodles and that's what he had for dinner 7 days/week.

I think stinginess involving poor college students or old people who gre up through very tough times should be omitted. I mean when you're cheap out of necessity shouldn't be compared to cheapness when one obviously makes a good and comfortable living.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 03:45 PM
Saw a woman in the bulk food section of the store shelling pistachio nuts and throwing the shells BACK in the bin so the bag wouldn't weigh as much.....
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 04:45 PM
I think stinginess involving poor college students or old people who gre up through very tough times should be omitted.
Well tbh none of us were nearly poor enough to warrant that behavior.

My friends were good enough to give me an enormous amount of good-natured **** over the milk-line incident (in addition to filling my milk up with water), and I realized how lol cheap it was and never did it again obv.

As mentioned, they were a bunch of cheap bastards just like me, so everything was A-ok.
Stingiest thing you've seen someone do Quote
07-16-2010 , 05:39 PM
Originally Posted by ATAT
oh I have that way beat. my ex gf's mother finds overripe fruit at the store, takes it home and removes all the good parts, then drives back with the rotten parts and demands her money back. she cycles stores so she can do this on a regular basis.
That reminds me I waited on Ice Cube one time. His girlfriend ordered the fruit plate, at all the cantaloupe, then complained about the rest and got her money back. I took the plate back and she hadn't touched any of the other fruit. I'm pretty sure she just wanted the cantaloupe. The Predator was the number one album in the country at the time.
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07-16-2010 , 05:52 PM
Originally Posted by deucedeuces
expect reciprocation but when i'm out with a whole group of people there's no ****in way i'm droppin 60-80 bucks on a round of shots or jaegerbombs or some ****. there's always at least one guy who is a mooch in every group. and if you're with women? don't even get me started.
This reminded me of a few times when someone wants to get a round of shots and they ask everyone "do you want one" as if they're only counting how many to get but when the shots are delivered they're like "ok everyone pitch in $6." I always wtf at this ****, first of all I don't prefer shots and second if I do I would rather pick my own than what ever crap the other person usually suggests. I always thought the whole point of a round of shots like this was to celebrate something and that the person ordering them pays.
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