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Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings

11-23-2015 , 10:38 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

Reading your blog made me really think about how LAZY and RUDE many servers and bartenders are. You bring up some really good points that in the past I had just accepted as part of going out to bars and restaurants, but NO MORE.
Thanks. Are you for real that you are going to penalize the tip more?

Can you tell us a bit more about yourself? How old are you? What do you do for a living? Where do you live? Where are you from originally?
38yrs old. I work in an office.(done office work mostly, worked at a donut shop/diner at my first job back in 1998-I started working late since my parents wanting me to concentrate on school(I was almost 21yrs old for my first job). I got a raise within only a month and a half of starting from $5.15/hr min. wage to $5.50/hr. I made tips as well, worked off and on until 2002, but it was around a little over 2yrs worth.

I live in Louisiana. I have been married since 2002. I met my husband on online personals back then it was all free to post a personal ad, so that was pretty cool. I don't have kids, don't want any EVER, EVER, EVER!! I am just not a motherly person at all, nowhere near. I love my freedom I can do what I want, when I want, spend the money I want, etc. I also greatly fear getting fat if I were to get pregnant ever, so I am really hope that never happens. I have never been fat or even chunky even. I diet each week to be able to eat what I want on weekends or holidays, etc. I went to college originally for nursing, but found it was too hard for me and I also didn't like some parts of it.I don't have pets, don't like pets. I love dancing, singing karaoke, watching tv, swimming, bowling, playing pool, etc.

I am a moralistic type of person that I try to do the right thing and expect others to do the same. I am not perfect, but so is nobody. I at least try to be a good person. So that's why I write these rants/pet peeves, because things bother me a lot. I have always been extremely sensitive. I got made fun of in junior high school, so it really made me feel worse. Like once even a girl that had my same name she threw up on the bus, this guy that usually made fun of me about my big bottom lip, he said "Barforama" and I had to correct him saying it was the other girl, not me, we just had the same first names. Anyway, so I would never want to go back to junior high again.

So because I do the right thing, I expect others to follow my lead such as not coming back into a line when I leave it and expecting to get back the spot I had, so I expect others to not be able to do that. I don't ask to cut, but have had other people that have had the gall to ask to cut. It's just amazing. I turned them down OF COURSE. I have OFFERED people spots in line before if they had like one item, but I have NEVER have asked to cut. That's just wrong. If everyone could do that, no one would wait their turn expect for the people that are letting them do this.

Anyway, that's enough for now.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:45 PM
Originally Posted by pudley4
If you're driving on the freeway and someone just ahead of you wants to change lanes into your lane, do you speed up to keep them from getting in front of you because you don't want to be delayed by them now being in front of you?
NO, OF COURSE NOT. That's just mean to do that. Now, what I do is decide if I want to let them in if the have their *TURN SIGNAL* ON or not, because if I have to follow the law, they should too. So if they don't have their signal, they aren't getting in unless it would cause an accident. If they want in, they need to follow the rules just like everyone else does. I put my turn signal on to change lanes EVERY FREAKING TIME, so should they.

Also, if I see them blocking everyone to get into a lane, I don't let them in that instance either, because if they are selfish, F' THEM. I have made MANY u-turns in my time went WAYYY FURTHER than I needed to not to block people, so should they. Blocking people is selfish and I am not going to be nice to selfish people.

So basically, have your turn signal on and not be going so slow as to impede traffic, you will be let into the lane I am in.

If you're at a checkout and the Express lane (12 items or less) line is shorter, do you go through when you have 18 items? Remember, it's just a suggestion it's not actually a hard limit at almost every store everywhere.
NO, I NEVER do that, if anything, I once told someone that had much more than the 20 items or less they were supposed to have. It's the cashier's fault too that they are in such a line, because they should tell them they can't check out in that line.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:46 PM
Originally Posted by KingOfFelt
When you are done shopping at the grocery store you should push in front of everyone in the lines so you can pay ahead of them. Because they ***DON'T ****ING OWN THE GROCERY STORE***. Only the ***PEOPLE WHO OWN THE GROCERY STORE*** have a right to pay ahead of you. It's a free for all grocery store.
NO, I wait my turn as it's SUPPOSED to be because it's a LINE, unlike a parking lot that doesn't have turns, because there is no line.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:46 PM

