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11-21-2009 , 07:07 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
giraffeboy, ladies and gentlemen

please don't forget to tip your bartenders and servers
They were all from VIZ iirc.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 07:08 PM
Originally Posted by Dog Boy
Don't know what your problem is, but every post you've made in response to my original suggestion,
Insults rather than listing of any facts or logic = lolTARD at your EPIC FAIL.

Now go back to cold call center with the suggestions you got from phoenix life marketing materials.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 07:13 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
Insults rather than listing of any facts or logic = lolTARD at your EPIC FAIL.

Now go back to cold call center with the suggestions you got from phoenix life marketing materials.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 08:01 PM
Originally Posted by Janabis
In addition to the aforementioned speeding ticket evasion techniques, if you're pulled over and asked if you know how fast you were going, the correct answer is "I don't know. I was just watching the road." I was taught that by a friend who's a cop and have used it successfully more than once. It sounds honest, nonconfrontational, doesn't openly admit guilt, and submits to the officer's authority without giving him any reason to want to screw you over.
Naah, you say "If I guess correctly will you let me off a ticket?"
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 08:20 PM
Originally Posted by GodelEscherBach
Nor does it contain "lots of nutrients."
Actually sprouts are an important source of Vitamin S.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 08:55 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
They were all from VIZ iirc.
You're right, i wish i could take credit, the top tips were fantastic back in the day.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 09:40 PM
Originally Posted by NajdorfDefense
Insults rather than listing of any facts or logic = lolTARD at your EPIC FAIL.

Now go back to cold call center with the suggestions you got from phoenix life marketing materials.
Wow. you got me. You rule.

Last edited by Dog Boy; 11-21-2009 at 09:48 PM.
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11-21-2009 , 09:47 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
-if you get pulled over for absolutely anything, let the cop say his thing and then ask for your license and registration. While handing him your l & r, say 'I have no excuse.' Don't add a 'sir' or a 'sorry' or anything else. Just those 4 words.

I've been pulled over 20+ times in my life for huge infractions, and I've only gotten 1 ticket, which was driving home from Foxwoods through CT. Those are pretty impossible to get out of, but he did give me the minimum.

This has worked for me several times.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 10:00 PM
Originally Posted by Khaos4k
If you're waiting at stoplight, stop 1 to 2 car lengths back from the line. It will change earlier because it thinks there's a lineup of cars. This works for getting left turn signals as well. You can usually see an outline of tar where they installed the sensor.
I was a transportation engineer, and as far as I know, this is not true. 1 car is the same as 10 cars in the eyes of the signal. Both send the same call to a signal with variable-interval phasing.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 10:32 PM
If you don't want to throw away your sponge for the kitchen sink after one week because it smells bad, throw it in the dishwasher and it will come out smelling like new.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-21-2009 , 10:54 PM
Originally Posted by Waterfall
A trick I have done when I have forgotten someones name is somehow casually sneak in a "hey how do you spell your name again?" Its pretty easy to get back to real conversation after you find out theres a million different things you could say that dont arouse suspicion. Just say something like "yeah I thought so, my cousin spells it the same way" or something along those lines. In cases where the person has a common first name spelled only one way and is suspicious just say "no, I mean your last name"
This usually can be made to work, but it can lead to really awkward moments if the first name is fairly obvious and the last name is even more so.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:27 AM
Originally Posted by punkass
When approaching a green light going fast, and you think the light might change, putting you in an awkward situation, look at the passenger crossing signal. If it's displaying the white man to walk, you're good with no worries. If it's blinking orange hand, that's the yellow light of walking, so I'd at the very least step off the gas. If it's a solid orange hand, the light's gonna change soon.
This is actually most useful when stopped at a red light. Always look to your left or right and see if you can pick up a crosswalk signal, and you can always beat everybody off the line easily if you pick it up and know when the light is going to change. Its especially easy in SF (and LA), where they have a countdown. Even if you don't care about getting off the line quickly, if you glance over and see the countdown at 15, you can relax for the next 15 seconds or whatever since you know you aren't going anywhere. Its funny when you look over at the next driver, who has hands at 10 and 2 and is just staring at that red light, as if it could turn any moment!
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 03:37 AM
Originally Posted by poker1928
This usually can be made to work, but it can lead to really awkward moments if the first name is fairly obvious and the last name is even more so.
Better ideas: Ask someone else who might know, or look through your friends list on Facebook.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 04:20 AM
Originally Posted by Devilboy666
Better ideas: Ask someone else who might know, or look through your friends list on Facebook.
this is obviously meant as more of a last resort. Of course if possible find out by another means but if it comes down to it this method works pretty well.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 10:42 AM
Originally Posted by Waterfall
A trick I have done when I have forgotten someones name is somehow casually sneak in a "hey how do you spell your name again?" Its pretty easy to get back to real conversation after you find out theres a million different things you could say that dont arouse suspicion. Just say something like "yeah I thought so, my cousin spells it the same way" or something along those lines. In cases where the person has a common first name spelled only one way and is suspicious just say "no, I mean your last name"
"Uh, my name is Jen Smith. You spell it normal, idiot."
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 11:13 AM
I suppose I mispoke, I didn't mean a lot of nutrients as much as sprouts a source of lots of nutrients I wouldn't get otherwise in a very easy cheap way
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 12:54 PM
Hello, I have been living very cheaply for the last few years. I have some tips to share with you.

