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Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings

11-28-2015 , 01:09 PM
Originally Posted by Springs1
I am not a weirdo, MEANIE!

Maybe you are perfectly NORMAL in LOUISIANA but that's what I meant.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:23 PM
Here's something that happens a lot and I'm wondering what is the moral thing to do in this scenario.

I'm lined up at the cashier yesterday, second in line (see the picture below), and another cashier opens up and says, "Can I help the next person in line please?"

In which order should the people in the existing line line-up in the new line?

Who do you think went straight up to the newly opened register?

Obviously "Yellow Arrow" jumped right to the front of the new line. Is that acceptable?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:28 PM
First come, first serve.

Honestly, I'd just stay in that line. Every time a new line opens they naturally even themselves out.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:29 PM
Sorry, I should have been more clear. I was wondering what Springs1 thinks.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:39 PM

Originally Posted by Springs1
if I don't have any left over ranch from the restaurants over the weekend.

It is STEALING to request TONS of extra ranch at restaurants to TAKE HOME so you don't have to BUY ranch yourself. Condiments to eat WITH your meal are included in the price you pay at restaurants. You have NO RIGHT to take all the condiments in the whole restaurant because you paid for a meal, right? Ordering MULTIPLE extra ranch sides and then taking them HOME is a lesser version of that, but still STEALING.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:39 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio

I had no idea you were a woman.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:48 PM
Originally Posted by jmakin
If I ever find myself caring enough about something like that to go through that effort it would be a sign for me to take a break from this site
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 01:51 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Sorry, I SHOULD have been MORE CLEAR.!!1!1 I was wondering what Springs1 thinks.!11!!1!!!
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 03:28 PM
You can't just go around capitalizing random words. Look at El D's post, he's got it down.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 03:32 PM
Originally Posted by Springs1
Sort of, I guess. I eat least eat a little so I don't pass out from low blood sugar and so I can feel I can do it. I couldn't just not eat anything during a day, because that would be extremely difficult to control hunger. Water helps some and that has no calories thankfully.
You have AN eating DISorder. IT'S not normal TO eat only TO avoid passing out from low blood SUGAR.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 03:59 PM
Originally Posted by Banned4lyfe
You can't just go around capitalizing random words. Look at El D's post, he's got it down.
Used Gregorio's Springs1 Translator® tho
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 04:00 PM
Nobody owns a Springs1 translator. That thing is from pre-2010, so it may not have the latest update.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 06:54 PM
FIRST of all, WELCOME to this forum!

SECONDLY, is there TRUTH to the rumor that you are the world FAMOUS food critic ***Kathie Jenkins***?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 07:54 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Nobody owns a Springs1 translator. That thing is from pre-2010, so it may not have the latest update.
Ah… I neglected to read the fine print at the bottom:

The English-to-springs1 Translator is code that is blatently ripped off of Lucas Longley's English-to-12-Year-Old-AOLer Translator. Sorry.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by Springs1
I am not a weirdo, MEANIE!
Actually I have an advanced degree in detecting weirdos and I can assure you that you do in fact qualify.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-28-2015 , 11:38 PM
The question is, "Is this the real Springs1 or just somebody using the translator to mimic Springs1?"
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by SuperUberBob
The question is, "Is this the real Springs1 or just somebody using the translator to mimic Springs1?"
I am the real Springs1, I promise.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 12:01 PM
Originally Posted by Brock Landers
FIRST of all, WELCOME to this forum!

SECONDLY, is there TRUTH to the rumor that you are the world FAMOUS food critic ***Kathie Jenkins***?
No, I have NEVER heard of that person before.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 12:07 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo
Springs, It is STEALING to request TONS of extra ranch at restaurants to TAKE HOME so you don't have to BUY ranch yourself. Condiments to eat WITH your meal are included in the price you pay at restaurants. You have NO RIGHT to take all the condiments in the whole restaurant because you paid for a meal, right? Ordering MULTIPLE extra ranch sides and then taking them HOME is a lesser version of that, but still STEALING.
Actually, it's NOT stealing, because I have been to restaurants like Hooter's, Twin Peaks, etc. that actually ***CHARGE FOR CONDIMENTS***. So at those places, I am ****PAYING**** for what I order. Also, the restaurant has an option to **CHARGE** me at some point if they want to. They choose not to in most cases, so HOW is that stealing? I ask for extra bread, been even OFFERED extra bread at places like Outback, etc. to take home. It's not stealing if the restaurant WANTS to give it away for free. Are you stupid? If they give it away for free, they I am not stealing it. They have EVERY RIGHT to charge me if if they feel I am ordering too much and they don't. I, all the time, get refills to-go on my soft drinks. That's not stealing either. HOW can it be stealing if I am paying my server extra for the extra work if they did a good job as well, huh? It's not stealing, because I am ordering it and they can decide to charge me or not. I am not just taking it. It's not the same as let's say ketchup packets at a fast food restaurant that a customer would "TAKE" 10 of. THAT is stealing if you aren't ordering that much food to use 10, because that's "TAKING", which I am not doing. I am **RECEIVING*** the items, NOT "TAKING" the items. Stealing is taking, NOT receiving. I ordered the condiments, they decide to charge me or not. It's not stealing. I can't make them charge me. So you want me to put a gun to their head to tell them "CHARGE ME DAMMIT", YEAH RIGHT, you wouldn't do that either and you know it.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 12:18 PM
Springs, have you ever bumped a line of powdered hidden valley ranch seasoning?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 12:50 PM
Originally Posted by gregorio
Here's something that happens a lot and I'm wondering what is the moral thing to do in this scenario.

I'm lined up at the cashier yesterday, second in line (see the picture below), and another cashier opens up and says, "Can I help the next person in line please?"

In which order should the people in the existing line line-up in the new line?

Who do you think went straight up to the newly opened register?

Obviously "Yellow Arrow" jumped right to the front of the new line. Is that acceptable?
No, only because they said "NEXT IN LINE", but if the cashier hadn't said that and just opened up a new line, it would have been. It's only not acceptable that the cashier said "Whose next in line."
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 12:51 PM
Originally Posted by JackInDaCrak
Springs, have you ever bumped a line of powdered hidden valley ranch seasoning?
NO, I HATE hidden valley ranch, YUK!!
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 01:04 PM
Springs, I'm glad that you are getting in touch with your inner self, that's an important exploration. BTW, how do you feel about Little Debbie snack cakes?

I am having difficulty wrapping my head around gregorio's picture of himself, I hadn't thought of him being in transition. Well played gregorio, I support you!
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 01:21 PM

At the places where they CHARGE for condiments, yes that is fine. But NOT at other places where they don't. They give you the ranch there for a reason, to eat WITH your food. You are LYING to them when you order so much extra to TAKE home with you. TAKE home. You are using FALSE PRETENSES to get all that extra ranch, that is why it is STEALING. They do NOT give you ranch for free, the ranch is included as part of the item price to eat WITH that item. If you do not think that is true, just go up to the hostess and without ordering anything ask her for a bunch of FREE ranch to take home. You are STEALING when you ask for extra ranch to eat with food but are really LYING and take it home to eat later that week. THIEF.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-29-2015 , 01:21 PM
Originally Posted by tylertwo
BTW, how do you feel about Little Debbie snack cakes?
They are OK. I haven't eat one in YEARS though. I use to eat some when the Baptist Student Union(I am actually Catholic) at the college I went to had free food. I would go there for the food. This was from 1995-1997.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
