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11-24-2009 , 03:21 AM
lololol so good
I want so much for this to work well
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11-24-2009 , 03:35 AM

I've been doing this for a few years, it's pretty awesome. I must look insane in front of the cards laughing my ass off while trying to decide between Little Mermaid or Happy Bat Mitzvah for my brother's 27th birthday.
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11-24-2009 , 04:18 AM
I remember giving my friend a "you're having your first period" card back in high school for his birthday.
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11-24-2009 , 04:39 AM
When there is only 1 person in a thread whose posts you want to read, like in an ask me about thread, using ctrl+f plus their name yields to many quotes and requotes just use the Posts: and the number and you will be able to skip through to the posts you want.
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11-24-2009 , 05:02 AM
If you can't sleep or concentrate on pokars or whatever, try some white noise:
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11-24-2009 , 05:48 AM
Originally Posted by cero_dinero
It's much better to reheat leftover pizza in your oven than in the microwave. Usually it tastes almost like its fresh instead of that soggy warm.
keep the oven under 350 and you can put box and all in the oven.
Originally Posted by daryn
i gotta get one of these tongue scrapers. any recommendations?
use a spoon with a sharper edge.
a little hydrogen peroxide on your tooth brush will clean your tongue even better.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 07:36 AM
Originally Posted by keevin33
srsly, i am heading back there for thanksgiving and will see if it still works but it most certainly did in the early 2000s

Last edited by kutty; 11-24-2009 at 07:36 AM. Reason: A+++ thread
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 07:46 AM
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Do you love canned soup but hate pouring it into a bowl and making a mess?
Originally Posted by JJSCOTT2
Yes, I always pour my canned soup into my bowl from a height of 6 should do infomercials.
Originally Posted by RichGangi
Yeah, I always pour from 6 ft. up. Wtf? No one else has had that problem?
Originally Posted by JJSCOTT2
Do you have the same problem pouring liquids into any other container or is it just the soup that stumps you?
Originally Posted by RichGangi
I don't know what kinds of soups you're eating, but the ones I like aren't all liquids. DUCY this could get messy, no matter how careful one is?
im sorry, i cant think of any tips off the top of my head atm...but this exchange above had me laughing pretty hard.

ohhh - i got one:

When talking to any kindve company representative over the phone (ie: TV company rep, pizza delivery, etc etc)...always get their name, and make it a point to them that you know it (in a friendly manner)...for two reasons:

#1. make them feel important...which will result in a better overall outcome for you. (better service, possibly better perks, they will bend some rules for you that they normally wouldnt)

#2. incase they **** up, you have their name...and they know you have their name. (which will prolly deter any kindve **** up to begin with!)

Win-Win Situation...just by simply remembering and reciting their name back to them

***Note: they will usually say their name superfast right at the, make sure youre ready to actually pay attention to it.

This is a small thing that most people overlook, but has had huge positive results for me. (Thanks Dad).
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 08:32 AM
Tip: kindve is an abbreviation!
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 10:24 AM
Originally Posted by Freakin
This is a technology that emergency personal use in non-metropolitan areas as a means of changing traffic signals for approaching emergency vehicles. I think the most mainstream version is called OptiCom. If you look at traffic signals you'll see small devices that look like this off somewhere on the beam. They are generally angled slightly downward.

The earliest versions of these only required several pulses of light at the correct frequency to trigger the device. Emergency vehicles would basically have properly tuned strobe lights (that were likely sold at a large premium) that would trigger the device. At this time they were easily exploitable. Phreaking manuals would reference a device called a Chrome Box which was a strobe light that triggered the opticoms in your city.

The manufacturers continued getting smarter and started requiring timed sequences of pulses, almost like morse code. Chrome Box plans were updated to instruct users to film approaching emergency vehicles with a camera and advance frame-by-frame to get the correct sequence of lights. It was also common knowledge at this point that cops knew about chrome boxes and would bust people using them. Hackers knew that most new sensors were designed for the IR level so they changed their designs. I think the cheapest way to modify existing boxes was with an IR gel.

I don't think much has changed wrt this technology since I looked at it 10+ years ago. At that time, I had a traffic light I could consistently get to change close to my house with my high beams. It was at the top of a decently steep incline so my headlights pointed almost perfectly at the traffic signal as I approached. I had greater than 50% success rate with changing this light as I approached the signal. I only cared if it changed when traffic was moving through the intersection on the cross street and if I was still far enough away that I hadn't hit the induction sensors.