Tip 1: I removed the door open light on my microwave. Now I just leave the door open and when I want to cook something I just put it in then close the door and then take it out and leave the door open until next time. It's much smarter this way becuase you only open and close the door 1/2 as many times as you usually would. This also can save you some time.

Tip 2: Last year I was invited to my friends twin daughter's birthday party. To save money, I brought 1 set of colouring pencils, cut them all in the middle and then sharpened them. I now had 2 sets of pencils to give to the twins.

Tip 3: There is a food gallery on the 4th floor of the shopping centre where I live. On my way home from work I stop in and collect all the plastic plates, bowls, cups, spoons, knifes and forks which are left on the table after people have eaten and are waiting to be disposed of by the cleaning staff. I wash them in my bath before I hop in myself. I use the left over bath water on my vegetable garden. I only use disposable eating utensils. Plastic utensils do not break when dropped and they are easier to clean. I have saved a small fortune by not having to replace broken plates and glasses. Very handy when you have guests that seem to drop and spill stuff often. Also any left over food found from the eating gallery can be given to pets such as dogs and save you quite alot of money per week on not having to buy pet food. It can also be mixed into a casserole for guests.

Tip 4: If you keep birds in a cage as pets or else rather, you can collect their droppings on a plastic sheet on the bottom of the cage. Each week, removethe plastic sheet and clean it in a bucket of water. Now there will be some uneaten bird seed floating on the top from what the birds knocked out of the feeder and what was not digested by them due to them not cracking the seed before swallowing. Skim the seeds from the top with a tea strainer and that can go back into the birds feed. The left over water is very good for the garden, but before you pour the last bit of water out, check to make sure there arn't any seeds that sunk and may germinate in a part of the garden you don't wish.

Tip 5: In my area, supermarkets sell 2kg bags of saving brand bread crums very cheaply. When you get home, mix the bread crums in a large bowl of water and add gelatine. Now make balls from the mixture and squash them down to resemble sliced bread. This can save a great deal of money per week on a families grocery budget.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:40 PM
Originally Posted by punkass
"Uh, my name is Jen Smith. You spell it normal, idiot."
Yeah, or what if they say:

How do you think it is spelled?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:47 PM
Originally Posted by Yeti
whatever's next, ketchup on a burger?
don't you mean tohmahtoh sauce?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:50 PM
Originally Posted by 27offsuit
giraffeboy, ladies and gentlemen

please don't forget to tip your bartenders and servers
I can't stop looking at your avatar. Where is it from?
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Hello, I have been living very cheaply for the last few years. I have some tips to share with you.

Tip 1: I removed the door open light on my microwave. Now I just leave the door open and when I want to cook something I just put it in then close the door and then take it out and leave the door open until next time. It's much smarter this way becuase you only open and close the door 1/2 as many times as you usually would. This also can save you some time.

Tip 2: Last year I was invited to my friends twin daughter's birthday party. To save money, I brought 1 set of colouring pencils, cut them all in the middle and then sharpened them. I now had 2 sets of pencils to give to the twins.