What is your go-to karaoke song? Mine is Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive. I'm pretty awesome at lots of karaoke songs, but that one always brings down the house.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:48 PM
Originally Posted by steamraise
Are you hot? Any naked pics to share?
I think I am pretty and sometimes sexy. No pictures. I don't even have facebook, because I am so sensitive that I don't want people to say "Oh she looks 2lbs bigger in that picture than this one. That's really why I don't have facebook. I don't want people to say things like that, it hurts.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:53 PM
Originally Posted by El Diablo

What is your go-to karaoke song? Mine is Bon Jovi, Wanted Dead or Alive. I'm pretty awesome at lots of karaoke songs, but that one always brings down the house.
I have done many songs, although I can't sing(my talent is dancing really, not singing), I like all kind of songs.

Good Times - Chic
Upside Down -Diana Ross
Give it Away - Red Hot Chili Peppers
Whereever I May Roam - Metallica
Ride Like the Wind - Christopher Cross
Ready to Go - Republica

Lots of other songs I like to do at my house. I wish they had a karaoke of "Sleep when I'm Dead" from Bon Jovi. I really like that song and it wasn't very popular. If you don't know it, look it up, it's a good song.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:53 PM
Favorite sparkling water?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:55 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
Favorite sparkling water?
I don't drink that.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:59 PM
That's ridiculous, I'm leaving.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 10:59 PM

Is that because you're afraid it might cause you to burp or fart in public?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-23-2015 , 11:01 PM
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 01:25 AM
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 02:30 AM
Hmmm it's a bit hard to judge who was in the wrong here. Could you give us a bit more details? A 10000 word thesis should be just enough.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 03:11 AM
Originally Posted by Springs1
my talent is dancing really
post a dance vid obviously

Also, what is it that makes you pretty (best feature) and what is your go to sexy move?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 07:32 AM
To be honest OP, it is sort of hard for me to believe you are the weight you say you are. It's just the way you write. You write like a FAT PERSON.

Then I consider the blogs you've made about chain restaurants and parking spaces, and now I am quite sure, you are LYING to us about YOUR WEIGHT.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 10:23 AM
Originally Posted by Springs1
NO, OF COURSE NOT. That's just mean to do that.
Oh, so you're ok to let someone in front of you when it causes you a minor inconvenience (as long as they're following THE LAW), but when it means you're going to have to look for another parking spot, then screw 'em

Do you drive the speed limit in the left hand lane, holding up faster traffic behind you? (The line is YES -1000)

NO, I NEVER do that, if anything, I once told someone that had much more than the 20 items or less they were supposed to have
Again, most of the time it's just a suggestion and isn't supposed to be enforced. So again, you'll follow social norms in some cases, but not others.

I am a moralistic type of person that I try to do the right thing and expect others to do the same
Does. Not. Compute.

You sound like the nittiest nit who ever nitted.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by Springs1
NO, I wait my turn as it's SUPPOSED to be because it's a LINE, unlike a parking lot that doesn't have turns, because there is no line.

What if I told you that someone who was waiting for a parking spot before you has created a LINE?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 12:21 PM
Doesn't a line need two people?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 12:36 PM
This is an obvious level
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 12:59 PM
Originally Posted by Illmatikk
This is an obvious level
That's been going on for over a decade?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 01:01 PM
Originally Posted by johnnycarson
To be honest OP, it is sort of hard for me to believe you are the weight you say you are. It's just the way you write. You write like a FAT PERSON.

Then I consider the blogs you've made about chain restaurants and parking spaces, and now I am quite sure, you are LYING to us about YOUR WEIGHT.
She's def fat.
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 01:18 PM
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 02:28 PM
Originally Posted by lonely_but_rich
I like RANCH on PIZZA.
You know who else likes this...

Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 02:42 PM
You think THEY'D be eating it if it didn't taste good, huh?
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
11-24-2015 , 02:45 PM
nobody owns a parking spot
Stealing Parking Spots/Being Inconsiderate of Other People's Time and Feelings Quote