This is the intersection in question in case anyone actually cares about this
google streets

I drove through this intersection at least once daily and tried it every single time for 1-2 years. if I was unable to trigger it on my drive up, my lights were no longer at an angle that would hit the sensor. In this case I'd slowly roll backwards over the induction sensor until it triggered it from having multiple cars.
good post

hope all those idiots read this
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 10:29 AM
Originally Posted by Matt Williams
Crazy Glue works too.
Now this is a great one! My dad had shoulder surgery some 15 years ago. No stitches. He gleefully pointed out that the surgeon had used CRAZY GLUE, that's right, CRAZY GLUE to "sew" him back up.

A few years later, I almost sliced the top of my right finger off - the only thing stopping the chop was the knife hitting my finger bone. My wife grabbed the crazy glue, we squished the finger together and blam. Glued shut in no time. Saved a trip to emergency. I still have a nice scar.

I've used this for cuts ever since.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:07 AM
Originally Posted by kerowo
Why not take it out of the box and put it in a 1 gallon zip lock bag?
One could. But my way is optimally convenient. A ziplock takes way more time to mess with, long term, takes up more room in the fridge, less stackable, more expensive, allows air into the bag, expediting staleness, far, far less convenient overall. My way: grab from fridge, loosen grip on box lid, bottom falls onto counter, flip up, whip off plastic wrap, cut, done. Mere seconds.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:39 AM
Originally Posted by keevin33
it works in the city of Pittsburgh like a charm

but i've yet to find any other city where it works at
again, you are still the idiot, all MIRTs changed over 10+ years ago, like freakin I was into phreaking/building boxes (rainbow ftw) and there is no where in the US where this still works, I NEVER said that it never worked in the history of stoplights, I simply gaurantee you that there is a .00000001% chance that the old school MIRTS are still around
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 11:49 AM
Originally Posted by punkass
"Uh, my name is Jen Smith. You spell it normal, idiot."
Could be Jenn, yo.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 12:02 PM
Originally Posted by guids
again, you are still the idiot, all MIRTs changed over 10+ years ago, like freakin I was into phreaking/building boxes (rainbow ftw) and there is no where in the US where this still works, I NEVER said that it never worked in the history of stoplights, I simply gaurantee you that there is a .00000001% chance that the old school MIRTS are still around
I didn't say it still works moron. I said it used to work and it did
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 12:06 PM
Originally Posted by keevin33
I didn't say it still works moron. I said it used to work and it did

Originally Posted by keevin33 View Post
it works in the city of Pittsburgh like a charm

you are a ******, just be quiet and leave now k thx bye

**** i cant believe im arguing on an internet forum about street lights....
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 12:09 PM
Originally Posted by guids
Originally Posted by keevin33 View Post
it works in the city of Pittsburgh like a charm

you are a ******, just be quiet and leave now k thx bye

**** i cant believe im arguing on an internet forum about street lights....
here you go dip$hit, now stfu

Originally Posted by keevin33
but it most certainly did in the early 2000s
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 12:10 PM
Originally Posted by keevin33
here you go dip$hit, now stfu
I hope a street light falls on you
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 12:24 PM
keevin33 = clownvin33
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11-24-2009 , 12:36 PM
-whenever you forget someones name, a sheepish 'I'm sorry, could I get your name again?' always seems to work better than other options

Often times, the other person will say 'Ugh, I'm horrible with names too. What's yours again?' and you can both laugh about how horrible you are with names.
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11-24-2009 , 01:16 PM
Obvious "jokes" that have small nuggets of truth are good ways of being non-chalantly suggestive.
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11-24-2009 , 01:44 PM
Camping Tips

Buy a rolling work centre like the one below and fill it with all the cooking stuff you need for camping. If you leave it always packed, all you need to do when you go camping is throw it in your trunk and you're good to go! The top can also be used to prepare food on if you put a thin plastic cutting board on it.

To make real ground coffee on your campfire, bring water to a boil then dump your coffee grinds in it. Boil it again and take off heat. Do this once more then take the pot off the fire. Let it cool for five minutes and all the coffee grinds will sink to the bottom. Grind free coffee!
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
I think big macs have lettuce, onions, pickles, and sesame on the bun.
Hold the ketchup/mustard, add lettuce and big mac sauce. Double cheeseburgers already come w/ pickles and onions. You save like $2+ I think.

I haven't actually done this, I'm just pretty sure you can.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-24-2009 , 02:58 PM
Originally Posted by guids
I hope a street light falls on you
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11-24-2009 , 03:03 PM
Originally Posted by quirkasaurus
One could. But my way is optimally convenient. A ziplock takes way more time to mess with, long term, takes up more room in the fridge, less stackable, more expensive, allows air into the bag, expediting staleness, far, far less convenient overall. My way: grab from fridge, loosen grip on box lid, bottom falls onto counter, flip up, whip off plastic wrap, cut, done. Mere seconds.
I don't know, Open cheese, put in bag sounds pretty quick. And how the hell are you closing zip lock bags if you can't stack or store it in the same amount of space as a box?
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