Tip 3: There is a food gallery on the 4th floor of the shopping centre where I live. On my way home from work I stop in and collect all the plastic plates, bowls, cups, spoons, knifes and forks which are left on the table after people have eaten and are waiting to be disposed of by the cleaning staff. I wash them in my bath before I hop in myself. I use the left over bath water on my vegetable garden. I only use disposable eating utensils. Plastic utensils do not break when dropped and they are easier to clean. I have saved a small fortune by not having to replace broken plates and glasses. Very handy when you have guests that seem to drop and spill stuff often. Also any left over food found from the eating gallery can be given to pets such as dogs and save you quite alot of money per week on not having to buy pet food. It can also be mixed into a casserole for guests.

Tip 4: If you keep birds in a cage as pets or else rather, you can collect their droppings on a plastic sheet on the bottom of the cage. Each week, removethe plastic sheet and clean it in a bucket of water. Now there will be some uneaten bird seed floating on the top from what the birds knocked out of the feeder and what was not digested by them due to them not cracking the seed before swallowing. Skim the seeds from the top with a tea strainer and that can go back into the birds feed. The left over water is very good for the garden, but before you pour the last bit of water out, check to make sure there arn't any seeds that sunk and may germinate in a part of the garden you don't wish.

Tip 5: In my area, supermarkets sell 2kg bags of saving brand bread crums very cheaply. When you get home, mix the bread crums in a large bowl of water and add gelatine. Now make balls from the mixture and squash them down to resemble sliced bread. This can save a great deal of money per week on a families grocery budget.
These are expert.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:52 PM
Originally Posted by abarber
I was a transportation engineer, and as far as I know, this is not true. 1 car is the same as 10 cars in the eyes of the signal. Both send the same call to a signal with variable-interval phasing.
I could be wrong about the regular stop light, but it definitely works for left turn signals. I worked at a car rental place and we were constantly moving cars to different lots. If you stopped at the line, no left turn arrow. Stop about 2 car lengths back, got it everytime.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 01:55 PM
To increase the use of a razor blade, stop nicks, cuts, and burns, and quadruple the time it takes to finish off shaving gel:

Buy a $9 bottle of Jojoba oil (Trader Joe's ftw).
After wetting face, apply a few drops of Jojoba to hand and work into beard.
Then apply as thin a layer of shaving gel as possible.
Warm razor with hot water.
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 02:31 PM
Originally Posted by forthwrite
I can't stop looking at your avatar. Where is it from?
Olivia Munn on Jimmy Fallon
OOT Life Tricks Quote
11-22-2009 , 05:03 PM
Originally Posted by Baltimore Jones
Hello, I have been living very cheaply for the last few years. I have some tips to share with you.

Tip 1: I removed the door open light on my microwave. Now I just leave the door open and when I want to cook something I just put it in then close the door and then take it out and leave the door open until next time. It's much smarter this way becuase you only open and close the door 1/2 as many times as you usually would. This also can save you some time.

Tip 2: Last year I was invited to my friends twin daughter's birthday party. To save money, I brought 1 set of colouring pencils, cut them all in the middle and then sharpened them. I now had 2 sets of pencils to give to the twins.

Tip 3: There is a food gallery on the 4th floor of the shopping centre where I live. On my way home from work I stop in and collect all the plastic plates, bowls, cups, spoons, knifes and forks which are left on the table after people have eaten and are waiting to be disposed of by the cleaning staff. I wash them in my bath before I hop in myself. I use the left over bath water on my vegetable garden. I only use disposable eating utensils. Plastic utensils do not break when dropped and they are easier to clean. I have saved a small fortune by not having to replace broken plates and glasses. Very handy when you have guests that seem to drop and spill stuff often. Also any left over food found from the eating gallery can be given to pets such as dogs and save you quite alot of money per week on not having to buy pet food. It can also be mixed into a casserole for guests.

Tip 4: If you keep birds in a cage as pets or else rather, you can collect their droppings on a plastic sheet on the bottom of the cage. Each week, removethe plastic sheet and clean it in a bucket of water. Now there will be some uneaten bird seed floating on the top from what the birds knocked out of the feeder and what was not digested by them due to them not cracking the seed before swallowing. Skim the seeds from the top with a tea strainer and that can go back into the birds feed. The left over water is very good for the garden, but before you pour the last bit of water out, check to make sure there arn't any seeds that sunk and may germinate in a part of the garden you don't wish.

Tip 5: In my area, supermarkets sell 2kg bags of saving brand bread crums very cheaply. When you get home, mix the bread crums in a large bowl of water and add gelatine. Now make balls from the mixture and squash them down to resemble sliced bread. This can save a great deal of money per week on a families grocery budget.

this post made me feel sad
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